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* @description MeshCentral Multi-Server Support
* @author Ylian Saint-Hilaire
* @copyright Intel Corporation 2018-2021
* @license Apache-2.0
* @version v0.0.1
/*jslint node: true */
/*jshint node: true */
/*jshint strict:false */
/*jshint -W097 */
/*jshint esversion: 6 */
'use strict';
// Construct a Mesh Multi-Server object. This is used for MeshCentral-to-MeshCentral communication.
module.exports.CreateMultiServer = function (parent, args) {
var obj = {};
const WebSocket = require('ws');
obj.parent = parent;
obj.crypto = require('crypto');
obj.peerConfig = parent.config.peers;
obj.forge = require('node-forge');
obj.outPeerServers = {}; // Outgoing peer servers
obj.peerServers = {}; // All connected servers (in & out). Only present in this list if the connection is setup
obj.serverid = null;
// Create a mesh server module that will connect to other servers
obj.CreatePeerOutServer = function (parent, serverid, url) {
var obj = {};
obj.parent = parent;
obj.serverid = serverid;
obj.url = url;
obj.ws = null;
obj.certificates = parent.parent.certificates;
obj.common = require('./common.js');
obj.forge = require('node-forge');
obj.crypto = require('crypto');
obj.connectionState = 0;
obj.retryTimer = null;
obj.retryBackoff = 0;
obj.connectHandler = null;
obj.webCertificateHash = obj.parent.parent.webserver.webCertificateHash;
obj.agentCertificateHashBase64 = obj.parent.parent.webserver.agentCertificateHashBase64;
obj.agentCertificateAsn1 = obj.parent.parent.webserver.agentCertificateAsn1;
obj.peerServerId = null;
obj.authenticated = 0;
obj.serverCertHash = null;
obj.pendingData = [];
// Disconnect from the server and/or stop trying
obj.stop = function () {
obj.connectionState = 0;
// Make one attempt at connecting to the server
function connect() {
obj.retryTimer = null;
obj.connectionState = 1;
// Get the web socket setup
obj.ws = new WebSocket(obj.url + 'meshserver.ashx', { rejectUnauthorized: false, servername: obj.certificates.CommonName, cert: obj.certificates.agent.cert, key: obj.certificates.agent.key });
obj.parent.parent.debug('peer', 'OutPeer ' + obj.serverid + ': Connecting to: ' + url + 'meshserver.ashx');
// Register the connection failed event
obj.ws.on('error', function (error) { obj.parent.parent.debug('peer', 'OutPeer ' + obj.serverid + ': Error: ' + error); disconnect(); });
obj.ws.on('close', function () { obj.parent.parent.debug('peer', 'OutPeer ' + obj.serverid + ': Disconnected'); disconnect(); });
// Register the connection event
obj.ws.on('open', function () {
obj.parent.parent.debug('peer', 'OutPeer ' + obj.serverid + ': Connected');
obj.connectionState |= 2;
obj.nonce = obj.crypto.randomBytes(48).toString('binary');
// Get the peer server's certificate and compute the server public key hash
if (obj.ws._socket == null) return;
if (obj.url.toLowerCase().startsWith('wss://')) {
// We are using TLS, use the certificate hash
var serverCert = obj.forge.pki.certificateFromAsn1(obj.forge.asn1.fromDer(obj.ws._socket.getPeerCertificate().raw.toString('binary')));
obj.serverCertHash = obj.forge.pki.getPublicKeyFingerprint(serverCert.publicKey, { encoding: 'binary', md: obj.forge.md.sha384.create() });
} else {
// We are not using TLS, blank out the TLS certificate hash
obj.serverCertHash = Buffer.alloc(48).toString('binary');
// Start authenticate the peer server by sending a auth nonce & server TLS cert hash.
