* @description MeshCentral Intel AMT manager
* @author Ylian Saint-Hilaire
* @copyright Intel Corporation 2018-2020
* @license Apache-2.0
* @version v0.0.1
/*jslint node: true */
/*jshint node: true */
/*jshint strict:false */
/*jshint -W097 */
/*jshint esversion: 6 */
'use strict';
module.exports.CreateAmtManager = function(parent) {
var obj = {};
obj.parent = parent;
obj.amtDevices = {}; // Nodeid --> [ dev ]
obj.activeLocalConnections = {}; // Host --> dev
obj.amtAdminAccounts = {}; // DomainId -> [ { user, pass } ]
obj.rootCertBase64 = obj.parent.certificates.root.cert.split('-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----').join('').split('-----END CERTIFICATE-----').join('').split('\r').join('').split('\n').join('')
obj.rootCertCN = obj.parent.certificateOperations.forge.pki.certificateFromPem(obj.parent.certificates.root.cert).subject.getField('CN').value;
// WSMAN stack
const CreateWsmanComm = require('./amt/amt-wsman-comm');
const WsmanStackCreateService = require('./amt/amt-wsman');
const AmtStackCreateService = require('./amt/amt');
const ConnectionTypeStrings = { 0: "CIRA", 1: "Relay", 2: "LMS", 3: "Local" };
// Load the Intel AMT admin accounts credentials for each domain
if ((parent.config != null) && (parent.config.domains != null)) {
for (var domainid in parent.config.domains) {
var domain = parent.config.domains[domainid];
if ((typeof domain.amtmanager == 'object') && (Array.isArray(domain.amtmanager.amtadminaccount) == true)) {
for (var i in domain.amtmanager.amtadminaccount) {
var c = domain.amtmanager.amtadminaccount[i], c2 = { user: 'admin' };
if (typeof c.user == 'string') { c2.user = c.user; }
if (typeof c.pass == 'string') {
c2.pass = c.pass;
if (obj.amtAdminAccounts[domainid] == null) { obj.amtAdminAccounts[domainid] = []; }
// Check if an Intel AMT device is being managed
function isAmtDeviceValid(dev) {
var devices = obj.amtDevices[dev.nodeid];
if (devices == null) return false;
return (devices.indexOf(dev) >= 0)
// Add an Intel AMT managed device
function addAmtDevice(dev) {
var devices = obj.amtDevices[dev.nodeid];
if (devices == null) { obj.amtDevices[dev.nodeid] = [dev]; return true; }
if (devices.indexOf(dev) >= 0) { return false; } // This device is already in the list
devices.push(dev); // Add the device to the list
return true;
// Remove an Intel AMT managed device
function removeAmtDevice(dev) {
// Find the device in the list
var devices = obj.amtDevices[dev.nodeid];
if (devices == null) return false;
var i = devices.indexOf(dev);
if (i == -1) return false;
// Remove from task limiter if needed
if (dev.taskid != null) { obj.parent.taskLimiter.completed(dev.taskid); delete dev.taskLimiter; }
// Clean up this device
if (dev.amtstack != null) { dev.amtstack.wsman.comm.FailAllError = 999; delete dev.amtstack; } // Disconnect any active connections.
if (dev.polltimer != null) { clearInterval(dev.polltimer); delete dev.polltimer; }
// Remove the device from the list
devices.splice(i, 1);
if (devices.length == 0) { delete obj.amtDevices[dev.nodeid]; } else { obj.amtDevices[dev.nodeid] = devices; }
// Notify connection closure if this is a LMS connection
if (dev.connType == 2) { dev.controlMsg({ action: "close" }); }
return true;
// Remove all Intel AMT devices for a given nodeid
function removeDevice(nodeid) {
// Find the devices in the list
var devices = obj.amtDevices[nodeid];
if (devices == null) return false;
for (var i in devices) {
var dev = devices[i];
// Remove from task limiter if needed
if (dev.taskid != null) { obj.parent.taskLimiter.completed(dev.taskid); delete dev.taskLimiter; }
// Clean up this device
if (dev.amtstack != null) { dev.amtstack.wsman.comm.FailAllError = 999; delete dev.amtstack; } // Disconnect any active connections.
