import Qt.labs.platform 1.1 import Qt.labs.settings 1.0 import QtQml 2.12 import QtQuick 2.9 import QtQuick.Controls 2.2 import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.2 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 ApplicationWindow { id: app readonly property string yubicoGreen: isDark() ? "#b1cf77" : "#9aca3c" readonly property string yubicoWhite: "#ffffff" readonly property string yubicoRed: isDark() ? "#cf6679" : "#b00020" property string primaryColor: isDark() ? "#ffffff" : "#303030" readonly property string defaultBackground: isDark() ? "#303030" : "#f7f8f9" readonly property string defaultElevated: isDark() ? "#383838" : "#ffffff" readonly property string defaultImageOverlay: isDark() ? "#565656" : "#dddddd" readonly property string defaultForeground: isDark() ? "#fafafa" : "#565656" property string formUnderline: isDark() ? "#737373" : "#d8d8d8" property string formText: isDark() ? "#f0f0f0" : "#606060" property string formPlaceholderText: isDark() ? "#808080" : "#b0b0b0" property string formImageOverlay: isDark() ? "#d8d8d8" : "#727272" property string formStepBackground: isDark() ? "#565656" : "#bbbbbb" property string formHighlightItem: isDark() ? "#4a4a4a" : "#e9e9e9" property string formButtonBorder: isDark() ? "#5f6368" : "#dadce0" property string toolTipForeground: app.isDark() ? "#fafafa" : "#fbfbfb" property string toolTipBackground: app.isDark() ? "#4a4a4a" : "#7f7f7f" property var fullEmphasis: 1 property var highEmphasis: 0.87 property var lowEmphasis: 0.6 property var disabledEmphasis: 0.38 property var cardSelectedEmphasis: 0.08 property var cardHoveredEmphasis: 0.05 property var cardNormalEmphasis: 0.03 property var currentCredentialCard property string iconFavorite: "#f7bd0c" // Don't refresh credentials when window is minimized or hidden // See property bool isInForeground: visibility != 3 && visibility != 0 function enableLogging(logLevel) { yubiKey.enableLogging(logLevel, null); } function enableLoggingToFile(logLevel, logFile) { yubiKey.enableLogging(logLevel, logFile); } function disableLogging() { yubiKey.disableLogging(); } function isDark() { return app.Material.theme === Material.Dark; } function saveScreenLayout() { settings.desktopAvailableWidth = Screen.desktopAvailableWidth; settings.desktopAvailableHeight = Screen.desktopAvailableHeight; } function ensureMinimumWindowSize() { app.width = width < minimumWidth ? minimumWidth : width; app.height = height < minimumHeight ? minimumHeight : height; } function ensureValidWindowPosition() { // If we have the same desktop dimensions as last time, use the saved position. // If not, put the window in the middle of the screen. var savedScreenLayout = (settings.desktopAvailableWidth === Screen.desktopAvailableWidth) && (settings.desktopAvailableHeight === Screen.desktopAvailableHeight); app.x = (savedScreenLayout) ? settings.x : Screen.width / 2 - app.width / 2; app.y = (savedScreenLayout) ? settings.y : Screen.height / 2 - app.height / 2; // If app.x and app.y are outside of the available screen geometry, // put the app in the middle of the screen. if (!isWindowPositionInsideSomeMonitor() && (Qt.platform.os == "windows")) { app.x = Screen.width / 2 - app.width / 2; app.y = Screen.height / 2 - app.height / 2; } } function isWindowPositionInsideSomeMonitor() { for (var i = 0; i < monitorAreas.length; i++) { var xMin = monitorAreas[i].xMin; var xMax = monitorAreas[i].xMax; var yMin = monitorAreas[i].yMin; var yMax = monitorAreas[i].yMax; if (app.x > xMin && app.x < xMax) if (app.y > yMin && app.y < yMax) return true; } return false; } function updateTrayVisibility() { // When the tray option is enabled, closing the last window // doesn't actually close the application. application.quitOnLastWindowClosed = !settings.closeToTray; } function calculateFavorite(credential, text) { if (credential && credential.touch) sysTrayIcon.showMessage(qsTr("Touch required"), qsTr("Touch your YubiKey now to generate security code."), SystemTrayIcon.NoIcon); yubiKey.calculate(credential, function(resp) { if (resp.success) { clipBoard.push(resp.code.value); sysTrayIcon.showMessage(qsTr("Copied to clipboard"), "The code for " + text + " is now in the clipboard.", SystemTrayIcon.NoIcon); } else { sysTrayIcon.showMessage(qsTr("Error"), "calculate failed: " + resp.error_id, SystemTrayIcon.NoIcon); console.log("calculate failed:", resp.error_id); } }); } function colorizeMatch(string, query) { return string.replace(escapeRegExp(query.trim(), "gi"), "$&") + " "; } function escapeRegExp(string, flags) { return RegExp(string.replace(/[.