// Send 384 bits SHA384 hash of TLS cert public key + 384 bits nonce
obj.ws.send(obj.common.ShortToStr(1) + obj.serverCertHash + obj.nonce); // Command 1, hash + nonce
// If a message is received
obj.ws.on('message', function (msg) {
if (typeof msg != 'string') { msg = msg.toString('binary'); }
if (msg.length < 2) return;
if (msg.charCodeAt(0) == 123) {
if ((obj.connectionState & 4) != 0) { processServerData(msg); } else { obj.pendingData.push(msg); }
} else {
var cmd = obj.common.ReadShort(msg, 0);
switch (cmd) {
case 1: {
// Server authentication request
if (msg.length != 98) { obj.parent.parent.debug('peer', 'OutPeer: BAD MESSAGE(A1)'); return; }
// Check that the server hash matches the TLS server certificate public key hash
if (obj.url.toLowerCase().startsWith('wss://') && (obj.serverCertHash != msg.substring(2, 50))) { obj.parent.parent.debug('peer', 'OutPeer: Server hash mismatch.'); disconnect(); return; }
obj.servernonce = msg.substring(50);
// Perform the hash signature using the server agent certificate
obj.parent.parent.certificateOperations.acceleratorPerformSignature(0, msg.substring(2) + obj.nonce, null, function (tag, signature) {
// Send back our certificate + signature
if (obj.ws != null) { obj.ws.send(obj.common.ShortToStr(2) + obj.common.ShortToStr(obj.agentCertificateAsn1.length) + obj.agentCertificateAsn1 + signature); } // Command 2, certificate + signature
case 2: {
// Server certificate
var certlen = obj.common.ReadShort(msg, 2), serverCert = null;
var serverCertPem = '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\r\n' + Buffer.from(msg.substring(4, 4 + certlen), 'binary').toString('base64') + '\r\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----';
try { serverCert = obj.forge.pki.certificateFromAsn1(obj.forge.asn1.fromDer(msg.substring(4, 4 + certlen))); } catch (e) { }
if (serverCert == null) { obj.parent.parent.debug('peer', 'OutPeer: Invalid server certificate.'); disconnect(); return; }
var serverid = Buffer.from(obj.forge.pki.getPublicKeyFingerprint(serverCert.publicKey, { encoding: 'binary', md: obj.forge.md.sha384.create() }), 'binary').toString('base64').replace(/\+/g, '@').replace(/\//g, '$');
if (serverid !== obj.agentCertificateHashBase64) { obj.parent.parent.debug('peer', 'OutPeer: Server hash mismatch.'); disconnect(); return; }
// Server signature, verify it. This is the fast way, without using forge. (TODO: Use accelerator for this?)
const verify = obj.parent.crypto.createVerify('SHA384');
verify.end(Buffer.from(obj.serverCertHash + obj.nonce + obj.servernonce, 'binary'));
if (verify.verify(serverCertPem, Buffer.from(msg.substring(4 + certlen), 'binary')) !== true) { obj.parent.parent.debug('peer', 'OutPeer: Server sign check failed.'); disconnect(); return; }
// Connection is a success, clean up
delete obj.nonce;
delete obj.servernonce;
obj.serverCertHash = Buffer.from(obj.serverCertHash, 'binary').toString('base64').replace(/\+/g, '@').replace(/\//g, '$'); // Change this value to base64
obj.connectionState |= 4;
obj.retryBackoff = 0; // Set backoff connection timer back to fast.
obj.parent.parent.debug('peer', 'OutPeer ' + obj.serverid + ': Verified peer connection to ' + obj.url);
// Send information about our server to the peer
if (obj.connectionState == 15) {
obj.ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'info', serverid: obj.parent.serverid, dbid: obj.parent.parent.db.identifier, key: obj.parent.parent.serverKey.toString('hex'), serverCertHash: obj.parent.parent.webserver.webCertificateHashBase64 }));
for (var i in obj.pendingData) { processServerData(obj.pendingData[i]); } // Process any pending data
obj.pendingData = [];
//if ((obj.connectionState == 15) && (obj.connectHandler != null)) { obj.connectHandler(1); }
case 4: {
// Peer server confirmed authentication, we are allowed to send commands to the server
obj.connectionState |= 8;
if (obj.connectionState == 15) {
obj.ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'info', serverid: obj.parent.serverid, dbid: obj.parent.parent.db.identifier, key: obj.parent.parent.serverKey.toString('hex'), serverCertHash: obj.parent.parent.webserver.webCertificateHashBase64 }));
for (var i in obj.pendingData) { processServerData(obj.pendingData[i]); } // Process any pending data
obj.pendingData = [];
//if ((obj.connectionState == 15) && (obj.connectHandler != null)) { obj.connectHandler(1); }
default: {
obj.parent.parent.debug('peer', 'OutPeer ' + obj.serverid + ': Un-handled command: ' + cmd);
// Disconnect from the server, if we need to, try again with a delay.
function disconnect() {
if (obj.authenticated == 3) { obj.parent.ClearPeerServer(obj, obj.peerServerId); obj.authenticated = 0; }
if ((obj.connectionState == 15) && (obj.connectHandler != null)) { obj.connectHandler(0); }
if (obj.ws != null) { obj.ws.close(); obj.ws = null; }
if (obj.retryTimer != null) { clearTimeout(obj.retryTimer); obj.retryTimer = null; }
// Re-try connection
if (obj.connectionState >= 1) { obj.connectionState = 1; if (obj.retryTimer == null) { obj.retryTimer = setTimeout(connect, getConnectRetryTime()); } }
// Get the next retry time in milliseconds
function getConnectRetryTime() {
// The (random & 0x1FFF) creates a random number between 0 and 4096.
