diff --git a/db.js b/db.js
index 89bdb4d2..11185d74 100644
--- a/db.js
+++ b/db.js
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ module.exports.CreateDB = function (parent, func) {
obj.dbRecordsEncryptKey = null;
obj.dbRecordsDecryptKey = null;
obj.changeStream = false;
+ obj.pluginsActive = ((parent.config) && (parent.config.settings) && (parent.config.settings.plugins != null) && (parent.config.settings.plugins != false) && ((typeof parent.config.settings.plugins != 'object') || (parent.config.settings.plugins.enabled != false)));
obj.SetupDatabase = function (func) {
// Check if the database unique identifier is present
@@ -65,6 +66,15 @@ module.exports.CreateDB = function (parent, func) {
+ // Perform database maintenance
+ obj.maintenance = function () {
+ if (obj.databaseType == 1) { // NeDB will not remove expired records unless we try to access them. This will force the removal.
+ obj.eventsfile.remove({ time: { '$lt': new Date(Date.now() - (expireEventsSeconds * 1000)) } }, { multi: true }); // Force delete older events
+ obj.powerfile.remove({ time: { '$lt': new Date(Date.now() - (expirePowerEventsSeconds * 1000)) } }, { multi: true }); // Force delete older events
+ obj.serverstatsfile.remove({ time: { '$lt': new Date(Date.now() - (expireServerStatsSeconds * 1000)) } }, { multi: true }); // Force delete older events
+ }
+ }
obj.cleanup = function (func) {
// TODO: Remove all mesh links to invalid users
// TODO: Remove all meshes that dont have any links
@@ -544,7 +554,7 @@ module.exports.CreateDB = function (parent, func) {
// Setup plugin info collection
- if (parent.config.settings != null) { obj.pluginsfile = db.collection('plugins'); }
+ if (obj.pluginsActive) { obj.pluginsfile = db.collection('plugins'); }
setupFunctions(func); // Completed setup of MongoDB
@@ -648,7 +658,7 @@ module.exports.CreateDB = function (parent, func) {
// Setup plugin info collection
- if (parent.config.settings != null) { obj.pluginsfile = db.collection('plugins'); }
+ if (obj.pluginsActive) { obj.pluginsfile = db.collection('plugins'); }
setupFunctions(func); // Completed setup of MongoJS
} else {
@@ -689,29 +699,32 @@ module.exports.CreateDB = function (parent, func) {
obj.file.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'email', sparse: true });
// Setup the events collection and setup indexes
- obj.eventsfile = new Datastore({ filename: parent.getConfigFilePath('meshcentral-events.db'), autoload: true });
+ obj.eventsfile = new Datastore({ filename: parent.getConfigFilePath('meshcentral-events.db'), autoload: true, corruptAlertThreshold: 1 });
obj.eventsfile.persistence.setAutocompactionInterval(86400000); // Compact once a day
obj.eventsfile.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'ids' }); // TODO: Not sure if this is a good index, this is a array field.
obj.eventsfile.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'nodeid', sparse: true });
obj.eventsfile.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'time', expireAfterSeconds: expireEventsSeconds });
+ obj.eventsfile.remove({ time: { '$lt': new Date(Date.now() - (expireEventsSeconds * 1000)) } }, { multi: true }); // Force delete older events
// Setup the power collection and setup indexes
- obj.powerfile = new Datastore({ filename: parent.getConfigFilePath('meshcentral-power.db'), autoload: true });
+ obj.powerfile = new Datastore({ filename: parent.getConfigFilePath('meshcentral-power.db'), autoload: true, corruptAlertThreshold: 1 });
obj.powerfile.persistence.setAutocompactionInterval(86400000); // Compact once a day
obj.powerfile.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'nodeid' });
obj.powerfile.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'time', expireAfterSeconds: expirePowerEventsSeconds });
+ obj.powerfile.remove({ time: { '$lt': new Date(Date.now() - (expirePowerEventsSeconds * 1000)) } }, { multi: true }); // Force delete older events
// Setup the SMBIOS collection
- obj.smbiosfile = new Datastore({ filename: parent.getConfigFilePath('meshcentral-smbios.db'), autoload: true });
+ obj.smbiosfile = new Datastore({ filename: parent.getConfigFilePath('meshcentral-smbios.db'), autoload: true, corruptAlertThreshold: 1 });
// Setup the server stats collection and setup indexes