if (dev.polltimer != null) { clearInterval(dev.polltimer); delete dev.polltimer; }
// Remove all devices
delete obj.amtDevices[nodeid];
return true;
// Start Intel AMT management
obj.startAmtManagement = function (nodeid, connType, connection) {
//if (connType == 3) return; // DEBUG
var devices = obj.amtDevices[nodeid], dev = null;
if (devices != null) { for (var i in devices) { if ((devices[i].mpsConnection == connection) || (devices[i].host == connection)) { dev = devices[i]; } } }
if (dev != null) return false; // We are already managing this device on this connection
dev = { nodeid: nodeid, connType: connType, domainid: nodeid.split('/')[1] };
if (typeof connection == 'string') { dev.host = connection; }
if (typeof connection == 'object') { dev.mpsConnection = connection; }
dev.consoleMsg = function deviceConsoleMsg(msg) { if (typeof deviceConsoleMsg.conn == 'object') { deviceConsoleMsg.conn.ControlMsg({ action: 'console', msg: msg }); } }
dev.consoleMsg.conn = connection;
dev.consoleMsg.dev = dev;
dev.controlMsg = function deviceControlMsg(msg) { if (typeof deviceControlMsg.conn == 'object') { deviceControlMsg.conn.ControlMsg(msg); } }
dev.controlMsg.conn = connection;
parent.debug('amt', "Start Management", nodeid, connType);
// Start the device manager the task limiter so not to flood the server. Low priority task
obj.parent.taskLimiter.launch(function (dev, taskid, taskLimiterQueue) {
if (isAmtDeviceValid(dev)) {
// Start managing this device
dev.taskid = taskid;
} else {
// Device is not valid anymore, do nothing
}, dev, 2);
// Stop Intel AMT management
obj.stopAmtManagement = function (nodeid, connType, connection) {
var devices = obj.amtDevices[nodeid], dev = null;
if (devices != null) { for (var i in devices) { if ((devices[i].mpsConnection == connection) || (devices[i].host == connection)) { dev = devices[i]; } } }
if (dev == null) return false; // We are not managing this device on this connection
parent.debug('amt', "Stop Management", nodeid, connType);
return removeAmtDevice(dev);
// Get a string status of the managed devices
obj.getStatusString = function () {
var r = '';
for (var nodeid in obj.amtDevices) {
var devices = obj.amtDevices[nodeid];
r += devices[0].nodeid + ', ' + devices[0].name + '\r\n';
for (var i in devices) {
var dev = devices[i];
var items = [];
if (dev.state == 1) { items.push('Connected'); } else { items.push('Trying'); }
if (dev.connType == 3) { items.push(dev.host); }
if (dev.polltimer != null) { items.push('Polling Power'); }
r += ' ' + items.join(', ') + '\r\n';
if (r == '') { r = "No managed Intel AMT devices"; }
return r;
// Receive a JSON control message from the MPS server
obj.mpsControlMessage = function (nodeid, conn, connType, jsondata) {
// Find the devices in the list
var dev = null;
var devices = obj.amtDevices[nodeid];
if (devices == null) return;
for (var i in devices) { if (devices[i].mpsConnection === conn) { dev = devices[i]; } }
if (dev == null) return;
// Process the message
switch (jsondata.action) {
case 'deactivate':
if ((dev.connType != 2) || (dev.deactivateCcmPending != 1)) break; // Only accept MEI state on CIRA-LMS connection
delete dev.deactivateCcmPending;
deactivateIntelAmtCCMEx(dev, jsondata.value);
case 'meiState':
if (dev.pendingUpdatedMeiState != 1) break;
delete dev.pendingUpdatedMeiState;
// Subscribe to server events
parent.AddEventDispatch(['*'], obj);
// Handle server events
// Make sure to only manage devices with connections to this server. In a multi-server setup, we don't want multiple managers talking to the same device.
obj.HandleEvent = function (source, event, ids, id) {
switch (event.action) {
case 'removenode': { // React to node being removed
case 'wakedevices': { // React to node wakeup command, perform Intel AMT wake if possible
if (Array.isArray(event.nodeids)) { for (var i in event.nodeids) { performPowerAction(event.nodeids[i], 2); } }
case 'changenode': { // React to changes in a device
var devices = obj.amtDevices[event.nodeid];
if (devices = null) break; // We are not managing this device
if (event.amtchange === 1) {
} else {
var dev = obj.amtDevices[event.nodeid];
if (dev != null) {
var amtchange = 0;
if (dev.name != event.node.name) { dev.name = event.node.name; }
if (dev.host != event.node.host) {
dev.host = event.node.host;
// The host has changed, if we are connected to this device locally, we need to reset.
if ((dev.conn & 4) != 0) { removeDevice(dev.nodeid); return; } // We are going to wait for the AMT scanned to find this device again.
// Intel AMT Connection Setup
// Update information about a device
function fetchIntelAmtInformation(dev) {
parent.db.Get(dev.nodeid, function (err, nodes) {
if ((nodes == null) || (nodes.length != 1)) { removeAmtDevice(dev); return; }
const node = nodes[0];
if ((node.intelamt == null) || (node.meshid == null)) { removeAmtDevice(dev); return; }
const mesh = parent.webserver.meshes[node.meshid];
if (mesh == null) { removeAmtDevice(dev); return; }
if (dev == null) { return; }
// Fetch Intel AMT setup policy
// mesh.amt.type: 0 = No Policy, 1 = Deactivate CCM, 2 = Manage in CCM, 3 = Manage in ACM
// mesh.amt.cirasetup: 0 = No Change, 1 = Remove CIRA, 2 = Setup CIRA
var amtPolicy = 0, ciraPolicy = 0;
if (mesh.amt != null) { if (mesh.amt.type) { amtPolicy = mesh.amt.type; } if (mesh.amt.cirasetup) { ciraPolicy = mesh.amt.cirasetup; } }
if (amtPolicy < 2) { ciraPolicy = 0; }
dev.policy = { amtPolicy: amtPolicy, ciraPolicy: ciraPolicy }
// If there is no Intel AMT policy for this device, stop here.