if (obj.retryBackoff < 30000) { obj.retryBackoff += ((require('crypto').randomBytes(4).readUInt32BE(0) & 0x1FFF) + 1000); }
return obj.retryBackoff;
// Send a JSON message to the peer server
obj.send = function (msg) {
try {
if (obj.ws == null || obj.connectionState != 15) { return; }
if (typeof msg == 'object') { obj.ws.send(JSON.stringify(msg)); return; }
if (typeof msg == 'string') { obj.ws.send(msg); return; }
} catch (e) { }
// Process incoming peer server JSON data
function processServerData(msg) {
var str = msg.toString('utf8'), command = null;
if (str[0] == '{') {
try { command = JSON.parse(str); } catch (e) { obj.parent.parent.debug('peer', 'Unable to parse server JSON (' + obj.remoteaddr + ').'); return; } // If the command can't be parsed, ignore it.
if (command.action == 'info') {
if (obj.authenticated != 3) {
// We get the peer's serverid and database identifier.
if ((command.serverid != null) && (command.dbid != null)) {
if (command.serverid == obj.parent.serverid) { console.log('ERROR: Same server ID, trying to peer with self. (' + obj.url + ', ' + command.serverid + ').'); return; }
if (command.dbid != obj.parent.parent.db.identifier) { console.log('ERROR: Database ID mismatch. Trying to peer to a server with the wrong database. (' + obj.url + ', ' + command.serverid + ').'); return; }
if (obj.url.toLowerCase().startsWith('wss://') && (obj.serverCertHash != command.serverCertHash)) { console.log('ERROR: Outer certificate hash mismatch (2). (' + obj.url + ', ' + command.serverid + ').'); return; }
obj.peerServerId = command.serverid;
obj.peerServerKey = Buffer.from(command.key, 'hex');
obj.authenticated = 3;
obj.parent.SetupPeerServer(obj, obj.peerServerId);
} else if (obj.authenticated == 3) {
// Pass the message to the parent object for processing.
obj.parent.ProcessPeerServerMessage(obj, obj.peerServerId, command);
return obj;
// Create a mesh server module that received a connection to another server
obj.CreatePeerInServer = function (parent, ws, req, tls) {
var obj = {};
obj.ws = ws;
obj.tls = tls;
obj.parent = parent;
obj.common = require('./common.js');
obj.forge = require('node-forge');
obj.crypto = require('crypto');
obj.authenticated = 0;
obj.remoteaddr = obj.ws._socket.remoteAddress;
obj.receivedCommands = 0;
obj.webCertificateHash = obj.parent.parent.webserver.webCertificateHash;
obj.agentCertificateHashBase64 = obj.parent.parent.webserver.agentCertificateHashBase64;
obj.agentCertificateAsn1 = obj.parent.parent.webserver.agentCertificateAsn1;
obj.infoSent = 0;
obj.peerServerId = null;
obj.serverCertHash = null;
obj.pendingData = [];
if (obj.remoteaddr.startsWith('::ffff:')) { obj.remoteaddr = obj.remoteaddr.substring(7); }
obj.parent.parent.debug('peer', 'InPeer: Connected (' + obj.remoteaddr + ')');
// Send a message to the peer server
obj.send = function (data) {
try {
if (typeof data == 'string') { obj.ws.send(Buffer.from(data, 'binary')); return; }
if (typeof data == 'object') { obj.ws.send(JSON.stringify(data)); return; }
} catch (e) { }
// Disconnect this server
obj.close = function (arg) {
if ((arg == 1) || (arg == null)) { try { obj.ws.close(); obj.parent.parent.debug('peer', 'InPeer: Soft disconnect ' + obj.peerServerId + ' (' + obj.remoteaddr + ')'); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } // Soft close, close the websocket
if (arg == 2) { try { obj.ws._socket._parent.end(); obj.parent.parent.debug('peer', 'InPeer: Hard disconnect ' + obj.peerServerId + ' (' + obj.remoteaddr + ')'); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } // Hard close, close the TCP socket
if (obj.authenticated == 3) { obj.parent.ClearPeerServer(obj, obj.peerServerId); obj.authenticated = 0; }
// When data is received from the peer server web socket
ws.on('message', function (msg) {
if (typeof msg != 'string') { msg = msg.toString('binary'); }
if (msg.length < 2) return;
if (msg.charCodeAt(0) == 123) {
if (msg.length < 2) return;
if (obj.authenticated >= 2) { processServerData(msg); } else { obj.pendingData.push(msg); }
} else if (obj.authenticated < 2) { // We are not authenticated
var cmd = obj.common.ReadShort(msg, 0);
if (cmd == 1) {
// Peer server authentication request
if ((msg.length != 98) || ((obj.receivedCommands & 1) != 0)) return;
obj.receivedCommands += 1; // Peer server can't send the same command twice on the same connection ever. Block DOS attack path.
