2020-04-20 02:44:14 -07:00

183 lines
6.9 KiB

"__comment__" : "This is a sample configuration file, all values and sections that start with underscore (_) are ignored. Edit a section and remove the _ in front of the name. Refer to the user's guide for details.",
"settings": {
"_Cert": "",
"_MongoDb": "mongodb://",
"_MongoDbName": "meshcentral",
"_MongoDbChangeStream": true,
"_MongoDumpPath": "C:\\Program Files\\MongoDB\\Server\\4.2\\bin\\mongodump.exe",
"_WANonly": true,
"_LANonly": true,
"_Minify": 1,
"_SessionTime": 30,
"_SessionKey": "MyReallySecretPassword1",
"_SessionSameSite": "strict",
"_DbEncryptKey": "MyReallySecretPassword2",
"_DbRecordsEncryptKey": "MyReallySecretPassword",
"_DbRecordsDecryptKey": "MyReallySecretPassword",
"__DbExpire": "Amount of time to keep various events in the database, in seconds. Below are the default values.",
"_DbExpire": {
"events": 1728000,
"powerevents": 864000,
"statsevents": 2592000
"_Port": 443,
"_AliasPort": 444,
"_RedirPort": 80,
"_ExactPorts": true,
"_AllowLoginToken": true,
"_AllowFraming": true,
"_AgentInviteCodes": true,
"_WebRTC": false,
"_Nice404": false,
"_ClickOnce": false,
"_SelfUpdate": true,
"_AgentPing": 60,
"_AgentPong": 60,
"_AgentIdleTimeout": 150,
"_MeshErrorLogPath": "c:\\tmp",
"_NpmPath": "c:\\npm.exe",
"_NpmProxy": "",
"_AllowHighQualityDesktop": true,
"_UserAllowedIP": ",",
"_UserBlockedIP": ",::1,",
"_AgentAllowedIP": "",
"_AgentBlockedIP": ",::1",
"_AuthLog": "c:\\temp\\auth.log",
"_LocalDiscovery": {
"name": "Local server name",
"info": "Information about this server"
"_TlsOffload": "",
"_TrustedProxy": "",
"_MpsPort": 44330,
"_MpsAliasPort": 4433,
"_MpsAliasHost": "",
"_MpsTlsOffload": true,
"_No2FactorAuth": true,
"_Log": "main,web,webrequest,cert",
"_syslog": "meshcentral",
"_syslogauth": "meshcentral-auth",
"_syslogjson": "meshcentral-json",
"_WebRtConfig": {
"iceServers": [
{ "urls": "" },
{ "urls": "" }
"_AutoBackup": {
"backupIntervalHours": 24,
"keepLastDaysBackup": 10,
"zipPassword": "MyReallySecretPassword3",
"_backupPath": "C:\\backups"
"_Redirects": {
"meshcommander": ""
"__MaxInvalidLogin": "Time in minutes, max amount of bad logins from a source IP in the time before logins are rejected.",
"_MaxInvalidLogin": { "time": 10, "count": 10, "coolofftime": 10 },
"_Plugins": { "enabled": true }
"_domains": {
"": {
"Title": "MyServer",
"Title2": "Servername",
"_TitlePicture": "title-sample.png",
"_UserQuota": 1048576,
"_MeshQuota": 248576,
"_NewAccounts": true,
"_UserNameIsEmail": true,
"_NewAccountEmailDomains": [ "" ],
"_NewAccountsRights": [ "nonewgroups", "notools" ],
"_ManageAllDeviceGroups": [ "admin" ],
"_WelcomeText": "Sample Text on Login Page.",
"_WelcomePicture": "mainwelcome.jpg",
"___Hide__": "Sum of: 1 = Hide header, 2 = Hide tab, 4 = Hide footer, 8 = Hide title, 16 = Hide left bar",
"_Hide": 4,
"_Footer": "<a href=''>Twitter</a>",
"_CertUrl": "",
"_PasswordRequirements": { "min": 8, "max": 128, "upper": 1, "lower": 1, "numeric": 1, "nonalpha": 1, "reset": 90, "force2factor": true, "skip2factor": "," },
"_AgentNoProxy": true,
"_GeoLocation": true,
"_UserAllowedIP": ",",
"_UserBlockedIP": ",::1,",
"_AgentAllowedIP": "",
"_AgentBlockedIP": ",::1",
"___UserSessionIdleTimeout__" : "Number of user idle minutes before auto-disconnect",
"_UserSessionIdleTimeout" : 30,
"__UserConsentFlags__" : "Set to: 1 for desktop, 2 for terminal, 3 for files, 7 for all",
"_UserConsentFlags" : 7,
"_DesktopPrivacyBarText": "Your privacy bar message",
"_Limits": {
"_MaxDevices": 100,
"_MaxUserAccounts": 100,
"_MaxUserSessions": 100,
"_MaxAgentSessions": 100,
"MaxSingleUserSessions": 10
"_AmtAcmActivation": {
"log": "amtactivation.log",
"certs": {
"mycertname": {
"certfiles": [ "amtacm-leafcert.crt", "amtacm-intermediate1.crt", "amtacm-intermediate2.crt", "amtacm-rootcert.crt" ],
"keyfile": "amtacm-leafcert.key"
"_Redirects": {
"meshcommander": ""
"_yubikey": { "id": "0000", "secret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "_proxy": "" },
"_httpheaders": {
"Strict-Transport-Security": "max-age=360000",
"x-frame-options": "SAMEORIGIN",
"Content-Security-Policy": "default-src 'none'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; connect-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; frame-src 'self'; media-src 'self'"
"_agentConfig": [ "webSocketMaskOverride=1" ],
"_SessionRecording": {
"_filepath": "C:\\temp",
"_index": true,
"__protocols__": "Is an array: 1 = Terminal, 2 = Desktop, 5 = Files, 100 = Intel AMT WSMAN, 101 = Intel AMT Redirection",
"protocols": [ 1, 2, 101 ]
"_customer1": {
"_DNS": "",
"_Title": "Customer1",
"_Title2": "TestServer",
"_NewAccounts": 1,
"_Auth": "sspi",
"_Footer": "Test",
"_CertUrl": ""
"_info": {
"_share": "C:\\ExtraWebSite"
"_letsencrypt": {
"__comment__": "Requires NodeJS 10.12 or better, Go to first before trying Let's Encrypt.",
"email": "",
"names": ",",
"rsaKeySize": 3072,
"production": false
"_peers": {
"serverId": "server1",
"servers": {
"server1": { "url": "wss://" },
"server2": { "url": "wss://" }
"_smtp": {
"host": "",
"port": 25,
"from": "",
"__tls__": "When 'tls' is set to true, TLS is used immidiatly when connecting. For SMTP servers that use TLSSTART, set this to 'false' and TLS will still be used.",
"tls": false,
"___tlscertcheck__": "When set to false, the TLS certificate of the SMTP server is not checked.",
"_tlscertcheck": false,
"__tlsstrict__": "When set to true, TLS cypher setup is more limited, SSLv2 and SSLv3 are not allowed.",
"_tlsstrict": true