if (amtPolicy == 0) { dev.consoleMsg("Done."); removeAmtDevice(dev); return; }
// Setup the monitored device
dev.name = node.name;
//if (node.host) { dev.host = node.host.toLowerCase(); }
dev.meshid = node.meshid;
dev.intelamt = node.intelamt;
dev.consoleMsg("Checking Intel AMT state...");
// Attempt to perform initial contact with Intel AMT
function attemptInitialContact(dev) {
delete dev.amtstack; // If there is a WSMAn stack setup, clean it up now.
parent.debug('amt', "Attempt Initial Contact", dev.name, dev.connType);
// Check Intel AMT policy when CIRA-LMS connection is in use.
if ((dev.connType == 2) && (dev.mpsConnection != null) && (dev.mpsConnection.tag != null) && (dev.mpsConnection.tag.meiState != null)) {
// Intel AMT activation policy
if ((dev.policy.amtPolicy > 1) && (dev.mpsConnection.tag.meiState.ProvisioningState !== 2)) {
// This Intel AMT device is not activated, we need to work on activating it.
// Intel AMT CCM deactivation policy
if (dev.policy.amtPolicy == 1) {
if ((dev.mpsConnection.tag.meiState.ProvisioningState == 2) && ((dev.mpsConnection.tag.meiState.Flags & 2) != 0)) {
// Deactivate CCM.
} else {
// Already deactivated or in ACM, do nothing.
// No Intel AMT policy, stop here
if (dev.policy.amtPolicy == 0) {
// If we ran out of credentials to try, give up here.
if ((dev.acctry == null) && ((typeof dev.intelamt.user != 'string') || (typeof dev.intelamt.pass != 'string'))) {
if ((obj.amtAdminAccounts[dev.domainid] != null) && (obj.amtAdminAccounts[dev.domainid].length > 0)) { dev.acctry = 0; } else { removeAmtDevice(dev); return; }
switch (dev.connType) {
case 0: // CIRA
// Handle the case where the Intel AMT CIRA is connected (connType 0)
// In this connection type, we look at the port bindings to see if we need to do TLS or not.
// Check to see if CIRA is connected on this server.
var ciraconn = dev.mpsConnection;
if ((ciraconn == null) || (ciraconn.tag == null) || (ciraconn.tag.boundPorts == null)) { removeAmtDevice(dev); return; } // CIRA connection is not on this server, no need to deal with this device anymore.
// See what user/pass to try.
var user = null, pass = null;
if (dev.acctry == null) { user = dev.intelamt.user; pass = dev.intelamt.pass; } else { user = obj.amtAdminAccounts[dev.domainid][dev.acctry].user; pass = obj.amtAdminAccounts[dev.domainid][dev.acctry].pass; }
// See if we need to perform TLS or not. We prefer not to do TLS within CIRA.
var dotls = -1;
if (ciraconn.tag.boundPorts.indexOf('16992')) { dotls = 0; }
else if (ciraconn.tag.boundPorts.indexOf('16993')) { dotls = 1; }
if (dotls == -1) { removeAmtDevice(dev); return; } // The Intel AMT ports are not open, not a device we can deal with.
// Connect now
parent.debug('amt', 'CIRA-Connect', (dotls == 1) ? "TLS" : "NoTLS", dev.name, user, pass);
var comm;
if (dotls == 1) {
comm = CreateWsmanComm(dev.nodeid, 16993, user, pass, 1, null, ciraconn); // Perform TLS
comm.xtlsFingerprint = 0; // Perform no certificate checking
} else {
comm = CreateWsmanComm(dev.nodeid, 16992, user, pass, 0, null, ciraconn); // No TLS
var wsstack = WsmanStackCreateService(comm);
dev.amtstack = AmtStackCreateService(wsstack);
dev.amtstack.dev = dev;
dev.amtstack.BatchEnum(null, ['*AMT_GeneralSettings', '*IPS_HostBasedSetupService'], attemptLocalConnectResponse);
case 1:
case 2:
// Handle the case where the Intel AMT relay or LMS is connected (connType 1 or 2)
// Check to see if CIRA is connected on this server.
var ciraconn = dev.mpsConnection;
if ((ciraconn == null) || (ciraconn.tag == null) || (ciraconn.tag.boundPorts == null)) { removeAmtDevice(dev); return; } // Relay connection not valid
// See what user/pass to try.
var user = null, pass = null;
if (dev.acctry == null) { user = dev.intelamt.user; pass = dev.intelamt.pass; } else { user = obj.amtAdminAccounts[dev.domainid][dev.acctry].user; pass = obj.amtAdminAccounts[dev.domainid][dev.acctry].pass; }
// Connect now
var comm;
dev.tlsfail = true; // DEBUG!!!!!!!