// Check that the server hash matches out own web certificate hash
if ((obj.tls == true) && (obj.webCertificateHash != msg.substring(2, 50))) { obj.close(); return; }
obj.peernonce = msg.substring(50);
// Perform the hash signature using the server agent certificate
obj.parent.parent.certificateOperations.acceleratorPerformSignature(0, msg.substring(2) + obj.nonce, null, function (tag, signature) {
// Send back our certificate + signature
obj.send(obj.common.ShortToStr(2) + obj.common.ShortToStr(obj.agentCertificateAsn1.length) + obj.agentCertificateAsn1 + signature); // Command 2, certificate + signature
// Check the peer server signature if we can
if (obj.unauthsign != null) {
if (processPeerSignature(obj.unauthsign) == false) { obj.close(); return; } else { completePeerServerConnection(); }
else if (cmd == 2) {
// Peer server certificate
if ((msg.length < 4) || ((obj.receivedCommands & 2) != 0)) { obj.parent.parent.debug('peer', 'InPeer: Invalid command 2.'); return; }
obj.receivedCommands += 2; // Peer server can't send the same command twice on the same connection ever. Block DOS attack path.
// Decode the certificate
var certlen = obj.common.ReadShort(msg, 2);
obj.unauth = {};
try { obj.unauth.nodeid = Buffer.from(obj.forge.pki.getPublicKeyFingerprint(obj.forge.pki.certificateFromAsn1(obj.forge.asn1.fromDer(msg.substring(4, 4 + certlen))).publicKey, { encoding: 'binary', md: obj.forge.md.sha384.create() }), 'binary').toString('base64').replace(/\+/g, '@').replace(/\//g, '$'); } catch (e) { console.log(e); return; }
obj.unauth.nodeCertPem = '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\r\n' + Buffer.from(msg.substring(4, 4 + certlen), 'binary').toString('base64') + '\r\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----';
// Check the peer server signature if we can
if (obj.peernonce == null) {
obj.unauthsign = msg.substring(4 + certlen);
} else {
if (processPeerSignature(msg.substring(4 + certlen)) == false) { obj.parent.parent.debug('peer', 'InPeer: Invalid signature.'); obj.close(); return; }
else if (cmd == 3) {
if ((msg.length < 56) || ((obj.receivedCommands & 4) != 0)) { obj.parent.parent.debug('peer', 'InPeer: Invalid command 3.'); return; }
obj.receivedCommands += 4; // Peer server can't send the same command twice on the same connection ever. Block DOS attack path.
// If error, do nothing
ws.on('error', function (err) { obj.parent.parent.debug('peer', 'InPeer: Connection Error: ' + err); });
// If the peer server web socket is closed, clean up.
ws.on('close', function (req) { obj.parent.parent.debug('peer', 'InPeer disconnect ' + obj.nodeid + ' (' + obj.remoteaddr + ')'); obj.close(0); });
// obj.ws._socket._parent.on('close', function (req) { obj.parent.parent.debug('peer', 'Peer server TCP disconnect ' + obj.nodeid + ' (' + obj.remoteaddr + ')'); });
// Start authenticate the peer server by sending a auth nonce & server TLS cert hash.
// Send 384 bits SHA382 hash of TLS cert public key + 384 bits nonce
obj.nonce = obj.crypto.randomBytes(48).toString('binary');
obj.send(obj.common.ShortToStr(1) + obj.webCertificateHash + obj.nonce); // Command 1, hash + nonce
// Once we get all the information about an peer server, run this to hook everything up to the server
function completePeerServerConnection() {
if (obj.authenticated != 1) return;
obj.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'info', serverid: obj.parent.serverid, dbid: obj.parent.parent.db.identifier, key: obj.parent.parent.serverKey.toString('hex'), serverCertHash: obj.parent.parent.webserver.webCertificateHashBase64 }));
obj.authenticated = 2;
// Process any pending data that was received before peer authentication
for (var i in obj.pendingData) { processServerData(obj.pendingData[i]); }
obj.pendingData = null;
// Verify the peer server signature
function processPeerSignature(msg) {
// Verify the signature. This is the fast way, without using forge.