*+\-?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&").replace(/\s+/g, "|"), flags); } function getFavoriteEntries() { var favs = entriesComponent.createObject(app, { }); for (var i = 0; i < entries.count; i++) { var entry = entries.get(i); if (!!entry.credential && settings.favorites.includes(entry.credential.key)) favs.append(entry); } return favs; } width: 300 height: 502 minimumWidth: 300 minimumHeight: 348 visible: false flags: Qt.Window | Qt.WindowFullscreenButtonHint | Qt.WindowTitleHint | Qt.WindowSystemMenuHint | Qt.WindowMinMaxButtonsHint | Qt.WindowCloseButtonHint | Qt.WindowFullscreenButtonHint Material.theme: settings.theme Material.primary: yubicoGreen Material.accent: yubicoGreen Material.foreground: defaultForeground Material.background: defaultBackground onIsInForegroundChanged: { (poller.running = isInForeground || settings.closeToTray); } Component.onCompleted: { updateTrayVisibility(); ensureMinimumWindowSize(); ensureValidWindowPosition(); app.visible = !(settings.closeToTray && settings.hideOnLaunch); } Component.onDestruction: saveScreenLayout() FontLoader { id: robotoRegular source: "../fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf" } FontLoader { id: robotoBold source: "../fonts/Roboto-Bold.ttf" } FontLoader { id: robotoItalic source: "../fonts/Roboto-Italic.ttf" } FontLoader { id: robotoMedium source: "../fonts/Roboto-Medium.ttf" } FontLoader { id: robotoLight source: "../fonts/Roboto-Light.ttf" } Shortcut { sequence: StandardKey.Copy enabled: !!currentCredentialCard onActivated: app.currentCredentialCard.calculateCard(true) } Shortcut { sequence: StandardKey.Delete enabled: !!currentCredentialCard onActivated: app.currentCredentialCard.deleteCard() } Shortcut { sequence: "Ctrl+D" // This becomes Cmd + D on macOS enabled: !!currentCredentialCard onActivated: app.currentCredentialCard.toggleFavorite() } Shortcut { sequence: StandardKey.Open enabled: !!yubiKey.currentDevice && yubiKey.currentDeviceValidated onActivated: navigator.goToNewCredential() } Shortcut { sequence: StandardKey.Find onActivated: toolBar.searchField.forceActiveFocus() } Shortcut { sequence: StandardKey.Preferences onActivated: navigator.goToSettings() } Shortcut { sequence: StandardKey.Quit context: Qt.ApplicationShortcut onActivated: Qt.quit() } Shortcut { sequence: StandardKey.Close onActivated: app.close() context: Qt.ApplicationShortcut } Shortcut { sequence: StandardKey.Italic onActivated: navigator.about() context: Qt.ApplicationShortcut } Shortcut { sequence: StandardKey.FullScreen onActivated: visibility = visibility === Window.FullScreen ? Window.Windowed : Window.FullScreen context: Qt.ApplicationShortcut } // This information is stored in the system registry on Windows, // and in XML preferences files on macOS. On other Unix systems, // in the absence of a standard, INI text files are used. // See Settings { id: settings property bool useCustomReader property string customReaderName property bool closeToTray property bool hideOnLaunch property bool requireTouch: true property int theme: Material.System // Keep track of window and desktop dimensions. property alias width: app.width property alias height: app.height property alias x: app.x property alias y: app.y property int desktopAvailableWidth property int desktopAvailableHeight property var favorites: [] onCloseToTrayChanged: updateTrayVisibility() onThemeChanged: { app.Material.theme = theme; } } Component { id: entriesComponent EntriesModel { } } EntriesModel { id: entries } ClipBoard { id: clipBoard } Timer { id: poller triggeredOnStart: true interval: 1000 repeat: true running: app.isInForeground || settings.closeToTray onTriggered: yubiKey.poll() } YubiKey { id: yubiKey } SystemTray { id: sysTrayIcon } Navigator { id: navigator anchors.fill: parent focus: true } header: StyledToolBar { id: toolBar } }