/** * @description MQTT broker reference implementation based on AEDES * @author Joko Banu Sastriawan, Ylian Saint-Hilaire * @copyright Intel Corporation 2018-2019 * @license Apache-2.0 * @version v0.0.1 */ module.exports.CreateMQTTBroker = function (parent, db, args) { var obj = {} obj.parent = parent; obj.db = db; obj.args = args; obj.connections = {}; // NodesID --> client array const aedes = require("aedes")(); obj.handle = aedes.handle; const allowedSubscriptionTopics = [ 'presence' ]; const denyError = new Error('denied'); var authError = new Error('Auth error') authError.returnCode = 1 // Generate a username and password for MQTT login obj.generateLogin = function (meshid, nodeid) { const meshidsplit = meshid.split('/'), nodeidsplit = nodeid.split('/'); const xmeshid = meshidsplit[2], xnodeid = nodeidsplit[2], xdomainid = meshidsplit[1]; const username = 'MCAuth1:' + xnodeid + ':' + xmeshid + ':' + xdomainid; const nonce = Buffer.from(parent.crypto.randomBytes(9), 'binary').toString('base64'); return { meshid: meshid, nodeid: nodeid, user: username, pass: parent.config.settings.mqtt.auth.keyid + ':' + nonce + ':' + parent.crypto.createHash('sha384').update(username + ':' + nonce + ':' + parent.config.settings.mqtt.auth.key).digest("base64") }; } // Connection Authentication aedes.authenticate = function (client, username, password, callback) { obj.parent.debug("mqtt", "Authentication User:" + username + ", Pass:" + password.toString() + ", ClientID:" + client.id + ", " + client.conn.xtransport + "://" + cleanRemoteAddr(client.conn.xip)); // Parse the username and password var usersplit = username.split(':'); var passsplit = password.toString().split(':'); if ((usersplit.length !== 4) || (passsplit.length !== 3)) { obj.parent.debug("mqtt", "Invalid user/pass format, " + client.conn.xtransport + "://" + cleanRemoteAddr(client.conn.xip)); callback(authError, null); return; } if (usersplit[0] !== 'MCAuth1') { obj.parent.debug("mqtt", "Invalid auth method, " + client.conn.xtransport + "://" + cleanRemoteAddr(client.conn.xip)); callback(authError, null); return; } // Check authentication if (passsplit[0] !== parent.config.settings.mqtt.auth.keyid) { obj.parent.debug("mqtt", "Invalid auth keyid, " + client.conn.xtransport + "://" + cleanRemoteAddr(client.conn.xip)); callback(authError, null); return; } if (parent.crypto.createHash('sha384').update(username + ':' + passsplit[1] + ':' + parent.config.settings.mqtt.auth.key).digest("base64") !== passsplit[2]) { obj.parent.debug("mqtt", "Invalid password, " + client.conn.xtransport + "://" + cleanRemoteAddr(client.conn.xip)); callback(authError, null); return; } // Setup the identifiers const xnodeid = usersplit[1]; var xmeshid = usersplit[2]; const xdomainid = usersplit[3]; // Check the domain if ((typeof client.conn.xdomain == 'object') && (xdomainid != client.conn.xdomain.id)) { obj.parent.debug("mqtt", "Invalid domain connection, " + client.conn.xtransport + "://" + cleanRemoteAddr(client.conn.xip)); callback(null, false); return; } // Convert meshid from HEX to Base64 if needed if (xmeshid.length === 96) { xmeshid = Buffer.from(xmeshid, 'hex').toString('base64'); } if ((xmeshid.length !== 64) || (xnodeid.length != 64)) { callback(authError, null); return; } // Set the client nodeid and meshid client.xdbNodeKey = 'node/' + xdomainid + '/' + xnodeid; client.xdbMeshKey = 'mesh/' + xdomainid + '/' + xmeshid; // Check if this node exists in the database db.Get(client.xdbNodeKey, function (err, nodes) { if ((nodes == null) || (nodes.length != 1)) { callback(authError, null); return; } // Node does not exist // If this device now has a different meshid, fix it here. client.xdbMeshKey = nodes[0].meshid; if (obj.connections[client.xdbNodeKey] == null) { obj.connections[client.xdbNodeKey] = [client]; parent.SetConnectivityState(client.xdbMeshKey, client.xdbNodeKey, Date.now(), 16, 7); // Indicate this node has a MQTT connection, 7 = Present state } else { obj.connections[client.xdbNodeKey].push(client); } client.conn.parent = client; client.conn.on('end', function () { // client is "this.parent" obj.parent.debug("mqtt", "Connection closed, " + this.parent.conn.xtransport + "://" + cleanRemoteAddr(this.parent.conn.xip)); // Remove this client from the connections list if ((this.parent.xdbNodeKey != null) && (obj.connections[this.parent.xdbNodeKey] != null)) { var clients = obj.connections[this.parent.xdbNodeKey], i = clients.indexOf(client); if (i >= 0) { if (clients.length == 1) { delete obj.connections[this.parent.xdbNodeKey]; parent.ClearConnectivityState(this.parent.xdbMeshKey, this.parent.xdbNodeKey, 16); // Remove the MQTT connection for this node } else { clients.splice(i, 1); } } } this.parent.close(); }); callback(null, true); }); } // Check if a client can publish a packet aedes.authorizeSubscribe = function (client, sub, callback) { // Subscription control obj.parent.debug("mqtt", "AuthorizeSubscribe \"" + sub.topic + "\", " + client.conn.xtransport + "://" + cleanRemoteAddr(client.conn.xip)); if (allowedSubscriptionTopics.indexOf(sub.topic) === -1) { sub = null; } // If not a supported subscription, deny it. callback(null, sub); // We authorize supported topics, but will not allow agents to publish anything to other agents. } // Check if a client can publish a packet aedes.authorizePublish = function (client, packet, callback) { // Handle a published message obj.parent.debug("mqtt", "AuthorizePublish, " + client.conn.xtransport + "://" + cleanRemoteAddr(client.conn.xip)); handleMessage(client.xdbNodeKey, client.xdbNodeKey, packet.topic, packet.payload); // We don't accept that any client message be published, so don't call the callback. } // Publish a message to a specific nodeid & topic, also send this to peer servers. obj.publish = function (nodeid, topic, message) { // Publish this message on peer servers. if (parent.multiServer != null) { parent.multiServer.DispatchMessage(JSON.stringify({ action: 'mqtt', nodeid: nodeid, topic: topic, message: message })); } obj.publishNoPeers(nodeid, topic, message); } // Publish a message to a specific nodeid & topic, don't send to peer servers. obj.publishNoPeers = function (nodeid, topic, message) { // Look for any MQTT connections to send this to var clients = obj.connections[nodeid]; if (clients == null) return; if (typeof message == 'string') { message = new Buffer(message); } for (var i in clients) { clients[i].publish({ cmd: 'publish', qos: 0, topic: topic, payload: message, retain: false }); } } // Handle messages coming from clients function handleMessage(nodeid, meshid, topic, message) { // TODO: Handle messages here. //console.log('handleMessage', nodeid, topic, message.toString()); //obj.publish(nodeid, 'echoTopic', "Echo: " + message.toString()); } // Clean a IPv6 address that encodes a IPv4 address function cleanRemoteAddr(addr) { if (typeof addr != 'string') { return null; } if (addr.indexOf('::ffff:') == 0) { return addr.substring(7); } else { return addr; } } return obj; }