#!/usr/bin/env node const crypto = require('crypto'); var settings = {}; const args = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2)); const possibleCommands = ['listusers', 'listdevicegroups', 'listdevices', 'listusersofdevicegroup', 'serverinfo', 'userinfo', 'adduser', 'removeuser', 'adddevicegroup', 'removedevicegroup', 'broadcast', 'addusertodevicegroup', 'removeuserfromdevicegroup', 'sendinviteemail', 'generateinvitelink']; //console.log(args); if (args['_'].length == 0) { console.log("MeshCtrl performs command line actions on a MeshCentral server."); console.log("Information at: https://meshcommander.com/meshcentral"); console.log("No action specified, use MeshCtrl like this:\r\n\r\n meshctrl [action] [arguments]\r\n"); console.log("Supported actions:"); console.log(" Help [action] - Get help on an action."); console.log(" ServerInfo - Show server information."); console.log(" UserInfo - Show user information."); console.log(" ListUsers - List user accounts."); console.log(" ListDevices - List devices."); console.log(" ListDeviceGroups - List device groups."); console.log(" ListUsersOfDeviceGroup - List the users in a device group."); console.log(" AddUser - Create a new user account."); console.log(" RemoveUser - Delete a user account."); console.log(" AddDeviceGroup - Create a new device group."); console.log(" RemoveDeviceGroup - Delete a device group."); console.log(" AddUserToDeviceGroup - Add a user to a device group."); console.log(" RemoveUserFromDeviceGroup - Remove a user from a device group."); console.log(" SendInviteEmail - Send an agent install invitation email."); console.log(" GenerateInviteLink - Create an invitation link."); console.log(" Broadcast - Display a message to all online users."); console.log("\r\nSupported login arguments:"); console.log(" --url [wss://server] - Server url, wss://localhost:443 is default."); console.log(" --loginuser [username] - Login username, admin is default."); console.log(" --loginpass [password] - Login password."); console.log(" --token [number] - 2nd factor authentication token."); console.log(" --loginkey [hex] - Server login key in hex."); console.log(" --loginkeyfile [file] - File containing server login key in hex."); console.log(" --domain [domainid] - Domain id, default is empty."); return; } else { settings.cmd = args['_'][0].toLowerCase(); if ((possibleCommands.indexOf(settings.cmd) == -1) && (settings.cmd != 'help')) { console.log("Invalid command. Possible commands are: " + possibleCommands.join(', ') + '.'); return; } //console.log(settings.cmd); var ok = false; switch (settings.cmd) { case 'serverinfo': { ok = true; break; } case 'userinfo': { ok = true; break; } case 'listusers': { ok = true; break; } case 'listdevicegroups': { ok = true; break; } case 'listdevices': { ok = true; break; } case 'listusersofdevicegroup': { if (args.id == null) { console.log("Missing group id, use --id [groupid]"); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'addusertodevicegroup': { if (args.userid == null) { console.log("Add user to group missing useid, use --userid [userid]"); } else if (args.id == null) { console.log("Add user to group missing group id, use --id [groupid]"); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'removeuserfromdevicegroup': { if (args.userid == null) { console.log("Remove user from group missing useid, use --userid [userid]"); } else if (args.id == null) { console.log("Remove user from group missing group id, use --id [groupid]"); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'adddevicegroup': { if (args.name == null) { console.log("Message group name, use --name [name]"); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'removedevicegroup': { if (args.id == null) { console.log("Message group identifier, use --id [identifier]"); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'broadcast': { if (args.msg == null) { console.log("Message missing, use --msg [message]"); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'adduser': { if (args.user == null) { console.log("New account name missing, use --user [name]"); } else if ((args.pass == null) && (args.randompass == null)) { console.log("New account password missing, use --pass [password] or --randompass"); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'removeuser': { if (args.userid == null) { console.log("Remove account userid missing, use --userid [id]"); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'sendinviteemail': { if (args.id == null) { console.log("Device group identifier id missing, use --id [groupid]"); } else if (args.email == null) { console.log("Device email is missing, use --email [email]"); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'generateinvitelink': { if (args.id == null) { console.log("Device group identifier id missing, use --id [groupid]"); } else if (args.hours == null) { console.log("Invitation validity period missing, use --hours [hours]"); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'help': { if (args['_'].length < 2) { console.log("Get help on an action. Type:\r\n\r\n help [action]\r\n\r\nPossible actions are: " + possibleCommands.join(', ') + '.'); } else { switch (args['_'][1].toLowerCase()) { case 'sendinviteemail': { console.log("Send invitation email with instructions on how to install the mesh agent for a specific device group. Example usage:\r\n"); console.log(" MeshCtrl SendInviteEmail --id devicegroupid --email user@sample.com"); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --id [groupid] - Device group identifier."); console.log(" --email [email] - Email address."); break; } case 'generateinvitelink': { console.log("Generate a agent invitation URL for a given group. Example usage:\r\n"); console.log(" MeshCtrl GenerateInviteLink --id devicegroupid --hours 24"); console.log(" MeshCtrl GenerateInviteLink --id devicegroupid --hours 0"); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --id [groupid] - Device group identifier."); console.log(" --hours [hours] - Validity period in hours or 0 for infinit."); break; } case 'serverinfo': { console.log("Get information on the MeshCentral server, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(" MeshCtrl ServerInfo --loginuser myaccountname --loginpass mypassword"); console.log(" MeshCtrl ServerInfo --loginuser myaccountname --loginkeyfile key.txt"); console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --json - Show result as JSON."); break; } case 'userinfo': { console.log("Get account information for the login account, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(" MeshCtrl UserInfo --loginuser myaccountname --loginpass mypassword"); console.log(" MeshCtrl UserInfo --loginuser myaccountname --loginkeyfile key.txt"); console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --json - Show result as JSON."); break; } case 'listusers': { console.log("List the account on the MeshCentral server, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(" MeshCtrl ListUsers"); console.log(" MeshCtrl ListUsers --json"); console.log(" MeshCtrl ListUsers --nameexists \"bob\""); console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --idexists [id] - Return 1 if id exists, 0 if not."); console.log(" --nameexists [name] - Return id if name exists."); console.log(" --json - Show result as JSON."); break; } case 'listdevicegroups': { console.log("List the device groups for this account, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(" MeshCtrl ListDeviceGroups "); console.log(" MeshCtrl ListDeviceGroups --json"); console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --idexists [id] - Return 1 if id exists, 0 if not."); console.log(" --nameexists [name] - Return id if name exists."); console.log(" --emailexists [email] - Return id if email exists."); console.log(" --json - Show result as JSON."); break; } case 'listdevices': { console.log("List devices, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(" MeshCtrl ListDevices"); console.log(" MeshCtrl ListDevices -id [groupid] --json"); console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --id [groupid] - Filter by device group identifier."); console.log(" --count - Only return the device count."); console.log(" --json - Show result as JSON."); break; } case 'listusersofdevicegroup': { console.log("List users that have permissions for a given device group, Example usage:\r\n"); console.log(" MeshCtrl ListUserOfDeviceGroup "); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --id [groupid] - Device group identifier."); console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --json - Show result as JSON."); break; } case 'adduser': { console.log("Add a new user account, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(" MeshCtrl AddUser --user newaccountname --pass newpassword"); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --user [name] - New account name."); console.log(" --pass [password] - New account password."); console.log(" --randompass - Create account with a random password."); console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --email [email] - New account email address."); console.log(" --emailverified - New account email is verified."); console.log(" --resetpass - Request password reset on next login."); console.log(" --siteadmin - Create the account as full site administrator."); console.log(" --manageusers - Allow this account to manage server users."); console.log(" --fileaccess - Allow this account to store server files."); console.log(" --serverupdate - Allow this account to update the server."); console.log(" --locked - This account will be locked."); console.log(" --nonewgroups - Account will not be allowed to create device groups."); console.log(" --notools - Account not see MeshCMD download links."); break; } case 'removeuser': { console.log("Delete a user account, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(" MeshCtrl RemoveUser --userid accountid"); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --userid [id] - Account identifier."); break; } case 'adddevicegroup': { console.log("Add a device group, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(" MeshCtrl AddDeviceGroup --name newgroupname"); console.log(" MeshCtrl AddDeviceGroup --name newgroupname --desc description --amtonly"); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --name [name] - Name of the new group."); console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --desc [description] - New group description."); console.log(" --amtonly - New group is agent-less, Intel AMT only."); break; } case 'removedevicegroup': { console.log("Remove a device group, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(" MeshCtrl RemoveDeviceGroup --id groupid"); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --id [groupid] - The group identifier."); break; } case 'addusertodevicegroup': { console.log("Add a user to a device group, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(" MeshCtrl AddUserToDeviceGroup --id groupid --userid userid --fullrights"); console.log(" MeshCtrl AddUserToDeviceGroup --id groupid --userid userid --editgroup --manageusers"); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --id [groupid] - The group identifier."); console.log(" --userid [userid] - The user identifier."); console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --fullrights - Allow full rights over this device group."); console.log(" --editgroup - Allow the user to edit group information."); console.log(" --manageusers - Allow the user to add/remove users."); console.log(" --managedevices - Allow the user to edit device information."); console.log(" --remotecontrol - Allow device remote control operations."); console.log(" --agentconsole - Allow agent console operations."); console.log(" --serverfiles - Allow access to group server files."); console.log(" --wakedevices - Allow device wake operation."); console.log(" --notes - Allow editing of device notes."); console.log(" --desktopviewonly - Restrict user to view-only remote desktop."); console.log(" --limiteddesktop - Limit remote desktop keys."); console.log(" --noterminal - Hide the terminal tab from this user."); console.log(" --nofiles - Hide the files tab from this user."); console.log(" --noamt - Hide the Intel AMT tab from this user."); break; } case 'removeuserfromdevicegroup': { console.log("Remove a user from a device group, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(" MeshCtrl RemoveuserFromDeviceGroup --id groupid --userid userid"); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --id [groupid] - The group identifier."); console.log(" --userid [userid] - The user identifier."); break; } case 'broadcast': { console.log("Display a message to all logged in users, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(" MeshCtrl Broadcast --msg \"This is a