if (dev.tlsfail !== true) {
parent.debug('amt', 'Relay-Connect', "TLS", dev.name, user, pass);
comm = CreateWsmanComm(dev.nodeid, 16993, user, pass, 1, null, ciraconn); // Perform TLS
comm.xtlsFingerprint = 0; // Perform no certificate checking
} else {
parent.debug('amt', 'Relay-Connect', "NoTLS", dev.name, user, pass);
comm = CreateWsmanComm(dev.nodeid, 16992, user, pass, 0, null, ciraconn); // No TLS
var wsstack = WsmanStackCreateService(comm);
dev.amtstack = AmtStackCreateService(wsstack);
dev.amtstack.dev = dev;
dev.amtstack.BatchEnum(null, ['*AMT_GeneralSettings', '*IPS_HostBasedSetupService'], attemptLocalConnectResponse);
case 3:
// Handle the case where the Intel AMT local scanner found the device (connType 3)
parent.debug('amt', "Attempt Initial Local Contact", dev.name, dev.connType, dev.host);
if (typeof dev.host != 'string') { removeAmtDevice(dev); return; } // Local connection not valid
// Since we don't allow two or more connections to the same host, check if a pending connection is active.
if (obj.activeLocalConnections[dev.host] != null) {
// Active connection, hold and try later.
var tryAgainFunc = function tryAgainFunc() { if (obj.amtDevices[tryAgainFunc.dev.nodeid] != null) { attemptInitialContact(tryAgainFunc.dev); } }
tryAgainFunc.dev = dev;
setTimeout(tryAgainFunc, 5000);
} else {
// No active connections, see what user/pass to try.
var user = null, pass = null;
if (dev.acctry == null) { user = dev.intelamt.user; pass = dev.intelamt.pass; } else { user = obj.amtAdminAccounts[dev.domainid][dev.acctry].user; pass = obj.amtAdminAccounts[dev.domainid][dev.acctry].pass; }
// Connect now
var comm;
if (dev.tlsfail !== true) {
parent.debug('amt', 'Direct-Connect', "TLS", dev.name, dev.host, user, pass);
comm = CreateWsmanComm(dev.host, 16993, user, pass, 1); // Always try with TLS first
comm.xtlsFingerprint = 0; // Perform no certificate checking
} else {
parent.debug('amt', 'Direct-Connect', "NoTLS", dev.name, dev.host, user, pass);
comm = CreateWsmanComm(dev.host, 16992, user, pass, 0); // Try without TLS
var wsstack = WsmanStackCreateService(comm);
dev.amtstack = AmtStackCreateService(wsstack);
dev.amtstack.dev = dev;
obj.activeLocalConnections[dev.host] = dev;
dev.amtstack.BatchEnum(null, ['*AMT_GeneralSettings', '*IPS_HostBasedSetupService'], attemptLocalConnectResponse);
dev.conntype = 1; // LOCAL
function attemptLocalConnectResponse(stack, name, responses, status) {
const dev = stack.dev;
parent.debug('amt', "Initial Contact Response", dev.name, status);
// If this is a local connection device, release active connection to this host.
if (dev.connType == 3) { delete obj.activeLocalConnections[dev.host]; }
// Check if the device still exists
if (isAmtDeviceValid(dev) == false) return; // Device no longer exists, ignore this request.
// Check the response
if ((status == 200) && (responses['AMT_GeneralSettings'] != null) && (responses['IPS_HostBasedSetupService'] != null) && (responses['IPS_HostBasedSetupService'].response != null) && (responses['IPS_HostBasedSetupService'].response != null) && (stack.wsman.comm.digestRealm == responses['AMT_GeneralSettings'].response.DigestRealm)) {
// Everything looks good
dev.consoleMsg(stack.wsman.comm.xtls ? "Intel AMT connected with TLS." : "Intel AMT connected.");
dev.state = 1;
if (dev.aquired == null) { dev.aquired = {}; }
dev.aquired.controlMode = responses['IPS_HostBasedSetupService'].response.CurrentControlMode; // 1 = CCM, 2 = ACM
var verSplit = stack.wsman.comm.amtVersion.split('.');
if (verSplit.length >= 3) { dev.aquired.version = verSplit[0] + '.' + verSplit[1] + '.' + verSplit[2]; dev.aquired.majorver = parseInt(verSplit[0]); dev.aquired.minorver = parseInt(verSplit[1]); }
dev.aquired.realm = stack.wsman.comm.digestRealm;
dev.aquired.user = stack.wsman.comm.user;
dev.aquired.pass = stack.wsman.comm.pass;
dev.aquired.lastContact = Date.now();
if ((dev.connType == 1) || (dev.connType == 3)) { dev.aquired.tls = stack.wsman.comm.xtls; } // Only set the TLS state if in relay or local mode. When using CIRA, this is auto-detected.
if (stack.wsman.comm.xtls == 1) { dev.aquired.hash = stack.wsman.comm.xtlsCertificate.fingerprint.split(':').join('').toLowerCase(); } else { delete dev.aquired.hash; }
// Perform Intel AMT clock sync
attemptSyncClock(dev, function (dev) {
// Check Intel AMT TLS state
attemptTlsSync(dev, function (dev) {
// If we need to switch to TLS, do it now.
if (dev.switchToTls == 1) { delete dev.switchToTls; attemptInitialContact(dev); return; }
// Check Intel AMT root certificate state
attemptRootCertSync(dev, function (dev) {
// Check Intel AMT CIRA settings
attemptCiraSync(dev, function (dev) {
// Check Intel AMT settings
attemptSettingsSync(dev, function (dev) {
// See if we need to get hardware inventory
attemptFetchHardwareInventory(dev, function (dev) {
// Remove from task limiter if needed
if (dev.taskid != null) { obj.parent.taskLimiter.completed(dev.taskid); delete dev.taskLimiter; }
if (dev.connType != 2) {
// Start power polling if not connected to LMS
var ppfunc = function powerPoleFunction() { fetchPowerState(powerPoleFunction.dev); }
ppfunc.dev = dev;
dev.polltimer = new setTimeout(ppfunc, 290000); // Poll for power state every 4 minutes 50 seconds.
