/* * Copyright (C) 2022 Yubico. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import 'dart:async'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart'; import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart'; import 'package:material_symbols_icons/symbols.dart'; import '../../app/message.dart'; import '../../app/models.dart'; import '../../app/shortcuts.dart'; import '../../app/views/action_list.dart'; import '../../app/views/app_failure_page.dart'; import '../../app/views/app_list_item.dart'; import '../../app/views/app_page.dart'; import '../../app/views/message_page.dart'; import '../../core/state.dart'; import '../../management/models.dart'; import '../../widgets/list_title.dart'; import '../features.dart' as features; import '../keys.dart'; import '../models.dart'; import '../state.dart'; import 'actions.dart'; import 'cert_info_view.dart'; import 'key_actions.dart'; import 'slot_dialog.dart'; class PivScreen extends ConsumerStatefulWidget { final DevicePath devicePath; PivScreen(this.devicePath) : super(key: ObjectKey(devicePath)); @override ConsumerState createState() => _PivScreenState(); } class _PivScreenState extends ConsumerState { SlotId? _selected; @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final l10n = AppLocalizations.of(context)!; final hasFeature = ref.watch(featureProvider); return ref.watch(pivStateProvider(widget.devicePath)).when( loading: () => const MessagePage( centered: true, graphic: CircularProgressIndicator(), delayedContent: true, ), error: (error, _) => AppFailurePage( cause: error, ), data: (pivState) { final pivSlots = ref.watch(pivSlotsProvider(widget.devicePath)).asData; final selected = _selected != null ? pivSlots?.value.firstWhere((e) => e.slot == _selected) : null; final normalSlots = pivSlots?.value .where((element) => !element.slot.isRetired) .toList() ?? []; final shownRetiredSlots = pivSlots?.value .where((element) => element.slot.isRetired && (element.certInfo != null || element.metadata != null)) .toList() ?? []; final theme = Theme.of(context); final textTheme = theme.textTheme; // This is what ListTile uses for subtitle final subtitleStyle = textTheme.bodyMedium!.copyWith( color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.onSurfaceVariant, ); return PivActions( devicePath: widget.devicePath, pivState: pivState, builder: (context) => Actions( actions: { EscapeIntent: CallbackAction(onInvoke: (intent) { if (selected != null) { setState(() { _selected = null; }); } else { Actions.invoke(context, intent); } return false; }), OpenIntent: CallbackAction>( onInvoke: (intent) async { await showBlurDialog( context: context, barrierColor: Colors.transparent, builder: (context) => SlotDialog(intent.target.slot), ); return null; }, ), }, child: AppPage( title: l10n.s_certificates, capabilities: const [Capability.piv], detailViewBuilder: selected != null ? (context) => Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch, children: [ ListTitle(l10n.s_details), Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(left: 16.0), child: Card( elevation: 0.0, color: Theme.of(context).hoverColor, child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16), child: Column( children: [ Text( selected.slot.getDisplayName(l10n), style: textTheme.headlineSmall, softWrap: true, textAlign: TextAlign.center, ), const SizedBox(height: 16), if (selected.certInfo != null || selected.metadata != null) ...