2022-07-11 23:26:54 -07:00

283 lines
16 KiB

* @description Meshcentral web relay server
* @author Ylian Saint-Hilaire
* @copyright Intel Corporation 2018-2022
* @license Apache-2.0
* @version v0.0.1
/*jslint node: true */
/*jshint node: true */
/*jshint strict:false */
/*jshint -W097 */
/*jshint esversion: 6 */
"use strict";
// Construct a HTTP redirection web server object
module.exports.CreateWebRelayServer = function (parent, db, args, certificates, func) {
var obj = {};
obj.parent = parent;
obj.db = db; = require('express');
obj.expressWs = null;
obj.tlsServer = null; = require('net'); =;
if (args.compression !== false) {'compression')()); }'x-powered-by');
obj.webRelayServer = null;
obj.port = 0;
obj.cleanupTimer = null;
var relaySessions = {} // RelayID --> Web Mutli-Tunnel
const constants = (require('crypto').constants ? require('crypto').constants : require('constants')); // require('constants') is deprecated in Node 11.10, use require('crypto').constants instead.
var tlsSessionStore = {}; // Store TLS session information for quick resume.
var tlsSessionStoreCount = 0; // Number of cached TLS session information in store.
function serverStart() {
// Setup CrowdSec bouncer middleware if needed
if (parent.crowdsecMiddleware != null) {; }
if (args.trustedproxy) {
// Reverse proxy should add the "X-Forwarded-*" headers
try {'trust proxy', args.trustedproxy);
} catch (ex) {
// If there is an error, try to resolve the string
if ((args.trustedproxy.length == 1) && (typeof args.trustedproxy[0] == 'string')) {
require('dns').lookup(args.trustedproxy[0], function (err, address, family) { if (err == null) {'trust proxy', address); args.trustedproxy = [address]; } });
else if (typeof args.tlsoffload == 'object') {
// Reverse proxy should add the "X-Forwarded-*" headers
try {'trust proxy', args.tlsoffload);
} catch (ex) {
// If there is an error, try to resolve the string
if ((Array.isArray(args.tlsoffload)) && (args.tlsoffload.length == 1) && (typeof args.tlsoffload[0] == 'string')) {
require('dns').lookup(args.tlsoffload[0], function (err, address, family) { if (err == null) {'trust proxy', address); args.tlsoffload = [address]; } });
// Setup a keygrip instance with higher default security, default hash is SHA1, we want to bump that up with SHA384
// If multiple instances of this server are behind a load-balancer, this secret must be the same for all instances
// If args.sessionkey is a string, use it as a single key, but args.sessionkey can also be used as an array of keys.
const keygrip = require('keygrip')((typeof args.sessionkey == 'string') ? [args.sessionkey] : args.sessionkey, 'sha384', 'base64');
// Setup cookie session
const sessionOptions = {
name: 'xid', // Recommended security practice to not use the default cookie name
httpOnly: true,
keys: keygrip,
secure: (args.tlsoffload == null), // Use this cookie only over TLS (Check this:
sameSite: (args.sessionsamesite ? args.sessionsamesite : 'lax')
if (args.sessiontime != null) { sessionOptions.maxAge = (args.sessiontime * 60000); } // sessiontime is minutes'cookie-session')(sessionOptions));
// Add HTTP security headers to all responses (req, res, next) {
parent.debug('webrelay', req.url);
'strict-transport-security': 'max-age=60000; includeSubDomains',
'Referrer-Policy': 'no-referrer',
'x-frame-options': 'SAMEORIGIN',
'X-XSS-Protection': '1; mode=block',
'X-Content-Type-Options': 'nosniff',
'Content-Security-Policy': "default-src 'self'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline';"
// Set the real IP address of the request
// If a trusted reverse-proxy is sending us the remote IP address, use it.
var ipex = '', xforwardedhost =;
if (typeof req.connection.remoteAddress == 'string') { ipex = (req.connection.remoteAddress.startsWith('::ffff:')) ? req.connection.remoteAddress.substring(7) : req.connection.remoteAddress; }
if (
(args.trustedproxy === true) || (args.tlsoffload === true) ||
((typeof args.trustedproxy == 'object') && (isIPMatch(ipex, args.trustedproxy))) ||
((typeof args.tlsoffload == 'object') && (isIPMatch(ipex, args.tlsoffload)))
) {
// Get client IP
if (req.headers['cf-connecting-ip']) { // Use CloudFlare IP address if present
req.clientIp = req.headers['cf-connecting-ip'].split(',')[0].trim();
} else if (req.headers['x-forwarded-for']) {
req.clientIp = req.headers['x-forwarded-for'].split(',')[0].trim();
} else if (req.headers['x-real-ip']) {
req.clientIp = req.headers['x-real-ip'].split(',')[0].trim();
} else {
req.clientIp = ipex;
// If there is a port number, remove it. This will only work for IPv4, but nice for people that have a bad reverse proxy config.
const clientIpSplit = req.clientIp.split(':');
if (clientIpSplit.length == 2) { req.clientIp = clientIpSplit[0]; }
// Get server host
if (req.headers['x-forwarded-host']) { xforwardedhost = req.headers['x-forwarded-host'].split(',')[0]; } // If multiple hosts are specified with a comma, take the first one.