} else {
// For LMS connections, close now.
dev.controlMsg({ action: 'close' });
} else {
// We got a bad response
if ((dev.conntype == 1) && (dev.tlsfail !== true) && (status == 408)) {
// TLS error on a local connection, try again without TLS
dev.tlsfail = true; attemptInitialContact(dev); return;
} else if (status == 401) {
// Authentication error, see if we can use alternative credentials
if ((dev.acctry == null) && (obj.amtAdminAccounts[dev.domainid] != null) && (obj.amtAdminAccounts[dev.domainid].length > 0)) { dev.acctry = 0; attemptInitialContact(dev); return; }
if ((dev.acctry != null) && (obj.amtAdminAccounts[dev.domainid] != null) && (obj.amtAdminAccounts[dev.domainid].length > (dev.acctry + 1))) { dev.acctry++; attemptInitialContact(dev); return; }
// We are unable to authenticate to this device, clear Intel AMT credentials.
dev.consoleMsg("Unable to connect.");
//console.log(dev.nodeid, dev.name, dev.host, status, 'Bad response');
// Intel AMT Database Update
// Change the current core information string and event it
function UpdateDevice(dev) {
if (isAmtDeviceValid(dev) == false) return; // Device no longer exists, ignore this request.
// Check that the mesh exists
const mesh = parent.webserver.meshes[dev.meshid];
if (mesh == null) { removeAmtDevice(dev); return false; }
// Get the node and change it if needed
parent.db.Get(dev.nodeid, function (err, nodes) {
if ((nodes == null) || (nodes.length != 1)) { return false; }
const device = nodes[0];
var changes = [], change = 0, log = 0;
var domain = parent.config.domains[device.domain];
if (domain == null) { return false; }
// Check if anything changes
if (device.intelamt == null) { device.intelamt = {}; }
if (dev.aquired.version && (typeof dev.aquired.version == 'string') && (dev.aquired.version != device.intelamt.ver)) { change = 1; log = 1; device.intelamt.ver = dev.aquired.version; changes.push('AMT version'); }
if (dev.aquired.user && (typeof dev.aquired.user == 'string') && (dev.aquired.user != device.intelamt.user)) { change = 1; log = 1; device.intelamt.user = dev.aquired.user; changes.push('AMT user'); }
if (dev.aquired.pass && (typeof dev.aquired.pass == 'string') && (dev.aquired.pass != device.intelamt.pass)) { change = 1; log = 1; device.intelamt.pass = dev.aquired.pass; changes.push('AMT pass'); }
if (dev.aquired.host && (typeof dev.aquired.host == 'string') && (dev.aquired.host != device.host)) { change = 1; log = 1; device.host = dev.aquired.host; changes.push('host'); }
if (dev.aquired.realm && (typeof dev.aquired.realm == 'string') && (dev.aquired.realm != device.intelamt.realm)) { change = 1; log = 1; device.intelamt.realm = dev.aquired.realm; changes.push('AMT realm'); }
if (dev.aquired.hash && (typeof dev.aquired.hash == 'string') && (dev.aquired.hash != device.intelamt.hash)) { change = 1; log = 1; device.intelamt.hash = dev.aquired.hash; changes.push('AMT hash'); }
if (dev.aquired.tls && (typeof dev.aquired.tls == 'number') && (dev.aquired.tls != device.intelamt.tls)) { change = 1; log = 1; device.intelamt.tls = dev.aquired.tls; changes.push('AMT TLS'); }
if (device.intelamt.state != 2) { change = 1; log = 1; device.intelamt.state = 2; changes.push('AMT state'); }
// Update Intel AMT flags if needed
// dev.aquired.controlMode // 1 = CCM, 2 = ACM
// (node.intelamt.flags & 2) == CCM, (node.intelamt.flags & 4) == ACM
var flags = 0;
if (typeof device.intelamt.flags == 'number') { flags = device.intelamt.flags; }
if (dev.aquired.controlMode == 1) { if ((flags & 4) != 0) { flags -= 4; } if ((flags & 2) == 0) { flags += 2; } } // CCM
if (dev.aquired.controlMode == 2) { if ((flags & 4) == 0) { flags += 4; } if ((flags & 2) != 0) { flags -= 2; } } // ACM
if (device.intelamt.flags != flags) { change = 1; log = 1; device.intelamt.flags = flags; changes.push('AMT flags'); }
// If there are changes, event the new device
if (change == 1) {
// Save to the database
// Event the node change
var event = { etype: 'node', action: 'changenode', nodeid: device._id, domain: domain.id, node: parent.webserver.CloneSafeNode(device) };
if (changes.length > 0) { event.msg = 'Changed device ' + device.name + ' from group ' + mesh.name + ': ' + changes.join(', '); }
if ((log == 0) || ((obj.agentInfo) && (obj.agentInfo.capabilities) && (obj.agentInfo.capabilities & 0x20)) || (changes.length == 0)) { event.nolog = 1; } // If this is a temporary device, don't log changes
if (parent.db.changeStream) { event.noact = 1; } // If DB change stream is active, don't use this event to change the node. Another event will come.