const verify = obj.parent.crypto.createVerify('SHA384');
verify.end(Buffer.from(obj.parent.parent.webserver.webCertificateHash + obj.nonce + obj.peernonce, 'binary'));
if (verify.verify(obj.unauth.nodeCertPem, Buffer.from(msg, 'binary')) !== true) { console.log('Peer sign fail 1'); return false; }
if (obj.unauth.nodeid !== obj.agentCertificateHashBase64) { console.log('Peer sign fail 2'); return false; }
// Connection is a success, clean up
obj.nodeid = obj.unauth.nodeid;
delete obj.nonce;
delete obj.peernonce;
delete obj.unauth;
if (obj.unauthsign) delete obj.unauthsign;
obj.authenticated = 1;
return true;
// Process incoming peer server JSON data
function processServerData(msg) {
var str = msg.toString('utf8'), command = null;
if (str[0] == '{') {
try { command = JSON.parse(str); } catch (e) { obj.parent.parent.debug('peer', 'Unable to parse server JSON (' + obj.remoteaddr + ').'); return; } // If the command can't be parsed, ignore it.
if (command.action == 'info') {
if (obj.authenticated != 3) {
// We get the peer's serverid and database identifier.
if ((command.serverid != null) && (command.dbid != null)) {
if (command.serverid == obj.parent.serverid) { console.log('ERROR: Same server ID, trying to peer with self. (' + obj.remoteaddr + ', ' + command.serverid + ').'); return; }
if (command.dbid != obj.parent.parent.db.identifier) { console.log('ERROR: Database ID mismatch. Trying to peer to a server with the wrong database. (' + obj.remoteaddr + ', ' + command.serverid + ').'); return; }
if (obj.parent.peerConfig.servers[command.serverid] == null) { console.log('ERROR: Unknown peer serverid: ' + command.serverid + ' (' + obj.remoteaddr + ').'); return; }
obj.peerServerId = command.serverid;
obj.peerServerKey = Buffer.from(command.key, 'hex');
obj.serverCertHash = command.serverCertHash;
obj.authenticated = 3;
obj.parent.SetupPeerServer(obj, obj.peerServerId);
} else if (obj.authenticated == 3) {
// Pass the message to the parent object for processing.
obj.parent.ProcessPeerServerMessage(obj, obj.peerServerId, command);
return obj;
// If we have no peering configuration, don't setup this object
if (obj.peerConfig == null) { return null; }
obj.serverid = obj.parent.config.peers.serverid;
if (obj.serverid == null) { obj.serverid = require("os").hostname().toLowerCase(); } else { obj.serverid = obj.serverid.toLowerCase(); }
if (args.serverid != null) { obj.serverid = args.serverid.toLowerCase(); }
if (obj.parent.config.peers.servers[obj.serverid] == null) { console.log("Error: Unable to peer with other servers, \"" + obj.serverid + "\" not present in peer servers list."); return null; }
//console.log('Server peering ID: ' + obj.serverid);
// Return the private key of a peer server
obj.getServerCookieKey = function (serverid) {
var server = obj.peerServers[serverid];
if (server && server.peerServerKey) return server.peerServerKey;
return null;
// Dispatch an event to all other MeshCentral2 peer servers
obj.DispatchEvent = function (ids, source, event) {
var busmsg = JSON.stringify({ action: 'bus', ids: ids, event: event });
for (var serverid in obj.peerServers) { obj.peerServers[serverid].send(busmsg); }
// Dispatch a message to other MeshCentral2 peer servers
obj.DispatchMessage = function (msg) {
for (var serverid in obj.peerServers) { obj.peerServers[serverid].send(msg); }
// Dispatch a message to other MeshCentral2 peer servers
obj.DispatchMessageSingleServer = function (msg, serverid) {
var server = obj.peerServers[serverid];
if (server != null) { server.send(msg); }
// Attempt to connect to all peers
obj.ConnectToPeers = function () {
for (var serverId in obj.peerConfig.servers) {
// We will only connect to names that are larger then ours. This way, eveyone has one connection to everyone else (no cross-connections).