- obj.serverstatsfile = new Datastore({ filename: parent.getConfigFilePath('meshcentral-stats.db'), autoload: true });
+ obj.serverstatsfile = new Datastore({ filename: parent.getConfigFilePath('meshcentral-stats.db'), autoload: true, corruptAlertThreshold: 1 });
obj.serverstatsfile.persistence.setAutocompactionInterval(86400000); // Compact once a day
obj.serverstatsfile.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'time', expireAfterSeconds: expireServerStatsSeconds });
obj.serverstatsfile.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'expire', expireAfterSeconds: 0 }); // Auto-expire events
+ obj.serverstatsfile.remove({ time: { '$lt': new Date(Date.now() - (expireServerStatsSeconds * 1000)) } }, { multi: true }); // Force delete older events
// Setup plugin info collection
- if (parent.config.settings != null) {
+ if (obj.pluginsActive) {
obj.pluginsfile = new Datastore({ filename: parent.getConfigFilePath('meshcentral-plugins.db'), autoload: true });
obj.pluginsfile.persistence.setAutocompactionInterval(86400000); // Compact once a day
@@ -938,7 +951,7 @@ module.exports.CreateDB = function (parent, func) {
// Plugin operations
- if (parent.config.settings.plugins != null) {
+ if (obj.pluginsActive) {
obj.addPlugin = function (plugin, func) { sqlDbQuery('INSERT INTO meshcentral.plugin VALUE (?, ?)', [null, JSON.stringify(value)], func); }; // Add a plugin
obj.getPlugins = function (func) { sqlDbQuery('SELECT doc FROM meshcentral.plugin', null, func); }; // Get all plugins
obj.getPlugin = function (id, func) { sqlDbQuery('SELECT doc FROM meshcentral.plugin WHERE id = ?', [id], func); }; // Get plugin
@@ -1085,7 +1098,7 @@ module.exports.CreateDB = function (parent, func) {
// Plugin operations
- if (parent.config.settings.plugins != null) {
+ if (obj.pluginsActive) {
obj.addPlugin = function (plugin, func) { plugin.type = 'plugin'; obj.pluginsfile.insertOne(plugin, func); }; // Add a plugin
obj.getPlugins = function (func) { obj.pluginsfile.find({ type: 'plugin' }).project({ type: 0 }).sort({ name: 1 }).toArray(func); }; // Get all plugins
obj.getPlugin = function (id, func) { id = require('mongodb').ObjectID(id); obj.pluginsfile.find({ _id: id }).sort({ name: 1 }).toArray(func); }; // Get plugin
@@ -1234,7 +1247,7 @@ module.exports.CreateDB = function (parent, func) {
// Plugin operations
- if (parent.config.settings.plugins != null) {
+ if (obj.pluginsActive) {
obj.addPlugin = function (plugin, func) { plugin.type = 'plugin'; obj.pluginsfile.insert(plugin, func); }; // Add a plugin
obj.getPlugins = function (func) { obj.pluginsfile.find({ 'type': 'plugin' }, { 'type': 0 }).sort({ name: 1 }).exec(func); }; // Get all plugins
obj.getPlugin = function (id, func) { obj.pluginsfile.find({ _id: id }).sort({ name: 1 }).exec(func); }; // Get plugin
diff --git a/meshcentral.js b/meshcentral.js
index 4785f8fe..f8fff784 100644
--- a/meshcentral.js
+++ b/meshcentral.js
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ function CreateMeshCentralServer(config, args) {
try { require('./pass').hash('test', function () { }, 0); } catch (e) { console.log('Old version of node, must upgrade.'); return; } // TODO: Not sure if this test works or not.
// Check for invalid arguments
- var validArguments = ['_', 'notls', 'user', 'port', 'aliasport', 'mpsport', 'mpsaliasport', 'redirport', 'rediraliasport', 'cert', 'mpscert', 'deletedomain', 'deletedefaultdomain', 'showall', 'showusers', 'showitem', 'listuserids', 'showusergroups', 'shownodes', 'showallmeshes', 'showmeshes', 'showevents', 'showsmbios', 'showpower', 'clearpower', 'showiplocations', 'help', 'exactports', 'xinstall', 'xuninstall', 'install', 'uninstall', 'start', 'stop', 'restart', 'debug', 'filespath', 'datapath', 'noagentupdate', 'launch', 'noserverbackup', 'mongodb', 'mongodbcol', 'wanonly', 'lanonly', 'nousers', 'mpspass', 'ciralocalfqdn', 'dbexport', 'dbexportmin', 'dbimport', 'dbmerge', 'dbencryptkey', 'selfupdate', 'tlsoffload', 'userallowedip', 'userblockedip', 'swarmallowedip', 'agentallowedip', 'agentblockedip', 'fastcert', 'swarmport', 'logintoken', 'logintokenkey', 'logintokengen', 'mailtokengen', 'admin', 'unadmin', 'sessionkey', 'sessiontime', 'minify', 'minifycore', 'dblistconfigfiles', 'dbshowconfigfile', 'dbpushconfigfiles', 'dbpullconfigfiles', 'dbdeleteconfigfiles', 'vaultpushconfigfiles', 'vaultpullconfigfiles', 'vaultdeleteconfigfiles', 'configkey', 'loadconfigfromdb', 'npmpath', 'serverid', 'recordencryptionrecode', 'vault', 'token', 'unsealkey', 'name', 'log', 'dbstats', 'translate', 'createaccount', 'resetaccount', 'pass', 'adminaccount', 'removeaccount', 'domain', 'email'];