parent.DispatchEvent(parent.webserver.CreateMeshDispatchTargets(device.meshid, [device._id]), obj, event);
// Change the current core information string and event it
function ClearDeviceCredentials(dev) {
if (isAmtDeviceValid(dev) == false) return; // Device no longer exists, ignore this request.
// Check that the mesh exists
const mesh = parent.webserver.meshes[dev.meshid];
if (mesh == null) { removeAmtDevice(dev); return; }
// Get the node and change it if needed
parent.db.Get(dev.nodeid, function (err, nodes) {
if ((nodes == null) || (nodes.length != 1)) return;
const device = nodes[0];
var changes = [], change = 0, log = 0;
var domain = parent.config.domains[device.domain];
if (domain == null) return;
// Check if anything changes
if (device.intelamt == null) return;
if (device.intelamt.user != null) { change = 1; log = 1; delete device.intelamt.user; changes.push('AMT user'); }
if (device.intelamt.pass != null) { change = 1; log = 1; delete device.intelamt.pass; changes.push('AMT pass'); }
// If there are changes, event the new device
if (change == 1) {
// Save to the database
// Event the node change
var event = { etype: 'node', action: 'changenode', nodeid: device._id, domain: domain.id, node: parent.webserver.CloneSafeNode(device) };
if (changes.length > 0) { event.msg = 'Changed device ' + device.name + ' from group ' + mesh.name + ': ' + changes.join(', '); }
if ((log == 0) || ((obj.agentInfo) && (obj.agentInfo.capabilities) && (obj.agentInfo.capabilities & 0x20)) || (changes.length == 0)) { event.nolog = 1; } // If this is a temporary device, don't log changes
if (parent.db.changeStream) { event.noact = 1; } // If DB change stream is active, don't use this event to change the node. Another event will come.
parent.DispatchEvent(parent.webserver.CreateMeshDispatchTargets(device.meshid, [device._id]), obj, event);
// Intel AMT Power State
// Get the current power state of a device
function fetchPowerState(dev) {
if (isAmtDeviceValid(dev) == false) return;
// Check if the agent is connected
var constate = parent.GetConnectivityState(dev.nodeid);
if ((constate == null) || (constate.connectivity & 1)) return; // If there is no connectivity or the agent is connected, skip trying to poll power state.
// Fetch the power state
dev.amtstack.BatchEnum(null, ['CIM_ServiceAvailableToElement'], function (stack, name, responses, status) {
const dev = stack.dev;
if (obj.amtDevices[dev.nodeid] == null) return; // Device no longer exists, ignore this response.
if ((status != 200) || (responses['CIM_ServiceAvailableToElement'] == null) || (responses['CIM_ServiceAvailableToElement'].responses == null) || (responses['CIM_ServiceAvailableToElement'].responses.length < 1)) return; // If the polling fails, just skip it.
var powerstate = responses['CIM_ServiceAvailableToElement'].responses[0].PowerState;
if ((powerstate == 2) && (dev.aquired.majorver > 9)) {
// Device is powered on and Intel AMT 10+, poll the OS power state.
dev.amtstack.Get('IPS_PowerManagementService', function (stack, name, response, status) {
const dev = stack.dev;
if (obj.amtDevices[dev.nodeid] == null) return; // Device no longer exists, ignore this response.