if ((serverId > obj.serverid) && (obj.peerConfig.servers[serverId].url != null) && (obj.outPeerServers[serverId] == null)) {
obj.outPeerServers[serverId] = obj.CreatePeerOutServer(obj, serverId, obj.peerConfig.servers[serverId].url);
// We connected to a peer server, setup everything
obj.SetupPeerServer = function (server, peerServerId) {
obj.parent.debug('peer', 'Connected to peer server ' + peerServerId + '.');
//console.log('Connected to peer server ' + peerServerId + '.');
obj.peerServers[peerServerId] = server;
// Send the list of connections to the peer
server.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'connectivityTable', connectivityTable: obj.parent.peerConnectivityByNode[obj.parent.serverId] }));
// Send a list of user sessions to the peer
server.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'sessionsTable', sessionsTable: Object.keys(obj.parent.webserver.wssessions2) }));
// We disconnected to a peer server, clean up everything
obj.ClearPeerServer = function (server, peerServerId) {
obj.parent.debug('peer', 'Disconnected from peer server ' + peerServerId + '.');
//console.log('Disconnected from peer server ' + peerServerId + '.');
// Clean up the connectivity state
delete obj.peerServers[peerServerId];
var oldList = obj.parent.peerConnectivityByNode[peerServerId];
obj.parent.peerConnectivityByNode[peerServerId] = {};
// Clean up the sessions list
for (var i in obj.parent.webserver.wsPeerSessions[peerServerId]) { delete obj.parent.webserver.wsPeerSessions2[obj.parent.webserver.wsPeerSessions[peerServerId][i]]; }
delete obj.parent.webserver.wsPeerSessions[peerServerId];
delete obj.parent.webserver.wsPeerSessions3[peerServerId];
obj.parent.webserver.recountSessions(); // Recount all sessions
// Process a message coming from a peer server
obj.ProcessPeerServerMessage = function (server, peerServerId, msg) {
var userid, i;
//console.log('ProcessPeerServerMessage', peerServerId, msg.action);
switch (msg.action) {
case 'mqtt': {
if ((obj.parent.mqttbroker != null) && (msg.nodeid != null)) { obj.parent.mqttbroker.publishNoPeers(msg.nodeid, msg.topic, msg.message); } // Dispatch in the MQTT broker
case 'bus': {
obj.parent.DispatchEvent(msg.ids, null, msg.event, true); // Dispatch the peer event
case 'connectivityTable': {
obj.parent.peerConnectivityByNode[peerServerId] = msg.connectivityTable;
case 'sessionsTable': {
obj.parent.webserver.wsPeerSessions[peerServerId] = msg.sessionsTable;
var userToSession = {};
for (i in msg.sessionsTable) {
var sessionid = msg.sessionsTable[i];
obj.parent.webserver.wsPeerSessions2[sessionid] = peerServerId;
userid = sessionid.split('/').slice(0, 3).join('/'); // Take the sessionid and keep only the userid partion
if (userToSession[userid] == null) { userToSession[userid] = [sessionid]; } else { userToSession[userid].push(sessionid); } // UserId -> [ SessionId ]
obj.parent.webserver.wsPeerSessions3[peerServerId] = userToSession; // ServerId --> UserId --> SessionId
obj.parent.webserver.recountSessions(); // Recount all sessions
case 'sessionStart': {
obj.parent.webserver.wsPeerSessions2[msg.sessionid] = peerServerId;
userid = msg.sessionid.split('/').slice(0, 3).join('/');
if (obj.parent.webserver.wsPeerSessions3[peerServerId] == null) { obj.parent.webserver.wsPeerSessions3[peerServerId] = {}; }
if (obj.parent.webserver.wsPeerSessions3[peerServerId][userid] == null) { obj.parent.webserver.wsPeerSessions3[peerServerId][userid] = [msg.sessionid]; } else { obj.parent.webserver.wsPeerSessions3[peerServerId][userid].push(msg.sessionid); }
obj.parent.webserver.recountSessions(msg.sessionid); // Recount a specific user
case 'sessionEnd': {
i = obj.parent.webserver.wsPeerSessions[peerServerId].indexOf(msg.sessionid);
if (i >= 0) { obj.parent.webserver.wsPeerSessions[peerServerId].splice(i, 1); }
delete obj.parent.webserver.wsPeerSessions2[msg.sessionid];
userid = msg.sessionid.split('/').slice(0, 3).join('/');
if (obj.parent.webserver.wsPeerSessions3[peerServerId][userid] != null) {
i = obj.parent.webserver.wsPeerSessions3[peerServerId][userid].indexOf(msg.sessionid);
if (i >= 0) {
obj.parent.webserver.wsPeerSessions3[peerServerId][userid].splice(i, 1);
if (obj.parent.webserver.wsPeerSessions3[peerServerId][userid].length == 0) { delete obj.parent.webserver.wsPeerSessions3[peerServerId][userid]; }
obj.parent.webserver.recountSessions(msg.sessionid); // Recount a specific user
case 'SetConnectivityState': {
obj.parent.SetConnectivityState(msg.meshid, msg.nodeid, msg.connectTime, msg.connectType, msg.powerState, peerServerId);
case 'ClearConnectivityState': {
obj.parent.ClearConnectivityState(msg.meshid, msg.nodeid, msg.connectType, peerServerId);
case 'relay': {
// Check if there is a waiting session
var rsession = obj.parent.webserver.wsrelays[msg.id];
if (rsession != null) {
// Yes, there is a waiting session, see if we must initiate.