test\""); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --msg [message] - Message to display."); break; } default: { console.log("Get help on an action. Type:\r\n\r\n help [action]\r\n\r\nPossible actions are: " + possibleCommands.join(', ') + '.'); } } } break; } } if (ok) { serverConnect(); } } function onVerifyServer(clientName, certs) { return null; } function serverConnect() { const WebSocket = require('ws'); var url = 'wss://localhost/control.ashx'; if (args.url) { url = args.url; if (url.length < 5) { console.log("Invalid url."); process.exit(); return; } if ((url.startsWith('wss://') == false) && (url.startsWith('ws://') == false)) { console.log("Invalid url."); process.exit(); return; } if (url.endsWith('/') == false) { url += '/'; } url += 'control.ashx'; } // TODO: checkServerIdentity does not work??? var options = { rejectUnauthorized: false, checkServerIdentity: onVerifyServer } // Password authentication if (args.loginpass != null) { var username = 'admin'; if (args.loginuser != null) { username = args.loginuser; } var token = ''; if (args.token != null) { token = ',' + Buffer.from('' + args.token).toString('base64'); } options.headers = { 'x-meshauth': Buffer.from(username).toString('base64') + ',' + Buffer.from(args.loginpass).toString('base64') + token } } // Cookie authentication var ckey = null; if (args.loginkey != null) { // User key passed in a argument hex if (args.loginkey.length != 160) { console.log("Invalid login key."); process.exit(); return; } ckey = Buffer.from(args.loginkey, 'hex'); if (ckey != 80) { console.log("Invalid login key."); process.exit(); return; } } else if (args.loginkeyfile != null) { // Load key from hex file var fs = require('fs'); try { var keydata = fs.readFileSync(args.loginkeyfile, 'utf8').split(' ').join('').split('\r').join('').split('\n').join(''); ckey = Buffer.from(keydata, 'hex'); if (ckey.length != 80) { console.log("Invalid login key file."); process.exit(); return; } } catch (ex) { console.log(ex); process.exit(); return; } } if (ckey != null) { var domainid = '', username = 'admin'; if (args.domain != null) { domainid = args.domain; } if (args.loginuser != null) { username = args.loginuser; } url += '?auth=' + encodeCookie({ userid: 'user/' + domainid + '/' + username, domainid: domainid }, ckey); } const ws = new WebSocket(url, options); //console.log('Connecting...'); ws.on('open', function open() { //console.log('Connected.'); switch (settings.cmd) { case 'serverinfo': { break; } case 'userinfo': { break; } case 'listusers': { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'users' })); break; } case 'listdevicegroups': { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'meshes' })); break; } case 'listusersofdevicegroup': { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'meshes' })); break; } case 'listdevices': { if (args.id) { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'nodes', meshid: args.id, responseid: 'meshctrl' })); break; } else { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'meshes' })); ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'nodes', responseid: 'meshctrl' })); break; } } case 'adduser': { var siteadmin = 0; if (args.siteadmin) { siteadmin = 0xFFFFFFFF; } if (args.manageusers) { siteadmin |= 2; } if (args.fileaccess) { siteadmin |= 8; } if (args.serverupdate) { siteadmin |= 16; } if (args.locked) { siteadmin |= 32; } if (args.nonewgroups) { siteadmin |= 64; } if (args.notools) { siteadmin |= 128; } if (args.randompass) { args.pass = getRandomAmtPassword(); } var op = { action: 'adduser', username: args.user, pass: args.pass, responseid: 'meshctrl' }; if (args.email) { op.email = args.email; if (args.emailverified) { op.emailVerified = true; } } if (args.resetpass) { op.resetNextLogin = true; } if (siteadmin != 0) { op.siteadmin = siteadmin; } ws.send(JSON.stringify(op)); break; } case 'removeuser': { var op = { action: 'deleteuser', userid: args.userid, responseid: 'meshctrl' }; ws.send(JSON.stringify(op)); break; } case 'adddevicegroup': { var op = { action: 'createmesh', meshname: args.name, meshtype: 2, responseid: 'meshctrl' }; if (args.desc) { op.desc = args.desc; } if (args.amtonly) { op.meshtype = 1; } ws.send(JSON.stringify(op)); break; } case 'removedevicegroup': { var op = { action: 