} else {
req.clientIp = ipex;
// If this is a session start or a websocket, have the application handle this
if ((req.headers.upgrade == 'websocket') || (req.url.startsWith('/control-redirect.ashx?n='))) {
return next();
} else {
// If this is a normal request (GET, POST, etc) handle it here
if ((req.session.userid != null) && (req.session.x != null) && (parent.webserver.destroyedSessions[req.session.userid + '/' + req.session.x] == null)) {
var relaySession = relaySessions[req.session.userid + '/' + req.session.x];
if (relaySession != null) {
// The web relay session is valid, use it
relaySession.handleRequest(req, res);
} else {
// No web relay ession with this relay identifier, close the HTTP request.
} else {
// The user is not logged in or does not have a relay identifier, close the HTTP request.
// Start the server, only after users and meshes are loaded from the database.
if (args.tlsoffload) {
// Setup the HTTP server without TLS
obj.expressWs = require('express-ws')(, null, { wsOptions: { perMessageDeflate: (args.wscompression === true) } });
} else {
// Setup the HTTP server with TLS, use only TLS 1.2 and higher with perfect forward secrecy (PFS).
const tlsOptions = { cert: certificates.web.cert, key: certificates.web.key, ca:, rejectUnauthorized: true, ciphers: "HIGH:TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256:TLS_AES_128_CCM_8_SHA256:TLS_AES_128_CCM_SHA256:TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256", secureOptions: constants.SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 | constants.SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3 | constants.SSL_OP_NO_COMPRESSION | constants.SSL_OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE | constants.SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1 | constants.SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1 };
obj.tlsServer = require('https').createServer(tlsOptions,;
obj.tlsServer.on('secureConnection', function () { /*console.log('tlsServer secureConnection');*/ });
obj.tlsServer.on('error', function (err) { console.log('tlsServer error', err); });
obj.tlsServer.on('newSession', function (id, data, cb) { if (tlsSessionStoreCount > 1000) { tlsSessionStoreCount = 0; tlsSessionStore = {}; } tlsSessionStore[id.toString('hex')] = data; tlsSessionStoreCount++; cb(); });
obj.tlsServer.on('resumeSession', function (id, cb) { cb(null, tlsSessionStore[id.toString('hex')] || null); });
obj.expressWs = require('express-ws')(, obj.tlsServer, { wsOptions: { perMessageDeflate: (args.wscompression === true) } });
// Handle incoming web socket calls'/*', function (ws, req) {
if ((req.session.userid != null) && (req.session.x != null) && (parent.webserver.destroyedSessions[req.session.userid + '/' + req.session.x] == null)) {
var relaySession = relaySessions[req.session.userid + '/' + req.session.x];
if (relaySession != null) {
// The multi-tunnel session is valid, use it
relaySession.handleWebSocket(ws, req);
} else {
// No multi-tunnel session with this relay identifier, close the websocket.
} else {
// The user is not logged in or does not have a relay identifier, close the websocket.
// This is the magic URL that will setup the relay session'/control-redirect.ashx', function (req, res) {
res.set({ 'Cache-Control': 'no-store' });
parent.debug('webrelay', 'webRelaySetup');
// Decode the relay cookie
if (req.query.c != null) {
// Decode and check if this relay cookie is valid
const urlCookie = obj.parent.decodeCookie(req.query.c, parent.loginCookieEncryptionKey);
if ((urlCookie != null) && (urlCookie.ruserid != null) && (urlCookie.x != null) && (parent.webserver.destroyedSessions[urlCookie.ruserid + '/' + urlCookie.x] == null)) {
if (req.session.x != urlCookie.x) { req.session.x = urlCookie.x; } // Set the sessionid if missing
if (req.session.userid != urlCookie.ruserid) { req.session.userid = urlCookie.ruserid; } // Set the session userid if missing
// Check that all the required arguments are present
if ((req.session.userid == null) || (req.session.x == null) || (req.query.n == null) || (req.query.p == null) || (parent.webserver.destroyedSessions[req.session.userid + '/' + req.session.x] != null) || ((req.query.appid != 1) && (req.query.appid != 2))) { res.redirect('/'); return; }
// Get the user and domain information
const userid = req.session.userid;
const domainid = userid.split('/')[1];
const domain =[domainid];
const nodeid = ((req.query.relayid != null) ? req.query.relayid : req.query.n);
const addr = (req.query.addr != null) ? req.query.addr : '';
const port = parseInt(req.query.p);
const appid = parseInt(req.query.appid);
// Check to see if we already have a multi-relay session that matches exactly this device and port for this user
const xrelaySession = relaySessions[req.session.userid + '/' + req.session.x];
if ((xrelaySession != null) && ( == && (xrelaySession.userid == userid) && (xrelaySession.nodeid == nodeid) && (xrelaySession.addr == addr) && (xrelaySession.port == port) && (xrelaySession.appid == appid)) {
// We found an exact match, we are all setup already, redirect to root
// There is a relay session, but it's not correct, close it.
