import QtQuick 2.9 import QtQuick.Controls 2.2 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3 import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.2 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0 import "utils.js" as Utils Pane { id: credentialCard property var code property var credential property bool touchCredentialNoCode: touchCredential && (!code || !code.value) property bool hotpCredential: !!credential && (credential && credential.oath_type === "HOTP") property bool hotpCredentialInCoolDown property bool customPeriodCredentialNoTouch: !!credential && (credential.period !== 30 && credential.oath_type === "TOTP" && !touchCredential) property bool touchCredential: !!credential && credential && credential.touch property bool favorite: !!credential ? settings.favorites.includes(credential.key) : false property string searchQuery: toolBar.searchField.text Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.fillWidth: true function toggleFavorite() { if (favorite) { settings.favorites = settings.favorites.filter(fav => fav !== credential.key) } else { let favs = settings.favorites favs.push(credential.key) settings.favorites = favs } entries.sort() } function formattedCode(code) { // Add a space in the code for easier reading. if (!!code) { switch (code.length) { case 6: // 123 123 return code.slice(0, 3) + " " + code.slice(3) case 7: // 1234 123 return code.slice(0, 4) + " " + code.slice(4) case 8: // 1234 1234 return code.slice(0, 4) + " " + code.slice(4) default: return code } } } function formattedName() { if (!!credential && credential.issuer) { return credential.issuer + " (" + + ")" } else if (!!credential) { return } else { return "" } } function copyCode(code) { clipBoard.push(code) navigator.snackBar(qsTr("Code copied to clipboard")) } function calculateCard(copy) { if (touchCredentialNoCode || (hotpCredential && !hotpCredentialInCoolDown) || customPeriodCredentialNoTouch) { if (touchCredential && !yubiKey.currentDevice.isNfc) { navigator.snackBar(qsTr("Touch your YubiKey")) } if (hotpCredential && !yubiKey.currentDevice.isNfc) { hotpTouchTimer.start() } yubiKey.calculate(credential, function (resp) { if (resp.success) { hotpTouchTimer.stop() // This should not be needed, but it // makes the UI update instantly. code = resp.code credential = resp.credential if (copy) { copyCode(resp.code.value) } if (hotpCredential) { coolDownHotpCredential() } entries.updateEntry(resp) } else { if (resp.error_id === 'access_denied') { if (!yubiKey.currentDevice.isNfc) { navigator.snackBarError(qsTr("Touch timed out")) } else { navigator.snackBar(qsTr("Re-tap your YubiKey")) } } else { navigator.snackBarError(navigator.getErrorMessage( resp.error_id)) if (resp.error_id === 'no_device_custom_reader') { yubiKey.clearCurrentDeviceAndEntries() } } console.log("calculate failed:", resp.error_id) } }) } else { copyCode(code.value) } } function clearExpiredCode() { code = null // To update UI instantly entries.clearCode(credential.key) } function deleteCard() { navigator.confirm({ "heading": qsTr("Delete %1 ?").arg(formattedName()), "message": qsTr("This will permanently delete the account from your YubiKey."), "description": qsTr("Before proceeding:"), "buttonAccept": qsTr("Delete account"), "acceptedCb": function () { yubiKey.deleteCredential(credential, function (resp) { if (resp.success) { if (favorite) { toggleFavorite() } entries.deleteEntry( credential.key) yubiKey.updateNextCalculateAll() navigator.snackBar( qsTr("Account deleted")) } else { navigator.snackBarError( navigator.getErrorMessage(resp.error_id)) console.log("delete failed:", resp.error_id) if (resp.error_id === 'no_device_custom_reader') { yubiKey.clearCurrentDeviceAndEntries() } } }) } }) } function getCodeLblValue() { if (!!code && !!code.value && (code.valid_to > Utils.getNow())) { return formattedCode(code.value) } else if (touchCredential || hotpCredential) { return "*** ***" } else { return "" } } function coolDownHotpCredential() { hotpCredentialInCoolDown = true hotpCoolDownTimer.start() } property string codeLabelText: getCodeLblValue() property var isKeyChanged: false background: Rectangle { anchors.left: parent.left Layout.minimumWidth: 299 Layout.minimumHeight: 75 width: parent.width - 1 height: parent.height - 1 color: yubicoWhite opacity: if (credentialCard.GridView.isCurrentItem) { return cardSelectedEmphasis } else if (cardMouseArea.containsMouse) { return cardHoveredEmphasis } else { return isDark() ? cardNormalEmphasis : 1.0 } MouseArea { id: cardMouseArea hoverEnabled: true anchors.fill: parent acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.RightButton onDoubleClicked: calculateCard(true) onClicked: { if (mouse.button === Qt.RightButton) { contextMenu.popup() } else { credentialCard.GridView.isCurrentItem ? credentialCard.GridView.view.currentIndex = -1 : credentialCard.GridView.view.currentIndex = index navigator.forceActiveFocus() } } Menu { id: contextMenu MenuItem { icon.source: "../images/copy.svg" icon.color: primaryColor opacity: highEmphasis icon.width: 20 icon.height: 20 text: qsTr("Copy to clipboard") onTriggered: calculateCard(true) } MenuItem { icon.source: favorite ? "../images/star.svg" : "../images/star_border.svg" icon.color: primaryColor opacity: highEmphasis icon.width: 20 icon.height: 20 text: favorite ? qsTr("Remove as favorite") : qsTr("Set as favorite") onTriggered: toggleFavorite() } MenuSeparator { } MenuItem { icon.source: "../images/delete.svg" icon.color: primaryColor opacity: highEmphasis icon.width: 20 icon.height: 20 text: "Delete account" onTriggered: deleteCard() } } } ToolTip { text: qsTr("Double-click to initiate touch") delay: 1000 parent: credentialCard visible: touchCredentialNoCode && parent.hovered && !favoriteBtn.hovered Material.foreground: toolTipForeground Material.background: toolTipBackground } } Timer { id: hotpCoolDownTimer triggeredOnStart: false interval: 5000 onTriggered: hotpCredentialInCoolDown = false } Timer { id: hotpTouchTimer triggeredOnStart: false interval: 500 onTriggered: navigator.snackBar(qsTr("Touch your YubiKey")) } Item { anchors.fill: parent CredentialCardIcon { id: icon anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter anchors.left: parent.left anchors.leftMargin: 4 Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter size: 40 Accessible.ignored: true } ColumnLayout { anchors.left: icon.right anchors.leftMargin: 12 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter spacing: 0 Label { id: codeLbl font.pixelSize: 24 color: primaryColor opacity: hovered || credentialCard.GridView.isCurrentItem ? fullEmphasis : highEmphasis text: getCodeLblValue() font.weight: credentialCard.GridView.isCurrentItem ? Font.Normal : Font.Light } Label { id: nameLbl text: searchQuery.length > 0 ? colorizeMatch(formattedName(), searchQuery) : formattedName() textFormat: TextEdit.RichText Layout.maximumWidth: credentialCard.width - 106 font.pixelSize: 14 elide: Text.ElideRight color: primaryColor opacity: lowEmphasis } ToolTip { text: qsTr(nameLbl.text) delay: 1000 parent: nameLbl visible: nameLbl.truncated && credentialCard.hovered && !favoriteBtn.hovered Material.foreground: toolTipForeground Material.background: toolTipBackground } } Accessible.role: Accessible.ListItem Accessible.focusable: true !!credential ? (credential.issuer ? credential.issuer : : "" Accessible.description: getCodeLblValue() ToolButton { id: favoriteBtn Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignTop visible: favorite || credentialCard.hovered || credentialCard.GridView.isCurrentItem anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: -6 anchors.topMargin: -2 onClicked: toggleFavorite() Keys.onReturnPressed: toggleFavorite() Keys.onEnterPressed: toggleFavorite() focusPolicy: Qt.NoFocus Accessible.role: Accessible.Button "Favorite" Accessible.description: "Favorite credential" ToolTip { text: favorite ? qsTr("Remove as favorite") : qsTr("Set as favorite") delay: 1000 parent: favoriteBtn visible: parent.hovered Material.foreground: toolTipForeground Material.background: toolTipBackground } icon.source: favorite ? "../images/star.svg" : "../images/star_border.svg" icon.color: hovered || favorite ? iconFavorite : primaryColor opacity: hovered || favorite ? highEmphasis : disabledEmphasis implicitHeight: 30 implicitWidth: 30 MouseArea { id: favoriteMouseArea anchors.fill: parent cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor propagateComposedEvents: true enabled: false } } CredentialCardTimer { period: credential && credential.period ? credential.period : 0 validTo: code && code.valid_to ? code.valid_to : 0 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: 3 anchors.bottomMargin: 6 Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignBottom visible: code && code.value && credential && credential.oath_type === "TOTP" ? true : false onTimesUp: { if (touchCredential) { clearExpiredCode() } if (customPeriodCredentialNoTouch) { calculateCard(false) } } } StyledImage { id: touchIcon anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: 0 anchors.bottomMargin: 6 iconWidth: 18 iconHeight: 18 source: "../images/touch.svg" visible: touchCredentialNoCode color: primaryColor opacity: lowEmphasis Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight } StyledImage { id: hotpIcon anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: -1 anchors.bottomMargin: 2 iconWidth: 20 iconHeight: 20 source: "../images/refresh.svg" visible: hotpCredential color: primaryColor opacity: hotpCredentialInCoolDown ? disabledEmphasis : lowEmphasis Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight } } }