// coverage:ignore-file // GENERATED CODE - DO NOT MODIFY BY HAND // ignore_for_file: type=lint // ignore_for_file: unused_element, deprecated_member_use, deprecated_member_use_from_same_package, use_function_type_syntax_for_parameters, unnecessary_const, avoid_init_to_null, invalid_override_different_default_values_named, prefer_expression_function_bodies, annotate_overrides, invalid_annotation_target, unnecessary_question_mark part of 'models.dart'; // ************************************************************************** // FreezedGenerator // ************************************************************************** T _$identity(T value) => value; final _privateConstructorUsedError = UnsupportedError( 'It seems like you constructed your class using `MyClass._()`. This constructor is only meant to be used by freezed and you are not supposed to need it nor use it.\nPlease check the documentation here for more information: https://github.com/rrousselGit/freezed#adding-getters-and-methods-to-our-models'); PinMetadata _$PinMetadataFromJson(Map json) { return _PinMetadata.fromJson(json); } /// @nodoc mixin _$PinMetadata { bool get defaultValue => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; int get totalAttempts => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; int get attemptsRemaining => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; Map toJson() => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; @JsonKey(ignore: true) $PinMetadataCopyWith get copyWith => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; } /// @nodoc abstract class $PinMetadataCopyWith<$Res> { factory $PinMetadataCopyWith( PinMetadata value, $Res Function(PinMetadata) then) = _$PinMetadataCopyWithImpl<$Res, PinMetadata>; @useResult $Res call({bool defaultValue, int totalAttempts, int attemptsRemaining}); } /// @nodoc class _$PinMetadataCopyWithImpl<$Res, $Val extends PinMetadata> implements $PinMetadataCopyWith<$Res> { _$PinMetadataCopyWithImpl(this._value, this._then); // ignore: unused_field final $Val _value; // ignore: unused_field final $Res Function($Val) _then; @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') @override $Res call({ Object? defaultValue = null, Object? totalAttempts = null, Object? attemptsRemaining = null, }) { return _then(_value.copyWith( defaultValue: null == defaultValue ? _value.defaultValue : defaultValue // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as bool, totalAttempts: null == totalAttempts ? _value.totalAttempts : totalAttempts // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as int, attemptsRemaining: null == attemptsRemaining ? _value.attemptsRemaining : attemptsRemaining // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as int, ) as $Val); } } /// @nodoc abstract class _$$PinMetadataImplCopyWith<$Res> implements $PinMetadataCopyWith<$Res> { factory _$$PinMetadataImplCopyWith( _$PinMetadataImpl value, $Res Function(_$PinMetadataImpl) then) = __$$PinMetadataImplCopyWithImpl<$Res>; @override @useResult $Res call({bool defaultValue, int totalAttempts, int attemptsRemaining}); } /// @nodoc class __$$PinMetadataImplCopyWithImpl<$Res> extends _$PinMetadataCopyWithImpl<$Res, _$PinMetadataImpl> implements _$$PinMetadataImplCopyWith<$Res> { __$$PinMetadataImplCopyWithImpl( _$PinMetadataImpl _value, $Res Function(_$PinMetadataImpl) _then) : super(_value, _then); @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') @override $Res call({ Object? defaultValue = null, Object? totalAttempts = null, Object? attemptsRemaining = null, }) { return _then(_$PinMetadataImpl( null == defaultValue ? _value.defaultValue : defaultValue // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as bool, null == totalAttempts ? _value.totalAttempts : totalAttempts // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as int, null == attemptsRemaining ? _value.attemptsRemaining : attemptsRemaining // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as int, )); } } /// @nodoc @JsonSerializable() class _$PinMetadataImpl implements _PinMetadata { _$PinMetadataImpl( this.defaultValue, this.totalAttempts, this.attemptsRemaining); factory _$PinMetadataImpl.fromJson(Map json) => _$$PinMetadataImplFromJson(json); @override final bool defaultValue; @override final int totalAttempts; @override final int attemptsRemaining; @override String toString() { return 'PinMetadata(defaultValue: $defaultValue, totalAttempts: $totalAttempts, attemptsRemaining: $attemptsRemaining)'; } @override bool operator ==(Object other) { return identical(this, other) || (other.runtimeType == runtimeType && other is _$PinMetadataImpl && (identical(other.defaultValue, defaultValue) || other.defaultValue == defaultValue) && (identical(other.totalAttempts, totalAttempts) || other.totalAttempts == totalAttempts) && (identical(other.attemptsRemaining, attemptsRemaining) || other.attemptsRemaining == attemptsRemaining)); } @JsonKey(ignore: true) @override int get hashCode => Object.hash(runtimeType, defaultValue, totalAttempts, attemptsRemaining); @JsonKey(ignore: true) @override @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') _$$PinMetadataImplCopyWith<_$PinMetadataImpl> get copyWith => __$$PinMetadataImplCopyWithImpl<_$PinMetadataImpl>(this, _$identity); @override Map toJson() { return _$$PinMetadataImplToJson( this, ); } } abstract class _PinMetadata implements PinMetadata { factory _PinMetadata(final bool defaultValue, final int totalAttempts, final int attemptsRemaining) = _$PinMetadataImpl; factory _PinMetadata.fromJson(Map json) = _$PinMetadataImpl.fromJson; @override bool get defaultValue; @override int get totalAttempts; @override int get attemptsRemaining; @override @JsonKey(ignore: true) _$$PinMetadataImplCopyWith<_$PinMetadataImpl> get copyWith => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; } /// @nodoc mixin _$PinVerificationStatus { @optionalTypeArgs TResult when({ required TResult Function() success, required TResult Function(PivPinFailureReason reason) failure, }) => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; @optionalTypeArgs TResult? whenOrNull({ TResult? Function()? success, TResult? Function(PivPinFailureReason reason)? failure, }) => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; @optionalTypeArgs TResult maybeWhen({ TResult Function()? success, TResult Function(PivPinFailureReason reason)? failure, required TResult orElse(), }) => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; @optionalTypeArgs TResult map({ required TResult Function(PinSuccess value) success, required TResult Function(PinFailure value) failure, }) => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; @optionalTypeArgs TResult? mapOrNull({ TResult? Function(PinSuccess value)? success, TResult? Function(PinFailure value)? failure, }) => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; @optionalTypeArgs TResult maybeMap({ TResult Function(PinSuccess value)? success, TResult Function(PinFailure value)? failure, required TResult orElse(), }) => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; } /// @nodoc abstract class $PinVerificationStatusCopyWith<$Res> { factory $PinVerificationStatusCopyWith(PinVerificationStatus value, $Res Function(PinVerificationStatus) then) = _$PinVerificationStatusCopyWithImpl<$Res, PinVerificationStatus>; } /// @nodoc class _$PinVerificationStatusCopyWithImpl<$Res, $Val extends PinVerificationStatus> implements $PinVerificationStatusCopyWith<$Res> { _$PinVerificationStatusCopyWithImpl(this._value, this._then); // ignore: unused_field final $Val _value; // ignore: unused_field final $Res Function($Val) _then; } /// @nodoc abstract class _$$PinSuccessImplCopyWith<$Res> { factory _$$PinSuccessImplCopyWith( _$PinSuccessImpl value, $Res Function(_$PinSuccessImpl) then) = __$$PinSuccessImplCopyWithImpl<$Res>; } /// @nodoc class __$$PinSuccessImplCopyWithImpl<$Res> extends _$PinVerificationStatusCopyWithImpl<$Res, _$PinSuccessImpl> implements _$$PinSuccessImplCopyWith<$Res> { __$$PinSuccessImplCopyWithImpl( _$PinSuccessImpl _value, $Res Function(_$PinSuccessImpl) _then) : super(_value, _then); } /// @nodoc class _$PinSuccessImpl implements PinSuccess { const _$PinSuccessImpl(); @override String toString() { return 'PinVerificationStatus.success()'; } @override bool operator ==(Object other) { return identical(this, other) || (other.runtimeType == runtimeType && other is _$PinSuccessImpl); } @override int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode; @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult when({ required TResult Function() success, required TResult Function(PivPinFailureReason reason) failure, }) { return success(); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult? whenOrNull({ TResult? Function()? success, TResult? Function(PivPinFailureReason reason)? failure, }) { return success?.call(); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult maybeWhen({ TResult Function()? success, TResult Function(PivPinFailureReason reason)? failure, required TResult orElse(), }) { if (success != null) { return success(); } return orElse(); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult map({ required TResult Function(PinSuccess value) success, required TResult Function(PinFailure value) failure, }) { return success(this); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult? mapOrNull({ TResult? Function(PinSuccess value)? success, TResult? Function(PinFailure value)? failure, }) { return success?.call(this); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult maybeMap({ TResult Function(PinSuccess value)? success, TResult Function(PinFailure value)? failure, required TResult orElse(), }) { if (success != null) { return success(this); } return orElse(); } } abstract class PinSuccess implements PinVerificationStatus { const factory PinSuccess() = _$PinSuccessImpl; } /// @nodoc abstract class _$$PinFailureImplCopyWith<$Res> { factory _$$PinFailureImplCopyWith( _$PinFailureImpl value, $Res Function(_$PinFailureImpl) then) = __$$PinFailureImplCopyWithImpl<$Res>; @useResult $Res call({PivPinFailureReason reason}); $PivPinFailureReasonCopyWith<$Res> get reason; } /// @nodoc class __$$PinFailureImplCopyWithImpl<$Res> extends _$PinVerificationStatusCopyWithImpl<$Res, _$PinFailureImpl> implements _$$PinFailureImplCopyWith<$Res> { __$$PinFailureImplCopyWithImpl( _$PinFailureImpl _value, $Res Function(_$PinFailureImpl) _then) : super(_value, _then); @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') @override $Res call({ Object? reason = null, }) { return _then(_$PinFailureImpl( null == reason ? _value.reason : reason // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as PivPinFailureReason, )); } @override @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') $PivPinFailureReasonCopyWith<$Res> get reason { return $PivPinFailureReasonCopyWith<$Res>(_value.reason, (value) { return _then(_value.copyWith(reason: value)); }); } } /// @nodoc class _$PinFailureImpl implements PinFailure { _$PinFailureImpl(this.reason); @override final PivPinFailureReason reason; @override String toString() { return 'PinVerificationStatus.failure(reason: $reason)'; } @override bool operator ==(Object other) { return identical(this, other) || (other.runtimeType == runtimeType && other is _$PinFailureImpl && (identical(other.reason, reason) || other.reason == reason)); } @override int get hashCode => Object.hash(runtimeType, reason); @JsonKey(ignore: true) @override @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') _$$PinFailureImplCopyWith<_$PinFailureImpl> get copyWith => __$$PinFailureImplCopyWithImpl<_$PinFailureImpl>(this, _$identity); @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult when({ required TResult Function() success, required TResult Function(PivPinFailureReason reason) failure, }) { return failure(reason); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult? whenOrNull({ TResult? Function()? success, TResult? Function(PivPinFailureReason reason)? failure, }) { return failure?.call(reason); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult maybeWhen({ TResult Function()? success, TResult Function(PivPinFailureReason reason)? failure, required TResult orElse(), }) { if (failure != null) { return failure(reason); } return orElse(); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult map({ required TResult Function(PinSuccess value) success, required TResult Function(PinFailure value) failure, }) { return failure(this); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult? mapOrNull({ TResult? Function(PinSuccess value)? success, TResult? Function(PinFailure value)? failure, }) { return failure?.call(this); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult maybeMap({ TResult Function(PinSuccess value)? success, TResult Function(PinFailure value)? failure, required TResult orElse(), }) { if (failure != null) { return failure(this); } return orElse(); } } abstract class PinFailure implements PinVerificationStatus { factory PinFailure(final PivPinFailureReason reason) = _$PinFailureImpl; PivPinFailureReason get reason; @JsonKey(ignore: true) _$$PinFailureImplCopyWith<_$PinFailureImpl> get copyWith => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; } /// @nodoc mixin _$PivPinFailureReason { @optionalTypeArgs TResult when({ required TResult Function(int attemptsRemaining) invalidPin, required TResult Function() weakPin, }) => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; @optionalTypeArgs TResult? whenOrNull({ TResult? Function(int attemptsRemaining)? invalidPin, TResult? Function()? weakPin, }) => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; @optionalTypeArgs TResult maybeWhen({ TResult Function(int attemptsRemaining)? invalidPin, TResult Function()? weakPin, required TResult orElse(), }) => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; @optionalTypeArgs TResult map({ required TResult Function(PivInvalidPin value) invalidPin, required TResult Function(PivWeakPin value) weakPin, }) => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; @optionalTypeArgs TResult? mapOrNull({ TResult? Function(PivInvalidPin value)? invalidPin, TResult? Function(PivWeakPin value)? weakPin, }) => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; @optionalTypeArgs TResult maybeMap({ TResult Function(PivInvalidPin value)? invalidPin, TResult Function(PivWeakPin value)? weakPin, required TResult orElse(), }) => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; } /// @nodoc abstract class $PivPinFailureReasonCopyWith<$Res> { factory $PivPinFailureReasonCopyWith( PivPinFailureReason value, $Res Function(PivPinFailureReason) then) = _$PivPinFailureReasonCopyWithImpl<$Res, PivPinFailureReason>; } /// @nodoc class _$PivPinFailureReasonCopyWithImpl<$Res, $Val extends PivPinFailureReason> implements $PivPinFailureReasonCopyWith<$Res> { _$PivPinFailureReasonCopyWithImpl(this._value, this._then); // ignore: unused_field final $Val _value; // ignore: unused_field final $Res Function($Val) _then; } /// @nodoc abstract class _$$PivInvalidPinImplCopyWith<$Res> { factory _$$PivInvalidPinImplCopyWith( _$PivInvalidPinImpl value, $Res Function(_$PivInvalidPinImpl) then) = __$$PivInvalidPinImplCopyWithImpl<$Res>; @useResult $Res call({int attemptsRemaining}); } /// @nodoc class __$$PivInvalidPinImplCopyWithImpl<$Res> extends _$PivPinFailureReasonCopyWithImpl<$Res, _$PivInvalidPinImpl> implements _$$PivInvalidPinImplCopyWith<$Res> { __$$PivInvalidPinImplCopyWithImpl( _$PivInvalidPinImpl _value, $Res Function(_$PivInvalidPinImpl) _then) : super(_value, _then); @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') @override $Res call({ Object? attemptsRemaining = null, }) { return _then(_$PivInvalidPinImpl( null == attemptsRemaining ? _value.attemptsRemaining : attemptsRemaining // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as int, )); } } /// @nodoc class _$PivInvalidPinImpl implements PivInvalidPin { _$PivInvalidPinImpl(this.attemptsRemaining); @override final int attemptsRemaining; @override String toString() { return 'PivPinFailureReason.invalidPin(attemptsRemaining: $attemptsRemaining)'; } @override bool operator ==(Object other) { return identical(this, other) || (other.runtimeType == runtimeType && other is _$PivInvalidPinImpl && (identical(other.attemptsRemaining, attemptsRemaining) || other.attemptsRemaining == attemptsRemaining)); } @override int get hashCode => Object.hash(runtimeType, attemptsRemaining); @JsonKey(ignore: true) @override @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') _$$PivInvalidPinImplCopyWith<_$PivInvalidPinImpl> get copyWith => __$$PivInvalidPinImplCopyWithImpl<_$PivInvalidPinImpl>(this, _$identity); @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult when({ required TResult Function(int attemptsRemaining) invalidPin, required TResult Function() weakPin, }) { return invalidPin(attemptsRemaining); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult? whenOrNull({ TResult? Function(int attemptsRemaining)? invalidPin, TResult? Function()? weakPin, }) { return invalidPin?.call(attemptsRemaining); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult maybeWhen({ TResult Function(int attemptsRemaining)? invalidPin, TResult Function()? weakPin, required TResult orElse(), }) { if (invalidPin != null) { return invalidPin(attemptsRemaining); } return orElse(); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult map({ required TResult Function(PivInvalidPin value) invalidPin, required TResult Function(PivWeakPin value) weakPin, }) { return invalidPin(this); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult? mapOrNull({ TResult? Function(PivInvalidPin value)? invalidPin, TResult? Function(PivWeakPin value)? weakPin, }) { return invalidPin?.call(this); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult maybeMap({ TResult Function(PivInvalidPin value)? invalidPin, TResult Function(PivWeakPin value)? weakPin, required TResult orElse(), }) { if (invalidPin != null) { return invalidPin(this); } return orElse(); } } abstract class PivInvalidPin implements PivPinFailureReason { factory PivInvalidPin(final int attemptsRemaining) = _$PivInvalidPinImpl; int get attemptsRemaining; @JsonKey(ignore: true) _$$PivInvalidPinImplCopyWith<_$PivInvalidPinImpl> get copyWith => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; } /// @nodoc abstract class _$$PivWeakPinImplCopyWith<$Res> { factory _$$PivWeakPinImplCopyWith( _$PivWeakPinImpl value, $Res Function(_$PivWeakPinImpl) then) = __$$PivWeakPinImplCopyWithImpl<$Res>; } /// @nodoc class __$$PivWeakPinImplCopyWithImpl<$Res> extends _$PivPinFailureReasonCopyWithImpl<$Res, _$PivWeakPinImpl> implements _$$PivWeakPinImplCopyWith<$Res> { __$$PivWeakPinImplCopyWithImpl( _$PivWeakPinImpl _value, $Res Function(_$PivWeakPinImpl) _then) : super(_value, _then); } /// @nodoc class _$PivWeakPinImpl implements PivWeakPin { const _$PivWeakPinImpl(); @override String toString() { return 'PivPinFailureReason.weakPin()'; } @override bool operator ==(Object other) { return identical(this, other) || (other.runtimeType == runtimeType && other is _$PivWeakPinImpl); } @override int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode; @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult when({ required TResult Function(int attemptsRemaining) invalidPin, required TResult Function() weakPin, }) { return weakPin(); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult? whenOrNull({ TResult? Function(int attemptsRemaining)? invalidPin, TResult? Function()? weakPin, }) { return weakPin?.call(); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult maybeWhen({ TResult Function(int attemptsRemaining)? invalidPin, TResult Function()? weakPin, required TResult orElse(), }) { if (weakPin != null) { return weakPin(); } return orElse(); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult map({ required TResult Function(PivInvalidPin value) invalidPin, required TResult Function(PivWeakPin value) weakPin, }) { return weakPin(this); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult? mapOrNull({ TResult? Function(PivInvalidPin value)? invalidPin, TResult? Function(PivWeakPin value)? weakPin, }) { return weakPin?.call(this); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult maybeMap({ TResult Function(PivInvalidPin value)? invalidPin, TResult Function(PivWeakPin value)? weakPin, required TResult orElse(), }) { if (weakPin != null) { return weakPin(this); } return orElse(); } } abstract class PivWeakPin implements PivPinFailureReason { const factory PivWeakPin() = _$PivWeakPinImpl; } ManagementKeyMetadata _$ManagementKeyMetadataFromJson( Map json) { return _ManagementKeyMetadata.fromJson(json); } /// @nodoc mixin _$ManagementKeyMetadata { ManagementKeyType get keyType => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; bool get defaultValue => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; TouchPolicy get touchPolicy => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; Map toJson() => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; @JsonKey(ignore: true) $ManagementKeyMetadataCopyWith get copyWith => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; } /// @nodoc abstract class $ManagementKeyMetadataCopyWith<$Res> { factory $ManagementKeyMetadataCopyWith(ManagementKeyMetadata value, $Res Function(ManagementKeyMetadata) then) = _$ManagementKeyMetadataCopyWithImpl<$Res, ManagementKeyMetadata>; @useResult $Res call( {ManagementKeyType keyType, bool defaultValue, TouchPolicy touchPolicy}); } /// @nodoc class _$ManagementKeyMetadataCopyWithImpl<$Res, $Val extends ManagementKeyMetadata> implements $ManagementKeyMetadataCopyWith<$Res> { _$ManagementKeyMetadataCopyWithImpl(this._value, this._then); // ignore: unused_field final $Val _value; // ignore: unused_field final $Res Function($Val) _then; @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') @override $Res call({ Object? keyType = null, Object? defaultValue = null, Object? touchPolicy = null, }) { return _then(_value.copyWith( keyType: null == keyType ? _value.keyType : keyType // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as ManagementKeyType, defaultValue: null == defaultValue ? _value.defaultValue : defaultValue // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as bool, touchPolicy: null == touchPolicy ? _value.touchPolicy : touchPolicy // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as TouchPolicy, ) as $Val); } } /// @nodoc abstract class _$$ManagementKeyMetadataImplCopyWith<$Res> implements $ManagementKeyMetadataCopyWith<$Res> { factory _$$ManagementKeyMetadataImplCopyWith( _$ManagementKeyMetadataImpl value, $Res Function(_$ManagementKeyMetadataImpl) then) = __$$ManagementKeyMetadataImplCopyWithImpl<$Res>; @override @useResult $Res call( {ManagementKeyType keyType, bool defaultValue, TouchPolicy touchPolicy}); } /// @nodoc class __$$ManagementKeyMetadataImplCopyWithImpl<$Res> extends _$ManagementKeyMetadataCopyWithImpl<$Res, _$ManagementKeyMetadataImpl> implements _$$ManagementKeyMetadataImplCopyWith<$Res> { __$$ManagementKeyMetadataImplCopyWithImpl(_$ManagementKeyMetadataImpl _value, $Res Function(_$ManagementKeyMetadataImpl) _then) : super(_value, _then); @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') @override $Res call({ Object? keyType = null, Object? defaultValue = null, Object? touchPolicy = null, }) { return _then(_$ManagementKeyMetadataImpl( null == keyType ? _value.keyType : keyType // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as ManagementKeyType, null == defaultValue ? _value.defaultValue : defaultValue // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as bool, null == touchPolicy ? _value.touchPolicy : touchPolicy // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as TouchPolicy, )); } } /// @nodoc @JsonSerializable() class _$ManagementKeyMetadataImpl implements _ManagementKeyMetadata { _$ManagementKeyMetadataImpl( this.keyType, this.defaultValue, this.touchPolicy); factory _$ManagementKeyMetadataImpl.fromJson(Map json) => _$$ManagementKeyMetadataImplFromJson(json); @override final ManagementKeyType keyType; @override final bool defaultValue; @override final TouchPolicy touchPolicy; @override String toString() { return 'ManagementKeyMetadata(keyType: $keyType, defaultValue: $defaultValue, touchPolicy: $touchPolicy)'; } @override bool operator ==(Object other) { return identical(this, other) || (other.runtimeType == runtimeType && other is _$ManagementKeyMetadataImpl && (identical(other.keyType, keyType) || other.keyType == keyType) && (identical(other.defaultValue, defaultValue) || other.defaultValue == defaultValue) && (identical(other.touchPolicy, touchPolicy) || other.touchPolicy == touchPolicy)); } @JsonKey(ignore: true) @override int get hashCode => Object.hash(runtimeType, keyType, defaultValue, touchPolicy); @JsonKey(ignore: true) @override @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') _$$ManagementKeyMetadataImplCopyWith<_$ManagementKeyMetadataImpl> get copyWith => __$$ManagementKeyMetadataImplCopyWithImpl< _$ManagementKeyMetadataImpl>(this, _$identity); @override Map toJson() { return _$$ManagementKeyMetadataImplToJson( this, ); } } abstract class _ManagementKeyMetadata implements ManagementKeyMetadata { factory _ManagementKeyMetadata( final ManagementKeyType keyType, final bool defaultValue, final TouchPolicy touchPolicy) = _$ManagementKeyMetadataImpl; factory _ManagementKeyMetadata.fromJson(Map json) = _$ManagementKeyMetadataImpl.fromJson; @override ManagementKeyType get keyType; @override bool get defaultValue; @override TouchPolicy get touchPolicy; @override @JsonKey(ignore: true) _$$ManagementKeyMetadataImplCopyWith<_$ManagementKeyMetadataImpl> get copyWith => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; } SlotMetadata _$SlotMetadataFromJson(Map json) { return _SlotMetadata.fromJson(json); } /// @nodoc mixin _$SlotMetadata { KeyType get keyType => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; PinPolicy get pinPolicy => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; TouchPolicy get touchPolicy => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; bool get generated => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; String get publicKey => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; Map toJson() => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; @JsonKey(ignore: true) $SlotMetadataCopyWith get copyWith => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; } /// @nodoc abstract class $SlotMetadataCopyWith<$Res> { factory $SlotMetadataCopyWith( SlotMetadata value, $Res Function(SlotMetadata) then) = _$SlotMetadataCopyWithImpl<$Res, SlotMetadata>; @useResult $Res call( {KeyType keyType, PinPolicy pinPolicy, TouchPolicy touchPolicy, bool generated, String publicKey}); } /// @nodoc class _$SlotMetadataCopyWithImpl<$Res, $Val extends SlotMetadata> implements $SlotMetadataCopyWith<$Res> { _$SlotMetadataCopyWithImpl(this._value, this._then); // ignore: unused_field final $Val _value; // ignore: unused_field final $Res Function($Val) _then; @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') @override $Res call({ Object? keyType = null, Object? pinPolicy = null, Object? touchPolicy = null, Object? generated = null, Object? publicKey = null, }) { return _then(_value.copyWith( keyType: null == keyType ? _value.keyType : keyType // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as KeyType, pinPolicy: null == pinPolicy ? _value.pinPolicy : pinPolicy // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as PinPolicy, touchPolicy: null == touchPolicy ? _value.touchPolicy : touchPolicy // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as TouchPolicy, generated: null == generated ? _value.generated : generated // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as bool, publicKey: null == publicKey ? _value.publicKey : publicKey // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as String, ) as $Val); } } /// @nodoc abstract class _$$SlotMetadataImplCopyWith<$Res> implements $SlotMetadataCopyWith<$Res> { factory _$$SlotMetadataImplCopyWith( _$SlotMetadataImpl value, $Res Function(_$SlotMetadataImpl) then) = __$$SlotMetadataImplCopyWithImpl<$Res>; @override @useResult $Res call( {KeyType keyType, PinPolicy pinPolicy, TouchPolicy touchPolicy, bool generated, String publicKey}); } /// @nodoc class __$$SlotMetadataImplCopyWithImpl<$Res> extends _$SlotMetadataCopyWithImpl<$Res, _$SlotMetadataImpl> implements _$$SlotMetadataImplCopyWith<$Res> { __$$SlotMetadataImplCopyWithImpl( _$SlotMetadataImpl _value, $Res Function(_$SlotMetadataImpl) _then) : super(_value, _then); @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') @override $Res call({ Object? keyType = null, Object? pinPolicy = null, Object? touchPolicy = null, Object? generated = null, Object? publicKey = null, }) { return _then(_$SlotMetadataImpl( null == keyType ? _value.keyType : keyType // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as KeyType, null == pinPolicy ? _value.pinPolicy : pinPolicy // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as PinPolicy, null == touchPolicy ? _value.touchPolicy : touchPolicy // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as TouchPolicy, null == generated ? _value.generated : generated // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as bool, null == publicKey ? _value.publicKey : publicKey // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as String, )); } } /// @nodoc @JsonSerializable() class _$SlotMetadataImpl implements _SlotMetadata { _$SlotMetadataImpl(this.keyType, this.pinPolicy, this.touchPolicy, this.generated, this.publicKey); factory _$SlotMetadataImpl.fromJson(Map json) => _$$SlotMetadataImplFromJson(json); @override final KeyType keyType; @override final PinPolicy pinPolicy; @override final TouchPolicy touchPolicy; @override final bool generated; @override final String publicKey; @override String toString() { return 'SlotMetadata(keyType: $keyType, pinPolicy: $pinPolicy, touchPolicy: $touchPolicy, generated: $generated, publicKey: $publicKey)'; } @override bool operator ==(Object other) { return identical(this, other) || (other.runtimeType == runtimeType && other is _$SlotMetadataImpl && (identical(other.keyType, keyType) || other.keyType == keyType) && (identical(other.pinPolicy, pinPolicy) || other.pinPolicy == pinPolicy) && (identical(other.touchPolicy, touchPolicy) || other.touchPolicy == touchPolicy) && (identical(other.generated, generated) || other.generated == generated) && (identical(other.publicKey, publicKey) || other.publicKey == publicKey)); } @JsonKey(ignore: true) @override int get hashCode => Object.hash( runtimeType, keyType, pinPolicy, touchPolicy, generated, publicKey); @JsonKey(ignore: true) @override @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') _$$SlotMetadataImplCopyWith<_$SlotMetadataImpl> get copyWith => __$$SlotMetadataImplCopyWithImpl<_$SlotMetadataImpl>(this, _$identity); @override Map toJson() { return _$$SlotMetadataImplToJson( this, ); } } abstract class _SlotMetadata implements SlotMetadata { factory _SlotMetadata( final KeyType keyType, final PinPolicy pinPolicy, final TouchPolicy touchPolicy, final bool generated, final String publicKey) = _$SlotMetadataImpl; factory _SlotMetadata.fromJson(Map json) = _$SlotMetadataImpl.fromJson; @override KeyType get keyType; @override PinPolicy get pinPolicy; @override TouchPolicy get touchPolicy; @override bool get generated; @override String get publicKey; @override @JsonKey(ignore: true) _$$SlotMetadataImplCopyWith<_$SlotMetadataImpl> get copyWith => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; } PivStateMetadata _$PivStateMetadataFromJson(Map json) { return _PivStateMetadata.fromJson(json); } /// @nodoc mixin _$PivStateMetadata { ManagementKeyMetadata get managementKeyMetadata => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; PinMetadata get pinMetadata => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; PinMetadata get pukMetadata => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; Map toJson() => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; @JsonKey(ignore: true) $PivStateMetadataCopyWith get copyWith => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; } /// @nodoc abstract class $PivStateMetadataCopyWith<$Res> { factory $PivStateMetadataCopyWith( PivStateMetadata value, $Res Function(PivStateMetadata) then) = _$PivStateMetadataCopyWithImpl<$Res, PivStateMetadata>; @useResult $Res call( {ManagementKeyMetadata managementKeyMetadata, PinMetadata pinMetadata, PinMetadata pukMetadata}); $ManagementKeyMetadataCopyWith<$Res> get managementKeyMetadata; $PinMetadataCopyWith<$Res> get pinMetadata; $PinMetadataCopyWith<$Res> get pukMetadata; } /// @nodoc class _$PivStateMetadataCopyWithImpl<$Res, $Val extends PivStateMetadata> implements $PivStateMetadataCopyWith<$Res> { _$PivStateMetadataCopyWithImpl(this._value, this._then); // ignore: unused_field final $Val _value; // ignore: unused_field final $Res Function($Val) _then; @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') @override $Res call({ Object? managementKeyMetadata = null, Object? pinMetadata = null, Object? pukMetadata = null, }) { return _then(_value.copyWith( managementKeyMetadata: null == managementKeyMetadata ? _value.managementKeyMetadata : managementKeyMetadata // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as ManagementKeyMetadata, pinMetadata: null == pinMetadata ? _value.pinMetadata : pinMetadata // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as PinMetadata, pukMetadata: null == pukMetadata ? _value.pukMetadata : pukMetadata // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as PinMetadata, ) as $Val); } @override @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') $ManagementKeyMetadataCopyWith<$Res> get managementKeyMetadata { return $ManagementKeyMetadataCopyWith<$Res>(_value.managementKeyMetadata, (value) { return _then(_value.copyWith(managementKeyMetadata: value) as $Val); }); } @override @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') $PinMetadataCopyWith<$Res> get pinMetadata { return $PinMetadataCopyWith<$Res>(_value.pinMetadata, (value) { return _then(_value.copyWith(pinMetadata: value) as $Val); }); } @override @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') $PinMetadataCopyWith<$Res> get pukMetadata { return $PinMetadataCopyWith<$Res>(_value.pukMetadata, (value) { return _then(_value.copyWith(pukMetadata: value) as $Val); }); } } /// @nodoc abstract class _$$PivStateMetadataImplCopyWith<$Res> implements $PivStateMetadataCopyWith<$Res> { factory _$$PivStateMetadataImplCopyWith(_$PivStateMetadataImpl value, $Res Function(_$PivStateMetadataImpl) then) = __$$PivStateMetadataImplCopyWithImpl<$Res>; @override @useResult $Res call( {ManagementKeyMetadata managementKeyMetadata, PinMetadata pinMetadata, PinMetadata pukMetadata}); @override $ManagementKeyMetadataCopyWith<$Res> get managementKeyMetadata; @override $PinMetadataCopyWith<$Res> get pinMetadata; @override $PinMetadataCopyWith<$Res> get pukMetadata; } /// @nodoc class __$$PivStateMetadataImplCopyWithImpl<$Res> extends _$PivStateMetadataCopyWithImpl<$Res, _$PivStateMetadataImpl> implements _$$PivStateMetadataImplCopyWith<$Res> { __$$PivStateMetadataImplCopyWithImpl(_$PivStateMetadataImpl _value, $Res Function(_$PivStateMetadataImpl) _then) : super(_value, _then); @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') @override $Res call({ Object? managementKeyMetadata = null, Object? pinMetadata = null, Object? pukMetadata = null, }) { return _then(_$PivStateMetadataImpl( managementKeyMetadata: null == managementKeyMetadata ? _value.managementKeyMetadata : managementKeyMetadata // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as ManagementKeyMetadata, pinMetadata: null == pinMetadata ? _value.pinMetadata : pinMetadata // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as PinMetadata, pukMetadata: null == pukMetadata ? _value.pukMetadata : pukMetadata // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as PinMetadata, )); } } /// @nodoc @JsonSerializable() class _$PivStateMetadataImpl implements _PivStateMetadata { _$PivStateMetadataImpl( {required this.managementKeyMetadata, required this.pinMetadata, required this.pukMetadata}); factory _$PivStateMetadataImpl.fromJson(Map json) => _$$PivStateMetadataImplFromJson(json); @override final ManagementKeyMetadata managementKeyMetadata; @override final PinMetadata pinMetadata; @override final PinMetadata pukMetadata; @override String toString() { return 'PivStateMetadata(managementKeyMetadata: $managementKeyMetadata, pinMetadata: $pinMetadata, pukMetadata: $pukMetadata)'; } @override bool operator ==(Object other) { return identical(this, other) || (other.runtimeType == runtimeType && other is _$PivStateMetadataImpl && (identical(other.managementKeyMetadata, managementKeyMetadata) || other.managementKeyMetadata == managementKeyMetadata) && (identical(other.pinMetadata, pinMetadata) || other.pinMetadata == pinMetadata) && (identical(other.pukMetadata, pukMetadata) || other.pukMetadata == pukMetadata)); } @JsonKey(ignore: true) @override int get hashCode => Object.hash(runtimeType, managementKeyMetadata, pinMetadata, pukMetadata); @JsonKey(ignore: true) @override @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') _$$PivStateMetadataImplCopyWith<_$PivStateMetadataImpl> get copyWith => __$$PivStateMetadataImplCopyWithImpl<_$PivStateMetadataImpl>( this, _$identity); @override Map toJson() { return _$$PivStateMetadataImplToJson( this, ); } } abstract class _PivStateMetadata implements PivStateMetadata { factory _PivStateMetadata( {required final ManagementKeyMetadata managementKeyMetadata, required final PinMetadata pinMetadata, required final PinMetadata pukMetadata}) = _$PivStateMetadataImpl; factory _PivStateMetadata.fromJson(Map json) = _$PivStateMetadataImpl.fromJson; @override ManagementKeyMetadata get managementKeyMetadata; @override PinMetadata get pinMetadata; @override PinMetadata get pukMetadata; @override @JsonKey(ignore: true) _$$PivStateMetadataImplCopyWith<_$PivStateMetadataImpl> get copyWith => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; } PivState _$PivStateFromJson(Map json) { return _PivState.fromJson(json); } /// @nodoc mixin _$PivState { Version get version => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; bool get authenticated => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; bool get derivedKey => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; bool get storedKey => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; int get pinAttempts => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; String? get chuid => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; String? get ccc => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; PivStateMetadata? get metadata => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; Map toJson() => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; @JsonKey(ignore: true) $PivStateCopyWith get copyWith => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; } /// @nodoc abstract class $PivStateCopyWith<$Res> { factory $PivStateCopyWith(PivState value, $Res Function(PivState) then) = _$PivStateCopyWithImpl<$Res, PivState>; @useResult $Res call( {Version version, bool authenticated, bool derivedKey, bool storedKey, int pinAttempts, String? chuid, String? ccc, PivStateMetadata? metadata}); $VersionCopyWith<$Res> get version; $PivStateMetadataCopyWith<$Res>? get metadata; } /// @nodoc class _$PivStateCopyWithImpl<$Res, $Val extends PivState> implements $PivStateCopyWith<$Res> { _$PivStateCopyWithImpl(this._value, this._then); // ignore: unused_field final $Val _value; // ignore: unused_field final $Res Function($Val) _then; @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') @override $Res call({ Object? version = null, Object? authenticated = null, Object? derivedKey = null, Object? storedKey = null, Object? pinAttempts = null, Object? chuid = freezed, Object? ccc = freezed, Object? metadata = freezed, }) { return _then(_value.copyWith( version: null == version ? _value.version : version // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as Version, authenticated: null == authenticated ? _value.authenticated : authenticated // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as bool, derivedKey: null == derivedKey ? _value.derivedKey : derivedKey // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as bool, storedKey: null == storedKey ? _value.storedKey : storedKey // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as bool, pinAttempts: null == pinAttempts ? _value.pinAttempts : pinAttempts // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as int, chuid: freezed == chuid ? _value.chuid : chuid // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as String?, ccc: freezed == ccc ? _value.ccc : ccc // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as String?, metadata: freezed == metadata ? _value.metadata : metadata // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as PivStateMetadata?, ) as $Val); } @override @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') $VersionCopyWith<$Res> get version { return $VersionCopyWith<$Res>(_value.version, (value) { return _then(_value.copyWith(version: value) as $Val); }); } @override @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') $PivStateMetadataCopyWith<$Res>? get metadata { if (_value.metadata == null) { return null; } return $PivStateMetadataCopyWith<$Res>(_value.metadata!, (value) { return _then(_value.copyWith(metadata: value) as $Val); }); } } /// @nodoc abstract class _$$PivStateImplCopyWith<$Res> implements $PivStateCopyWith<$Res> { factory _$$PivStateImplCopyWith( _$PivStateImpl value, $Res Function(_$PivStateImpl) then) = __$$PivStateImplCopyWithImpl<$Res>; @override @useResult $Res call( {Version version, bool authenticated, bool derivedKey, bool storedKey, int pinAttempts, String? chuid, String? ccc, PivStateMetadata? metadata}); @override $VersionCopyWith<$Res> get version; @override $PivStateMetadataCopyWith<$Res>? get metadata; } /// @nodoc class __$$PivStateImplCopyWithImpl<$Res> extends _$PivStateCopyWithImpl<$Res, _$PivStateImpl> implements _$$PivStateImplCopyWith<$Res> { __$$PivStateImplCopyWithImpl( _$PivStateImpl _value, $Res Function(_$PivStateImpl) _then) : super(_value, _then); @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') @override $Res call({ Object? version = null, Object? authenticated = null, Object? derivedKey = null, Object? storedKey = null, Object? pinAttempts = null, Object? chuid = freezed, Object? ccc = freezed, Object? metadata = freezed, }) { return _then(_$PivStateImpl( version: null == version ? _value.version : version // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as Version, authenticated: null == authenticated ? _value.authenticated : authenticated // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as bool, derivedKey: null == derivedKey ? _value.derivedKey : derivedKey // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as bool, storedKey: null == storedKey ? _value.storedKey : storedKey // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as bool, pinAttempts: null == pinAttempts ? _value.pinAttempts : pinAttempts // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as int, chuid: freezed == chuid ? _value.chuid : chuid // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as String?, ccc: freezed == ccc ? _value.ccc : ccc // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as String?, metadata: freezed == metadata ? _value.metadata : metadata // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as PivStateMetadata?, )); } } /// @nodoc @JsonSerializable() class _$PivStateImpl extends _PivState { _$PivStateImpl( {required this.version, required this.authenticated, required this.derivedKey, required this.storedKey, required this.pinAttempts, this.chuid, this.ccc, this.metadata}) : super._(); factory _$PivStateImpl.fromJson(Map json) => _$$PivStateImplFromJson(json); @override final Version version; @override final bool authenticated; @override final bool derivedKey; @override final bool storedKey; @override final int pinAttempts; @override final String? chuid; @override final String? ccc; @override final PivStateMetadata? metadata; @override String toString() { return 'PivState(version: $version, authenticated: $authenticated, derivedKey: $derivedKey, storedKey: $storedKey, pinAttempts: $pinAttempts, chuid: $chuid, ccc: $ccc, metadata: $metadata)'; } @override bool operator ==(Object other) { return identical(this, other) || (other.runtimeType == runtimeType && other is _$PivStateImpl && (identical(other.version, version) || other.version == version) && (identical(other.authenticated, authenticated) || other.authenticated == authenticated) && (identical(other.derivedKey, derivedKey) || other.derivedKey == derivedKey) && (identical(other.storedKey, storedKey) || other.storedKey == storedKey) && (identical(other.pinAttempts, pinAttempts) || other.pinAttempts == pinAttempts) && (identical(other.chuid, chuid) || other.chuid == chuid) && (identical(other.ccc, ccc) || other.ccc == ccc) && (identical(other.metadata, metadata) || other.metadata == metadata)); } @JsonKey(ignore: true) @override int get hashCode => Object.hash(runtimeType, version, authenticated, derivedKey, storedKey, pinAttempts, chuid, ccc, metadata); @JsonKey(ignore: true) @override @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') _$$PivStateImplCopyWith<_$PivStateImpl> get copyWith => __$$PivStateImplCopyWithImpl<_$PivStateImpl>(this, _$identity); @override Map toJson() { return _$$PivStateImplToJson( this, ); } } abstract class _PivState extends PivState { factory _PivState( {required final Version version, required final bool authenticated, required final bool derivedKey, required final bool storedKey, required final int pinAttempts, final String? chuid, final String? ccc, final PivStateMetadata? metadata}) = _$PivStateImpl; _PivState._() : super._(); factory _PivState.fromJson(Map json) = _$PivStateImpl.fromJson; @override Version get version; @override bool get authenticated; @override bool get derivedKey; @override bool get storedKey; @override int get pinAttempts; @override String? get chuid; @override String? get ccc; @override PivStateMetadata? get metadata; @override @JsonKey(ignore: true) _$$PivStateImplCopyWith<_$PivStateImpl> get copyWith => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; } CertInfo _$CertInfoFromJson(Map json) { return _CertInfo.fromJson(json); } /// @nodoc mixin _$CertInfo { KeyType? get keyType => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; String get subject => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; String get issuer => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; String get serial => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; String get notValidBefore => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; String get notValidAfter => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; String get fingerprint => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; Map toJson() => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; @JsonKey(ignore: true) $CertInfoCopyWith get copyWith => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; } /// @nodoc abstract class $CertInfoCopyWith<$Res> { factory $CertInfoCopyWith(CertInfo value, $Res Function(CertInfo) then) = _$CertInfoCopyWithImpl<$Res, CertInfo>; @useResult $Res call( {KeyType? keyType, String subject, String issuer, String serial, String notValidBefore, String notValidAfter, String fingerprint}); } /// @nodoc class _$CertInfoCopyWithImpl<$Res, $Val extends CertInfo> implements $CertInfoCopyWith<$Res> { _$CertInfoCopyWithImpl(this._value, this._then); // ignore: unused_field final $Val _value; // ignore: unused_field final $Res Function($Val) _then; @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') @override $Res call({ Object? keyType = freezed, Object? subject = null, Object? issuer = null, Object? serial = null, Object? notValidBefore = null, Object? notValidAfter = null, Object? fingerprint = null, }) { return _then(_value.copyWith( keyType: freezed == keyType ? _value.keyType : keyType // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as KeyType?, subject: null == subject ? _value.subject : subject // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as String, issuer: null == issuer ? _value.issuer : issuer // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as String, serial: null == serial ? _value.serial : serial // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as String, notValidBefore: null == notValidBefore ? _value.notValidBefore : notValidBefore // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as String, notValidAfter: null == notValidAfter ? _value.notValidAfter : notValidAfter // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as String, fingerprint: null == fingerprint ? _value.fingerprint : fingerprint // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as String, ) as $Val); } } /// @nodoc abstract class _$$CertInfoImplCopyWith<$Res> implements $CertInfoCopyWith<$Res> { factory _$$CertInfoImplCopyWith( _$CertInfoImpl value, $Res Function(_$CertInfoImpl) then) = __$$CertInfoImplCopyWithImpl<$Res>; @override @useResult $Res call( {KeyType? keyType, String subject, String issuer, String serial, String notValidBefore, String notValidAfter, String fingerprint}); } /// @nodoc class __$$CertInfoImplCopyWithImpl<$Res> extends _$CertInfoCopyWithImpl<$Res, _$CertInfoImpl> implements _$$CertInfoImplCopyWith<$Res> { __$$CertInfoImplCopyWithImpl( _$CertInfoImpl _value, $Res Function(_$CertInfoImpl) _then) : super(_value, _then); @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') @override $Res call({ Object? keyType = freezed, Object? subject = null, Object? issuer = null, Object? serial = null, Object? notValidBefore = null, Object? notValidAfter = null, Object? fingerprint = null, }) { return _then(_$CertInfoImpl( keyType: freezed == keyType ? _value.keyType : keyType // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as KeyType?, subject: null == subject ? _value.subject : subject // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as String, issuer: null == issuer ? _value.issuer : issuer // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as String, serial: null == serial ? _value.serial : serial // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as String, notValidBefore: null == notValidBefore ? _value.notValidBefore : notValidBefore // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as String, notValidAfter: null == notValidAfter ? _value.notValidAfter : notValidAfter // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as String, fingerprint: null == fingerprint ? _value.fingerprint : fingerprint // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as String, )); } } /// @nodoc @JsonSerializable() class _$CertInfoImpl implements _CertInfo { _$CertInfoImpl( {required this.keyType, required this.subject, required this.issuer, required this.serial, required this.notValidBefore, required this.notValidAfter, required this.fingerprint}); factory _$CertInfoImpl.fromJson(Map json) => _$$CertInfoImplFromJson(json); @override final KeyType? keyType; @override final String subject; @override final String issuer; @override final String serial; @override final String notValidBefore; @override final String notValidAfter; @override final String fingerprint; @override String toString() { return 'CertInfo(keyType: $keyType, subject: $subject, issuer: $issuer, serial: $serial, notValidBefore: $notValidBefore, notValidAfter: $notValidAfter, fingerprint: $fingerprint)'; } @override bool operator ==(Object other) { return identical(this, other) || (other.runtimeType == runtimeType && other is _$CertInfoImpl && (identical(other.keyType, keyType) || other.keyType == keyType) && (identical(other.subject, subject) || other.subject == subject) && (identical(other.issuer, issuer) || other.issuer == issuer) && (identical(other.serial, serial) || other.serial == serial) && (identical(other.notValidBefore, notValidBefore) || other.notValidBefore == notValidBefore) && (identical(other.notValidAfter, notValidAfter) || other.notValidAfter == notValidAfter) && (identical(other.fingerprint, fingerprint) || other.fingerprint == fingerprint)); } @JsonKey(ignore: true) @override int get hashCode => Object.hash(runtimeType, keyType, subject, issuer, serial, notValidBefore, notValidAfter, fingerprint); @JsonKey(ignore: true) @override @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') _$$CertInfoImplCopyWith<_$CertInfoImpl> get copyWith => __$$CertInfoImplCopyWithImpl<_$CertInfoImpl>(this, _$identity); @override Map toJson() { return _$$CertInfoImplToJson( this, ); } } abstract class _CertInfo implements CertInfo { factory _CertInfo( {required final KeyType? keyType, required final String subject, required final String issuer, required final String serial, required final String notValidBefore, required final String notValidAfter, required final String fingerprint}) = _$CertInfoImpl; factory _CertInfo.fromJson(Map json) = _$CertInfoImpl.fromJson; @override KeyType? get keyType; @override String get subject; @override String get issuer; @override String get serial; @override String get notValidBefore; @override String get notValidAfter; @override String get fingerprint; @override @JsonKey(ignore: true) _$$CertInfoImplCopyWith<_$CertInfoImpl> get copyWith => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; } PivSlot _$PivSlotFromJson(Map json) { return _PivSlot.fromJson(json); } /// @nodoc mixin _$PivSlot { SlotId get slot => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; SlotMetadata? get metadata => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; CertInfo? get certInfo => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; Map toJson() => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; @JsonKey(ignore: true) $PivSlotCopyWith get copyWith => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; } /// @nodoc abstract class $PivSlotCopyWith<$Res> { factory $PivSlotCopyWith(PivSlot value, $Res Function(PivSlot) then) = _$PivSlotCopyWithImpl<$Res, PivSlot>; @useResult $Res call({SlotId slot, SlotMetadata? metadata, CertInfo? certInfo}); $SlotMetadataCopyWith<$Res>? get metadata; $CertInfoCopyWith<$Res>? get certInfo; } /// @nodoc class _$PivSlotCopyWithImpl<$Res, $Val extends PivSlot> implements $PivSlotCopyWith<$Res> { _$PivSlotCopyWithImpl(this._value, this._then); // ignore: unused_field final $Val _value; // ignore: unused_field final $Res Function($Val) _then; @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') @override $Res call({ Object? slot = null, Object? metadata = freezed, Object? certInfo = freezed, }) { return _then(_value.copyWith( slot: null == slot ? _value.slot : slot // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as SlotId, metadata: freezed == metadata ? _value.metadata : metadata // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as SlotMetadata?, certInfo: freezed == certInfo ? _value.certInfo : certInfo // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as CertInfo?, ) as $Val); } @override @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') $SlotMetadataCopyWith<$Res>? get metadata { if (_value.metadata == null) { return null; } return $SlotMetadataCopyWith<$Res>(_value.metadata!, (value) { return _then(_value.copyWith(metadata: value) as $Val); }); } @override @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') $CertInfoCopyWith<$Res>? get certInfo { if (_value.certInfo == null) { return null; } return $CertInfoCopyWith<$Res>(_value.certInfo!, (value) { return _then(_value.copyWith(certInfo: value) as $Val); }); } } /// @nodoc abstract class _$$PivSlotImplCopyWith<$Res> implements $PivSlotCopyWith<$Res> { factory _$$PivSlotImplCopyWith( _$PivSlotImpl value, $Res Function(_$PivSlotImpl) then) = __$$PivSlotImplCopyWithImpl<$Res>; @override @useResult $Res call({SlotId slot, SlotMetadata? metadata, CertInfo? certInfo}); @override $SlotMetadataCopyWith<$Res>? get metadata; @override $CertInfoCopyWith<$Res>? get certInfo; } /// @nodoc class __$$PivSlotImplCopyWithImpl<$Res> extends _$PivSlotCopyWithImpl<$Res, _$PivSlotImpl> implements _$$PivSlotImplCopyWith<$Res> { __$$PivSlotImplCopyWithImpl( _$PivSlotImpl _value, $Res Function(_$PivSlotImpl) _then) : super(_value, _then); @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') @override $Res call({ Object? slot = null, Object? metadata = freezed, Object? certInfo = freezed, }) { return _then(_$PivSlotImpl( slot: null == slot ? _value.slot : slot // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as SlotId, metadata: freezed == metadata ? _value.metadata : metadata // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as SlotMetadata?, certInfo: freezed == certInfo ? _value.certInfo : certInfo // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as CertInfo?, )); } } /// @nodoc @JsonSerializable() class _$PivSlotImpl implements _PivSlot { _$PivSlotImpl({required this.slot, this.metadata, this.certInfo}); factory _$PivSlotImpl.fromJson(Map json) => _$$PivSlotImplFromJson(json); @override final SlotId slot; @override final SlotMetadata? metadata; @override final CertInfo? certInfo; @override String toString() { return 'PivSlot(slot: $slot, metadata: $metadata, certInfo: $certInfo)'; } @override bool operator ==(Object other) { return identical(this, other) || (other.runtimeType == runtimeType && other is _$PivSlotImpl && (identical(other.slot, slot) || other.slot == slot) && (identical(other.metadata, metadata) || other.metadata == metadata) && (identical(other.certInfo, certInfo) || other.certInfo == certInfo)); } @JsonKey(ignore: true) @override int get hashCode => Object.hash(runtimeType, slot, metadata, certInfo); @JsonKey(ignore: true) @override @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') _$$PivSlotImplCopyWith<_$PivSlotImpl> get copyWith => __$$PivSlotImplCopyWithImpl<_$PivSlotImpl>(this, _$identity); @override Map toJson() { return _$$PivSlotImplToJson( this, ); } } abstract class _PivSlot implements PivSlot { factory _PivSlot( {required final SlotId slot, final SlotMetadata? metadata, final CertInfo? certInfo}) = _$PivSlotImpl; factory _PivSlot.fromJson(Map json) = _$PivSlotImpl.fromJson; @override SlotId get slot; @override SlotMetadata? get metadata; @override CertInfo? get certInfo; @override @JsonKey(ignore: true) _$$PivSlotImplCopyWith<_$PivSlotImpl> get copyWith => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; } PivExamineResult _$PivExamineResultFromJson(Map json) { switch (json['runtimeType']) { case 'result': return _ExamineResult.fromJson(json); case 'invalidPassword': return _InvalidPassword.fromJson(json); default: throw CheckedFromJsonException(json, 'runtimeType', 'PivExamineResult', 'Invalid union type "${json['runtimeType']}"!'); } } /// @nodoc mixin _$PivExamineResult { @optionalTypeArgs TResult when({ required TResult Function( bool password, KeyType? keyType, CertInfo? certInfo) result, required TResult Function() invalidPassword, }) => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; @optionalTypeArgs TResult? whenOrNull({ TResult? Function(bool password, KeyType? keyType, CertInfo? certInfo)? result, TResult? Function()? invalidPassword, }) => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; @optionalTypeArgs TResult maybeWhen({ TResult Function(bool password, KeyType? keyType, CertInfo? certInfo)? result, TResult Function()? invalidPassword, required TResult orElse(), }) => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; @optionalTypeArgs TResult map({ required TResult Function(_ExamineResult value) result, required TResult Function(_InvalidPassword value) invalidPassword, }) => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; @optionalTypeArgs TResult? mapOrNull({ TResult? Function(_ExamineResult value)? result, TResult? Function(_InvalidPassword value)? invalidPassword, }) => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; @optionalTypeArgs TResult maybeMap({ TResult Function(_ExamineResult value)? result, TResult Function(_InvalidPassword value)? invalidPassword, required TResult orElse(), }) => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; Map toJson() => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; } /// @nodoc abstract class $PivExamineResultCopyWith<$Res> { factory $PivExamineResultCopyWith( PivExamineResult value, $Res Function(PivExamineResult) then) = _$PivExamineResultCopyWithImpl<$Res, PivExamineResult>; } /// @nodoc class _$PivExamineResultCopyWithImpl<$Res, $Val extends PivExamineResult> implements $PivExamineResultCopyWith<$Res> { _$PivExamineResultCopyWithImpl(this._value, this._then); // ignore: unused_field final $Val _value; // ignore: unused_field final $Res Function($Val) _then; } /// @nodoc abstract class _$$ExamineResultImplCopyWith<$Res> { factory _$$ExamineResultImplCopyWith( _$ExamineResultImpl value, $Res Function(_$ExamineResultImpl) then) = __$$ExamineResultImplCopyWithImpl<$Res>; @useResult $Res call({bool password, KeyType? keyType, CertInfo? certInfo}); $CertInfoCopyWith<$Res>? get certInfo; } /// @nodoc class __$$ExamineResultImplCopyWithImpl<$Res> extends _$PivExamineResultCopyWithImpl<$Res, _$ExamineResultImpl> implements _$$ExamineResultImplCopyWith<$Res> { __$$ExamineResultImplCopyWithImpl( _$ExamineResultImpl _value, $Res Function(_$ExamineResultImpl) _then) : super(_value, _then); @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') @override $Res call({ Object? password = null, Object? keyType = freezed, Object? certInfo = freezed, }) { return _then(_$ExamineResultImpl( password: null == password ? _value.password : password // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as bool, keyType: freezed == keyType ? _value.keyType : keyType // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as KeyType?, certInfo: freezed == certInfo ? _value.certInfo : certInfo // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as CertInfo?, )); } @override @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') $CertInfoCopyWith<$Res>? get certInfo { if (_value.certInfo == null) { return null; } return $CertInfoCopyWith<$Res>(_value.certInfo!, (value) { return _then(_value.copyWith(certInfo: value)); }); } } /// @nodoc @JsonSerializable() class _$ExamineResultImpl implements _ExamineResult { _$ExamineResultImpl( {required this.password, required this.keyType, required this.certInfo, final String? $type}) : $type = $type ?? 'result'; factory _$ExamineResultImpl.fromJson(Map json) => _$$ExamineResultImplFromJson(json); @override final bool password; @override final KeyType? keyType; @override final CertInfo? certInfo; @JsonKey(name: 'runtimeType') final String $type; @override String toString() { return 'PivExamineResult.result(password: $password, keyType: $keyType, certInfo: $certInfo)'; } @override bool operator ==(Object other) { return identical(this, other) || (other.runtimeType == runtimeType && other is _$ExamineResultImpl && (identical(other.password, password) || other.password == password) && (identical(other.keyType, keyType) || other.keyType == keyType) && (identical(other.certInfo, certInfo) || other.certInfo == certInfo)); } @JsonKey(ignore: true) @override int get hashCode => Object.hash(runtimeType, password, keyType, certInfo); @JsonKey(ignore: true) @override @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') _$$ExamineResultImplCopyWith<_$ExamineResultImpl> get copyWith => __$$ExamineResultImplCopyWithImpl<_$ExamineResultImpl>(this, _$identity); @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult when({ required TResult Function( bool password, KeyType? keyType, CertInfo? certInfo) result, required TResult Function() invalidPassword, }) { return result(password, keyType, certInfo); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult? whenOrNull({ TResult? Function(bool password, KeyType? keyType, CertInfo? certInfo)? result, TResult? Function()? invalidPassword, }) { return result?.call(password, keyType, certInfo); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult maybeWhen({ TResult Function(bool password, KeyType? keyType, CertInfo? certInfo)? result, TResult Function()? invalidPassword, required TResult orElse(), }) { if (result != null) { return result(password, keyType, certInfo); } return orElse(); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult map({ required TResult Function(_ExamineResult value) result, required TResult Function(_InvalidPassword value) invalidPassword, }) { return result(this); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult? mapOrNull({ TResult? Function(_ExamineResult value)? result, TResult? Function(_InvalidPassword value)? invalidPassword, }) { return result?.call(this); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult maybeMap({ TResult Function(_ExamineResult value)? result, TResult Function(_InvalidPassword value)? invalidPassword, required TResult orElse(), }) { if (result != null) { return result(this); } return orElse(); } @override Map toJson() { return _$$ExamineResultImplToJson( this, ); } } abstract class _ExamineResult implements PivExamineResult { factory _ExamineResult( {required final bool password, required final KeyType? keyType, required final CertInfo? certInfo}) = _$ExamineResultImpl; factory _ExamineResult.fromJson(Map json) = _$ExamineResultImpl.fromJson; bool get password; KeyType? get keyType; CertInfo? get certInfo; @JsonKey(ignore: true) _$$ExamineResultImplCopyWith<_$ExamineResultImpl> get copyWith => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; } /// @nodoc abstract class _$$InvalidPasswordImplCopyWith<$Res> { factory _$$InvalidPasswordImplCopyWith(_$InvalidPasswordImpl value, $Res Function(_$InvalidPasswordImpl) then) = __$$InvalidPasswordImplCopyWithImpl<$Res>; } /// @nodoc class __$$InvalidPasswordImplCopyWithImpl<$Res> extends _$PivExamineResultCopyWithImpl<$Res, _$InvalidPasswordImpl> implements _$$InvalidPasswordImplCopyWith<$Res> { __$$InvalidPasswordImplCopyWithImpl( _$InvalidPasswordImpl _value, $Res Function(_$InvalidPasswordImpl) _then) : super(_value, _then); } /// @nodoc @JsonSerializable() class _$InvalidPasswordImpl implements _InvalidPassword { _$InvalidPasswordImpl({final String? $type}) : $type = $type ?? 'invalidPassword'; factory _$InvalidPasswordImpl.fromJson(Map json) => _$$InvalidPasswordImplFromJson(json); @JsonKey(name: 'runtimeType') final String $type; @override String toString() { return 'PivExamineResult.invalidPassword()'; } @override bool operator ==(Object other) { return identical(this, other) || (other.runtimeType == runtimeType && other is _$InvalidPasswordImpl); } @JsonKey(ignore: true) @override int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode; @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult when({ required TResult Function( bool password, KeyType? keyType, CertInfo? certInfo) result, required TResult Function() invalidPassword, }) { return invalidPassword(); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult? whenOrNull({ TResult? Function(bool password, KeyType? keyType, CertInfo? certInfo)? result, TResult? Function()? invalidPassword, }) { return invalidPassword?.call(); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult maybeWhen({ TResult Function(bool password, KeyType? keyType, CertInfo? certInfo)? result, TResult Function()? invalidPassword, required TResult orElse(), }) { if (invalidPassword != null) { return invalidPassword(); } return orElse(); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult map({ required TResult Function(_ExamineResult value) result, required TResult Function(_InvalidPassword value) invalidPassword, }) { return invalidPassword(this); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult? mapOrNull({ TResult? Function(_ExamineResult value)? result, TResult? Function(_InvalidPassword value)? invalidPassword, }) { return invalidPassword?.call(this); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult maybeMap({ TResult Function(_ExamineResult value)? result, TResult Function(_InvalidPassword value)? invalidPassword, required TResult orElse(), }) { if (invalidPassword != null) { return invalidPassword(this); } return orElse(); } @override Map toJson() { return _$$InvalidPasswordImplToJson( this, ); } } abstract class _InvalidPassword implements PivExamineResult { factory _InvalidPassword() = _$InvalidPasswordImpl; factory _InvalidPassword.fromJson(Map json) = _$InvalidPasswordImpl.fromJson; } /// @nodoc mixin _$PivGenerateParameters { @optionalTypeArgs TResult when({ required TResult Function() publicKey, required TResult Function( String subject, DateTime validFrom, DateTime validTo) certificate, required TResult Function(String subject) csr, }) => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; @optionalTypeArgs