if (xrelaySession != null) { xrelaySession.close(); delete relaySessions[req.session.userid + '/' + req.session.x]; }
// Create a web relay session
const relaySession = require('./apprelays.js').CreateWebRelaySession(obj, db, req, args, domain, userid, nodeid, addr, port, appid, xrelaySession);
relaySession.onclose = function (sessionId) {
// Remove the relay session
delete relaySessions[sessionId];
// If there are not more relay sessions, clear the cleanup timer
if ((Object.keys(relaySessions).length == 0) && (obj.cleanupTimer != null)) { clearInterval(obj.cleanupTimer); obj.cleanupTimer = null; }
// Set the multi-tunnel session
relaySessions[userid + '/' + req.session.x] = relaySession;
// Setup the cleanup timer if needed
if (obj.cleanupTimer == null) { obj.cleanupTimer = setInterval(checkTimeout, 10000); }
// Redirect to root
// Check that everything is cleaned up
function checkTimeout() {
for (var i in relaySessions) { relaySessions[i].checkTimeout(); }
// Find a free port starting with the specified one and going up.
function CheckListenPort(port, addr, func) {
var s = (socket) { });
obj.webRelayServer = s.listen(port, addr, function () { s.close(function () { if (func) { func(port, addr); } }); }).on("error", function (err) {
if (args.exactports) { console.error("ERROR: MeshCentral HTTP relay server port " + port + " not available."); process.exit(); }
else { if (port < 65535) { CheckListenPort(port + 1, addr, func); } else { if (func) { func(0); } } }
// Start the ExpressJS web server, if the port is busy try the next one.
function StartWebRelayServer(port, addr) {
if (port == 0 || port == 65535) { return; }
if (obj.tlsServer != null) {
if (args.lanonly == true) {
obj.tcpServer = obj.tlsServer.listen(port, addr, function () { console.log('MeshCentral HTTPS relay server running on port ' + port + ((typeof args.relayaliasport == 'number') ? (', alias port ' + args.relayaliasport) : '') + '.'); });
} else {
obj.tcpServer = obj.tlsServer.listen(port, addr, function () { console.log('MeshCentral HTTPS relay server running on ' + certificates.CommonName + ':' + port + ((typeof args.relayaliasport == 'number') ? (', alias port ' + args.relayaliasport) : '') + '.'); });
obj.parent.updateServerState('servername', certificates.CommonName);
if (obj.parent.authlog) { obj.parent.authLog('https', 'Web relay server listening on ' + ((addr != null) ? addr : '') + ' port ' + port + '.'); }
obj.parent.updateServerState('https-relay-port', port);
if (typeof args.relayaliasport == 'number') { obj.parent.updateServerState('https-relay-aliasport', args.relayaliasport); }
} else {
obj.tcpServer =, addr, function () { console.log('MeshCentral HTTP relay server running on port ' + port + ((typeof args.relayaliasport == 'number') ? (', alias port ' + args.relayaliasport) : '') + '.'); });
obj.parent.updateServerState('http-relay-port', port);
if (typeof args.relayaliasport == 'number') { obj.parent.updateServerState('http-relay-aliasport', args.relayaliasport); }
obj.port = port;
function getRandomPassword() { return Buffer.from(require('crypto').randomBytes(9), 'binary').toString('base64').split('/').join('@'); }
// Perform a IP match against a list
function isIPMatch(ip, matchList) {
const ipcheck = require('ipcheck');
for (var i in matchList) { if (ipcheck.match(ip, matchList[i]) == true) return true; }
return false;
// Start up the web relay server
CheckListenPort(args.relayport, args.relayportbind, StartWebRelayServer);
return obj;