+ var validArguments = ['_', 'notls', 'user', 'port', 'aliasport', 'mpsport', 'mpsaliasport', 'redirport', 'rediraliasport', 'cert', 'mpscert', 'deletedomain', 'deletedefaultdomain', 'showall', 'showusers', 'showitem', 'listuserids', 'showusergroups', 'shownodes', 'showallmeshes', 'showmeshes', 'showevents', 'showsmbios', 'showpower', 'clearpower', 'showiplocations', 'help', 'exactports', 'xinstall', 'xuninstall', 'install', 'uninstall', 'start', 'stop', 'restart', 'debug', 'filespath', 'datapath', 'noagentupdate', 'launch', 'noserverbackup', 'mongodb', 'mongodbcol', 'wanonly', 'lanonly', 'nousers', 'mpspass', 'ciralocalfqdn', 'dbexport', 'dbexportmin', 'dbimport', 'dbmerge', 'dbfix', 'dbencryptkey', 'selfupdate', 'tlsoffload', 'userallowedip', 'userblockedip', 'swarmallowedip', 'agentallowedip', 'agentblockedip', 'fastcert', 'swarmport', 'logintoken', 'logintokenkey', 'logintokengen', 'mailtokengen', 'admin', 'unadmin', 'sessionkey', 'sessiontime', 'minify', 'minifycore', 'dblistconfigfiles', 'dbshowconfigfile', 'dbpushconfigfiles', 'dbpullconfigfiles', 'dbdeleteconfigfiles', 'vaultpushconfigfiles', 'vaultpullconfigfiles', 'vaultdeleteconfigfiles', 'configkey', 'loadconfigfromdb', 'npmpath', 'serverid', 'recordencryptionrecode', 'vault', 'token', 'unsealkey', 'name', 'log', 'dbstats', 'translate', 'createaccount', 'resetaccount', 'pass', 'adminaccount', 'removeaccount', 'domain', 'email'];
for (var arg in obj.args) { obj.args[arg.toLocaleLowerCase()] = obj.args[arg]; if (validArguments.indexOf(arg.toLocaleLowerCase()) == -1) { console.log('Invalid argument "' + arg + '", use --help.'); return; } }
if (obj.args.mongodb == true) { console.log('Must specify: --mongodb [connectionstring] \r\nSee https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/connection-string/ for MongoDB connection string.'); return; }
for (i in obj.config.settings) { obj.args[i] = obj.config.settings[i]; } // Place all settings into arguments, arguments have already been placed into settings so arguments take precedence.
@@ -163,6 +163,20 @@ function CreateMeshCentralServer(config, args) {
+ // Fix a NeDB database
+ if (obj.args.dbfix) {
+ var lines = null, badJsonCount = 0, feildNames = [], fixedDb = [];
+ try { lines = obj.fs.readFileSync(obj.getConfigFilePath(obj.args.dbfix), { encoding: 'utf8' }).split('\n'); } catch (e) { console.log('Invalid file: ' + obj.args.dbfix + ': ' + e); process.exit(); }
+ for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
+ var x = null;
+ try { x = JSON.parse(lines[i]); } catch (ex) { badJsonCount++; }
+ if (x != null) { fixedDb.push(lines[i]); for (var j in x) { if (feildNames.indexOf(j) == -1) { feildNames.push(j); } } }
+ }
+ console.log('Lines: ' + lines.length + ', badJSON: ' + badJsonCount + ', Feilds: ' + feildNames);
+ obj.fs.writeFileSync(obj.getConfigFilePath(obj.args.dbfix) + '-fixed', fixedDb.join('\n'), { encoding: 'utf8' });
+ return;
+ }
// Perform web site translations into different languages
if (obj.args.translate) {
// Check NodeJS version
@@ -1525,6 +1539,9 @@ function CreateMeshCentralServer(config, args) {
// Perform maintenance operations (called every hour)
obj.maintenanceActions = function () {
+ // Perform database maintenance
+ obj.db.maintenance();
// Check for self-update that targets a specific version
if ((typeof obj.args.selfupdate == 'string') && (getCurrentVerion() === obj.args.selfupdate)) { obj.args.selfupdate = false; }
diff --git a/public/scripts/amt-wsman-0.2.0-min.js b/public/scripts/amt-wsman-0.2.0-min.js
index 389c6296..293387e7 100644
--- a/public/scripts/amt-wsman-0.2.0-min.js
+++ b/public/scripts/amt-wsman-0.2.0-min.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-var WsmanStackCreateService=function(e,s,r,a,o,t){var p={};function l(e){if(!e)return"";var s=" ";for(var r in e)e.hasOwnProperty(r)&&0===r.indexOf("@")&&(s+=r.substring(1)+'="'+e[r]+'" ');return s}function w(e){if(!e)return"";if("string"==typeof e)return e;if(e.InstanceID)return'