if (peerServerId > obj.parent.serverId) {
// We must initiate the connection to the peer
userid = null;
if (rsession.peer1.user != null) { userid = rsession.peer1.user._id; }
obj.createPeerRelay(rsession.peer1.ws, rsession.peer1.req, peerServerId, userid);
delete obj.parent.webserver.wsrelays[msg.id];
} else {
// Add this relay session to the peer relay list
obj.parent.webserver.wsPeerRelays[msg.id] = { serverId: peerServerId, time: Date.now() };
// Clear all relay sessions that are more than 1 minute
var oneMinuteAgo = Date.now() - 60000;
for (i in obj.parent.webserver.wsPeerRelays) { if (obj.parent.webserver.wsPeerRelays[i].time < oneMinuteAgo) { delete obj.parent.webserver.wsPeerRelays[i]; } }
case 'msg': {
if (msg.sessionid != null) {
// Route this message to a connected user session
if (msg.fromNodeid != null) { msg.nodeid = msg.fromNodeid; delete msg.fromNodeid; }
var ws = obj.parent.webserver.wssessions2[msg.sessionid];
if (ws != null) { ws.send(JSON.stringify(msg)); }
} else if (msg.nodeid != null) {
// Route this message to a connected agent
if (msg.fromSessionid != null) { msg.sessionid = msg.fromSessionid; delete msg.fromSessionid; }
var agent = obj.parent.webserver.wsagents[msg.nodeid];
if (agent != null) { delete msg.nodeid; agent.send(JSON.stringify(msg)); } // Remove the nodeid since it's implyed and send the message to the agent
} else if (msg.meshid != null) {
// Route this message to all users of this mesh
if (msg.fromNodeid != null) { msg.nodeid = msg.fromNodeid; delete msg.fromNodeid; }
var cmdstr = JSON.stringify(msg);
for (userid in obj.parent.webserver.wssessions) { // Find all connected users for this mesh and send the message
if (parent.webserver.GetMeshRights(userid, msg.meshid) != 0) { // TODO: Look at what rights are needed for message routing
var sessions = obj.parent.webserver.wssessions[userid];
// Send the message to all users on this server
for (i in sessions) { sessions[i].send(cmdstr); }
case 'newIntelAmtPolicy': {
// See if any agents for the affected device group is connected, if so, update the Intel AMT policy
for (var nodeid in obj.parent.webserver.wsagents) {
const agent = obj.parent.webserver.wsagents[nodeid];
if (agent.dbMeshKey == msg.meshid) { agent.sendUpdatedIntelAmtPolicy(msg.amtpolicy); }
case 'agentMsgByMeshId': {
// See if any agents for the target device group is connected, if so, send the message
const jsonCmd = JSON.stringify(msg.command);
for (var nodeid in obj.parent.webserver.wsagents) {
var agent = obj.parent.webserver.wsagents[nodeid];
if (agent.dbMeshKey == msg.meshid) { try { agent.send(jsonCmd); } catch (ex) { } }
default: {
// Unknown peer server command
console.log('Unknown action from peer server ' + peerServerId + ': ' + msg.action + '.');
// Create a tunnel connection to a peer server
obj.createPeerRelay = function (ws, req, serverid, user) {
var server = obj.peerServers[serverid];
if ((server == null) || (server.peerServerKey == null)) { return null; }
var cookieKey = server.peerServerKey;
// Parse the user if needed
if (typeof user == 'string') { user = { _id: user, domain: user.split('/')[1] }; }
// Build the connection URL
var path = req.path;
if (path[0] == '/') path = path.substring(1);
if (path.substring(path.length - 11) == '/.websocket') { path = path.substring(0, path.length - 11); }
var queryStr = '';
for (var i in req.query) { if (i.toLowerCase() != 'auth') { queryStr += ((queryStr == '') ? '?' : '&') + i + '=' + req.query[i]; } }
if (user != null) { queryStr += ((queryStr == '') ? '?' : '&') + 'auth=' + obj.parent.encodeCookie({ userid: user._id, domainid: user.domain, ps: 1 }, cookieKey); }
var url = obj.peerConfig.servers[serverid].url + path + queryStr;
// Setup an connect the web socket
var tunnel = obj.createPeerRelayEx(ws, url, serverid);
// Create a tunnel connection to a peer server
// We assume that "ws" is paused already.