TResult? whenOrNull({ TResult? Function()? publicKey, TResult? Function(String subject, DateTime validFrom, DateTime validTo)? certificate, TResult? Function(String subject)? csr, }) => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; @optionalTypeArgs TResult maybeWhen({ TResult Function()? publicKey, TResult Function(String subject, DateTime validFrom, DateTime validTo)? certificate, TResult Function(String subject)? csr, required TResult orElse(), }) => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; @optionalTypeArgs TResult map({ required TResult Function(_GeneratePublicKey value) publicKey, required TResult Function(_GenerateCertificate value) certificate, required TResult Function(_GenerateCsr value) csr, }) => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; @optionalTypeArgs TResult? mapOrNull({ TResult? Function(_GeneratePublicKey value)? publicKey, TResult? Function(_GenerateCertificate value)? certificate, TResult? Function(_GenerateCsr value)? csr, }) => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; @optionalTypeArgs TResult maybeMap({ TResult Function(_GeneratePublicKey value)? publicKey, TResult Function(_GenerateCertificate value)? certificate, TResult Function(_GenerateCsr value)? csr, required TResult orElse(), }) => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; } /// @nodoc abstract class $PivGenerateParametersCopyWith<$Res> { factory $PivGenerateParametersCopyWith(PivGenerateParameters value, $Res Function(PivGenerateParameters) then) = _$PivGenerateParametersCopyWithImpl<$Res, PivGenerateParameters>; } /// @nodoc class _$PivGenerateParametersCopyWithImpl<$Res, $Val extends PivGenerateParameters> implements $PivGenerateParametersCopyWith<$Res> { _$PivGenerateParametersCopyWithImpl(this._value, this._then); // ignore: unused_field final $Val _value; // ignore: unused_field final $Res Function($Val) _then; } /// @nodoc abstract class _$$GeneratePublicKeyImplCopyWith<$Res> { factory _$$GeneratePublicKeyImplCopyWith(_$GeneratePublicKeyImpl value, $Res Function(_$GeneratePublicKeyImpl) then) = __$$GeneratePublicKeyImplCopyWithImpl<$Res>; } /// @nodoc class __$$GeneratePublicKeyImplCopyWithImpl<$Res> extends _$PivGenerateParametersCopyWithImpl<$Res, _$GeneratePublicKeyImpl> implements _$$GeneratePublicKeyImplCopyWith<$Res> { __$$GeneratePublicKeyImplCopyWithImpl(_$GeneratePublicKeyImpl _value, $Res Function(_$GeneratePublicKeyImpl) _then) : super(_value, _then); } /// @nodoc class _$GeneratePublicKeyImpl implements _GeneratePublicKey { _$GeneratePublicKeyImpl(); @override String toString() { return 'PivGenerateParameters.publicKey()'; } @override bool operator ==(Object other) { return identical(this, other) || (other.runtimeType == runtimeType && other is _$GeneratePublicKeyImpl); } @override int get hashCode => runtimeType.hashCode; @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult when({ required TResult Function() publicKey, required TResult Function( String subject, DateTime validFrom, DateTime validTo) certificate, required TResult Function(String subject) csr, }) { return publicKey(); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult? whenOrNull({ TResult? Function()? publicKey, TResult? Function(String subject, DateTime validFrom, DateTime validTo)? certificate, TResult? Function(String subject)? csr, }) { return publicKey?.call(); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult maybeWhen({ TResult Function()? publicKey, TResult Function(String subject, DateTime validFrom, DateTime validTo)? certificate, TResult Function(String subject)? csr, required TResult orElse(), }) { if (publicKey != null) { return publicKey(); } return orElse(); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult map({ required TResult Function(_GeneratePublicKey value) publicKey, required TResult Function(_GenerateCertificate value) certificate, required TResult Function(_GenerateCsr value) csr, }) { return publicKey(this); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult? mapOrNull({ TResult? Function(_GeneratePublicKey value)? publicKey, TResult? Function(_GenerateCertificate value)? certificate, TResult? Function(_GenerateCsr value)? csr, }) { return publicKey?.call(this); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult maybeMap({ TResult Function(_GeneratePublicKey value)? publicKey, TResult Function(_GenerateCertificate value)? certificate, TResult Function(_GenerateCsr value)? csr, required TResult orElse(), }) { if (publicKey != null) { return publicKey(this); } return orElse(); } } abstract class _GeneratePublicKey implements PivGenerateParameters { factory _GeneratePublicKey() = _$GeneratePublicKeyImpl; } /// @nodoc abstract class _$$GenerateCertificateImplCopyWith<$Res> { factory _$$GenerateCertificateImplCopyWith(_$GenerateCertificateImpl value, $Res Function(_$GenerateCertificateImpl) then) = __$$GenerateCertificateImplCopyWithImpl<$Res>; @useResult $Res call({String subject, DateTime validFrom, DateTime validTo}); } /// @nodoc class __$$GenerateCertificateImplCopyWithImpl<$Res> extends _$PivGenerateParametersCopyWithImpl<$Res, _$GenerateCertificateImpl> implements _$$GenerateCertificateImplCopyWith<$Res> { __$$GenerateCertificateImplCopyWithImpl(_$GenerateCertificateImpl _value, $Res Function(_$GenerateCertificateImpl) _then) : super(_value, _then); @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') @override $Res call({ Object? subject = null, Object? validFrom = null, Object? validTo = null, }) { return _then(_$GenerateCertificateImpl( subject: null == subject ? _value.subject : subject // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as String, validFrom: null == validFrom ? _value.validFrom : validFrom // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as DateTime, validTo: null == validTo ? _value.validTo : validTo // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as DateTime, )); } } /// @nodoc class _$GenerateCertificateImpl implements _GenerateCertificate { _$GenerateCertificateImpl( {required this.subject, required this.validFrom, required this.validTo}); @override final String subject; @override final DateTime validFrom; @override final DateTime validTo; @override String toString() { return 'PivGenerateParameters.certificate(subject: $subject, validFrom: $validFrom, validTo: $validTo)'; } @override bool operator ==(Object other) { return identical(this, other) || (other.runtimeType == runtimeType && other is _$GenerateCertificateImpl && (identical(other.subject, subject) || other.subject == subject) && (identical(other.validFrom, validFrom) || other.validFrom == validFrom) && (identical(other.validTo, validTo) || other.validTo == validTo)); } @override int get hashCode => Object.hash(runtimeType, subject, validFrom, validTo); @JsonKey(ignore: true) @override @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') _$$GenerateCertificateImplCopyWith<_$GenerateCertificateImpl> get copyWith => __$$GenerateCertificateImplCopyWithImpl<_$GenerateCertificateImpl>( this, _$identity); @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult when({ required TResult Function() publicKey, required TResult Function( String subject, DateTime validFrom, DateTime validTo) certificate, required TResult Function(String subject) csr, }) { return certificate(subject, validFrom, validTo); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult? whenOrNull({ TResult? Function()? publicKey, TResult? Function(String subject, DateTime validFrom, DateTime validTo)? certificate, TResult? Function(String subject)? csr, }) { return certificate?.call(subject, validFrom, validTo); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult maybeWhen({ TResult Function()? publicKey, TResult Function(String subject, DateTime validFrom, DateTime validTo)? certificate, TResult Function(String subject)? csr, required TResult orElse(), }) { if (certificate != null) { return certificate(subject, validFrom, validTo); } return orElse(); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult map({ required TResult Function(_GeneratePublicKey value) publicKey, required TResult Function(_GenerateCertificate value) certificate, required TResult Function(_GenerateCsr value) csr, }) { return certificate(this); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult? mapOrNull({ TResult? Function(_GeneratePublicKey value)? publicKey, TResult? Function(_GenerateCertificate value)? certificate, TResult? Function(_GenerateCsr value)? csr, }) { return certificate?.call(this); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult maybeMap({ TResult Function(_GeneratePublicKey value)? publicKey, TResult Function(_GenerateCertificate value)? certificate, TResult Function(_GenerateCsr value)? csr, required TResult orElse(), }) { if (certificate != null) { return certificate(this); } return orElse(); } } abstract class _GenerateCertificate implements PivGenerateParameters { factory _GenerateCertificate( {required final String subject, required final DateTime validFrom, required final DateTime validTo}) = _$GenerateCertificateImpl; String get subject; DateTime get validFrom; DateTime get validTo; @JsonKey(ignore: true) _$$GenerateCertificateImplCopyWith<_$GenerateCertificateImpl> get copyWith => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; } /// @nodoc abstract class _$$GenerateCsrImplCopyWith<$Res> { factory _$$GenerateCsrImplCopyWith( _$GenerateCsrImpl value, $Res Function(_$GenerateCsrImpl) then) = __$$GenerateCsrImplCopyWithImpl<$Res>; @useResult $Res call({String subject}); } /// @nodoc class __$$GenerateCsrImplCopyWithImpl<$Res> extends _$PivGenerateParametersCopyWithImpl<$Res, _$GenerateCsrImpl> implements _$$GenerateCsrImplCopyWith<$Res> { __$$GenerateCsrImplCopyWithImpl( _$GenerateCsrImpl _value, $Res Function(_$GenerateCsrImpl) _then) : super(_value, _then); @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') @override $Res call({ Object? subject = null, }) { return _then(_$GenerateCsrImpl( subject: null == subject ? _value.subject : subject // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as String, )); } } /// @nodoc class _$GenerateCsrImpl implements _GenerateCsr { _$GenerateCsrImpl({required this.subject}); @override final String subject; @override String toString() { return 'PivGenerateParameters.csr(subject: $subject)'; } @override bool operator ==(Object other) { return identical(this, other) || (other.runtimeType == runtimeType && other is _$GenerateCsrImpl && (identical(other.subject, subject) || other.subject == subject)); } @override int get hashCode => Object.hash(runtimeType, subject); @JsonKey(ignore: true) @override @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') _$$GenerateCsrImplCopyWith<_$GenerateCsrImpl> get copyWith => __$$GenerateCsrImplCopyWithImpl<_$GenerateCsrImpl>(this, _$identity); @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult when({ required TResult Function() publicKey, required TResult Function( String subject, DateTime validFrom, DateTime validTo) certificate, required TResult Function(String subject) csr, }) { return csr(subject); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult? whenOrNull({ TResult? Function()? publicKey, TResult? Function(String subject, DateTime validFrom, DateTime validTo)? certificate, TResult? Function(String subject)? csr, }) { return csr?.call(subject); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult maybeWhen({ TResult Function()? publicKey, TResult Function(String subject, DateTime validFrom, DateTime