[ CertInfoTable( selected.certInfo, selected.metadata, alwaysIncludePrivate: true, ), const SizedBox(height: 16), ], if (selected.certInfo == null) Text( l10n.l_no_certificate, softWrap: true, textAlign: TextAlign.center, style: subtitleStyle, ), ], ), ), ), ), ActionListSection.fromMenuActions( context, l10n.s_actions, actions: buildSlotActions(pivState, selected, l10n), ), ], ) : null, keyActionsBuilder: hasFeature(features.actions) ? (context) => pivBuildActions( context, widget.devicePath, pivState, ref) : null, keyActionsBadge: pivShowActionsNotifier(pivState), builder: (context, expanded) { // De-select if window is resized to be non-expanded. if (!expanded && _selected != null) { Timer.run(() { setState(() { _selected = null; }); }); } return Actions( actions: { if (expanded) OpenIntent: CallbackAction>( onInvoke: (intent) async { setState(() { _selected = intent.target.slot; }); return null; }), }, child: Column( children: [ ...normalSlots.map( (e) => _CertificateListItem( pivState, e, expanded: expanded, selected: e == selected, ), ), ...shownRetiredSlots.map( (e) => _CertificateListItem( pivState, e, expanded: expanded, selected: e == selected, ), ) ], ), ); }, ), ), ); }, ); } } class _CertificateListItem extends ConsumerWidget { final PivState pivState; final PivSlot pivSlot; final bool expanded; final bool selected; const _CertificateListItem(this.pivState, this.pivSlot, {required this.expanded, required this.selected}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) { final slot = pivSlot.slot; final certInfo = pivSlot.certInfo; final l10n = AppLocalizations.of(context)!; final colorScheme = Theme.of(context).colorScheme; final hasFeature = ref.watch(featureProvider); return AppListItem( pivSlot, selected: selected, key: _getAppListItemKey(slot), leading: CircleAvatar( foregroundColor: colorScheme.onSecondary, backgroundColor: colorScheme.secondary, child: Text(pivSlot.slot.hexId), ), title: slot.getSlotName(l10n), subtitle: certInfo != null // Simplify subtitle by stripping "CN=", etc. ? certInfo.subject.replaceAll(RegExp(r'[A-Z]+='), ' ').trimLeft() : pivSlot.metadata != null ? l10n.l_key_no_certificate : l10n.l_no_certificate, trailing: expanded ? null : OutlinedButton( key: _getMeatballKey(slot), onPressed: Actions.handler(context, OpenIntent(pivSlot)), child: const Icon(Symbols.more_horiz), ), tapIntent: isDesktop && !expanded ? null : OpenIntent(pivSlot), doubleTapIntent: isDesktop && !expanded ? OpenIntent(pivSlot) : null, buildPopupActions: hasFeature(features.slots) ? (context) => buildSlotActions(pivState, pivSlot, l10n) : null, ); } Key _getMeatballKey(SlotId slotId) => switch (slotId) { SlotId.authentication => meatballButton9a, SlotId.signature => meatballButton9c, SlotId.keyManagement => meatballButton9d, SlotId.cardAuth => meatballButton9e, SlotId.retired1 => meatballButton82, SlotId.retired2 => meatballButton83, SlotId.retired3 => meatballButton84, SlotId.retired4 => meatballButton85, SlotId.retired5 => meatballButton86, SlotId.retired6 => meatballButton87, SlotId.retired7 => meatballButton88, SlotId.retired8 => meatballButton89, SlotId.retired9 => meatballButton8a, SlotId.retired10 => meatballButton8b, SlotId.retired11 => meatballButton8c, SlotId.retired12 => meatballButton8d, SlotId.retired13 => meatballButton8e, SlotId.retired14 => meatballButton8f, SlotId.retired15 => meatballButton90, SlotId.retired16 => meatballButton91, SlotId.retired17 => meatballButton92, SlotId.retired18 => meatballButton93, SlotId.retired19 => meatballButton94, SlotId.retired20 => meatballButton95 }; Key _getAppListItemKey(SlotId slotId) => switch (slotId) { SlotId.authentication => appListItem9a, SlotId.signature => appListItem9c, SlotId.keyManagement => appListItem9d, SlotId.cardAuth => appListItem9e, SlotId.retired1 => appListItem82, SlotId.retired2 => appListItem83, SlotId.retired3 => appListItem84, SlotId.retired4 => appListItem85, SlotId.retired5 => appListItem86, SlotId.retired6 => appListItem87, SlotId.retired7 => appListItem88, SlotId.retired8 => appListItem89, SlotId.retired9 => appListItem8a, SlotId.retired10 => appListItem8b, SlotId.retired11 => appListItem8c, SlotId.retired12 => appListItem8d, SlotId.retired13 => appListItem8e, SlotId.retired14 => appListItem8f, SlotId.retired15 => appListItem90, SlotId.retired16 => appListItem91, SlotId.retired17 => appListItem92, SlotId.retired18 => appListItem93, SlotId.retired19 => appListItem94, SlotId.retired20 => appListItem95 }; }