2018-04-19 18:19:15 -07:00

121 lines
7.2 KiB

* @description MeshCentral letsEncrypt module, uses GreenLock to do all the work.
* @author Ylian Saint-Hilaire
* @copyright Intel Corporation 2018
* @license Apache-2.0
* @version v0.0.2
module.exports.CreateLetsEncrypt = function (parent) {
try {
const greenlock = require('greenlock');;
const path = require('path');
var obj = {};
obj.parent = parent;
obj.redirWebServerHooked = false;
obj.leDomains = null;
obj.leResults = null;
// Setup the certificate storage paths
obj.configPath = obj.parent.path.join(obj.parent.datapath, 'letsencrypt');
obj.webrootPath = obj.parent.path.join(obj.parent.datapath, 'letsencrypt', 'webroot');
try { obj.parent.fs.mkdirSync(obj.configPath); } catch (e) { }
try { obj.parent.fs.mkdirSync(obj.webrootPath); } catch (e) { }
// Storage Backend, store data in the "meshcentral-data/letencrypt" folder.
var leStore = require('le-store-certbot').create({ configDir: obj.configPath, webrootPath: obj.webrootPath, debug: obj.parent.args.debug > 0 });
// ACME Challenge Handlers
var leHttpChallenge = require('le-challenge-fs').create({ webrootPath: obj.webrootPath, debug: obj.parent.args.debug > 0 });
// Function to agree to terms of service
function leAgree(opts, agreeCb) { agreeCb(null, opts.tosUrl); }
// Create the main GreenLock code module.
var greenlockargs = {
server: (obj.parent.config.letsencrypt.production === true) ? greenlock.productionServerUrl : greenlock.stagingServerUrl,
store: leStore,
challenges: { 'http-01': leHttpChallenge },
challengeType: 'http-01',
agreeToTerms: leAgree,
debug: obj.parent.args.debug > 0
if (obj.parent.args.debug == null) { greenlockargs.log = function (debug) { } } // If not in debug mode, ignore all console output from greenlock (makes things clean).
obj.le = greenlock.create(greenlockargs);
// Hook up GreenLock to the redirection server
if (obj.parent.redirserver.port == 80) {'/', obj.le.middleware()); obj.redirWebServerHooked = true; }
obj.getCertificate = function (certs, func) {
if (certs.CommonName == 'un-configured') { console.log("ERROR: Use --cert to setup the default server name before using Let's Encrypt."); func(certs); return; }
if (obj.parent.config.letsencrypt == null) { func(certs); return; }
if ( == null) { console.log("ERROR: Let's Encrypt email address not specified."); func(certs); return; }
if ((obj.parent.redirserver == null) || (obj.parent.redirserver.port !== 80)) { console.log("ERROR: Redirection web server must be active on port 80 for Let's Encrypt to work."); func(certs); return; }
if (obj.redirWebServerHooked !== true) { console.log("ERROR: Redirection web server not setup for Let's Encrypt to work."); func(certs); return; }
if ((obj.parent.config.letsencrypt.rsakeysize != null) && (obj.parent.config.letsencrypt.rsakeysize !== 2048) && (obj.parent.config.letsencrypt.rsakeysize !== 3072)) { console.log("ERROR: Invalid Let's Encrypt certificate key size, must be 2048 or 3072."); func(certs); return; }
// Get the list of domains
obj.leDomains = [certs.CommonName];
if (obj.parent.config.letsencrypt.names != null) {
if (typeof obj.parent.config.letsencrypt.names == 'string') { obj.parent.config.letsencrypt.names = obj.parent.config.letsencrypt.names.split(','); } (s) { return s.trim() }); // Trim each name
if ((typeof obj.parent.config.letsencrypt.names != 'object') || (obj.parent.config.letsencrypt.names.length == null)) { console.log("ERROR: Let's Encrypt names must be an array in config.json."); func(certs); return; }
obj.leDomains = obj.parent.config.letsencrypt.names;
obj.leDomains.sort(); // Sort the array so it's always going to be in the same order.
obj.le.check({ domains: obj.leDomains }).then(function (results) {
if (results) {
obj.leResults = results;
// If we already have real certificates, use them.
if (results.altnames.indexOf(certs.CommonName) >= 0) { certs.web.cert = results.cert; certs.web.key = results.privkey; = [results.chain]; }
for (var i in { if (([i].dns != null) && (results.altnames.indexOf([i].dns) >= 0)) { certs.dns[i].cert = results.cert; certs.dns[i].key = results.privkey; certs.dns[i].ca = [results.chain]; } }
// Check if the Let's Encrypt certificate needs to be renewed.
setTimeout(obj.checkRenewCertificate, 60000); // Check in 1 minute.
setInterval(obj.checkRenewCertificate, 86400000); // Check again in 24 hours and every 24 hours.
} else {
// Otherwise return default certificates and try to get a real one
console.log("Attempting to get Let's Encrypt certificate, may take a few minutes...");
// Figure out the RSA key size
var rsaKeySize = (obj.parent.config.letsencrypt.rsakeysize === 2048) ? 2048 : 3072;
// TODO: Only register on one of the peers if multi-peers are active.
// Register Certificate manually
domains: obj.leDomains,
agreeTos: true,
rsaKeySize: rsaKeySize,
challengeType: 'http-01'
//renewWithin: 15 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 // 15 days
//renewWithin: 81 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, // 81 days
//renewBy: 80 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 // 80 days
}).then(function (xresults) {
obj.parent.performServerCertUpdate(); // Reset the server, TODO: Reset all peers
}, function (err) {
console.error("ERROR: Let's encrypt error: ", err);
// Check if we need to renew the certificate, call this every day.
obj.checkRenewCertificate = function () {
if (obj.leResults == null) { return; }
// TODO: Only renew on one of the peers if multi-peers are active.
// Check if we need to renew the certificate
obj.le.renew({ duplicate: false, domains: obj.leDomains, email: }, obj.leResults).then(function (xresults) {
obj.parent.performServerCertUpdate(); // Reset the server, TODO: Reset all peers
}, function (err) { }); // If we can't renew, ignore.
} catch (e) { console.error(e); return null; } // Unable to start Let's Encrypt
return obj;