/** * @description MeshCentral Server IDER handler * @author Ylian Saint-Hilaire & Bryan Roe * @copyright Intel Corporation 2018-2021 * @license Apache-2.0 * @version v0.0.1 */ /*jslint node: true */ /*jshint node: true */ /*jshint strict:false */ /*jshint -W097 */ /*jshint esversion: 6 */ "use strict"; // Construct a MeshAgent object, called upon connection module.exports.CreateAmtIderSession = function (parent, db, ws, req, args, domain, user) { const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const common = parent.common; const amtMeshRedirModule = require('./amt/amt-redir-mesh.js'); const amtMeshIderModule = require('./amt/amt-ider-module.js'); console.log('New Server IDER session from ' + user.name); var obj = {}; obj.user = user; obj.domain = domain; obj.ider = null; // Send a message to the user //obj.send = function (data) { try { if (typeof data == 'string') { ws.send(Buffer.from(data, 'binary')); } else { ws.send(data); } } catch (e) { } } // Disconnect this user obj.close = function (arg) { if ((arg == 1) || (arg == null)) { try { ws.close(); parent.parent.debug(1, 'Soft disconnect'); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } // Soft close, close the websocket if (arg == 2) { try { ws._socket._parent.end(); parent.parent.debug(1, 'Hard disconnect'); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } // Hard close, close the TCP socket }; try { // Check if the user is logged in if (user == null) { try { ws.close(); } catch (e) { } return; } // When data is received from the web socket ws.on('message', processWebSocketData); // If error, do nothing ws.on('error', function (err) { console.log(err); obj.close(0); }); // If the web socket is closed ws.on('close', function (req) { obj.close(0); }); // We are all set, start receiving data ws._socket.resume(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } // Process incoming web socket data from the browser function processWebSocketData(msg) { var command, i = 0, mesh = null, meshid = null, nodeid = null, meshlinks = null, change = 0; try { command = JSON.parse(msg.toString('utf8')); } catch (e) { return; } if (common.validateString(command.action, 3, 32) == false) return; // Action must be a string between 3 and 32 chars switch (command.action) { case 'ping': { try { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'pong' })); } catch (ex) { } break; } case 'selector': { var r = { action: 'selector', args: { html: 'Click ok to start IDER session.' }, buttons: 3 }; // TODO: Return a list of disk images for the user to select. try { ws.send(JSON.stringify(r)); } catch (ex) { } break; } case 'selectorResponse': { console.log('selectorResponse', command.args, req.query); // TODO: Start IDER Session // req.query = { host: 'node//KV6AZh3KoEzr71IaM40KqpBXQCn0qysZrMYlCOcvivNkV2$zfP2MXBE4IizBn1Bw', port: '16994', tls: '0', serverauth: '1', tls1only: '1' } command.args = { floppyPath: '', cdromPath: '', iderStart: 1, tlsv1only: true }; obj.ider = amtMeshRedirModule.CreateAmtRedirect(amtMeshIderModule.CreateAmtRemoteIder(), domain, user, parent, parent.parent); obj.ider.onStateChanged = onIderStateChange; obj.ider.m.debug = true; obj.ider.m.floppy = command.args.floppyPath; obj.ider.m.cdrom = command.args.cdromPath; obj.ider.m.iderStart = command.args.iderStart; obj.ider.m.sectorStats = iderSectorStats; obj.ider.tlsv1only = req.query.tlsv1only; obj.ider.Start(req.query.host, req.query.port, req.query.tls); break; } default: { // Unknown user action console.log('Unknown IDER action from user ' + user.name + ': ' + command.action + '.'); break; } } } function onIderStateChange(sender, state) { console.log('onIderStateChange', state); } function iderSectorStats(mode, dev, total, start, len) { console.log('iderSectorStats', mode, dev, total, start, len); } return obj; };