#!/usr/bin/env node /** * @description MeshCentral command line tool * @author Ylian Saint-Hilaire * @copyright Intel Corporation 2018-2022 * @license Apache-2.0 * @version v0.0.1 */ // Make sure we have the dependency modules try { require('minimist'); } catch (ex) { console.log('Missing module "minimist", type "npm install minimist" to install it.'); return; } try { require('ws'); } catch (ex) { console.log('Missing module "ws", type "npm install ws" to install it.'); return; } var settings = {}; const crypto = require('crypto'); const args = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2)); const path = require('path'); const possibleCommands = ['edituser', 'listusers', 'listusersessions', 'listdevicegroups', 'listdevices', 'listusersofdevicegroup', 'listevents', 'logintokens', 'serverinfo', 'userinfo', 'adduser', 'removeuser', 'adddevicegroup', 'removedevicegroup', 'editdevicegroup', 'broadcast', 'showevents', 'addusertodevicegroup', 'removeuserfromdevicegroup', 'addusertodevice', 'removeuserfromdevice', 'sendinviteemail', 'generateinvitelink', 'config', 'movetodevicegroup', 'deviceinfo', 'editdevice', 'addusergroup', 'listusergroups', 'removeusergroup', 'runcommand', 'shell', 'upload', 'download', 'deviceopenurl', 'devicemessage', 'devicetoast', 'addtousergroup', 'removefromusergroup', 'removeallusersfromusergroup', 'devicesharing', 'devicepower', 'indexagenterrorlog', 'agentdownload']; if (args.proxy != null) { try { require('https-proxy-agent'); } catch (ex) { console.log('Missing module "https-proxy-agent", type "npm install https-proxy-agent" to install it.'); return; } } if (args['_'].length == 0) { console.log("MeshCtrl performs command line actions on a MeshCentral server."); console.log("Information at: https://meshcentral.com"); console.log("No action specified, use MeshCtrl like this:\r\n\r\n meshctrl [action] [arguments]\r\n"); console.log("Supported actions:"); console.log(" Help [action] - Get help on an action."); console.log(" ServerInfo - Show server information."); console.log(" UserInfo - Show user information."); console.log(" ListUsers - List user accounts."); console.log(" ListUserSessions - List online users."); console.log(" ListUserGroups - List user groups."); console.log(" ListDevices - List devices."); console.log(" ListDeviceGroups - List device groups."); console.log(" ListUsersOfDeviceGroup - List the users in a device group."); console.log(" ListEvents - List server events."); console.log(" LoginTokens - List, create and remove login tokens."); console.log(" DeviceInfo - Show information about a device."); console.log(" EditDevice - Make changes to a device."); console.log(" Config - Perform operation on config.json file."); console.log(" AddUser - Create a new user account."); console.log(" EditUser - Change a user account."); console.log(" RemoveUser - Delete a user account."); console.log(" AddUserGroup - Create a new user group."); console.log(" RemoveUserGroup - Delete a user group."); console.log(" AddToUserGroup - Add a user, device or device group to a user group."); console.log(" RemoveFromUserGroup - Remove a user, device or device group from a user group."); console.log(" RemoveAllUsersFromUserGroup - Remove all users from a user group."); console.log(" AddDeviceGroup - Create a new device group."); console.log(" RemoveDeviceGroup - Delete a device group."); console.log(" EditDeviceGroup - Change a device group values."); console.log(" MoveToDeviceGroup - Move a device to a different device group."); console.log(" AddUserToDeviceGroup - Add a user to a device group."); console.log(" RemoveUserFromDeviceGroup - Remove a user from a device group."); console.log(" AddUserToDevice - Add a user to a device."); console.log(" RemoveUserFromDevice - Remove a user from a device."); console.log(" SendInviteEmail - Send an agent install invitation email."); console.log(" GenerateInviteLink - Create an invitation link."); console.log(" Broadcast - Display a message to all online users."); console.log(" ShowEvents - Display real-time server events in JSON format."); console.log(" RunCommand - Run a shell command on a remote device."); console.log(" Shell - Access command shell of a remote device."); console.log(" Upload - Upload a file to a remote device."); console.log(" Download - Download a file from a remote device."); console.log(" DeviceOpenUrl - Open a URL on a remote device."); console.log(" DeviceMessage - Open a message box on a remote device."); console.log(" DeviceToast - Display a toast notification on a remote device."); console.log(" DevicePower - Perform wake/sleep/reset/off operations on remote devices."); console.log(" DeviceSharing - View, add and remove sharing links for a given device."); console.log(" AgentDownload - Download an agent of a specific type for a device group."); console.log("\r\nSupported login arguments:"); console.log(" --url [wss://server] - Server url, wss://localhost:443 is default."); console.log(" - Use wss://localhost:443?key=xxx if login key is required."); console.log(" --loginuser [username] - Login username, admin is default."); console.log(" --loginpass [password] - Login password."); console.log(" --token [number] - 2nd factor authentication token."); console.log(" --loginkey [hex] - Server login key in hex."); console.log(" --loginkeyfile [file] - File containing server login key in hex."); console.log(" --logindomain [domainid] - Domain id, default is empty, only used with loginkey."); console.log(" --proxy [http://proxy:123] - Specify an HTTP proxy."); return; } else { settings.cmd = args['_'][0].toLowerCase(); if ((possibleCommands.indexOf(settings.cmd) == -1) && (settings.cmd != 'help')) { console.log("Invalid command. Possible commands are: " + possibleCommands.join(', ') + '.'); return; } //console.log(settings.cmd); var ok = false; switch (settings.cmd) { case 'config': { performConfigOperations(args); return; } case 'indexagenterrorlog': { indexAgentErrorLog(); return; } case 'serverinfo': { ok = true; break; } case 'userinfo': { ok = true; break; } case 'listusers': { ok = true; break; } case 'listusersessions': { ok = true; break; } case 'listusergroups': { ok = true; break; } case 'listdevicegroups': { ok = true; break; } case 'listdevices': { ok = true; break; } case 'listevents': { ok = true; break; } case 'logintokens': { ok = true; break; } case 'listusersofdevicegroup': { if (args.id == null) { console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes("Missing group id, use --id '[groupid]'")); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'deviceinfo': { if (args.id == null) { console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes("Missing device id, use --id '[deviceid]'")); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'editdevice': { if (args.id == null) { console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes("Missing device id, use --id '[deviceid]'")); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'addusertodevicegroup': { if ((args.id == null) && (args.group == null)) { console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes("Device group identifier missing, use --id '[groupid]' or --group [groupname]")); } else if (args.userid == null) { console.log("Add user to group missing useid, use --userid [userid]"); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'removeuserfromdevicegroup': { if ((args.id == null) && (args.group == null)) { console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes("Device group identifier missing, use --id '[groupid]' or --group [groupname]")); } else if (args.userid == null) { console.log("Remove user from group missing useid, use --userid [userid]"); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'addusertodevice': { if (args.userid == null) { console.log("Add user to device missing userid, use --userid [userid]"); } else if (args.id == null) { console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes("Add user to device missing device id, use --id '[deviceid]'")); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'removeuserfromdevice': { if (args.userid == null) { console.log("Remove user from device missing userid, use --userid [userid]"); } else if (args.id == null) { console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes("Remove user from device missing device id, use --id '[deviceid]'")); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'adddevicegroup': { if (args.name == null) { console.log("Message group name, use --name [name]"); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'editdevicegroup': case 'removedevicegroup': { if ((args.id == null) && (args.group == null)) { console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes("Device group identifier missing, use --id '[groupid]' or --group [groupname]")); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'movetodevicegroup': { if ((args.id == null) && (args.group == null)) { console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes("Device group identifier missing, use --id '[groupid]' or --group [groupname]")); } else if (args.devid == null) { console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes("Device identifier missing, use --devid '[deviceid]'")); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'broadcast': { if (args.msg == null) { console.log("Message missing, use --msg [message]"); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'showevents': { ok = true; break; } case 'adduser': { if (args.user == null) { console.log("New account name missing, use --user [name]"); } else if ((args.pass == null) && (args.randompass == null)) { console.log("New account password missing, use --pass [password] or --randompass"); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'edituser': { if (args.userid == null) { console.log("Edit account user missing, use --userid [id]"); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'removeuser': { if (args.userid == null) { console.log("Remove account userid missing, use --userid [id]"); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'addusergroup': { if (args.name == null) { console.log("New user group name missing, use --name [name]"); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'removeusergroup': { if (args.groupid == null) { console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes("Remove user group id missing, use --groupid '[id]'")); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'addtousergroup': { if (args.groupid == null) { console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes("Group id missing, use --groupid '[id]'")); } if (args.id == null) { console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes("Missing identifier to add, use --id [id]")); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'removefromusergroup': { if (args.groupid == null) { console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes("Group id missing, use --groupid '[id]'")); } if (args.id == null) { console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes("Missing identifier to remove, use --id [id]")); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'removeallusersfromusergroup': { if (args.groupid == null) { console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes("Group id missing, use --groupid '[id]'")); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'sendinviteemail': { if ((args.id == null) && (args.group == null)) { console.log("Device group identifier missing, use --id '[groupid]' or --group [groupname]"); } else if (args.email == null) { console.log("Device email is missing, use --email [email]"); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'generateinvitelink': { if ((args.id == null) && (args.group == null)) { console.log("Device group identifier missing, use --id '[groupid]' or --group [groupname]"); } else if (args.hours == null) { console.log("Invitation validity period missing, use --hours [hours]"); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'runcommand': { if (args.id == null) { console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes("Missing device id, use --id '[deviceid]'")); } else if (args.run == null) { console.log("Missing run, use --run \"command\""); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'shell': { if (args.id == null) { console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes("Missing device id, use --id '[deviceid]'")); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'devicepower': { if (args.id == null) { console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes("Missing device id, use --id '[deviceid]'")); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'devicesharing': { if (args.id == null) { console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes("Missing device id, use --id '[deviceid]'")); } else if ((args.daily != null) && (args.weekly != null)) { console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes("Can't specify both --daily and --weekly at the same time.")); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'agentdownload': { if (args.type == null) { console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes("Missing device type, use --type [agenttype]")); } var at = parseInt(args.type); if ((at == null) || isNaN(at) || (at < 1) || (at > 11000)) { console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes("Invalid agent type, must be a number.")); } if (args.id == null) { console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes("Missing device id, use --id '[meshid]'")); } if ((typeof args.id != 'string') || (args.id.length != 64)) { console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes("Invalid meshid.")); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'upload': { if (args.id == null) { console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes("Missing device id, use --id '[deviceid]'")); } else if (args.file == null) { console.log("Local file missing, use --file [file] specify the file to upload"); } else if (args.target == null) { console.log("Remote target path missing, use --target [path] to specify the remote location"); } else if (require('fs').existsSync(args.file) == false) { console.log("Local file does not exists, check --file"); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'download': { if (args.id == null) { console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes("Missing device id, use --id '[deviceid]'")); } else if (args.file == null) { console.log("Remote file missing, use --file [file] specify the remote file to download"); } else if (args.target == null) { console.log("Target path missing, use --target [path] to specify the local download location"); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'deviceopenurl': { if (args.id == null) { console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes("Missing device id, use --id '[deviceid]'")); } else if (args.openurl == null) { console.log("Remote URL, use --openurl [url] specify the link to open."); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'devicemessage': { if (args.id == null) { console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes("Missing device id, use --id '[deviceid]'")); } else if (args.msg == null) { console.log("Remote message, use --msg \"[message]\" specify a remote message."); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'devicetoast': { if (args.id == null) { console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes("Missing device id, use --id '[deviceid]'")); } else if (args.msg == null) { console.log("Remote message, use --msg \"[message]\" specify a remote message."); } else { ok = true; } break; } case 'help': { if (args['_'].length < 2) { console.log("Get help on an action. Type:\r\n\r\n help [action]\r\n\r\nPossible actions are: " + possibleCommands.join(', ') + '.'); } else { switch (args['_'][1].toLowerCase()) { case 'config': { displayConfigHelp(); break; } case 'sendinviteemail': { console.log("Send invitation email with instructions on how to install the mesh