obj.createPeerRelayEx = function (ws, url, serverid) {
var peerTunnel = { parent: obj, ws1: ws, ws2: null, url: url, serverid: serverid };
peerTunnel.connect = function () {
// Get the web socket setup
peerTunnel.parent.parent.debug('peer', 'FTunnel ' + peerTunnel.serverid + ': Start connect to ' + peerTunnel.url);
peerTunnel.ws2 = new WebSocket(peerTunnel.url, { rejectUnauthorized: false, servername: this.parent.parent.certificates.CommonName, cert: this.parent.parent.certificates.agent.cert, key: this.parent.parent.certificates.agent.key });
// Register the connection failed event
peerTunnel.ws2.on('error', function (error) { peerTunnel.parent.parent.debug('peer', 'FTunnel ' + obj.serverid + ': Connection error'); peerTunnel.close(); });
// If the peer server web socket is closed, clean up.
peerTunnel.ws2.on('close', function (req) { peerTunnel.parent.parent.debug('peer', 'FTunnel disconnect ' + peerTunnel.serverid); peerTunnel.close(); });
// If a message is received from the peer, Peer ---> Browser (TODO: Pipe this?)
peerTunnel.ws2.on('message', function (msg) { try { peerTunnel.ws2._socket.pause(); peerTunnel.ws1.send(msg, function () { peerTunnel.ws2._socket.resume(); }); } catch (e) { } });
// Register the connection event
peerTunnel.ws2.on('open', function () {
peerTunnel.parent.parent.debug('peer', 'FTunnel ' + peerTunnel.serverid + ': Connected');
if (peerTunnel.ws2._socket.getPeerCertificate != null) {
// Get the peer server's certificate and compute the server public key hash
var serverCert = obj.forge.pki.certificateFromAsn1(obj.forge.asn1.fromDer(peerTunnel.ws2._socket.getPeerCertificate().raw.toString('binary')));
var serverCertHashHex = Buffer.from(obj.forge.pki.getPublicKeyFingerprint(serverCert.publicKey, { encoding: 'binary', md: obj.forge.md.sha384.create() }), 'binary').toString('base64').replace(/\+/g, '@').replace(/\//g, '$');
// Check if the peer certificate is the expected one for this serverid
if ((obj.peerServers[serverid] == null) || (obj.peerServers[serverid].serverCertHash != serverCertHashHex)) { console.log('ERROR: Outer certificate hash mismatch (1). (' + peerTunnel.url + ', ' + peerTunnel.serverid + ').'); peerTunnel.close(); return; }
// Connection accepted, resume the web socket to start the data flow
// If a message is received from the browser, Browser ---> Peer
peerTunnel.ws1.on('message', function (msg) { try { peerTunnel.ws1._socket.pause(); peerTunnel.ws2.send(msg, function () { peerTunnel.ws1._socket.resume(); }); } catch (e) { } });
// If error, do nothing
peerTunnel.ws1.on('error', function (err) { peerTunnel.close(); });
// If the web socket is closed, close the associated TCP connection.
peerTunnel.ws1.on('close', function (req) { peerTunnel.parent.parent.debug('peer', 'FTunnel disconnect ' + peerTunnel.serverid); peerTunnel.close(); });
// Disconnect both sides of the tunnel
peerTunnel.close = function (arg) {
if (arg == 2) {
// Hard close, close the TCP socket
if (peerTunnel.ws1 != null) { try { peerTunnel.ws1._socket._parent.end(); peerTunnel.parent.parent.debug('peer', 'FTunnel1: Hard disconnect'); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } delete peerTunnel.ws1; }
if (peerTunnel.ws2 != null) { try { peerTunnel.ws2._socket._parent.end(); peerTunnel.parent.parent.debug('peer', 'FTunnel2: Hard disconnect'); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } delete peerTunnel.ws2; }
} else {
// Soft close, close the websocket
if (peerTunnel.ws1 != null) { try { peerTunnel.ws1.close(); peerTunnel.parent.parent.debug('peer', 'FTunnel1: Soft disconnect '); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } delete peerTunnel.ws1; }
if (peerTunnel.ws2 != null) { try { peerTunnel.ws2.close(); peerTunnel.parent.parent.debug('peer', 'FTunnel2: Soft disconnect '); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } delete peerTunnel.ws2; }
return peerTunnel;
setTimeout(function () { obj.ConnectToPeers(); }, 1000); // Delay this a little to make sure we are ready on our side.
return obj;
}; |