'deletemesh', meshid: args.id, responseid: 'meshctrl' }; ws.send(JSON.stringify(op)); break; } case 'addusertodevicegroup': { var meshrights = 0; if (args.fullrights) { meshrights = 0xFFFFFFFF; } if (args.editgroup) { meshrights |= 1; } if (args.manageusers) { meshrights |= 2; } if (args.managedevices) { meshrights |= 4; } if (args.remotecontrol) { meshrights |= 8; } if (args.agentconsole) { meshrights |= 16; } if (args.serverfiles) { meshrights |= 32; } if (args.wakedevices) { meshrights |= 64; } if (args.notes) { meshrights |= 128; } if (args.desktopviewonly) { meshrights |= 256; } if (args.noterminal) { meshrights |= 512; } if (args.nofiles) { meshrights |= 1024; } if (args.noamt) { meshrights |= 2048; } if (args.limiteddesktop) { meshrights |= 4096; } var op = { action: 'addmeshuser', meshid: args.id, usernames: [args.userid], meshadmin: meshrights, responseid: 'meshctrl' }; ws.send(JSON.stringify(op)); break; } case 'removeuserfromdevicegroup': { var op = { action: 'removemeshuser', meshid: args.id, userid: args.userid, responseid: 'meshctrl' }; ws.send(JSON.stringify(op)); break; } case 'sendinviteemail': { var op = { action: "inviteAgent", meshid: args.id, email: args.email, name: "", os: "0", responseid: 'meshctrl' } ws.send(JSON.stringify(op)); break; } case 'generateinvitelink': { var op = { action: "createInviteLink", meshid: args.id, expire: args.hours, flags: 0, responseid: 'meshctrl' } ws.send(JSON.stringify(op)); break; } case 'broadcast': { var op = { action: 'userbroadcast', msg: args.msg, responseid: 'meshctrl' }; ws.send(JSON.stringify(op)); break; } } }); ws.on('close', function close() { process.exit(); }); ws.on('message', function incoming(rawdata) { //console.log(rawdata); var data = null; try { data = JSON.parse(rawdata); } catch (ex) { } if (data == null) { console.log('Unable to parse data: ' + rawdata); } switch (data.action) { case 'serverinfo': { // SERVERINFO if (settings.cmd == 'serverinfo') { if (args.json) { console.log(JSON.stringify(data.serverinfo, ' ', 2)); } else { for (var i in data.serverinfo) { console.log(i + ':', data.serverinfo[i]); } } process.exit(); } break; } case 'userinfo': { // USERINFO if (settings.cmd == 'userinfo') { if (args.json) { console.log(JSON.stringify(data.userinfo, ' ', 2)); } else { for (var i in data.userinfo) { console.log(i + ':', data.userinfo[i]); } } process.exit(); } break; } case 'adduser': // ADDUSER case 'deleteuser': // REMOVEUSER case 'createmesh': // ADDDEVICEGROUP case 'deletemesh': // REMOVEDEVICEGROUP case 'addmeshuser': // case 'removemeshuser': // case 'inviteAgent': // case 'userbroadcast': { // BROADCAST if (data.responseid == 'meshctrl') { if (data.meshid) { console.log(data.result, data.meshid); } else if (data.userid) { console.log(data.result, data.userid); } else console.log(data.result); process.exit(); } break; } case 'createInviteLink': if (data.responseid == 'meshctrl') { if (data.url) { console.log(data.url); } else console.log(data.result); process.exit(); } break; case 'users': { // LISTUSERS if (args.json) { console.log(JSON.stringify(data.users, ' ', 2)); } else { if (args.idexists) { for (var i in data.users) { const u = data.users[i]; if ((u._id == args.idexists) || (u._id.split('/')[2] == args.idexists)) { console.log('1'); process.exit(); return; } } console.log('0'); process.exit(); return; } if (args.nameexists) { for (var i in data.users) { const u = data.users[i]; if (u.name == args.nameexists) { console.log(u._id); process.exit(); return; } } process.exit(); return; } console.log('id, name, email\r\n---------------'); for (var i in data.users) { const u = data.users[i]; var t = "\"" + u._id.split('/')[2] + "\", \"" + u.name + "\""; if (u.email != null) { t += ", \"" + u.email + "\""; } console.log(t); } } process.exit(); break; } case 'nodes': { if ((settings.cmd == 'listdevices') && (data.responseid == 'meshctrl')) { if ((data.result != null) && (data.result != 'ok')) { console.log(data.result); } else { if (args.count) { // Return how many devices are in this group var nodes = []; for (var i in data.nodes) { var devicesInMesh = data.nodes[i]; for (var j in devicesInMesh) { nodes.push(devicesInMesh[j]); } } console.log(nodes.length); } else if (args.json) { // Return all devices in JSON format var nodes = []; for (var