agent for a specific device group. Example usage:\r\n"); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl SendInviteEmail --id 'groupid' --message \"msg\" --email user@sample.com")); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl SendInviteEmail --group \"My Computers\" --name \"Jack\" --email user@sample.com")); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); if (process.platform == 'win32') { console.log(" --id [groupid] - Device group identifier (or --group)."); } else { console.log(" --id '[groupid]' - Device group identifier (or --group)."); } console.log(" --group [groupname] - Device group name (or --id)."); console.log(" --email [email] - Email address."); console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --name (name) - Name of recipient to be included in the email."); console.log(" --message (msg) - Message to be included in the email."); break; } case 'generateinvitelink': { console.log("Generate a agent invitation URL for a given group. Example usage:\r\n"); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl GenerateInviteLink --id 'groupid' --hours 24")); console.log(" MeshCtrl GenerateInviteLink --group \"My Computers\" --hours 0"); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); if (process.platform == 'win32') { console.log(" --id [groupid] - Device group identifier (or --group)."); } else { console.log(" --id '[groupid]' - Device group identifier (or --group)."); } console.log(" --group [groupname] - Device group name (or --id)."); console.log(" --hours [hours] - Validity period in hours or 0 for infinit."); console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --flags [mode] - Mode flag for link type (0 = both, 1 = interactive only, 2 = background only)"); break; } case 'showevents': { console.log("Show the server's event stream for this user account. Example usage:\r\n"); console.log(" MeshCtrl ShowEvents"); console.log(" MeshCtrl ShowEvents --filter nodeconnect"); console.log(" MeshCtrl ShowEvents --filter uicustomevent,changenode"); console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --filter [actions] - Show only specified actions."); break; } case 'serverinfo': { console.log("Get information on the MeshCentral server, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(" MeshCtrl ServerInfo --loginuser myaccountname --loginpass mypassword"); console.log(" MeshCtrl ServerInfo --loginuser myaccountname --loginkeyfile key.txt"); console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --json - Show result as JSON."); break; } case 'userinfo': { console.log("Get account information for the login account, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(" MeshCtrl UserInfo --loginuser myaccountname --loginpass mypassword"); console.log(" MeshCtrl UserInfo --loginuser myaccountname --loginkeyfile key.txt"); console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --json - Show result as JSON."); break; } case 'listusers': { console.log("List the account on the MeshCentral server, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(" MeshCtrl ListUsers"); console.log(" MeshCtrl ListUsers --json"); console.log(" MeshCtrl ListUsers --nameexists \"bob\""); console.log(" MeshCtrl ListUsers --filter 2fa"); console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --idexists [id] - Return 1 if id exists, 0 if not."); console.log(" --nameexists [name] - Return id if name exists."); console.log(" --filter [filter1,...] - Filter user names: 2FA, NO2FA."); console.log(" --json - Show result as JSON."); break; } case 'listusersessions': { console.log("List active user sessions on the MeshCentral server, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(" MeshCtrl ListUserSessions"); console.log(" MeshCtrl ListUserSessions --json"); break; } case 'listusergroups': { console.log("List user groups on the MeshCentral server, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(" MeshCtrl ListUserGroups"); console.log(" MeshCtrl ListUserGroups --json"); break; } case 'listdevicegroups': { console.log("List the device groups for this account. Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(" MeshCtrl ListDeviceGroups "); console.log(" MeshCtrl ListDeviceGroups --json"); console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --idexists [id] - Return 1 if id exists, 0 if not."); console.log(" --nameexists [name] - Return id if name exists."); console.log(" --emailexists [email] - Return id if email exists."); console.log(" --hex - Display meshid in hex format."); console.log(" --json - Show result as JSON."); break; } case 'listdevices': { console.log("List devices. Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(" MeshCtrl ListDevices"); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl ListDevices -id '[groupid]' --json")); console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n"); if (process.platform == 'win32') { console.log(" --id [groupid] - Filter by group identifier (or --group)."); } else { console.log(" --id '[groupid]' - Filter by group identifier (or --group)."); } console.log(" --group [groupname] - Filter by group name (or --id)."); console.log(" --count - Only return the device count."); console.log(" --json - Show result as JSON."); console.log(" --csv - Show result as comma seperated values."); console.log(" --filter \"[filter]\" - Filter devices using a filter string."); console.log(" \"x\" - Devices with \"x\" in the name."); console.log(" \"user:x or u:x\" - Devices with \"x\" in the name of currently logged in user."); console.log(" \"ip:x\" - Devices \"x\" IP address."); console.log(" \"group:x or g:x\" - Devices with \"x\" in device group name."); console.log(" \"tag:x or t:x\" - Devices with \"x\" in device tag."); console.log(" \"atag:x or a:x\" - Devices with \"x\" in device agent tag."); console.log(" \"os:x\" - Devices with \"x\" in the device OS description."); console.log(" \"amt:x\" - Devices with Intel AMT provisioning state (0, 1, 2)."); console.log(" \"desc:x\" - Devices with \"x\" in device description."); console.log(" \"wsc:ok\" - Devices with Windows Security Center ok."); console.log(" \"wsc:noav\" - Devices with Windows Security Center with anti-virus problem."); console.log(" \"wsc:noupdate\" - Devices with Windows Security Center with update problem."); console.log(" \"wsc:nofirewall\" - Devices with Windows Security Center with firewall problem."); console.log(" \"wsc:any\" - Devices with Windows Security Center with any problem."); console.log(" \"a and b\" - Match both conditions with precedence over OR. For example: \"lab and g:home\"."); console.log(" \"a or b\" - Math one of the conditions, for example: \"lab or g:home\"."); console.log(" --filterid [id,id...] - Show only results for devices with included id."); console.log(" --details - Show all device details."); break; } case 'listusersofdevicegroup': { console.log("List users that have permissions for a given device group. Example usage:\r\n"); console.log(" MeshCtrl ListUserOfDeviceGroup "); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); if (process.platform == 'win32') { console.log(" --id [groupid] - Device group identifier."); } else { console.log(" --id '[groupid]' - Device group identifier."); } console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --json - Show result as JSON."); break; } case 'listevents': { console.log("List server events optionally filtered by user or device. Example usage:\r\n"); console.log(" MeshCtrl ListEvents "); console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --userid [name] - User account identifier."); console.log(" --id [deviceid] - The device identifier."); console.log(" --limit [number] - Maximum number of events to list."); console.log(" --raw - Output raw data in JSON format."); console.log(" --json - Give results in JSON format."); break; } case 'logintokens': { console.log("List account login tokens and allow addition and removal. Example usage:\r\n"); console.log(" MeshCtrl LoginTokens "); console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --remove [name] - Remove a login token."); console.log(" --add [name] - Add a login token."); console.log(" --expire [minutes] - When adding a token, minutes until expire."); console.log(" --json - Show login tokens in JSON format."); break; } case 'adduser': { console.log("Add a new user account. Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(" MeshCtrl AddUser --user newaccountname --pass newpassword"); console.log(" MeshCtrl AddUser --user newaccountname --randompass --rights full"); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --user [name] - New account name."); console.log(" --pass [password] - New account password."); console.log(" --randompass - Create account with a random password."); console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --domain [domain] - Account domain, only for cross-domain admins."); console.log(" --email [email] - New account email address."); console.log(" --emailverified - New account email is verified."); console.log(" --resetpass - Request password reset on next login."); console.log(" --realname [name] - Set the real name for this account."); console.log(" --phone [number] - Set the account phone number."); console.log(" --rights [none|full|a,b,c] - Comma seperated list of server permissions. Possible values:"); console.log(" manageusers,backup,restore,update,fileaccess,locked,nonewgroups,notools,usergroups,recordings,locksettings,allevents"); break; } case 'edituser': { console.log("Edit a user account, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(" MeshCtrl EditUser --userid user --rights locked,locksettings"); console.log(" MeshCtrl EditUser --userid user --realname Jones"); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --userid [name] - User account identifier."); console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --domain [domain] - Account domain, only for cross-domain admins."); console.log(" --email [email] - Account email address."); console.log(" --emailverified - Account email is verified."); console.log(" --resetpass - Request password reset on next login."); console.log(" --realname [name] - Set the real name for this account."); console.log(" --phone [number] - Set the account phone number."); console.log(" --rights [none|full|a,b,c] - Comma seperated list of server permissions. Possible values:"); console.log(" manageusers,backup,restore,update,fileaccess,locked,nonewgroups,notools,usergroups,recordings,locksettings,allevents"); break; } case 'removeuser': { console.log("Delete a user account, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(" MeshCtrl RemoveUser --userid accountid"); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --userid [id] - Account identifier."); break; } case 'addusergroup': { console.log("Create a new user group, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(" MeshCtrl AddUserGroup --name \"Test Group\""); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --name [name] - Name of the user group."); break; } case 'removeusergroup': { console.log("Remove a user group, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl RemoveUserGroup --groupid 'ugrp//abcdf'")); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); if (process.platform == 'win32') { console.log(" --groupid [groupid] - User group identifier."); } else { console.log(" --groupid '[groupid]' - User group identifier."); } break; } case 'addtousergroup': { console.log("Add a user, device or device group to a user group, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl AddToUserGroup --id 'user//abcdef' --groupid 'ugrp//abcdf'")); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl AddToUserGroup --id 'node//abcdef' --groupid 'ugrp//abcdf' --rights [rights]")); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl AddToUserGroup --id 'mesh//abcdef' --groupid 'ugrp//abcdf' --rights [rights]")); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); if (process.platform == 'win32') { console.log(" --id [id] - Identifier to add."); console.log(" --groupid [groupid] - User group identifier."); } else { console.log(" --id '[id]' - Identifier to add."); console.log(" --groupid '[groupid]' - User group identifier."); } console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --rights [number] - Rights granted for adding device or device group."); console.log(" - 4294967295 for full admin or the sum of the following numbers."); console.log(" 1 = Edit Device Group 2 = Manage Users "); console.log(" 4 = Manage Computers 8 = Remote Control "); console.log(" 16 = Agent Console 32 = Server Files "); console.log(" 64 = Wake Device 128 = Set Notes "); console.log(" 256 = Remote View Only 512 = No Terminal "); console.log(" 1024 = No Files 2048 = No Intel AMT "); console.log(" 4096 = Desktop Limited Input 8192 = Limit Events "); console.log(" 16384 = Chat / Notify 32768 = Uninstall Agent "); console.log(" 65536 = No Remote Desktop 131072 = Remote Commands "); console.log(" 262144 = Reset / Power off "); break; } case 'removefromusergroup': { console.log("Remove a user, device or device group from a user group, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl RemoveUserFromUserGroup --userid 'user//abcdef' --groupid 'ugrp//abcdf'")); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl RemoveUserFromUserGroup --userid 'node//abcdef' --groupid 'ugrp//abcdf'")); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl RemoveUserFromUserGroup --userid 'mesh//abcdef' --groupid 'ugrp//abcdf'")); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); if (process.platform == 'win32') { console.log(" --id [userid] - Identifier to remove."); console.log(" --groupid [groupid] - User group identifier."); } else { console.log(" --id '[userid]' - Identifier to remove."); console.log(" --groupid '[groupid]' - User group identifier."); } break; } case 'removeallusersfromusergroup': { console.log("Remove all users from a user group, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl RemoveAllUsersFromUserGroup --groupid 'ugrp//abcdf'")); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); if (process.platform == 'win32') { console.log(" --groupid [groupid] - User group identifier."); } else { console.log(" --groupid '[groupid]' - User group identifier."); } break; } case 'adddevicegroup': { console.log("Add a device group, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(" MeshCtrl AddDeviceGroup --name newgroupname"); console.log(" MeshCtrl AddDeviceGroup --name newgroupname --desc description --amtonly"); console.log(" MeshCtrl AddDeviceGroup --name newgroupname --features 1 --consent 7"); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --name [name] - Name of the new group."); console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --desc [description] - New group description."); console.log(" --amtonly - New group is agent-less, Intel AMT only."); console.log(" --features [number] - Set device group features, sum of numbers below."); console.log(" 1 = Auto-Remove 2 = Hostname Sync"); console.log(" 4 = Record Sessions"); console.log(" --consent [number] - Set device group user consent, sum of numbers below."); console.log(" 1 = Desktop notify user 2 = Terminal notify user "); console.log(" 4 = Files notify user 8 = Desktop prompt user "); console.log(" 16 = Terminal prompt user 32 = Files prompt user "); console.log(" 64 = Desktop Toolbar "); break; } case 'removedevicegroup': { console.log("Remove a device group, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl RemoveDeviceGroup --id 'groupid'")); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); if (process.platform == 'win32') { console.log(" --id [groupid] - Device group identifier (or --group)."); } else { console.log(" --id '[groupid]' - Device group identifier (or --group)."); } console.log(" --group [groupname] - Device group name (or --id)."); break; } case 'editdevicegroup': { console.log("Edit a device group, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl EditDeviceGroup --id 