if (status != 200) return;
// Convert the OS power state
var meshPowerState = -1;
if (response.Body.OSPowerSavingState == 2) { meshPowerState = 1; } // Fully powered (S0);
else if (response.Body.OSPowerSavingState == 3) { meshPowerState = 2; } // Modern standby (We are going to call this S1);
// Set OS power state
if (meshPowerState >= 0) { parent.SetConnectivityState(dev.meshid, dev.nodeid, Date.now(), 4, meshPowerState); }
} else {
// Convert the power state
// AMT power: 1 = Other, 2 = On, 3 = Sleep-Light, 4 = Sleep-Deep, 5 = Power Cycle (Off-Soft), 6 = Off-Hard, 7 = Hibernate (Off-Soft), 8 = Off-Soft, 9 = Power Cycle (Off-Hard), 10 = Master Bus Reset, 11 = Diagnostic Interrupt (NMI), 12 = Off-Soft Graceful, 13 = Off-Hard Graceful, 14 = Master Bus Reset Graceful, 15 = Power Cycle (Off- oft Graceful), 16 = Power Cycle (Off - Hard Graceful), 17 = Diagnostic Interrupt (INIT)
// Mesh power: 0 = Unknown, 1 = S0 power on, 2 = S1 Sleep, 3 = S2 Sleep, 4 = S3 Sleep, 5 = S4 Hibernate, 6 = S5 Soft-Off, 7 = Present
var meshPowerState = -1, powerConversionTable = [-1, -1, 1, 2, 3, 6, 6, 5, 6];
if (powerstate < powerConversionTable.length) { meshPowerState = powerConversionTable[powerstate]; } else { powerstate = 6; }
// Set power state
if (meshPowerState >= 0) { parent.SetConnectivityState(dev.meshid, dev.nodeid, Date.now(), 4, meshPowerState); }
// Perform a power action: 2 = Power up, 5 = Power cycle, 8 = Power down, 10 = Reset
function performPowerAction(nodeid, action) {
var devices = obj.amtDevices[nodeid];
if (devices == null) return;
for (var i in devices) {
var dev = devices[i];
if (dev.amtstack != null) {
// TODO: Check if the device passed initial connection
try { dev.amtstack.RequestPowerStateChange(action, performPowerActionResponse); } catch (ex) { }
// Response to Intel AMT power action
function performPowerActionResponse(stack, name, responses, status) {
//console.log('performPowerActionResponse', status);
// Intel AMT Clock Syncronization
// Attempt to sync the Intel AMT clock if needed, call func back when done.
// Care should be take not to have many pending WSMAN called when performing clock sync.
function attemptSyncClock(dev, func) {
if (isAmtDeviceValid(dev) == false) return; // Device no longer exists, ignore this request.
dev.taskCount = 1;
dev.taskCompleted = func;
// Intel AMT clock query response
function attemptSyncClockEx(stack, name, response, status) {
const dev = stack.dev;
if (isAmtDeviceValid(dev) == false) return; // Device no longer exists, ignore this request.
if (status != 200) { dev.consoleMsg("Failed to get clock (" + status + ")."); removeAmtDevice(dev); return; }
// Compute how much drift between Intel AMT and our clock.
var t = new Date(), now = new Date();
t.setTime(response.Body['Ta0'] * 1000);
if (Math.abs(t - now) > 10000) { // If the Intel AMT clock is more than 10 seconds off, set it.
dev.consoleMsg("Performing clock sync.");
var Tm1 = Math.round(now.getTime() / 1000);
dev.amtstack.AMT_TimeSynchronizationService_SetHighAccuracyTimeSynch(response.Body['Ta0'], Tm1, Tm1, attemptSyncClockSet);
} else {
// Clock is fine, we are done.
// Intel AMT clock set response
function attemptSyncClockSet(stack, name, responses, status) {
const dev = stack.dev;
if (isAmtDeviceValid(dev) == false) return; // Device no longer exists, ignore this request.
if (status != 200) { dev.consoleMsg("Failed to sync clock (" + status + ")."); removeAmtDevice(dev); }
// Intel AMT TLS setup
// Check if Intel AMT TLS state is correct
function attemptTlsSync(dev, func) {
if (isAmtDeviceValid(dev) == false) return; // Device no longer exists, ignore this request.
// Refetch Intel AMT setup policy
// mesh.amt.type: 0 = No Policy, 1 = Deactivate CCM, 2 = Manage in CCM, 3 = Manage in ACM
// mesh.amt.cirasetup: 0 = No Change, 1 = Remove CIRA, 2 = Setup CIRA
const mesh = parent.webserver.meshes[dev.meshid];
if (mesh == null) { dev.consoleMsg("Unable to find device group."); removeAmtDevice(dev); return; }
var amtPolicy = 0, ciraPolicy = 0;
if (mesh.amt != null) { if (mesh.amt.type) { amtPolicy = mesh.amt.type; } if (mesh.amt.cirasetup) { ciraPolicy = mesh.amt.cirasetup; } }
if (amtPolicy < 2) { ciraPolicy = 0; }
dev.policy = { amtPolicy: amtPolicy, ciraPolicy: ciraPolicy }
if (amtPolicy < 2) {
// No policy or deactivation, do nothing.
dev.consoleMsg("No server policy for Intel AMT");
} else {
// Manage in CCM or ACM
dev.taskCount = 1;
dev.taskCompleted = func;
// TODO: We only deal with certificates starting with Intel AMT 6 and beyond
dev.amtstack.BatchEnum(null, ['AMT_PublicKeyCertificate', 'AMT_PublicPrivateKeyPair', 'AMT_TLSSettingData', 'AMT_TLSCredentialContext'], attemptTlsSyncEx);
function attemptTlsSyncEx(stack, name, responses, status) {
const dev = stack.dev;
if (isAmtDeviceValid(dev) == false) return; // Device no longer exists, ignore this request.