validTo)? certificate, TResult Function(String subject)? csr, required TResult orElse(), }) { if (csr != null) { return csr(subject); } return orElse(); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult map({ required TResult Function(_GeneratePublicKey value) publicKey, required TResult Function(_GenerateCertificate value) certificate, required TResult Function(_GenerateCsr value) csr, }) { return csr(this); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult? mapOrNull({ TResult? Function(_GeneratePublicKey value)? publicKey, TResult? Function(_GenerateCertificate value)? certificate, TResult? Function(_GenerateCsr value)? csr, }) { return csr?.call(this); } @override @optionalTypeArgs TResult maybeMap({ TResult Function(_GeneratePublicKey value)? publicKey, TResult Function(_GenerateCertificate value)? certificate, TResult Function(_GenerateCsr value)? csr, required TResult orElse(), }) { if (csr != null) { return csr(this); } return orElse(); } } abstract class _GenerateCsr implements PivGenerateParameters { factory _GenerateCsr({required final String subject}) = _$GenerateCsrImpl; String get subject; @JsonKey(ignore: true) _$$GenerateCsrImplCopyWith<_$GenerateCsrImpl> get copyWith => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; } PivGenerateResult _$PivGenerateResultFromJson(Map json) { return _PivGenerateResult.fromJson(json); } /// @nodoc mixin _$PivGenerateResult { GenerateType get generateType => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; String get publicKey => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; String? get result => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; Map toJson() => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; @JsonKey(ignore: true) $PivGenerateResultCopyWith get copyWith => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; } /// @nodoc abstract class $PivGenerateResultCopyWith<$Res> { factory $PivGenerateResultCopyWith( PivGenerateResult value, $Res Function(PivGenerateResult) then) = _$PivGenerateResultCopyWithImpl<$Res, PivGenerateResult>; @useResult $Res call({GenerateType generateType, String publicKey, String? result}); } /// @nodoc class _$PivGenerateResultCopyWithImpl<$Res, $Val extends PivGenerateResult> implements $PivGenerateResultCopyWith<$Res> { _$PivGenerateResultCopyWithImpl(this._value, this._then); // ignore: unused_field final $Val _value; // ignore: unused_field final $Res Function($Val) _then; @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') @override $Res call({ Object? generateType = null, Object? publicKey = null, Object? result = freezed, }) { return _then(_value.copyWith( generateType: null == generateType ? _value.generateType : generateType // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as GenerateType, publicKey: null == publicKey ? _value.publicKey : publicKey // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as String, result: freezed == result ? _value.result : result // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as String?, ) as $Val); } } /// @nodoc abstract class _$$PivGenerateResultImplCopyWith<$Res> implements $PivGenerateResultCopyWith<$Res> { factory _$$PivGenerateResultImplCopyWith(_$PivGenerateResultImpl value, $Res Function(_$PivGenerateResultImpl) then) = __$$PivGenerateResultImplCopyWithImpl<$Res>; @override @useResult $Res call({GenerateType generateType, String publicKey, String? result}); } /// @nodoc class __$$PivGenerateResultImplCopyWithImpl<$Res> extends _$PivGenerateResultCopyWithImpl<$Res, _$PivGenerateResultImpl> implements _$$PivGenerateResultImplCopyWith<$Res> { __$$PivGenerateResultImplCopyWithImpl(_$PivGenerateResultImpl _value, $Res Function(_$PivGenerateResultImpl) _then) : super(_value, _then); @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') @override $Res call({ Object? generateType = null, Object? publicKey = null, Object? result = freezed, }) { return _then(_$PivGenerateResultImpl( generateType: null == generateType ? _value.generateType : generateType // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as GenerateType, publicKey: null == publicKey ? _value.publicKey : publicKey // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as String, result: freezed == result ? _value.result : result // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as String?, )); } } /// @nodoc @JsonSerializable() class _$PivGenerateResultImpl implements _PivGenerateResult { _$PivGenerateResultImpl( {required this.generateType, required this.publicKey, this.result}); factory _$PivGenerateResultImpl.fromJson(Map json) => _$$PivGenerateResultImplFromJson(json); @override final GenerateType generateType; @override final String publicKey; @override final String? result; @override String toString() { return 'PivGenerateResult(generateType: $generateType, publicKey: $publicKey, result: $result)'; } @override bool operator ==(Object other) { return identical(this, other) || (other.runtimeType == runtimeType && other is _$PivGenerateResultImpl && (identical(other.generateType, generateType) || other.generateType == generateType) && (identical(other.publicKey, publicKey) || other.publicKey == publicKey) && (identical(other.result, result) || other.result == result)); } @JsonKey(ignore: true) @override int get hashCode => Object.hash(runtimeType, generateType, publicKey, result); @JsonKey(ignore: true) @override @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') _$$PivGenerateResultImplCopyWith<_$PivGenerateResultImpl> get copyWith => __$$PivGenerateResultImplCopyWithImpl<_$PivGenerateResultImpl>( this, _$identity); @override Map toJson() { return _$$PivGenerateResultImplToJson( this, ); } } abstract class _PivGenerateResult implements PivGenerateResult { factory _PivGenerateResult( {required final GenerateType generateType, required final String publicKey, final String? result}) = _$PivGenerateResultImpl; factory _PivGenerateResult.fromJson(Map json) = _$PivGenerateResultImpl.fromJson; @override GenerateType get generateType; @override String get publicKey; @override String? get result; @override @JsonKey(ignore: true) _$$PivGenerateResultImplCopyWith<_$PivGenerateResultImpl> get copyWith => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; } PivImportResult _$PivImportResultFromJson(Map json) { return _PivImportResult.fromJson(json); } /// @nodoc mixin _$PivImportResult { SlotMetadata? get metadata => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; String? get publicKey => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; String? get certificate => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; Map toJson() => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; @JsonKey(ignore: true) $PivImportResultCopyWith get copyWith => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; } /// @nodoc abstract class $PivImportResultCopyWith<$Res> { factory $PivImportResultCopyWith( PivImportResult value, $Res Function(PivImportResult) then) = _$PivImportResultCopyWithImpl<$Res, PivImportResult>; @useResult $Res call({SlotMetadata? metadata, String? publicKey, String? certificate}); $SlotMetadataCopyWith<$Res>? get metadata; } /// @nodoc class _$PivImportResultCopyWithImpl<$Res, $Val extends PivImportResult> implements $PivImportResultCopyWith<$Res> { _$PivImportResultCopyWithImpl(this._value, this._then); // ignore: unused_field final $Val _value; // ignore: unused_field final $Res Function($Val) _then; @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') @override $Res call({ Object? metadata = freezed, Object? publicKey = freezed, Object? certificate = freezed, }) { return _then(_value.copyWith( metadata: freezed == metadata ? _value.metadata : metadata // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as SlotMetadata?, publicKey: freezed == publicKey ? _value.publicKey : publicKey // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as String?, certificate: freezed == certificate ? _value.certificate : certificate // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as String?, ) as $Val); } @override @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') $SlotMetadataCopyWith<$Res>? get metadata { if (_value.metadata == null) { return null; } return $SlotMetadataCopyWith<$Res>(_value.metadata!, (value) { return _then(_value.copyWith(metadata: value) as $Val); }); } } /// @nodoc abstract class _$$PivImportResultImplCopyWith<$Res> implements $PivImportResultCopyWith<$Res> { factory _$$PivImportResultImplCopyWith(_$PivImportResultImpl value, $Res Function(_$PivImportResultImpl) then) = __$$PivImportResultImplCopyWithImpl<$Res>; @override @useResult $Res call({SlotMetadata? metadata, String? publicKey, String? certificate}); @override $SlotMetadataCopyWith<$Res>? get metadata; } /// @nodoc class __$$PivImportResultImplCopyWithImpl<$Res> extends _$PivImportResultCopyWithImpl<$Res, _$PivImportResultImpl> implements _$$PivImportResultImplCopyWith<$Res> { __$$PivImportResultImplCopyWithImpl( _$PivImportResultImpl _value, $Res Function(_$PivImportResultImpl) _then) : super(_value, _then); @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') @override $Res call({ Object? metadata = freezed, Object? publicKey = freezed, Object? certificate = freezed, }) { return _then(_$PivImportResultImpl( metadata: freezed == metadata ? _value.metadata : metadata // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as SlotMetadata?, publicKey: freezed == publicKey ? _value.publicKey : publicKey // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as String?, certificate: freezed == certificate ? _value.certificate : certificate // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable as String?, )); } } /// @nodoc @JsonSerializable() class _$PivImportResultImpl implements _PivImportResult { _$PivImportResultImpl( {required this.metadata, required this.publicKey, required this.certificate}); factory _$PivImportResultImpl.fromJson(Map json) => _$$PivImportResultImplFromJson(json); @override final SlotMetadata? metadata; @override final String? publicKey; @override final String? certificate; @override String toString() { return 'PivImportResult(metadata: $metadata, publicKey: $publicKey, certificate: $certificate)'; } @override bool operator ==(Object other) { return identical(this, other) || (other.runtimeType == runtimeType && other is _$PivImportResultImpl && (identical(other.metadata, metadata) || other.metadata == metadata) && (identical(other.publicKey, publicKey) || other.publicKey == publicKey) && (identical(other.certificate, certificate) || other.certificate == certificate)); } @JsonKey(ignore: true) @override int get hashCode => Object.hash(runtimeType, metadata, publicKey, certificate); @JsonKey(ignore: true) @override @pragma('vm:prefer-inline') _$$PivImportResultImplCopyWith<_$PivImportResultImpl> get copyWith => __$$PivImportResultImplCopyWithImpl<_$PivImportResultImpl>( this, _$identity); @override Map toJson() { return _$$PivImportResultImplToJson( this, ); } } abstract class _PivImportResult implements PivImportResult { factory _PivImportResult( {required final SlotMetadata? metadata, required final String? publicKey, required final String? certificate}) = _$PivImportResultImpl; factory _PivImportResult.fromJson(Map json) = _$PivImportResultImpl.fromJson; @override SlotMetadata? get metadata; @override String? get publicKey; @override String? get certificate; @override @JsonKey(ignore: true) _$$PivImportResultImplCopyWith<_$PivImportResultImpl> get copyWith => throw _privateConstructorUsedError; }