'groupid' --name \"New Name\"")); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl EditDeviceGroup --id 'groupid' --desc \"Description\" --consent 63")); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl EditDeviceGroup --id 'groupid' --invitecodes \"code1,code2\" --backgroundonly")); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); if (process.platform == 'win32') { console.log(" --id [groupid] - Device group identifier (or --group)."); } else { console.log(" --id '[groupid]' - Device group identifier (or --group)."); } console.log(" --group [groupname] - Device group name (or --id)."); console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --name [name] - Set new device group name."); console.log(" --desc [description] - Set new device group description, blank to clear."); console.log(" --flags [number] - Set device group flags, sum of the values below, 0 for none."); console.log(" 1 = Auto remove device on disconnect."); console.log(" 2 = Sync hostname."); console.log(" --consent [number] - Set device group consent options, sum of the values below, 0 for none."); console.log(" 1 = Desktop notify user."); console.log(" 2 = Terminal notify user."); console.log(" 4 = Files notify user."); console.log(" 8 = Desktop prompt for user consent."); console.log(" 16 = Terminal prompt for user consent."); console.log(" 32 = Files prompt for user consent."); console.log(" 64 = Desktop show connection toolbar."); console.log(" --invitecodes [aa,bb] - Comma seperated list of invite codes, blank to clear."); console.log(" --backgroundonly - When used with invitecodes, set agent to only install in background."); console.log(" --interactiveonly - When used with invitecodes, set agent to only run on demand."); break; } case 'movetodevicegroup': { console.log("Move a device to a new device group, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl MoveToDeviceGroup --devid 'deviceid' --id 'groupid'")); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); if (process.platform == 'win32') { console.log(" --id [groupid] - Device group identifier (or --group)."); } else { console.log(" --id '[groupid]' - Device group identifier (or --group)."); } console.log(" --group [groupname] - Device group name (or --id)."); if (process.platform == 'win32') { console.log(" --devid [deviceid] - Device identifier."); } else { console.log(" --devid '[deviceid]' - Device identifier."); } break; } case 'addusertodevicegroup': { console.log("Add a user to a device group, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl AddUserToDeviceGroup --id 'groupid' --userid userid --fullrights")); console.log(" MeshCtrl AddUserToDeviceGroup --group groupname --userid userid --editgroup --manageusers"); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); if (process.platform == 'win32') { console.log(" --id [groupid] - Device group identifier (or --group)."); } else { console.log(" --id '[groupid]' - Device group identifier (or --group)."); } console.log(" --group [groupname] - Device group name (or --id)."); console.log(" --userid [userid] - The user identifier."); console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --fullrights - Allow full rights over this device group."); console.log(" --editgroup - Allow the user to edit group information."); console.log(" --manageusers - Allow the user to add/remove users."); console.log(" --managedevices - Allow the user to edit device information."); console.log(" --remotecontrol - Allow device remote control operations."); console.log(" --agentconsole - Allow agent console operations."); console.log(" --serverfiles - Allow access to group server files."); console.log(" --wakedevices - Allow device wake operation."); console.log(" --notes - Allow editing of device notes."); console.log(" --desktopviewonly - Restrict user to view-only remote desktop."); console.log(" --limiteddesktop - Limit remote desktop keys."); console.log(" --noterminal - Hide the terminal tab from this user."); console.log(" --nofiles - Hide the files tab from this user."); console.log(" --noamt - Hide the Intel AMT tab from this user."); console.log(" --limitedevents - User can only see his own events."); console.log(" --chatnotify - Allow chat and notification options."); console.log(" --uninstall - Allow remote uninstall of the agent."); if (args.limiteddesktop) { meshrights |= 4096; } if (args.limitedevents) { meshrights |= 8192; } if (args.chatnotify) { meshrights |= 16384; } if (args.uninstall) { meshrights |= 32768; } break; } case 'removeuserfromdevicegroup': { console.log("Remove a user from a device group, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl RemoveuserFromDeviceGroup --id 'groupid' --userid userid")); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); if (process.platform == 'win32') { console.log(" --id [groupid] - Device group identifier (or --group)."); } else { console.log(" --id '[groupid]' - Device group identifier (or --group)."); } console.log(" --group [groupname] - Device group name (or --id)."); console.log(" --userid [userid] - The user identifier."); break; } case 'addusertodevice': { console.log("Add a user to a device, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl AddUserToDevice --id 'deviceid' --userid userid --fullrights")); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl AddUserToDevice --id 'deviceid' --userid userid --remotecontrol")); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); if (process.platform == 'win32') { console.log(" --id [deviceid] - The device identifier."); } else { console.log(" --id '[deviceid]' - The device identifier."); } console.log(" --userid [userid] - The user identifier."); console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --fullrights - Allow full rights over this device."); console.log(" --remotecontrol - Allow device remote control operations."); console.log(" --agentconsole - Allow agent console operations."); console.log(" --serverfiles - Allow access to group server files."); console.log(" --wakedevices - Allow device wake operation."); console.log(" --notes - Allow editing of device notes."); console.log(" --desktopviewonly - Restrict user to view-only remote desktop."); console.log(" --limiteddesktop - Limit remote desktop keys."); console.log(" --noterminal - Hide the terminal tab from this user."); console.log(" --nofiles - Hide the files tab from this user."); console.log(" --noamt - Hide the Intel AMT tab from this user."); console.log(" --limitedevents - User can only see his own events."); console.log(" --chatnotify - Allow chat and notification options."); console.log(" --uninstall - Allow remote uninstall of the agent."); break; } case 'removeuserfromdevice': { console.log("Remove a user from a device, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl RemoveuserFromDeviceGroup --id 'deviceid' --userid userid")); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); if (process.platform == 'win32') { console.log(" --id [deviceid] - The device identifier."); } else { console.log(" --id '[deviceid]' - The device identifier."); } console.log(" --userid [userid] - The user identifier."); break; } case 'broadcast': { console.log("Display a message to one or all logged in users, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(" MeshCtrl Broadcast --msg \"This is a test\""); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --msg [message] - Message to display."); console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --user [userid] - Send the message to the speficied user."); break; } case 'deviceinfo': { console.log("Display information about a device, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl DeviceInfo --id 'deviceid'")); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl DeviceInfo --id 'deviceid' --json")); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); if (process.platform == 'win32') { console.log(" --id [deviceid] - The device identifier."); } else { console.log(" --id '[deviceid]' - The device identifier."); } console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --raw - Output raw data in JSON format."); console.log(" --json - Give results in JSON format."); break; } case 'editdevice': { console.log("Change information about a device, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl EditDevice --id 'deviceid' --name 'device1'")); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); if (process.platform == 'win32') { console.log(" --id [deviceid] - The device identifier."); } else { console.log(" --id '[deviceid]' - The device identifier."); } console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n"); if (process.platform == 'win32') { console.log(" --name [name] - Change device name."); console.log(" --desc [description] - Change device description."); console.log(" --tags [tag1,tags2] - Change device tags."); } else { console.log(" --name '[name]' - Change device name."); console.log(" --desc '[description]' - Change device description."); console.log(" --tags '[tag1,tags2]' - Change device tags."); } console.log(" --icon [number] - Change the device icon (1 to 8)."); console.log(" --consent [flags] - Sum of the following numbers:"); console.log(" 1 = Desktop notify 2 = Terminal notify"); console.log(" 4 = Files notify 8 = Desktop prompt"); console.log(" 16 = Terminal prompt 32 = Files prompt"); console.log(" 64 = Desktop privacy bar"); break; } case 'runcommand': { console.log("Run a shell command on a remote device, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl RunCommand --id 'deviceid' --run \"command\"")); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl RunCommand --id 'deviceid' --run \"command\" --powershell")); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); if (process.platform == 'win32') { console.log(" --id [deviceid] - The device identifier."); } else { console.log(" --id '[deviceid]' - The device identifier."); } console.log(" --run \"[command]\" - Shell command to execute on the remote device."); console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --powershell - Run in Windows PowerShell."); console.log(" --runasuser - Attempt to run the command as logged in user."); console.log(" --runasuseronly - Only run the command as the logged in user."); break; } case 'shell': { console.log("Access a command shell on a remote device, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl Shell --id 'deviceid'")); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl Shell --id 'deviceid' --powershell")); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); if (process.platform == 'win32') { console.log(" --id [deviceid] - The device identifier."); } else { console.log(" --id '[deviceid]' - The device identifier."); } console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --powershell - Run a Windows PowerShell."); break; } case 'devicepower': { console.log("Perform power operations on remote devices, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl DevicePower --wake --id 'deviceid'")); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl DevicePower --sleep --id 'deviceid'")); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl DevicePower --reset --id 'deviceid'")); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl DevicePower --off --id 'deviceid1,deviceid2'")); console.log("\r\nNote that some power operations may take up to a minute to execute.\r\n"); console.log("Required arguments:\r\n"); if (process.platform == 'win32') { console.log(" --id [deviceid1,deviceid2] - Device identifiers."); } else { console.log(" --id '[deviceid1,deviceid2]' - Device identifiers."); } console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --wake - Attempt to wake up the remote device."); console.log(" --reset - Attempt to remote the remote device."); console.log(" --sleep - Attempt to place the remote device in low power mode."); console.log(" --off - Attempt to power off the remote device."); break; } case 'devicesharing': { var tzoffset = (new Date()).getTimezoneOffset() * 60000; // Offset in milliseconds var localISOTime = (new Date(Date.now() - tzoffset)).toISOString().slice(0, -5); console.log("List sharing links for a specified device, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl DeviceSharing --id 'deviceid'")); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl DeviceSharing --id 'deviceid' --remove abcdef")); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl DeviceSharing --id 'deviceid' --add Guest --start " + localISOTime + " --duration 30")); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl DeviceSharing --id 'deviceid' --add Guest --start " + localISOTime + " --duration 30 --daily")); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl DeviceSharing --id 'deviceid' --add Guest --type desktop,terminal --consent prompt")); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); if (process.platform == 'win32') { console.log(" --id [deviceid] - The device identifier."); } else { console.log(" --id '[deviceid]' - The device identifier."); } console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --remove [shareid] - Remove a device sharing link."); console.log(" --add [guestname] - Add a device sharing link."); console.log(" --type [desktop,terminal,files] - Type of sharing to add, can be combined. default is desktop."); console.log(" --viewonly - Make desktop sharing view only."); console.log(" --consent [notify,prompt] - Consent flags, default is notify."); console.log(" --start [yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss] - Start time, default is now."); console.log(" --end [yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss] - End time."); console.log(" --duration [minutes] - Duration of the share, default is 60 minutes."); console.log(" --daily - Add recurring daily device share."); console.log(" --weekly - Add recurring weekly device share."); break; } case 'agentdownload': { console.log("Download an agent of a specific type for a given device group, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl AgentDownload --id 'groupid' --type 3")); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --type [ArchitectureNumber] - Agent architecture number."); if (process.platform == 'win32') { console.log(" --id [groupid] - The device group identifier."); } else { console.log(" --id '[groupid]' - The device group identifier."); } break; } case 'upload': { console.log("Upload a local file to a remote device, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl Upload --id 'deviceid' --file sample.txt --target c:\\")); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl Upload --id 'deviceid' --file sample.txt --target /tmp")); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); if (process.platform == 'win32') { console.log(" --id [deviceid] - The device identifier."); } else { console.log(" --id '[deviceid]' - The device identifier."); } console.log(" --file [localfile] - The local file to upload."); console.log(" --target [remotepath] - The remote path to upload the file to."); break; } case 'download': { console.log("Download a file from a remote device, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl Download --id 'deviceid' --file C:\\sample.txt --target c:\\temp")); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl Download --id 'deviceid' --file /tmp/sample.txt --target /tmp")); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); if (process.platform == 'win32') { console.log(" --id [deviceid] - The device identifier."); } else { console.log(" --id '[deviceid]' - The device identifier."); } console.log(" --file [remotefile] - The remote file to download."); console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --target [localpath] - The local path to download the file to."); break; } case 'deviceopenurl': { console.log("Open a web page on a remote device, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl DeviceOpenUrl --id 'deviceid' --openurl http://meshcentral.com")); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); if (process.platform == 'win32') { console.log(" --id [deviceid] - The device identifier."); } else { console.log(" --id '[deviceid]' - The device identifier."); } console.log(" --openurl [url] - Link to the web page."); break; } case 'devicemessage': { console.log("Display a message on the remote device, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl DeviceMessage --id 'deviceid' --msg \"message\"")); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl DeviceMessage --id 'deviceid' --msg \"message\" --title \"title\"")); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); if (process.platform == 'win32') { console.log(" --id [deviceid] - The device identifier."); } else { console.log(" --id '[deviceid]' - The device identifier."); } console.log(" --msg [message] - The message to display."); console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --title [title] - Messagebox title, default is \"MeshCentral\"."); break; } case 'devicetoast': { console.log("Display a toast message on the remote device, Example usages:\r\n"); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl DeviceToast --id 'deviceid' --msg \"message\"")); console.log(winRemoveSingleQuotes(" MeshCtrl DeviceToast --id 'deviceid' --msg \"message\" --title \"title\"")); console.log("\r\nRequired arguments:\r\n"); if (process.platform == 'win32') { console.log(" --id [deviceid] - The device identifier."); } else { console.log(" --id '[deviceid]' - The device identifier."); } console.log(" --msg [message] - The message to display."); console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --title [title] - Toast title, default is \"MeshCentral\"."); break; } default: { console.log("Get help on an action. Type:\r\n\r\n help [action]\r\n\r\nPossible actions are: " + possibleCommands.join(', ') + '.'); } } } break; } } if (ok) { serverConnect(); } } function displayConfigHelp() { console.log("Perform operations on the config.json file. Example usage:\r\n"); console.log(" MeshCtrl config --show"); console.log("\r\nOptional arguments:\r\n"); console.log(" --show - Display the config.json file."); console.log(" --listdomains - Display non-default domains."); console.log(" --adddomain [domain] - Add a domain."); console.log(" --removedomain [domain] - Remove a domain."); console.log(" --settodomain [domain] - Set values to the domain."); console.log(" --removefromdomain [domain] - Remove values from the domain."); console.log("\r\nWith adddomain, removedomain, settodomain and removefromdomain you can add the key and value pair. For example:\r\n"); console.log(" --adddomain \"MyDomain\" --title \"My Server Name\" --newAccounts false"); console.log(" --settodomain \"MyDomain\" --title \"My Server Name\""); console.log(" --removefromdomain \"MyDomain\" --title"); } function performConfigOperations(args) { var domainValues = ['title', 'title2', 'titlepicture', 'trustedcert', 'welcomepicture', 'welcometext', 'userquota', 'meshquota', 'newaccounts', 'usernameisemail', 'newaccountemaildomains', 'newaccountspass', 'newaccountsrights', 'geolocation', 'lockagentdownload', 'userconsentflags', 'Usersessionidletimeout', 'auth', 'ldapoptions', 'ldapusername', 'ldapuserbinarykey', 'ldapuseremail', 'footer', 'certurl', 'loginKey', 'userallowedip', 'agentallowedip', 'agentnoproxy', 'agentconfig', 'orphanagentuser', 'httpheaders', 'yubikey', 'passwordrequirements', 'limits', 'amtacmactivation', 'redirects', 'sessionrecording', 'hide']; var domainObjectValues = [ 'ldapoptions', 'httpheaders', 'yubikey', 'passwordrequirements', 'limits', 'amtacmactivation', 'redirects', 'sessionrecording' ]; var domainArrayValues = [ 'newaccountemaildomains', 'newaccountsrights', 'loginkey', 'agentconfig' ]; var configChange = false; var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var configFile = 'config.json'; var didSomething = 0; if (fs.existsSync(configFile) == false) { configFile = path.join('meshcentral-data', 'config.json'); } if (fs.existsSync(configFile) == false) { configFile = path.join(__dirname, 'config.json'); } if (fs.existsSync(configFile) == false) { configFile = path.join(__dirname, 'meshcentral-data', 'config.json'); } if (fs.existsSync(configFile) == false) { configFile = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'meshcentral-data', 'config.json'); } if (fs.existsSync(configFile) == false) { configFile = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'meshcentral-data', 'config.json'); } if (fs.existsSync(configFile) == false) { console.log("Unable to find config.json."); return; } var config = null; try { config = fs.readFileSync(configFile).toString('utf8'); } catch (ex) { console.log("Error: Unable to read config.json"); return; } try { config = require(configFile); } catch (e) { console.log('ERROR: Unable to parse ' + configFilePath + '.'); return null; } if (args.adddomain != null) { didSomething++; if (config.domains == null) { config.domains = {}; } if (config.domains[args.adddomain] != null) { console.log("Error: Domain \"" + args.adddomain + "\" already exists"); } else { configChange = true; config.domains[args.adddomain] = {}; for (var i in args) { if (domainValues.indexOf(i.toLowerCase()) >= 0) { if (args[i] == 'true') { args[i] = true; } else if (args[i] == 'false') { args[i] = false; } else if (parseInt(args[i]) == args[i]) { args[i] = parseInt(args[i]); } config.domains[args.adddomain][i] = args[i]; configChange = true; } } } } if (args.removedomain != null) { didSomething++; if (config.domains == null) { config.domains = {}; } if (config.domains[args.removedomain] == null) { console.log("Error: Domain \"" + args.removedomain + "\" does not exist"); } else { delete config.domains[args.removedomain]; configChange = true; } } if (args.settodomain != null) { didSomething++; if (config.domains == null) { config.domains = {}; } if (args.settodomain == true) { args.settodomain = ''; } if (config.domains[args.settodomain] == null) { console.log("Error: Domain \"" + args.settodomain + "\" does not exist"); } else { for (var i in args) { if ((i == '_') || (i == 'settodomain')) continue; if (domainValues.indexOf(i.toLowerCase()) >= 0) { var isObj = (domainObjectValues.indexOf(i.toLowerCase()) >= 0); var isArr = (domainArrayValues.indexOf(i.toLowerCase()) >= 0); if ((isObj == false) && (isArr == false)) { // Simple value set if (args[i] == '') { delete config.domains[args.settodomain][i]; configChange = true; } else { if (args[i] == 'true') { args[i] = true; } else if (args[i] == 'false') { args[i] = false; } else if (parseInt(args[i]) == args[i]) { args[i] = parseInt(args[i]); } config.domains[args.settodomain][i] = args[i]; configChange = true; } } else if (isObj || isArr) { // Set an object/array value if (args[i] == '') { delete config.domains[args.settodomain][i]; configChange = true; } else { var x = null; try { x = JSON.parse(args[i]); } catch (ex) { } if ((x == null) || (typeof x != 'object')) { console.log("Unable to parse JSON for " + i + "."); } else { if (isArr && Array.isArray(x) == false) { console.log("Value " + i + " must be an array."); } else if (!isArr && Array.isArray(x) == true) { console.log("Value " + i + " must be an object."); } else { config.domains[args.settodomain][i] = x; configChange = true; } } } } } else { console.log('Invalid configuration value: ' + i); } } } } if (args.removefromdomain != null) { didSomething++; if (config.domains == null) { config.domains = {}; } if (config.domains[args.removefromdomain] == null) { console.log("Error: Domain \"" + args.removefromdomain + "\" does not exist"); } else { for (var i in args) { if (domainValues.indexOf(i.toLowerCase()) >= 0) { delete config.domains[args.removefromdomain][i]; configChange = true; } } } } if (configChange) { try { fs.writeFileSync(configFile, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); } catch (ex) { console.log("Error: Unable to read config.json"); return; } } if (args.show == 1) { console.log(JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); return; } else if (args.listdomains == 1) { if (config.domains == null) { console.log('No domains found.'); return; } else { // Show the list of active domains, skip the default one. for (var i in config.domains) { if ((i != '') && (i[0] != '_')) { console.log(i); } } return; } } else { if (didSomething == 0) { displayConfigHelp(); } else { console.log("Done."); } } } function onVerifyServer(clientName, certs) { return null; } function serverConnect() { const WebSocket = require('ws'); var url = 'wss://localhost/control.ashx'; if (args.url) { url = args.url; if (url.length < 5) { console.log("Invalid url."); process.exit(); return; } if ((url.startsWith('wss://') == false) && (url.startsWith('ws://') == false)) { console.log("Invalid url."); process.exit(); return; } var i = url.indexOf('?key='), loginKey = null; if (i >= 0) { loginKey = url.substring(i + 5); url = url.substring(0, i); } if (url.endsWith('/') == false) { url += '/'; } url += 'control.ashx'; if (loginKey != null) { url += '?key=' + loginKey; } } // TODO: checkServerIdentity does not work??? var options = { rejectUnauthorized: false, checkServerIdentity: onVerifyServer } // Setup the HTTP proxy if needed if (args.proxy != null) { const HttpsProxyAgent = require('https-proxy-agent'); options.agent = new HttpsProxyAgent(require('url').parse(args.proxy)); } // Password authentication if (args.loginpass != null) { var username = 'admin'; if (args.loginuser != null) { username = args.loginuser; } var token = ''; if (args.token != null) { token = ',' + Buffer.from('' + args.token).toString('base64'); } options.headers = { 'x-meshauth': Buffer.from('' + username).toString('base64') + ',' + Buffer.from('' + args.loginpass).toString('base64') + token } } // Cookie authentication var ckey = null, loginCookie = null; if (args.loginkey != null) { // User key passed in a argument hex if (args.loginkey.length != 160) { loginCookie = args.loginkey; } ckey = Buffer.from(args.loginkey, 'hex'); if (ckey != 80) { ckey = null; loginCookie = args.loginkey; } } else if (args.loginkeyfile != null) { // Load key from hex file var fs = require('fs'); try { var keydata = fs.readFileSync(args.loginkeyfile, 'utf8').split(' ').join('').split('\r').join('').split('\n').join(''); ckey = Buffer.from(keydata, 'hex'); if (ckey.length != 80) { ckey = null; loginCookie = args.loginkey; } } catch (ex) { console.log(ex.message); process.exit(); return; } } settings.xxurl = url; if (ckey != null) { var domainid = '', username = 'admin'; if (args.logindomain != null) { domainid = args.logindomain; } if (args.loginuser != null) { username = args.loginuser; } url += '?auth=' + encodeCookie({ userid: 'user/' + domainid + '/' + username, domainid: domainid }, ckey); } else { if (args.logindomain != null) { console.log("--logindomain can only be used along with --loginkey."); process.exit(); return; } if (loginCookie != null) { url += '?auth=' + loginCookie; } } const ws = new WebSocket(url, options); //console.log('Connecting to ' + url); ws.on('open', function open() { //console.log('Connected.'); switch (settings.cmd) { case 'serverinfo': { break; } case 'userinfo': { break; } case 'listusers': { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'users', responseid: 'meshctrl' })); break; } case 'listusersessions': { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'wssessioncount', responseid: 'meshctrl' })); break; } case 'removeallusersfromusergroup': case 'listusergroups': { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'usergroups', responseid: 'meshctrl' })); break; } case 'listdevicegroups': { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'meshes', responseid: 'meshctrl' })); break; } case 'listusersofdevicegroup': { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'meshes', responseid: 'meshctrl' })); break; } case 'listdevices': { if (args.details) { // Get list of devices with lots of details ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'getDeviceDetails', type: (args.csv)?'csv':'json' })); } else if (args.group) { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'nodes', meshname: args.group, responseid: 'meshctrl' })); } else if (args.id) { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'nodes', meshid: args.id, responseid: 'meshctrl' })); } else { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'meshes' })); ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'nodes', responseid: 'meshctrl' })); } break; } case 'listevents': { limit = null; if (args.limit) { limit = parseInt(args.limit); } if ((typeof limit != 'number') || (limit < 1)) { limit = null; } var cmd = null; if (args.userid) { cmd = { action: 'events', user: args.userid, responseid: 'meshctrl' }; } else if (args.id) { cmd = { action: 'events', nodeid: args.id, responseid: 'meshctrl' }; } else { cmd = { action: 'events', responseid: 'meshctrl' }; } if (typeof limit == 'number') { cmd.limit = limit; } ws.send(JSON.stringify(cmd)); break; } case 'logintokens': { if (args.add) { var cmd = { action: 'createLoginToken', name: args.add, expire: 0, responseid: 'meshctrl' }; if (args.expire) { cmd.expire = parseInt(args.expire); } ws.send(JSON.stringify(cmd)); } else { var cmd = { action: 'loginTokens', responseid: 'meshctrl' }; if (args.remove) { cmd.remove = [args.remove]; } ws.send(JSON.stringify(cmd)); } break; } case 'adduser': { var siteadmin = getSiteAdminRights(args); if (args.randompass) { args.pass = getRandomAmtPassword(); } var op = { action: 'adduser', username: args.user, pass: args.pass, responseid: 'meshctrl' }; if (args.email) { op.email = args.email; if (args.emailverified) { op.emailVerified = true; } } if (args.resetpass) { op.resetNextLogin = true; } if (siteadmin != -1) { op.siteadmin = siteadmin; } if (args.domain) { op.domain = args.domain; } if (args.phone === true) { op.phone = ''; } if (typeof args.phone == 'string') { op.phone = args.phone; } if (typeof args.realname == 'string') { op.realname = args.realname; } ws.send(JSON.stringify(op)); break; } case 'edituser': { var userid = args.userid; if ((args.domain != null) && (userid.indexOf('/') < 0)) { userid = 'user/' + args.domain + '/' + userid; } var siteadmin = getSiteAdminRights(args); var op = { action: 'edituser', userid: userid, responseid: 'meshctrl' }; if (args.email) { op.email = args.email; if (args.emailverified) { op.emailVerified = true; } } if (args.resetpass) { op.resetNextLogin = true; } if (siteadmin != -1) { op.siteadmin = siteadmin; } if (args.domain) { op.domain = args.domain; } if (args.phone === true) { op.phone = ''; } if (typeof args.phone == 'string') { op.phone = args.phone; } if (typeof args.realname == 'string') { op.realname = args.realname; } if (args.realname === true) { op.realname = ''; } ws.send(JSON.stringify(op)); break; } case 'removeuser': { var userid = args.userid; if ((args.domain != null) && (userid.indexOf('/') < 0)) { userid = 'user/' + args.domain + '/' + userid; } ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'deleteuser', userid: userid, responseid: 'meshctrl' })); break; } case 'addusergroup': { var op = { action: 'createusergroup', name: args.name, desc: args.desc, responseid: 'meshctrl' }; if (args.domain) { op.domain = args.domain; } ws.send(JSON.stringify(op)); break; } case 'removeusergroup': { var ugrpid = args.groupid; if ((args.domain != null) && (userid.indexOf('/') < 0)) { ugrpid = 'ugrp/' + args.domain + '/' + ugrpid; } ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'deleteusergroup', ugrpid: ugrpid, responseid: 'meshctrl' })); break; } case 'addtousergroup': { var ugrpid = args.groupid; if ((args.domain != null) && (userid.indexOf('/') < 0)) { ugrpid = 'ugrp/' + args.domain + '/' + ugrpid; } // Add a user to a user group if (args.userid != null) { var userid = args.userid; if ((args.domain != null) && (userid.indexOf('/') < 0)) { userid = 'user/' + args.domain + '/' + userid; } ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'addusertousergroup', ugrpid: ugrpid, usernames: [userid.split('/')[2]], responseid: 'meshctrl' })); break; } if ((args.id != null) && (args.id.startsWith('user/'))) { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'addusertousergroup', ugrpid: ugrpid, usernames: [args.id.split('/')[2]], responseid: 'meshctrl' })); break; } var rights = 0; if (args.rights != null) { rights = parseInt(args.rights); } // Add a device group to a user group if (args.meshid != null) { var meshid = args.meshid; if ((args.domain != null) && (userid.indexOf('/') < 0)) { meshid = 'mesh/' + args.domain + '/' + meshid; } ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'addmeshuser', meshid: meshid, userid: ugrpid, meshadmin: rights, responseid: 'meshctrl' })); break; } if ((args.id != null) && (args.id.startsWith('mesh/'))) { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'addmeshuser', meshid: args.id, userid: ugrpid, meshadmin: rights, responseid: 'meshctrl' })); break; } // Add a device to a user group if (args.nodeid != null) { var nodeid = args.nodeid; if ((args.domain != null) && (userid.indexOf('/') < 0)) { nodeid = 'node/' + args.domain + '/' + nodeid; } ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'adddeviceuser', nodeid: nodeid, userids: [ugrpid], rights: rights, responseid: 'meshctrl' })); break; } if ((args.id != null) && (args.id.startsWith('node/'))) { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'adddeviceuser', nodeid: args.id, userids: [ugrpid], rights: rights, responseid: 'meshctrl' })); break; } break; } case 'removefromusergroup': { var ugrpid = args.groupid; if ((args.domain != null) && (userid.indexOf('/') < 0)) { ugrpid = 'ugrp/' + args.domain + '/' + ugrpid; } // Remove a user from a user group if (args.userid != null) { var userid = args.userid; if ((args.domain != null) && (userid.indexOf('/') < 0)) { userid = 'user/' + args.domain + '/' + userid; } ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'removeuserfromusergroup', ugrpid: ugrpid, userid: userid, responseid: 'meshctrl' })); break; } if ((args.id != null) && (args.id.startsWith('user/'))) { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'removeuserfromusergroup', ugrpid: ugrpid, userid: args.id, responseid: 'meshctrl' })); break; } // Remove a device group from a user group if (args.meshid != null) { var meshid = args.meshid; if ((args.domain != null) && (userid.indexOf('/') < 0)) { meshid = 'mesh/' + args.domain + '/' + meshid; } ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'removemeshuser', meshid: meshid, userid: ugrpid, responseid: 'meshctrl' })); break; } if ((args.id != null) && (args.id.startsWith('mesh/'))) { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'removemeshuser', meshid: args.id, userid: ugrpid, responseid: 'meshctrl' })); break; } // Remove a device from a user group if (args.nodeid != null) { var nodeid = args.nodeid; if ((args.domain != null) && (userid.indexOf('/') < 0)) { nodeid = 'node/' + args.domain + '/' + nodeid; } ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'adddeviceuser', nodeid: nodeid, userids: [ugrpid], rights: 0, responseid: 'meshctrl', remove: true })); break; } if ((args.id != null) && (args.id.startsWith('node/'))) { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'adddeviceuser', nodeid: args.id, userids: [ugrpid], rights: 0, responseid: 'meshctrl', remove: true })); break; } break; } case 'adddevicegroup': { var op = { action: 'createmesh', meshname: args.name, meshtype: 2, responseid: 'meshctrl' }; if (args.desc) { op.desc = args.desc; } if (args.amtonly) { op.meshtype = 1; } if (args.features) { op.flags = parseInt(args.features); } if (args.consent) { op.consent = parseInt(args.consent); } ws.send(JSON.stringify(op)); break; } case 'removedevicegroup': { var op = { action: 'deletemesh', responseid: 'meshctrl' }; if (args.id) { op.meshid = args.id; } else if (args.group) { op.meshname = args.group; } ws.send(JSON.stringify(op)); break; } case 'editdevicegroup': { var op = { action: 'editmesh', responseid: 'meshctrl' }; if (args.id) { op.meshid = args.id; } else if (args.group) { op.meshidname = args.group; } if ((typeof args.name == 'string') && (args.name != '')) { op.meshname = args.name; } if (args.desc === true) { op.desc = ""; } else if (typeof args.desc == 'string') { op.desc = args.desc; } if (args.invitecodes === true) { op.invite = "*"; } else if (typeof args.invitecodes == 'string') { var invitecodes = args.invitecodes.split(','), invitecodes2 = []; for (var i in invitecodes) { if (invitecodes[i].length > 0) { invitecodes2.push(invitecodes[i]); } } if (invitecodes2.length > 0) { op.invite = { codes: invitecodes2, flags: 0 }; if (args.backgroundonly === true) { op.invite.flags = 2; } else if (args.interactiveonly === true) { op.invite.flags = 1; } } } if (args.flags != null) { var flags = parseInt(args.flags); if (typeof flags == 'number') { op.flags = flags; } } if (args.consent != null) { var consent = parseInt(args.consent); if (typeof consent == 'number') { op.consent = consent; } } ws.send(JSON.stringify(op)); break; } case 'movetodevicegroup': { var op = { action: 'changeDeviceMesh', responseid: 'meshctrl', nodeids: [ args.devid ] }; if (args.id) { op.meshid = args.id; } else if (args.group) { op.meshname = args.group; } ws.send(JSON.stringify(op)); break; } case 'addusertodevicegroup': { var meshrights = 0; if (args.fullrights) { meshrights = 0xFFFFFFFF; } if (args.editgroup) { meshrights |= 1; } if (args.manageusers) { meshrights |= 2; } if (args.managedevices) { meshrights |= 4; } if (args.remotecontrol) { meshrights |= 8; } if (args.agentconsole) { meshrights |= 16; } if (args.serverfiles) { meshrights |= 32; } if (args.wakedevices) { meshrights |= 64; } if (args.notes) { meshrights |= 128; } if (args.desktopviewonly) { meshrights |= 256; } if (args.noterminal) { meshrights |= 512; } if (args.nofiles) { meshrights |= 1024; } if (args.noamt) { meshrights |= 2048; } if (args.limiteddesktop) { meshrights |= 4096; } if (args.limitedevents) { meshrights |= 8192; } if (args.chatnotify) { meshrights |= 16384; } if (args.uninstall) { meshrights |= 32768; } var op = { action: 'addmeshuser', usernames: [args.userid], meshadmin: meshrights, responseid: 'meshctrl' }; if (args.id) { op.meshid = args.id; } else if (args.group) { op.meshname = args.group; } ws.send(JSON.stringify(op)); break; } case 'removeuserfromdevicegroup': { var op = { action: 'removemeshuser', userid: args.userid, responseid: 'meshctrl' }; if (args.id) { op.meshid = args.id; } else if (args.group) { op.meshname = args.group; } ws.send(JSON.stringify(op)); break; } case 'addusertodevice': { var meshrights = 0; if (args.fullrights) { meshrights = (8 + 16 + 32 + 64 + 128 + 16384 + 32768); } if (args.remotecontrol) { meshrights |= 8; } if (args.agentconsole) { meshrights |= 16; } if (args.serverfiles) { meshrights |= 32; } if (args.wakedevices) { meshrights |= 64; } if (args.notes) { meshrights |= 128; } if (args.desktopviewonly) { meshrights |= 256; } if (args.noterminal) { meshrights |= 512; } if (args.nofiles) { meshrights |= 1024; } if (args.noamt) { meshrights |= 2048; } if (args.limiteddesktop) { meshrights |= 4096; } if (args.limitedevents) { meshrights |= 8192; } if (args.chatnotify) { meshrights |= 16384; } if (args.uninstall) { meshrights |= 32768; } var op = { action: 'adddeviceuser', nodeid: args.id, usernames: [args.userid], rights: meshrights, responseid: 'meshctrl' }; ws.send(JSON.stringify(op)); break; } case 'removeuserfromdevice': { var op = { action: 'adddeviceuser', nodeid: args.id, usernames: [args.userid], rights: 0, remove: true, responseid: 'meshctrl' }; ws.send(JSON.stringify(op)); break; } case 'sendinviteemail': { var op = { action: 'inviteAgent', email: args.email, name: '', os: '0', responseid: 'meshctrl' } if (args.id) { op.meshid = args.id; } else if (args.group) { op.meshname = args.group; } if (args.name) { op.name = args.name; } if (args.message) { op.msg = args.message; } ws.send(JSON.stringify(op)); break; } case 'generateinvitelink': { var op = { action: 'createInviteLink', expire: args.hours, flags: 0, responseid: 'meshctrl' } if (args.id) { op.meshid = args.id; } else if (args.group) { op.meshname = args.group; } if (args.flags) { op.flags = args.flags; } ws.send(JSON.stringify(op)); break; } case 'broadcast': { var op = { action: 'userbroadcast', msg: args.msg, responseid: 'meshctrl' }; if (args.user) { op.userid = args.user; } ws.send(JSON.stringify(op)); break; } case 'showevents': { console.log('Connected. Press ctrl-c to end.'); break; } case 'deviceinfo': { settings.deviceinfocount = 4; ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'nodes' })); ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'getnetworkinfo', nodeid: args.id, responseid: 'meshctrl' })); ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'lastconnect', nodeid: args.id, responseid: 'meshctrl' })); ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'getsysinfo', nodeid: args.id, nodeinfo: true, responseid: 'meshctrl' })); break; } case 'editdevice': { var op = { action: 'changedevice', nodeid: args.id, responseid: 'meshctrl' }; if (typeof args.name == 'string') { op.name = args.name; } if (typeof args.name == 'number') { op.name = '' + args.name; } if (args.desc) { if (args.desc === true) { op.desc = ''; } else if (typeof args.desc == 'string') { op.desc = args.desc; } else if (typeof args.desc == 'number') { op.desc = '' + args.desc; } } if (args.tags) { if (args.tags === true) { op.tags = ''; } else if (typeof args.tags == 'string') { op.tags = args.tags.split(','); } else if (typeof args.tags == 'number') { op.tags = '' + args.tags; } } if (args.icon) { op.icon = parseInt(args.icon); if ((typeof op.icon != 'number') || isNaN(op.icon) || (op.icon < 1) || (op.icon > 8)) { console.log("Icon must be between 1 and 8."); process.exit(1); return; } } if (args.consent) { op.consent = parseInt(args.consent); if ((typeof op.consent != 'number') || isNaN(op.consent) || (op.consent < 1)) { console.log("Invalid consent flags."); process.exit(1); return; } } ws.send(JSON.stringify(op)); break; } case 'runcommand': { var runAsUser = 0; if (args.runasuser) { runAsUser = 1; } else if (args.runasuseronly) { runAsUser = 2; } ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'runcommands', nodeids: [args.id], type: ((args.powershell) ? 2 : 0), cmds: args.run, responseid: 'meshctrl', runAsUser: runAsUser })); break; } case 'shell': case 'upload': case 'download': { ws.send("{\"action\":\"authcookie\"}"); break; } case 'devicepower': { var nodes = args.id.split(','); if (args.wake) { // Wake operation ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'wakedevices', nodeids: nodes, responseid: 'meshctrl' })); } else if (args.off) { // Power off operation ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'poweraction', nodeids: nodes, actiontype: 2, responseid: 'meshctrl' })); } else if (args.reset) { // Reset operation ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'poweraction', nodeids: nodes, actiontype: 3, responseid: 'meshctrl' })); } else if (args.sleep) { // Sleep operation ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'poweraction', nodeids: nodes, actiontype: 4, responseid: 'meshctrl' })); } else { console.log('No power operation specified.'); process.exit(1); } break; } case 'agentdownload': { // Download an agent var u = settings.xxurl.replace('wss://', 'https://').replace('/control.ashx', '/meshagents'); if (u.indexOf('?') > 0) { u += '&'; } else { u += '?'; } u += 'id=' + args.type + '&meshid=' + args.id; const options = { rejectUnauthorized: false, checkServerIdentity: onVerifyServer } const fs = require('fs'); const https = require('https'); var downloadSize = 0; const req = https.request(u, options, function (res) { if (res.statusCode != 200) { console.log('Download error, statusCode: ' + res.statusCode); process.exit(1); } else { // Agent the agent filename var agentFileName = 'meshagent'; if ((res.headers) && (res.headers['content-disposition'] != null)) { var i = res.headers['content-disposition'].indexOf('filename=\"'); if (i >= 0) { agentFileName = res.headers['content-disposition'].substring(i + 10); i = agentFileName.indexOf('\"'); if (i >= 0) { agentFileName = agentFileName.substring(0, i); } } } // Check if this file already exists if (fs.existsSync(agentFileName)) { console.log('File \"' + agentFileName + '\" already exists.'); process.exit(1); } var fd = fs.openSync(agentFileName, 'w'); // Open the file for writing res.on('data', function (d) { downloadSize += d.length; fs.writeSync(fd, d); // Save to file }); res.on('end', function (d) { fs.closeSync(fd); // Close file console.log('Downloaded ' + downloadSize + ' byte(s) to \"' + agentFileName + '\"'); process.exit(1); }); } }) req.on('error', function (error) { console.error(error); process.exit(1); }) req.end() break; } case 'devicesharing': { if (args.add) { if (args.add.length == 0) { console.log("Invalid guest name."); process.exit(1); } // Sharing type, desktop or terminal var p = 0; if (args.type != null) { var shareTypes = args.type.toLowerCase().split(','); for (var i in shareTypes) { if ((shareTypes[i] != 'terminal') && (shareTypes[i] != 'desktop') && (shareTypes[i] != 'files')) { console.log("Unknown sharing type: " + shareTypes[i]); process.exit(1); } } if (shareTypes.indexOf('terminal') >= 0) { p |= 1; } if (shareTypes.indexOf('desktop') >= 0) { p |= 2; } if (shareTypes.indexOf('files') >= 0) { p |= 4; } } if (p == 0) { p = 2; } // Desktop // Sharing view only var viewOnly = false; if (args.viewonly) { viewOnly = true; } // User consent var consent = 0; if (args.consent == null) { if ((p & 1) != 0) { consent = 0x0002; } // Terminal notify if ((p & 2) != 0) { consent = 0x0001; } // Desktop notify if ((p & 4) != 0) { consent = 0x0004; } // Files notify } else { if (typeof args.consent == 'string') { var flagStrs = args.consent.split(','); for (var i in flagStrs) { var flagStr = flagStrs[i].toLowerCase(); if (flagStr == 'none') { consent = 0; } else if (flagStr == 'notify') { if ((p & 1) != 0) { consent |= 0x0002; } // Terminal notify if ((p & 2) != 0) { consent |= 0x0001; } // Desktop notify if ((p & 4) != 0) { consent |= 0x0004; } // Files notify } else if (flagStr == 'prompt') { if ((p & 1) != 0) { consent |= 0x0010; } // Terminal prompt if ((p & 2) != 0) { consent |= 0x0008; } // Desktop prompt if ((p & 4) != 0) { consent |= 0x0020; } // Files prompt } else if (flagStr == 'bar') { if ((p & 2) != 0) { consent |= 0x0040; } // Desktop toolbar } else { console.log("Unknown consent type."); process.exit(1); return; } } } } // Start and end time var start = null, end = null; if (args.start) { start = Math.floor(Date.parse(args.start) / 1000); end = start + (60 * 60); } if (args.end) { if (start == null) { start = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) } end = Math.floor(Date.parse(args.end) / 1000); if (end <= start) { console.log("End time must be ahead of start time."); process.exit(1); return; } } if (args.duration) { if (start == null) { start = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) } end = start + parseInt(args.duration * 60); } // Recurring var recurring = 0; if (args.daily) { recurring = 1; } else if (args.weekly) { recurring = 2; } if (recurring > 0) { if (args.end != null) { console.log("End time can't be specified for recurring shares, use --duration only."); process.exit(1); return; } if (args.duration == null) { args.duration = 60; } else { args.duration = parseInt(args.duration); } if (start == null) { start = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) } if ((typeof args.duration != 'number') || (args.duration < 1)) { console.log("Invalid duration value."); process.exit(1); return; } // Recurring sharing ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'createDeviceShareLink', nodeid: args.id, guestname: args.add, p: p, consent: consent, start: start, expire: args.duration, recurring: recurring, viewOnly: viewOnly, responseid: 'meshctrl' })); } else { if ((start == null) && (end == null)) { // Unlimited sharing ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'createDeviceShareLink', nodeid: args.id, guestname: args.add, p: p, consent: consent, expire: 0, viewOnly: viewOnly, responseid: 'meshctrl' })); } else { // Time limited sharing ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'createDeviceShareLink', nodeid: args.id, guestname: args.add, p: p, consent: consent, start: start, end: end, viewOnly: viewOnly, responseid: 'meshctrl' })); } } } else if (args.remove) { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'removeDeviceShare', nodeid: args.id, publicid: args.remove, responseid: 'meshctrl' })); } else { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'deviceShares', nodeid: args.id, responseid: 'meshctrl' })); } break; } case 'deviceopenurl': { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'msg', type: 'openUrl', nodeid: args.id, url: args.openurl, responseid: 'meshctrl' })); break; } case 'devicemessage': { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'msg', type: 'messagebox', nodeid: args.id, title: args.title ? args.title : "MeshCentral", msg: args.msg, responseid: 'meshctrl' })); break; } case 'devicetoast': { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'toast', nodeids: [args.id], title: args.title ? args.title : "MeshCentral", msg: args.msg, responseid: 'meshctrl' })); break; } } }); function getSiteAdminRights(args) { var siteadmin = -1; if (typeof args.rights == 'number') { siteadmin = args.rights; } else if (typeof args.rights == 'string') { siteadmin = 0; var srights = args.rights.toLowerCase().split(','); if (srights.indexOf('full') != -1) { siteadmin = 0xFFFFFFFF; } if (srights.indexOf('none') != -1) { siteadmin = 0x00000000; } if (srights.indexOf('backup') != -1) { siteadmin |= 0x00000001; } if (srights.indexOf('manageusers') != -1) { siteadmin |= 0x00000002; } if (srights.indexOf('restore') != -1) { siteadmin |= 0x00000004; } if (srights.indexOf('fileaccess') != -1) { siteadmin |= 0x00000008; } if (srights.indexOf('update') != -1) { siteadmin |= 0x00000010; } if (srights.indexOf('locked') != -1) { siteadmin |= 0x00000020; } if (srights.indexOf('nonewgroups') != -1) { siteadmin |= 0x00000040; } if (srights.indexOf('notools') != -1) { siteadmin |= 0x00000080; } if (srights.indexOf('usergroups') != -1) { siteadmin |= 0x00000100; } if (srights.indexOf('recordings') != -1) { siteadmin |= 0x00000200; } if (srights.indexOf('locksettings') != -1) { siteadmin |= 0x00000400; } if (srights.indexOf('allevents') != -1) { siteadmin |= 0x00000800; } } if (args.siteadmin) { siteadmin = 0xFFFFFFFF; } if (args.manageusers) { if (siteadmin == -1) { siteadmin = 0; } siteadmin |= 2; } if (args.fileaccess) { if (siteadmin == -1) { siteadmin = 0; } siteadmin |= 8; } if (args.serverupdate) { if (siteadmin == -1) { siteadmin = 0; } siteadmin |= 16; } if (args.locked) { if (siteadmin == -1) { siteadmin = 0; } siteadmin |= 32; } if (args.nonewgroups) { if (siteadmin == -1) { siteadmin = 0; } siteadmin |= 64; } if (args.notools) { if (siteadmin == -1) { siteadmin = 0; } siteadmin |= 128; } return siteadmin; } ws.on('close', function() { process.exit(); }); ws.on('error', function (err) { if (err.code == 'ENOTFOUND') { console.log('Unable to resolve ' + url); } else if (err.code == 'ECONNREFUSED') { console.log('Unable to connect to ' + url); } else { console.log(err); } process.exit(); }); ws.on('message', function incoming(rawdata) { var data = null; try { data = JSON.parse(rawdata); } catch (ex) { } if (data == null) { console.log('Unable to parse data: ' + rawdata); } if (settings.cmd == 'showevents') { if (args.filter == null) { // Display all events console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)); } else { // Display select events var filters = args.filter.split(','); if (typeof data.event == 'object') { if (filters.indexOf(data.event.action) >= 0) { console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, 2) + '\r\n'); } } else { if (filters.indexOf(data.action) >= 0) { console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, 2) + '\r\n'); } } } return; } switch (data.action) { case 'serverinfo': { // SERVERINFO settings.currentDomain = data.serverinfo.domain; if (settings.cmd == 'serverinfo') { if (args.json) { console.log(JSON.stringify(data.serverinfo, ' ', 2)); } else { for (var i in data.serverinfo) { console.log(i + ':', data.serverinfo[i]); } } process.exit(); } break; } case 'events': { if (settings.cmd == 'listevents') { if (args.raw) { // RAW JSON console.log(JSON.stringify(data.events)); } else if (args.json) { // Formatted JSON console.log(JSON.stringify(data.events, null, 2)); } else { if ((args.id == null) && (args.userid == null)) { // CSV format console.log("time,type,action,nodeid,userid,msg"); for (var i in data.events) { var x = []; x.push(data.events[i].time); x.push(data.events[i].etype); x.push(data.events[i].action); x.push(data.events[i].nodeid); x.push(data.events[i].userid); x.push(data.events[i].msg); console.log(csvFormatArray(x)); } } else if (args.id != null) { // CSV format console.log("time,type,action,userid,msg"); for (var i in data.events) { var x = []; x.push(data.events[i].time); x.push(data.events[i].etype); x.push(data.events[i].action); x.push(data.events[i].userid); x.push(data.events[i].msg); console.log(csvFormatArray(x)); } } else if (args.userid != null) { // CSV format console.log("time,type,action,nodeid,msg"); for (var i in data.events) { var x = []; x.push(data.events[i].time); x.push(data.events[i].etype); x.push(data.events[i].action); x.push(data.events[i].nodeid); x.push(data.events[i].msg); console.log(csvFormatArray(x)); } } } process.exit(); } break; } case 'authcookie': { // SHELL, UPLOAD, DOWNLOAD if ((settings.cmd == 'shell') || (settings.cmd == 'upload') || (settings.cmd == 'download')) { var protocol = 1; // Terminal if ((settings.cmd == 'upload') || (settings.cmd == 'download')) { protocol = 5; } // Files if ((args.id.split('/') != 3) && (settings.currentDomain != null)) { args.id = 'node/' + settings.currentDomain + '/' + args.id; } var id = getRandomHex(6); ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'msg', nodeid: args.id, type: 'tunnel', usage: 1, value: '*/meshrelay.ashx?p=' + protocol + '&nodeid=' + args.id + '&id=' + id + '&rauth=' + data.rcookie, responseid: 'meshctrl' })); connectTunnel(url.replace('/control.ashx', '/meshrelay.ashx?browser=1&p=' + protocol + '&nodeid=' + args.id + '&id=' + id + '&auth=' + data.cookie)); } break; } case 'deviceShares': { // DEVICESHARING if (data.result != null) { console.log(data.result); } else { if ((data.deviceShares == null) || (data.deviceShares.length == 0)) { console.log('No device sharing links for this device.'); } else { if (args.json) { console.log(data.deviceShares); } else { for (var i in data.deviceShares) { var share = data.deviceShares[i]; var shareType = []; if ((share.p & 1) != 0) { shareType.push("Terminal"); } if ((share.p & 2) != 0) { if (share.viewOnly) { shareType.push("View Only Desktop"); } else { shareType.push("Desktop"); } } if ((share.p & 4) != 0) { shareType.push("Files"); } shareType = shareType.join(' + '); if (shareType == '') { shareType = "Unknown"; } var consent = []; if ((share.consent & 0x0001) != 0) { consent.push("Desktop Notify"); } if ((share.consent & 0x0008) != 0) { consent.push("Desktop Prompt"); } if ((share.consent & 0x0040) != 0) { consent.push("Desktop Connection Toolbar"); } if ((share.consent & 0x0002) != 0) { consent.push("Terminal Notify"); } if ((share.consent & 0x0010) != 0) { consent.push("Terminal Prompt"); } if ((share.consent & 0x0004) != 0) { consent.push("Files Notify"); } if ((share.consent & 0x0020) != 0) { consent.push("Files Prompt"); } console.log('----------'); console.log('Identifier: ' + share.publicid); console.log('Type: ' + shareType); console.log('UserId: ' + share.userid); console.log('Guest Name: ' + share.guestName); console.log('User Consent: ' + consent.join(', ')); if (share.startTime) { console.log('Start Time: ' + new Date(share.startTime).toLocaleString()); } if (share.expireTime) { console.log('Expire Time: ' + new Date(share.expireTime).toLocaleString()); } if (share.duration) { console.log('Duration: ' + share.duration + ' minute' + ((share.duration > 1) ? 's' : '')); } if (share.recurring == 1) { console.log('Recurring: ' + 'Daily'); } if (share.recurring == 2) { console.log('Recurring: ' + 'Weekly'); } console.log('URL: ' + share.url); } } } } process.exit(); break; } case 'userinfo': { // USERINFO if (settings.cmd == 'userinfo') { if (args.json) { console.log(JSON.stringify(data.userinfo, ' ', 2)); } else { for (var i in data.userinfo) { console.log(i + ':', data.userinfo[i]); } } process.exit(); } break; } case 'getsysinfo': { // DEVICEINFO if (settings.cmd == 'deviceinfo') { settings.sysinfo = (data.result) ? null : data; if (--settings.deviceinfocount == 0) { displayDeviceInfo(settings.sysinfo, settings.lastconnect, settings.networking, settings.nodes); process.exit(); } } break; } case 'lastconnect': { if (settings.cmd == 'deviceinfo') { settings.lastconnect = (data.result) ? null : data; if (--settings.deviceinfocount == 0) { displayDeviceInfo(settings.sysinfo, settings.lastconnect, settings.networking, settings.nodes); process.exit(); } } break; } case 'getnetworkinfo': { if (settings.cmd == 'deviceinfo') { settings.networking = (data.result) ? null : data; if (--settings.deviceinfocount == 0) { displayDeviceInfo(settings.sysinfo, settings.lastconnect, settings.networking, settings.nodes); process.exit(); } } break; } case 'msg': // SHELL case 'toast': // TOAST case 'adduser': // ADDUSER case 'edituser': // EDITUSER case 'changedevice': // EDITDEVICE case 'deleteuser': // REMOVEUSER case 'createmesh': // ADDDEVICEGROUP case 'deletemesh': // REMOVEDEVICEGROUP case 'editmesh': // EDITDEVICEGROUP case 'wakedevices': case 'changeDeviceMesh': case 'addmeshuser': // case 'removemeshuser': // case 'wakedevices': // case 'inviteAgent': // case 'adddeviceuser': // case 'createusergroup': // case 'deleteusergroup': // case 'runcommands': case 'poweraction': case 'addusertousergroup': case 'removeuserfromusergroup': case 'removeDeviceShare': case 'userbroadcast': { // BROADCAST if ((settings.cmd == 'shell') || (settings.cmd == 'upload') || (settings.cmd == 'download')) return; if ((settings.multiresponse != null) && (settings.multiresponse > 1)) { settings.multiresponse--; break; } if (data.responseid == 'meshctrl') { if (data.meshid) { console.log(data.result, data.meshid); } else if (data.userid) { console.log(data.result, data.userid); } else console.log(data.result); process.exit(); } break; } case 'createDeviceShareLink': if (data.result == 'OK') { if (data.publicid) { console.log('ID: ' + data.publicid); } console.log('URL: ' + data.url); } else { console.log(data.result); } process.exit(); break; case 'createInviteLink': if (data.responseid == 'meshctrl') { if (data.url) { console.log(data.url); } else console.log(data.result); process.exit(); } break; case 'wssessioncount': { // LIST USER SESSIONS if (args.json) { console.log(JSON.stringify(data.wssessions, ' ', 2)); } else { for (var i in data.wssessions) { console.log(i + ', ' + ((data.wssessions[i] > 1) ? (data.wssessions[i] + ' sessions.') : ("1 session."))); } } process.exit(); break; } case 'usergroups': { // LIST USER GROUPS if (settings.cmd == 'listusergroups') { if (args.json) { console.log(JSON.stringify(data.ugroups, ' ', 2)); } else { for (var i in data.ugroups) { var x = i + ', ' + data.ugroups[i].name; if (data.ugroups[i].desc && (data.ugroups[i].desc != '')) { x += ', ' + data.ugroups[i].desc; } console.log(x); var mesh = [], user = [], node = []; if (data.ugroups[i].links != null) { for (var j in data.ugroups[i].links) { if (j.startsWith('mesh/')) { mesh.push(j); } if (j.startsWith('user/')) { user.push(j); } if (j.startsWith('node/')) { node.push(j); } } } console.log(' Users:'); if (user.length > 0) { for (var j in user) { console.log(' ' + user[j]); } } else { console.log(' (None)'); } console.log(' Device Groups:'); if (mesh.length > 0) { for (var j in mesh) { console.log(' ' + mesh[j] + ', ' + data.ugroups[i].links[mesh[j]].rights); } } else { console.log(' (None)'); } console.log(' Devices:'); if (node.length > 0) { for (var j in node) { console.log(' ' + node[j] + ', ' + data.ugroups[i].links[node[j]].rights); } } else { console.log(' (None)'); } } } process.exit(); } else if (settings.cmd == 'removeallusersfromusergroup') { var ugrpid = args.groupid, exit = false; if ((args.domain != null) && (userid.indexOf('/') < 0)) { ugrpid = 'ugrp/' + args.domain + '/' + ugrpid; } var ugroup = data.ugroups[ugrpid]; if (ugroup == null) { console.log('User group not found.'); exit = true; } else { var usercount = 0; if (ugroup.links) { for (var i in ugroup.links) { if (i.startsWith('user/')) { usercount++; ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'removeuserfromusergroup', ugrpid: ugrpid, userid: i, responseid: 'meshctrl' })); console.log('Removing ' + i); } } } if (usercount == 0) { console.log('No users in this user group.'); exit = true; } else { settings.multiresponse = usercount; } } if (exit) { process.exit(); } } break; } case 'users': { // LISTUSERS if (data.result) { console.log(data.result); process.exit(); return; } if (args.filter) { // Filter the list of users var filters = args.filter.toLowerCase().split(','); var filteredusers = []; for (var i in data.users) { var ok = false; if ((filters.indexOf('2fa') >= 0) && ((data.users[i].otphkeys != null) || (data.users[i].otpkeys != null) || (data.users[i].otpsecret != null))) { ok = true; } if ((filters.indexOf('no2fa') >= 0) && ((data.users[i].otphkeys == null) && (data.users[i].otpkeys == null) && (data.users[i].otpsecret == null))) { ok = true; } if (ok == true) { filteredusers.push(data.users[i]); } } data.users = filteredusers; } if (args.json) { console.log(JSON.stringify(data.users, ' ', 2)); } else { if (args.idexists) { for (var i in data.users) { const u = data.users[i]; if ((u._id == args.idexists) || (u._id.split('/')[2] == args.idexists)) { console.log('1'); process.exit(); return; } } console.log('0'); process.exit(); return; } if (args.nameexists) { for (var i in data.users) { const u = data.users[i]; if (u.name == args.nameexists) { console.log(u._id); process.exit(); return; } } process.exit(); return; } console.log('id, name, email\r\n---------------'); for (var i in data.users) { const u = data.users[i]; var t = "\"" + u._id.split('/')[2] + "\", \"" + u.name + "\""; if (u.email != null) { t += ", \"" + u.email + "\""; } console.log(t); } } process.exit(); break; } case 'nodes': { if (settings.cmd == 'deviceinfo') { settings.nodes = (data.result) ? null : data; if (--settings.deviceinfocount == 0) { displayDeviceInfo(settings.sysinfo, settings.lastconnect, settings.networking, settings.nodes); process.exit(); } } if ((settings.cmd == 'listdevices') && (data.responseid == 'meshctrl')) { if ((data.result != null) && (data.result != 'ok')) { console.log(data.result); } else { // Filter devices based on device id. if (args.filterid) { var filteridSplit = args.filterid.split(','), filters = []; for (var i in filteridSplit) { var f = filteridSplit[i].trim(); var g = f.split('/'); // If there is any / in the id, just grab the last part. if (g.length > 0) { f = g[g.length - 1]; } if (f != '') { filters.push(f); } } if (filters.length > 0) { for (var mid in data.nodes) { var filteredNodes = []; for (var nid in data.nodes[mid]) { var n = data.nodes[mid][nid], match = false; for (var f in filters) { if (n._id.indexOf(filters[f]) >= 0) { match = true; } } if (match) { filteredNodes.push(n); } } data.nodes[mid] = filteredNodes; } } } // Filter devices based on filter string if (args.filter != null) { for (var meshid in data.nodes) { for (var d in data.nodes[meshid]) { data.nodes[meshid][d].meshid = meshid; } data.nodes[meshid] = parseSearchOrInput(data.nodes[meshid], args.filter.toLowerCase()); } } if (args.csv) { // Return a flat list var nodecount = 0; for (var i in data.nodes) { var devicesInMesh = data.nodes[i]; for (var j in devicesInMesh) { var n = devicesInMesh[j]; nodecount++; if (settings.xmeshes) { console.log('\"' + settings.xmeshes[i]._id.split('/')[2] + '\",\"' + settings.xmeshes[i].name.split('\"').join('') + '\",\"' + n._id.split('/')[2] + '\",\"' + n.name.split('\"').join('') + '\",' + (n.icon ? n.icon : 0) + ',' + (n.conn ? n.conn : 0) + ',' + (n.pwr ? n.pwr : 0)); } else { console.log('\"' + n._id.split('/')[2] + '\",\"' + n.name.split('\"').join('') + '\",' + (n.icon ? n.icon : 0) + ',' + (n.conn ? n.conn : 0) + ',' + (n.pwr ? n.pwr : 0)); } } } if (nodecount == 0) { console.log('None'); } } else if (args.count) { // Return how many devices are in this group var nodes = []; for (var i in data.nodes) { var devicesInMesh = data.nodes[i]; for (var j in devicesInMesh) { nodes.push(devicesInMesh[j]); } } console.log(nodes.length); } else if (args.json) { // Return all devices in JSON format var nodes = []; for (var i in data.nodes) { const devicesInMesh = data.nodes[i]; for (var j in devicesInMesh) { devicesInMesh[j].meshid = i; // Add device group id if (settings.xmeshes && settings.xmeshes[i] && settings.xmeshes[i].name) { devicesInMesh[j].groupname = settings.xmeshes[i].name; } // Add device group name nodes.push(devicesInMesh[j]); } } console.log(JSON.stringify(nodes, ' ', 2)); } else { // Display the list of nodes in text format var nodecount = 0; for (var i in data.nodes) { var devicesInMesh = data.nodes[i]; if (devicesInMesh.length > 0) { if (settings.xmeshes) { console.log('\r\nDevice group: \"' + settings.xmeshes[i].name.split('\"').join('') + '\"'); } console.log('id, name, icon, conn, pwr\r\n-------------------------'); for (var j in devicesInMesh) { var n = devicesInMesh[j]; nodecount++; console.log('\"' + n._id.split('/')[2] + '\", \"' + n.name.split('\"').join('') + '\", ' + (n.icon ? n.icon : 0) + ', ' + (n.conn ? n.conn : 0) + ', ' + (n.pwr ? n.pwr : 0)); } } } if (nodecount == 0) { console.log('None'); } } } process.exit(); } break; } case 'meshes': { // LISTDEVICEGROUPS if (settings.cmd == 'listdevices') { // Store the list of device groups for later use settings.xmeshes = {} for (var i in data.meshes) { settings.xmeshes[data.meshes[i]._id] = data.meshes[i]; } } else if (settings.cmd == 'listdevicegroups') { if (args.json) { // If asked, add the MeshID hex encoding to the JSON. if (args.hex) { for (var i in data.meshes) { data.meshes[i]._idhex = '0x' + Buffer.from(data.meshes[i]._id.split('/')[2].replace(/\@/g, '+').replace(/\$/g, '/'), 'base64').toString('hex').toUpperCase(); } } console.log(JSON.stringify(data.meshes, ' ', 2)); } else { if (args.idexists) { for (var i in data.meshes) { const u = data.meshes[i]; if ((u._id == args.idexists) || (u._id.split('/')[2] == args.idexists)) { console.log('1'); process.exit(); return; } } console.log('0'); process.exit(); return; } if (args.nameexists) { for (var i in data.meshes) { const u = data.meshes[i]; if (u.name == args.nameexists) { console.log(u._id); process.exit(); return; } } process.exit(); return; } console.log('id, name\r\n---------------'); for (var i in data.meshes) { const m = data.meshes[i]; var mid = m._id.split('/')[2]; if (args.hex) { mid = '0x' + Buffer.from(mid.replace(/\@/g, '+').replace(/\$/g, '/'), 'base64').toString('hex').toUpperCase(); } var t = "\"" + mid + "\", \"" + m.name + "\""; console.log(t); } } process.exit(); } else if (settings.cmd == 'listusersofdevicegroup') { for (var i in data.meshes) { const m = data.meshes[i]; var mid = m._id.split('/')[2]; if (mid == args.id) { if (args.json) { console.log(JSON.stringify(m.links, ' ', 2)); } else { console.log('userid, rights\r\n---------------'); for (var l in m.links) { var rights = m.links[l].rights; var rightsstr = []; if (rights == 4294967295) { rightsstr = ['FullAdministrator']; } else { if (rights & 1) { rightsstr.push('EditMesh'); } if (rights & 2) { rightsstr.push('ManageUsers'); } if (rights & 4) { rightsstr.push('ManageComputers'); } if (rights & 8) { rightsstr.push('RemoteControl'); } if (rights & 16) { rightsstr.push('AgentConsole'); } if (rights & 32) { rightsstr.push('ServerFiles'); } if (rights & 64) { rightsstr.push('WakeDevice'); } if (rights & 128) { rightsstr.push('SetNotes'); } if (rights & 256) { rightsstr.push('RemoteViewOnly'); } if (rights & 512) { rightsstr.push('NoTerminal'); } if (rights & 1024) { rightsstr.push('NoFiles'); } if (rights & 2048) { rightsstr.push('NoAMT'); } if (rights & 4096) { rightsstr.push('DesktopLimitedInput'); } } console.log(l.split('/')[2] + ', ' + rightsstr.join(', ')); } } process.exit(); return; } } console.log('Group id not found'); process.exit(); } break; } case 'close': { if (data.cause == 'noauth') { if (data.msg == 'tokenrequired') { console.log('Authentication token required, use --token [number].'); } else { if ((args.loginkeyfile != null) || (args.loginkey != null)) { console.log('Invalid login, check the login key and that this computer has the correct time.'); } else { console.log('Invalid login.'); } } } process.exit(); break; } case 'createLoginToken': { if (data.result != null) { console.log(data.result); process.exit(); } else { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'loginTokens', responseid: 'meshctrl' })); } break; } case 'loginTokens': { if (args.json) { console.log(data.loginTokens); } else { console.log("Name Username Expire"); console.log("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); if (data.loginTokens.length == 0) { console.log("No login tokens"); } else { for (var i in data.loginTokens) { var t = data.loginTokens[i]; var e = (t.expire == 0) ? "Unlimited" : new Date(t.expire).toLocaleString(); console.log(padString(t.name, 28) + padString(t.tokenUser, 28) + e); } } } process.exit(); break; } case 'getDeviceDetails': { console.log(data.data); process.exit(); } default: { break; } } //console.log('Data', data); //setTimeout(function timeout() { ws.send(Date.now()); }, 500); }); } // String padding function function padString(str, pad) { var xpad = ' '; if (str.length >= pad) return str; return str + xpad.substring(0, pad - str.length) } function parseSearchAndInput(nodes, x) { var s = x.split(' ' + "and" + ' '), r = null; for (var i in s) { var r2 = getDevicesThatMatchFilter(nodes, s[i]); if (r == null) { r = r2; } else { var r3 = []; for (var j in r2) { if (r.indexOf(r2[j]) >= 0) { r3.push(r2[j]); } } r = r3; } } return r; } function parseSearchOrInput(nodes, x) { var s = x.split(' ' + "or" + ' '), r = null; for (var i in s) { var r2 = parseSearchAndInput(nodes, s[i]); if (r == null) { r = r2; } else { for (var j in r2) { if (r.indexOf(r2[j] >= 0)) { r.push(r2[j]); } } } } return r; } function getDevicesThatMatchFilter(nodes, x) { var r = []; var userSearch = null, ipSearch = null, groupSearch = null, tagSearch = null, agentTagSearch = null, wscSearch = null, osSearch = null, amtSearch = null, descSearch = null; if (x.startsWith("user:".toLowerCase())) { userSearch = x.substring("user:".length); } else if (x.startsWith("u:".toLowerCase())) { userSearch = x.substring("u:".length); } else if (x.startsWith("ip:".toLowerCase())) { ipSearch = x.substring("ip:".length); } else if (x.startsWith("group:".toLowerCase())) { groupSearch = x.substring("group:".length); } else if (x.startsWith("g:".toLowerCase())) { groupSearch = x.substring("g:".length); } else if (x.startsWith("tag:".toLowerCase())) { tagSearch = x.substring("tag:".length); } else if (x.startsWith("t:".toLowerCase())) { tagSearch = x.substring("t:".length); } else if (x.startsWith("atag:".toLowerCase())) { agentTagSearch = x.substring("atag:".length); } else if (x.startsWith("a:".toLowerCase())) { agentTagSearch = x.substring("a:".length); } else if (x.startsWith("os:".toLowerCase())) { osSearch = x.substring("os:".length); } else if (x.startsWith("amt:".toLowerCase())) { amtSearch = x.substring("amt:".length); } else if (x.startsWith("desc:".toLowerCase())) { descSearch = x.substring("desc:".length); } else if (x == 'wsc:ok') { wscSearch = 1; } else if (x == 'wsc:noav') { wscSearch = 2; } else if (x == 'wsc:noupdate') { wscSearch = 3; } else if (x == 'wsc:nofirewall') { wscSearch = 4; } else if (x == 'wsc:any') { wscSearch = 5; } if (x == '') { // No search for (var d in nodes) { r.push(nodes[d]); } } else if (ipSearch != null) { // IP address search for (var d in nodes) { if ((nodes[d].ip != null) && (nodes[d].ip.indexOf(ipSearch) >= 0)) { r.push(nodes[d]); } } } else if (groupSearch != null) { // Group filter if (settings.xmeshes) { for (var d in nodes) { if (settings.xmeshes[nodes[d].meshid].name.toLowerCase().indexOf(groupSearch) >= 0) { r.push(nodes[d]); } } } } else if (tagSearch != null) { // Tag filter for (var d in nodes) { if ((nodes[d].tags == null) && (tagSearch == '')) { r.push(d); } else if (nodes[d].tags != null) { for (var j in nodes[d].tags) { if (nodes[d].tags[j].toLowerCase() == tagSearch) { r.push(d); break; } } } } } else if (agentTagSearch != null) { // Agent Tag filter for (var d in nodes) { if ((((nodes[d].agent != null) && (nodes[d].agent.tag == null)) && (agentTagSearch == '')) || ((nodes[d].agent != null) && (nodes[d].agent.tag != null) && (nodes[d].agent.tag.toLowerCase().indexOf(agentTagSearch) >= 0))) { r.push(nodes[d]); }; } } else if (userSearch != null) { // User search for (var d in nodes) { if (nodes[d].users && nodes[d].users.length > 0) { for (var i in nodes[d].users) { if (nodes[d].users[i].toLowerCase().indexOf(userSearch) >= 0) { r.push(nodes[d]); } } } } } else if (osSearch != null) { // OS search for (var d in nodes) { if ((nodes[d].osdesc != null) && (nodes[d].osdesc.toLowerCase().indexOf(osSearch) >= 0)) { r.push(nodes[d]); }; } } else if (amtSearch != null) { // Intel AMT search for (var d in nodes) { if ((nodes[d].intelamt != null) && ((amtSearch == '') || (nodes[d].intelamt.state == amtSearch))) { r.push(nodes[d]); } } } else if (descSearch != null) { // Device description search for (var d in nodes) { if ((nodes[d].desc != null) && (nodes[d].desc != '') && ((descSearch == '') || (nodes[d].desc.toLowerCase().indexOf(descSearch) >= 0))) { r.push(nodes[d]); } } } else if (wscSearch != null) { // Windows Security Center for (var d in nodes) { if (nodes[d].wsc) { if ((wscSearch == 1) && (nodes[d].wsc.antiVirus == 'OK') && (nodes[d].wsc.autoUpdate == 'OK') && (nodes[d].wsc.firewall == 'OK')) { r.push(nodes[d]); } else if (((wscSearch == 2) || (wscSearch == 5)) && (nodes[d].wsc.antiVirus != 'OK')) { r.push(nodes[d]); } else if (((wscSearch == 3) || (wscSearch == 5)) && (nodes[d].wsc.autoUpdate != 'OK')) { r.push(nodes[d]); } else if (((wscSearch == 4) || (wscSearch == 5)) && (nodes[d].wsc.firewall != 'OK')) { r.push(nodes[d]); } } } } else if (x == '*') { // Star filter for (var d in nodes) { if (stars[nodes[d]._id] == 1) { r.push(nodes[d]); } } } else { // Device name search try { var rs = x.split(/\s+/).join('|'), rx = new RegExp(rs); // In some cases (like +), this can throw an exception. for (var d in nodes) { //if (showRealNames) { //if (nodes[d].rnamel != null && rx.test(nodes[d].rnamel.toLowerCase())) { r.push(nodes[d]); } //} else { if (rx.test(nodes[d].name.toLowerCase())) { r.push(nodes[d]); } //} } } catch (ex) { for (var d in nodes) { r.push(nodes[d]); } } } return r; } // Connect tunnel to a remote agent function connectTunnel(url) { // Setup WebSocket options var options = { rejectUnauthorized: false, checkServerIdentity: onVerifyServer } // Setup the HTTP proxy if needed if (args.proxy != null) { const HttpsProxyAgent = require('https-proxy-agent'); options.agent = new HttpsProxyAgent(require('url').parse(args.proxy)); } // Connect the WebSocket console.log('Connecting...'); const WebSocket = require('ws'); settings.tunnelwsstate = 0; settings.tunnelws = new WebSocket(url, options); settings.tunnelws.on('open', function () { console.log('Waiting for Agent...'); }); // Wait for agent connection settings.tunnelws.on('close', function () { console.log('Connection Closed.'); process.exit(); }); settings.tunnelws.on('error', function (err) { console.log(err); process.exit(); }); if (settings.cmd == 'shell') { // This code does all of the work for a shell command settings.tunnelws.on('message', function (rawdata) { var data = rawdata.toString(); if (settings.tunnelwsstate == 1) { // If the incoming text looks exactly like a control command, ignore it. if ((typeof data == 'string') && (data.startsWith('{"ctrlChannel":"102938","type":"'))) { var ctrlCmd = null; try { ctrlCmd = JSON.parse(data); } catch (ex) { } if ((ctrlCmd != null) && (ctrlCmd.ctrlChannel == '102938') && (ctrlCmd.type != null)) return; // This is a control command, like ping/pong. Ignore it. } process.stdout.write(data); } else if (settings.tunnelwsstate == 0) { if (data == 'c') { console.log('Connected.'); } else if (data == 'cr') { console.log('Connected, session is being recorded.'); } else return; // Send terminal size var termSize = null; if (typeof process.stdout.getWindowSize == 'function') { termSize = process.stdout.getWindowSize(); } if (termSize != null) { settings.tunnelws.send(JSON.stringify({ ctrlChannel: '102938', type: 'options', cols: termSize[0], rows: termSize[1] })); } settings.tunnelwsstate = 1; settings.tunnelws.send('1'); // Terminal process.stdin.setEncoding('utf8'); process.stdin.setRawMode(true); process.stdout.setEncoding('utf8'); process.stdin.unpipe(process.stdout); process.stdout.unpipe(process.stdin); process.stdin.on('data', function (data) { settings.tunnelws.send(Buffer.from(data)); }); //process.stdin.on('readable', function () { var chunk; while ((chunk = process.stdin.read()) !== null) { settings.tunnelws.send(Buffer.from(chunk)); } }); process.stdin.on('end', function () { process.exit(); }); process.stdout.on('resize', function () { var termSize = null; if (typeof process.stdout.getWindowSize == 'function') { termSize = process.stdout.getWindowSize(); } if (termSize != null) { settings.tunnelws.send(JSON.stringify({ ctrlChannel: '102938', type: 'termsize', cols: termSize[0], rows: termSize[1] })); } }); } }); } else if (settings.cmd == 'upload') { // This code does all of the work for a file upload // node meshctrl upload --id oL4Y6Eg0qjnpHFrp1AxfxnBPenbDGnDSkC@HSOnAheIyd51pKhqSCUgJZakzwfKl --file readme.md --target c:\ settings.tunnelws.on('message', function (rawdata) { if (settings.tunnelwsstate == 1) { var cmd = null; try { cmd = JSON.parse(rawdata.toString()); } catch (ex) { return; } if (cmd.reqid == 'up') { if ((cmd.action == 'uploadack') || (cmd.action == 'uploadstart')) { settings.inFlight--; if (settings.uploadFile == null) { if (settings.inFlight == 0) { process.exit(); } return; } // If the file is closed and there is no more in-flight data, exit. var loops = (cmd.action == 'uploadstart')?16:1; // If this is the first data to be sent, hot start now. We are going to have 16 blocks of data in-flight. for (var i = 0; i < loops; i++) { if (settings.uploadFile == null) continue; var buf = Buffer.alloc(65565); var len = require('fs').readSync(settings.uploadFile, buf, 1, 65564, settings.uploadPtr); var start = 1; settings.uploadPtr += len; if (len > 0) { if ((buf[1] == 0) || (buf[1] == 123)) { start = 0; buf[0] = 0; len++; } // If the buffer starts with 0 or 123, we must add an extra 0 at the start of the buffer settings.inFlight++; settings.tunnelws.send(buf.slice(start, start + len)); } else { console.log('Upload done, ' + settings.uploadPtr + ' bytes sent.'); if (settings.uploadFile != null) { require('fs').closeSync(settings.uploadFile); delete settings.uploadFile; } if (settings.inFlight == 0) { process.exit(); return; } // File is closed, if there is no more in-flight data, exit. } } } else if (cmd.action == 'uploaderror') { if (settings.uploadFile != null) { require('fs').closeSync(settings.uploadFile); } console.log('Upload error.'); process.exit(); } } } else if (settings.tunnelwsstate == 0) { var data = rawdata.toString(); if (data == 'c') { console.log('Connected.'); } else if (data == 'cr') { console.log('Connected, session is being recorded.'); } else return; settings.tunnelwsstate = 1; settings.tunnelws.send('5'); // Files settings.uploadSize = require('fs').statSync(args.file).size; settings.uploadFile = require('fs').openSync(args.file, 'r'); settings.uploadPtr = 0; settings.inFlight = 1; console.log('Uploading...'); settings.tunnelws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'upload', reqid: 'up', path: args.target, name: require('path').basename(args.file), size: settings.uploadSize })); } }); } else if (settings.cmd == 'download') { // This code does all of the work for a file download // node meshctrl download --id oL4Y6Eg0qjnpHFrp1AxfxnBPenbDGnDSkC@HSOnAheIyd51pKhqSCUgJZakzwfKl --file c:\temp\MC-8Languages.png --target c:\temp\bob.png settings.tunnelws.on('message', function (rawdata) { if (settings.tunnelwsstate == 1) { if ((rawdata.length > 0) && (rawdata[0] != '{')) { // This is binary data, this test is ok because 4 first bytes is a control value. if ((rawdata.length > 4) && (settings.downloadFile != null)) { settings.downloadSize += (rawdata.length - 4); require('fs').writeSync(settings.downloadFile, rawdata, 4, rawdata.length - 4); } if ((rawdata[3] & 1) != 0) { // Check end flag // File is done, close everything. if (settings.downloadFile != null) { require('fs').closeSync(settings.downloadFile); } console.log('Download completed, ' + settings.downloadSize + ' bytes written.'); process.exit(); } else { settings.tunnelws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'download', sub: 'ack', id: args.file })); // Send the ACK } } else { // This is text data var cmd = null; try { cmd = JSON.parse(rawdata.toString()); } catch (ex) { return; } if (cmd.action == 'download') { if (cmd.id != args.file) return; if (cmd.sub == 'start') { if ((args.target.endsWith('\\')) || (args.target.endsWith('/'))) { args.target += path.parse(args.file).name; } try { settings.downloadFile = require('fs').openSync(args.target, 'w'); } catch (ex) { console.log("Unable to create file: " + args.target); process.exit(); return; } settings.downloadSize = 0; settings.tunnelws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'download', sub: 'startack', id: args.file })); console.log('Download started: ' + args.target); } else if (cmd.sub == 'cancel') { if (settings.downloadFile != null) { require('fs').closeSync(settings.downloadFile); } console.log('Download canceled.'); process.exit(); } } } } else if (settings.tunnelwsstate == 0) { var data = rawdata.toString(); if (data == 'c') { console.log('Connected.'); } else if (data == 'cr') { console.log('Connected, session is being recorded.'); } else return; settings.tunnelwsstate = 1; settings.tunnelws.send('5'); // Files settings.tunnelws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'download', sub: 'start', id: args.file, path: args.file })); } }); } } // Encode an object as a cookie using a key using AES-GCM. (key must be 32 bytes or more) function encodeCookie(o, key) { try { if (key == null) { return null; } o.time = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000); // Add the cookie creation time const iv = Buffer.from(crypto.randomBytes(12), 'binary'), cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('aes-256-gcm', key.slice(0, 32), iv); const crypted = Buffer.concat([cipher.update(JSON.stringify(o), 'utf8'), cipher.final()]); return Buffer.concat([iv, cipher.getAuthTag(), crypted]).toString('base64').replace(/\+/g, '@').replace(/\//g, '$'); } catch (e) { return null; } } // Generate a random Intel AMT password function checkAmtPassword(p) { return (p.length > 7) && (/\d/.test(p)) && (/[a-z]/.test(p)) && (/[A-Z]/.test(p)) && (/\W/.test(p)); } function getRandomAmtPassword() { var p; do { p = Buffer.from(crypto.randomBytes(9), 'binary').toString('base64').split('/').join('@'); } while (checkAmtPassword(p) == false); return p; } function getRandomHex(count) { return Buffer.from(crypto.randomBytes(count), 'binary').toString('hex'); } function format(format) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return format.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function (match, number) { return typeof args[number] != 'undefined' ? args[number] : match; }); }; function winRemoveSingleQuotes(str) { if (process.platform != 'win32') return str; else return str.split('\'').join(''); } function csvFormatArray(x) { var y = []; for (var i in x) { if ((x[i] == null) || (x[i] == '')) { y.push(''); } else { y.push('"' + x[i].split('"').join('') + '"'); } } return y.join(','); } function displayDeviceInfo(sysinfo, lastconnect, network, nodes) { //console.log('displayDeviceInfo', sysinfo, lastconnect, network, nodes); // Fetch the node information var node = null;; if (sysinfo != null && (sysinfo.node != null)) { // Node information came with system information node = sysinfo.node; } else { // This device does not have system information, get node information from the nodes list. for (var m in nodes.nodes) { for (var n in nodes.nodes[m]) { if (nodes.nodes[m][n]._id.indexOf(args.id) >= 0) { node = nodes.nodes[m][n]; } } } } if (node == null) { console.log("Invalid device id"); process.exit(); return; } var info = {}; //if (network != null) { sysinfo.netif = network.netif; } if (lastconnect != null) { node.lastconnect = lastconnect.time; node.lastaddr = lastconnect.addr; } if (args.raw) { console.log(JSON.stringify(sysinfo, ' ', 2)); return; } // General var output = {}, outputCount = 0; if (node.name) { output["Server Name"] = node.name; outputCount++; } if (node.rname) { output["Computer Name"] = node.rname; outputCount++; } if (node.host != null) { output["Hostname"] = node.host; outputCount++; } if (node.ip != null) { output["IP Address"] = node.ip; outputCount++; } if (node.desc != null) { output["Description"] = node.desc; outputCount++; } if (node.icon != null) { output["Icon"] = node.icon; outputCount++; } if (node.tags) { output["Tags"] = node.tags; outputCount++; } if (node.av) { var av = []; for (var i in node.av) { if (typeof node.av[i]['product'] == 'string') { var n = node.av[i]['product']; if (node.av[i]['updated'] === true) { n += ', updated'; } if (node.av[i]['updated'] === false) { n += ', not updated'; } if (node.av[i]['enabled'] === true) { n += ', enabled'; } if (node.av[i]['enabled'] === false) { n += ', disabled'; } av.push(n); } } output["AntiVirus"] = av; outputCount++; } if (typeof node.wsc == 'object') { output["WindowsSecurityCenter"] = node.wsc; outputCount++; } if (outputCount > 0) { info["General"] = output; } // Operating System var hardware = null; if ((sysinfo != null) && (sysinfo.hardware != null)) { hardware = sysinfo.hardware; } if ((hardware && hardware.windows && hardware.windows.osinfo) || node.osdesc) { var output = {}, outputCount = 0; if (node.rname) { output["Name"] = node.rname; outputCount++; } if (node.osdesc) { output["Version"] = node.osdesc; outputCount++; } if (hardware && hardware.windows && hardware.windows.osinfo) { var m = hardware.windows.osinfo; if (m.OSArchitecture) { output["Architecture"] = m.OSArchitecture; outputCount++; } } if (outputCount > 0) { info["Operating System"] = output; } } // MeshAgent if (node.agent) { var output = {}, outputCount = 0; var agentsStr = ["Unknown", "Windows 32bit console", "Windows 64bit console", "Windows 32bit service", "Windows 64bit service", "Linux 32bit", "Linux 64bit", "MIPS", "XENx86", "Android ARM", "Linux ARM", "MacOS 32bit", "Android x86", "PogoPlug ARM", "Android APK", "Linux Poky x86-32bit", "MacOS 64bit", "ChromeOS", "Linux Poky x86-64bit", "Linux NoKVM x86-32bit", "Linux NoKVM x86-64bit", "Windows MinCore console", "Windows MinCore service", "NodeJS", "ARM-Linaro", "ARMv6l / ARMv7l", "ARMv8 64bit", "ARMv6l / ARMv7l / NoKVM", "Unknown", "Unknown", "FreeBSD x86-64"]; if ((node.agent != null) && (node.agent.id != null) && (node.agent.ver != null)) { var str = ''; if (node.agent.id <= agentsStr.length) { str = agentsStr[node.agent.id]; } else { str = agentsStr[0]; } if (node.agent.ver != 0) { str += ' v' + node.agent.ver; } output["Mesh Agent"] = str; outputCount++; } if ((node.conn & 1) != 0) { output["Last agent connection"] = "Connected now"; outputCount++; } else { if (node.lastconnect) { output["Last agent connection"] = new Date(node.lastconnect).toLocaleString(); outputCount++; } } if (node.lastaddr) { var splitip = node.lastaddr.split(':'); if (splitip.length > 2) { output["Last agent address"] = node.lastaddr; outputCount++; // IPv6 } else { output["Last agent address"] = splitip[0]; outputCount++; // IPv4 } } if (outputCount > 0) { info["Mesh Agent"] = output; } } // Networking if (network.netif != null) { var output = {}, outputCount = 0, minfo = {}; for (var i in network.netif) { var m = network.netif[i], moutput = {}, moutputCount = 0; if (m.desc) { moutput["Description"] = m.desc; moutputCount++; } if (m.mac) { if (m.gatewaymac) { moutput["MAC Layer"] = format("MAC: {0}, Gateway: {1}", m.mac, m.gatewaymac); moutputCount++; } else { moutput["MAC Layer"] = format("MAC: {0}", m.mac); moutputCount++; } } if (m.v4addr && (m.v4addr != '')) { if (m.v4gateway && m.v4mask) { moutput["IPv4 Layer"] = format("IP: {0}, Mask: {1}, Gateway: {2}", m.v4addr, m.v4mask, m.v4gateway); moutputCount++; } else { moutput["IPv4 Layer"] = format("IP: {0}", m.v4addr); moutputCount++; } } if (moutputCount > 0) { minfo[m.name + (m.dnssuffix ? (', ' + m.dnssuffix) : '')] = moutput; info["Networking"] = minfo; } } } if (network.netif2 != null) { var minfo = {}; for (var i in network.netif2) { var m = network.netif2[i], moutput = {}, moutputCount = 0; if (Array.isArray(m) == false || m.length < 1 || m[0] == null || ((typeof m[0].mac == 'string') && (m[0].mac.startsWith('00:00:00:00'))) ) continue; var ifTitle = '' + i; if (m[0].fqdn != null && m[0].fqdn != '') ifTitle += ', ' + m[0].fqdn; if (typeof m[0].mac == 'string') { if (m[0].gatewaymac) { moutput['MAC Layer'] = format("MAC: {0}, Gateway: {1}", m[0].mac, m[0].gatewaymac); } else { moutput['MAC Layer'] = format("MAC: {0}", m[0].mac); } moutputCount++; } moutput['IPv4 Layer'] = ''; moutput['IPv6 Layer'] = ''; for (var j = 0; j < m.length; j++) { var iplayer = m[j]; if (iplayer.family == 'IPv4' || iplayer.family == 'IPv6') { if (iplayer.gateway && iplayer.netmask) { moutput[iplayer.family + ' Layer'] += format("IP: {0}, Mask: {1}, Gateway: {2} ", iplayer.address, iplayer.netmask, iplayer.gateway); moutputCount++; } else { if (iplayer.address) { moutput[iplayer.family + ' Layer'] += format("IP: {0} ", iplayer.address); moutputCount++; } } } } if (moutput['IPv4 Layer'] == '') delete moutput['IPv4 Layer']; if (moutput['IPv6 Layer'] == '') delete moutput['IPv6 Layer']; if (moutputCount > 0) { minfo[ifTitle] = moutput; info["Networking"] = minfo; } } } // Intel AMT if (node.intelamt != null) { var output = {}, outputCount = 0; output["Version"] = (node.intelamt.ver) ? ('v' + node.intelamt.ver) : ('' + "Unknown" + ''); outputCount++; var provisioningStates = { 0: "Not Activated (Pre)", 1: "Not Activated (In)", 2: "Activated" }; var provisioningMode = ''; if ((node.intelamt.state == 2) && node.intelamt.flags) { if (node.intelamt.flags & 2) { provisioningMode = (', ' + "Client Control Mode (CCM)"); } else if (node.intelamt.flags & 4) { provisioningMode = (', ' + "Admin Control Mode (ACM)"); } } output["Provisioning State"] = ((node.intelamt.state) ? (provisioningStates[node.intelamt.state]) : ('' + "Unknown" + '')) + provisioningMode; outputCount++; output["Security"] = (node.intelamt.tls == 1) ? "Secured using TLS" : "TLS is not setup"; outputCount++; output["Admin Credentials"] = (node.intelamt.user == null || node.intelamt.user == '') ? "Not Known" : "Known"; outputCount++; if (outputCount > 0) { info["Intel Active Management Technology (Intel AMT)"] = output; } } if (hardware != null) { if (hardware.identifiers) { var output = {}, outputCount = 0, ident = hardware.identifiers; // BIOS if (ident.bios_vendor) { output["Vendor"] = ident.bios_vendor; outputCount++; } if (ident.bios_version) { output["Version"] = ident.bios_version; outputCount++; } if (outputCount > 0) { info["BIOS"] = output; } output = {}, outputCount = 0; // Motherboard if (ident.board_vendor) { output["Vendor"] = ident.board_vendor; outputCount++; } if (ident.board_name) { output["Name"] = ident.board_name; outputCount++; } if (ident.board_serial && (ident.board_serial != '')) { output["Serial"] = ident.board_serial; outputCount++; } if (ident.board_version) { output["Version"] = ident.board_version; } if (ident.product_uuid) { output["Identifier"] = ident.product_uuid; } if (ident.cpu_name) { output["CPU"] = ident.cpu_name; } if (ident.gpu_name) { for (var i in ident.gpu_name) { output["GPU" + (parseInt(i) + 1)] = ident.gpu_name[i]; } } if (outputCount > 0) { info["Motherboard"] = output; } } // Memory if (hardware.windows) { if (hardware.windows.memory) { var output = {}, outputCount = 0, minfo = {}; hardware.windows.memory.sort(function (a, b) { if (a.BankLabel > b.BankLabel) return 1; if (a.BankLabel < b.BankLabel) return -1; return 0; }); for (var i in hardware.windows.memory) { var m = hardware.windows.memory[i], moutput = {}, moutputCount = 0; if (m.Capacity) { moutput["Capacity/Speed"] = (m.Capacity / 1024 / 1024) + " Mb, " + m.Speed + " Mhz"; moutputCount++; } if (m.PartNumber) { moutput["Part Number"] = ((m.Manufacturer && m.Manufacturer != 'Undefined') ? (m.Manufacturer + ', ') : '') + m.PartNumber; moutputCount++; } if (moutputCount > 0) { minfo[m.BankLabel] = moutput; info["Memory"] = minfo; } } } } // Storage if (hardware.identifiers && ident.storage_devices) { var output = {}, outputCount = 0, minfo = {}; // Sort Storage ident.storage_devices.sort(function (a, b) { if (a.Caption > b.Caption) return 1; if (a.Caption < b.Caption) return -1; return 0; }); for (var i in ident.storage_devices) { var m = ident.storage_devices[i], moutput = {}; if (m.Size) { if (m.Model && (m.Model != m.Caption)) { moutput["Model"] = m.Model; outputCount++; } if ((typeof m.Size == 'string') && (parseInt(m.Size) == m.Size)) { m.Size = parseInt(m.Size); } if (typeof m.Size == 'number') { moutput["Capacity"] = Math.floor(m.Size / 1024 / 1024) + 'Mb'; outputCount++; } if (typeof m.Size == 'string') { moutput["Capacity"] = m.Size; outputCount++; } if (moutputCount > 0) { minfo[m.Caption] = moutput; info["Storage"] = minfo; } } } } } // Display everything if (args.json) { console.log(JSON.stringify(info, ' ', 2)); } else { for (var i in info) { console.log('--- ' + i + ' ---'); for (var j in info[i]) { if ((typeof info[i][j] == 'string') || (typeof info[i][j] == 'number')) { console.log(' ' + j + ': ' + info[i][j]); } else { console.log(' ' + j + ':'); for (var k in info[i][j]) { console.log(' ' + k + ': ' + info[i][j][k]); } } } } } } // Read the Mesh Agent error log and index it. function indexAgentErrorLog() { // Index the messages const lines = require('fs').readFileSync('../meshcentral-data/agenterrorlogs.txt', { encoding: 'utf8', flag: 'r' }).split('\r\n'); var errorIndex = {}; // "msg" --> [ { lineNumber, elemenetNumber } ] for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { const line = lines[i]; if (line.length > 88) { var nodeid = line.substring(0, 70); var fetchTime = parseInt(line.substring(72, 85)); var data = JSON.parse(line.substring(87)); if ((data != null) && (data.action == 'errorlog') && (Array.isArray(data.log))) { for (var j = 0; j < data.log.length; j++) { var entry = data.log[j]; if ((entry != null) && (typeof entry.t == 'number') && (typeof entry.m == 'string')) { const msg = entry.m; if (errorIndex[msg] == null) { errorIndex[msg] = []; } errorIndex[msg].push({ l: i, e: j }); } } } } } // Sort the messages by frequency var errorIndexCount = []; // [ { m: "msg", c: count } ] for (var i in errorIndex) { errorIndexCount.push({ m: i, c: errorIndex[i].length }); } errorIndexCount = errorIndexCount.sort(function (a, b) { return b.c - a.c }) // Display the results for (var i = 0; i < errorIndexCount.length; i++) { const m = errorIndexCount[i].m; if ((m.indexOf('STUCK') >= 0) || (m.indexOf('FATAL') >= 0)) { console.log(errorIndexCount[i].c, m); } } }