if (status != 200) { dev.consoleMsg("Failed to get security information (" + status + ")."); removeAmtDevice(dev); return; }
// Setup the certificates
dev.policy.certPrivateKeys = responses['AMT_PublicPrivateKeyPair'].responses;
dev.policy.tlsSettings = responses['AMT_TLSSettingData'].responses;
dev.policy.tlsCredentialContext = responses['AMT_TLSCredentialContext'].responses;
var xxCertificates = responses['AMT_PublicKeyCertificate'].responses;
for (var i in xxCertificates) {
xxCertificates[i].TrustedRootCertficate = (xxCertificates[i]['TrustedRootCertficate'] == true);
xxCertificates[i].X509CertificateBin = Buffer.from(xxCertificates[i]['X509Certificate'], 'base64').toString('binary');
xxCertificates[i].XIssuer = parseCertName(xxCertificates[i]['Issuer']);
xxCertificates[i].XSubject = parseCertName(xxCertificates[i]['Subject']);
amtcert_linkCertPrivateKey(xxCertificates, dev.policy.certPrivateKeys);
dev.policy.certificates = xxCertificates;
// Find the current TLS certificate & MeshCentral root certificate
var xxTlsCurrentCert = null;
if (dev.policy.tlsCredentialContext.length > 0) {
var certInstanceId = dev.policy.tlsCredentialContext[0]['ElementInContext']['ReferenceParameters']['SelectorSet']['Selector']['Value'];
for (var i in dev.policy.certificates) { if (dev.policy.certificates[i]['InstanceID'] == certInstanceId) { xxTlsCurrentCert = i; } }
// This is a managed device and TLS is not enabled, turn it on.
if (xxTlsCurrentCert == null) {
// Start by generating a key pair
dev.amtstack.AMT_PublicKeyManagementService_GenerateKeyPair(0, 2048, function (stack, name, responses, status) {
const dev = stack.dev;
if (isAmtDeviceValid(dev) == false) return; // Device no longer exists, ignore this request.
if (status != 200) { dev.consoleMsg("Failed to generate a key pair (" + status + ")."); removeAmtDevice(dev); return; }
// Check that we get a key pair reference
var x = null;
try { x = responses.Body['KeyPair']['ReferenceParameters']['SelectorSet']['Selector']['Value']; } catch (ex) { }
if (x == null) { dev.consoleMsg("Unable to get key pair reference."); removeAmtDevice(dev); return; }
// Get the new key pair
dev.amtstack.Enum('AMT_PublicPrivateKeyPair', function (stack, name, responses, status, tag) {
const dev = stack.dev;
if (isAmtDeviceValid(dev) == false) return; // Device no longer exists, ignore this request.
if (status != 200) { dev.consoleMsg("Failed to get a key pair list (" + status + ")."); removeAmtDevice(dev); return; }
// Get the new DER key
var DERKey = null;
for (var i in responses) { if (responses[i]['InstanceID'] == tag) { DERKey = responses[i]['DERKey']; } }
// Get certificate values
const commonName = 'IntelAMT-' + Buffer.from(parent.crypto.randomBytes(6), 'binary').toString('hex');
const domain = parent.config.domains[dev.domainid];
var serverName = 'MeshCentral';
if ((domain != null) && (domain.title != null)) { serverName = domain.title; }
const certattributes = { 'CN': commonName, 'O': serverName, 'ST': 'MC', 'C': 'MC' };
const issuerattributes = { 'CN': obj.rootCertCN };
const xxCaPrivateKey = obj.parent.certificates.root.key;
// Set the extended key usages
var extKeyUsage = { name: 'extKeyUsage', serverAuth: true, clientAuth: true }
// Sign the key pair using the CA certifiate
const cert = amtcert_createCertificate(certattributes, xxCaPrivateKey, DERKey, issuerattributes, extKeyUsage);
if (cert == null) { dev.consoleMsg("Failed to sign the TLS certificate."); removeAmtDevice(dev); return; }
// Place the resulting signed certificate back into AMT
var pem = obj.parent.certificateOperations.forge.pki.certificateToPem(cert).replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, '');
// Set the certificate finderprint (SHA1)
var md = obj.parent.certificateOperations.forge.md.sha1.create();
dev.aquired.xhash = md.digest().toHex();
dev.amtstack.AMT_PublicKeyManagementService_AddCertificate(pem.substring(27, pem.length - 25), function (stack, name, responses, status) {
const dev = stack.dev;
if (isAmtDeviceValid(dev) == false) return; // Device no longer exists, ignore this request.
if (status != 200) { dev.consoleMsg("Failed to add TLS certificate (" + status + ")."); removeAmtDevice(dev); return; }
var certInstanceId = responses.Body['CreatedCertificate']['ReferenceParameters']['SelectorSet']['Selector']['Value'];
// Set the TLS certificate
dev.setTlsSecurityPendingCalls = 3;
if (dev.policy.tlsCredentialContext.length > 0) {
// Modify the current context
var newTLSCredentialContext = Clone(dev.policy.tlsCredentialContext[0]);
newTLSCredentialContext['ElementInContext']['ReferenceParameters']['SelectorSet']['Selector']['Value'] = certInstanceId;
dev.amtstack.Put('AMT_TLSCredentialContext', newTLSCredentialContext, amtSwitchToTls, 0, 1);
} else {
// Add a new security context
dev.amtstack.Create('AMT_TLSCredentialContext', {
'ElementInContext': '