i in data.nodes) { var devicesInMesh = data.nodes[i]; for (var j in devicesInMesh) { nodes.push(devicesInMesh[j]); } } console.log(JSON.stringify(nodes, ' ', 2)); } else { // Display the list of nodes in text format for (var i in data.nodes) { var devicesInMesh = data.nodes[i]; if (settings.xmeshes) { console.log('\r\nDevice group: \"' + settings.xmeshes[i].name + '\"'); } console.log('id, name, icon, conn, pwr, ip\r\n-----------------------------'); for (var j in devicesInMesh) { var n = devicesInMesh[j]; console.log(n._id.split('/')[2] + ', \"' + n.name + '\", ' + (n.icon ? n.icon : 0) + ', ' + (n.conn ? n.conn : 0) + ', ' + (n.pwr ? n.pwr : 0)); } } } } process.exit(); } break; } case 'meshes': { // LISTDEVICEGROUPS if (settings.cmd == 'listdevices') { // Store the list of device groups for later use settings.xmeshes = {} for (var i in data.meshes) { settings.xmeshes[data.meshes[i]._id] = data.meshes[i]; } } else if (settings.cmd == 'listdevicegroups') { if (args.json) { console.log(JSON.stringify(data.meshes, ' ', 2)); } else { if (args.idexists) { for (var i in data.meshes) { const u = data.meshes[i]; if ((u._id == args.idexists) || (u._id.split('/')[2] == args.idexists)) { console.log('1'); process.exit(); return; } } console.log('0'); process.exit(); return; } if (args.nameexists) { for (var i in data.meshes) { const u = data.meshes[i]; if (u.name == args.nameexists) { console.log(u._id); process.exit(); return; } } process.exit(); return; } console.log('id, name\r\n---------------'); for (var i in data.meshes) { const m = data.meshes[i]; var t = "\"" + m._id.split('/')[2] + "\", \"" + m.name + "\""; console.log(t); } } process.exit(); } else if (settings.cmd == 'listusersofdevicegroup') { for (var i in data.meshes) { const m = data.meshes[i]; var mid = m._id.split('/')[2]; if (mid == args.id) { if (args.json) { console.log(JSON.stringify(m.links, ' ', 2)); } else { console.log('userid, rights\r\n---------------'); for (var l in m.links) { var rights = m.links[l].rights; var rightsstr = []; if (rights == 4294967295) { rightsstr = ['FullAdministrator']; } else { if (rights & 1) { rightsstr.push('EditMesh'); } if (rights & 2) { rightsstr.push('ManageUsers'); } if (rights & 4) { rightsstr.push('ManageComputers'); } if (rights & 8) { rightsstr.push('RemoteControl'); } if (rights & 16) { rightsstr.push('AgentConsole'); } if (rights & 32) { rightsstr.push('ServerFiles'); } if (rights & 64) { rightsstr.push('WakeDevice'); } if (rights & 128) { rightsstr.push('SetNotes'); } if (rights & 256) { rightsstr.push('RemoteViewOnly'); } if (rights & 512) { rightsstr.push('NoTerminal'); } if (rights & 1024) { rightsstr.push('NoFiles'); } if (rights & 2048) { rightsstr.push('NoAMT'); } if (rights & 4096) { rightsstr.push('DesktopLimitedInput'); } } console.log(l.split('/')[2] + ', ' + rightsstr.join(', ')); } } process.exit(); return; } } console.log('Group id not found'); process.exit(); } break; } case 'close': { if (data.cause == 'noauth') { if (data.msg == 'tokenrequired') { console.log('Authentication token required, use --token [number].'); } else { console.log('Invalid login.'); } } process.exit(); break; } default: { break; } } //console.log('Data', data); //setTimeout(function timeout() { ws.send(Date.now()); }, 500); }); } // Encode an object as a cookie using a key using AES-GCM. (key must be 32 bytes or more) function encodeCookie(o, key) { try { if (key == null) { return null; } o.time = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000); // Add the cookie creation time const iv = Buffer.from(crypto.randomBytes(12), 'binary'), cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('aes-256-gcm', key.slice(0, 32), iv); const crypted = Buffer.concat([cipher.update(JSON.stringify(o), 'utf8'), cipher.final()]); return Buffer.concat([iv, cipher.getAuthTag(), crypted]).toString('base64').replace(/\+/g, '@').replace(/\//g, '$'); } catch (e) { return null; } } // Generate a random Intel AMT password function checkAmtPassword(p) { return (p.length > 7) && (/\d/.test(p)) && (/[a-z]/.test(p)) && (/[A-Z]/.test(p)) && (/\W/.test(p)); } function getRandomAmtPassword() { var p; do { p = Buffer.from(crypto.randomBytes(9), 'binary').toString('base64').split('/').join('@'); } while (checkAmtPassword(p) == false); return p; }