import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart'; import '../core/models.dart'; part 'models.freezed.dart'; part 'models.g.dart'; enum FormFactor { @JsonValue(0) unknown, @JsonValue(1) usbAKeychain, @JsonValue(2) usbANano, @JsonValue(3) usbCKeychain, @JsonValue(4) usbCNano, @JsonValue(5) usbCLightning, @JsonValue(6) usbABio, @JsonValue(7) usbCBio, } enum Capability { otp(0x001, 'OTP'), piv(0x010, 'PIV'), oath(0x020, 'OATH'), openpgp(0x008, 'OpenPGP'), hsmauth(0x100, 'YubiHSM Auth'), u2f(0x002, 'FIDO U2F'), fido2(0x200, 'FIDO2'); final int value; final String name; const Capability(this.value,; } @freezed class DeviceConfig with _$DeviceConfig { factory DeviceConfig( Map enabledCapabilities, int? autoEjectTimeout, int? challengeResponseTimeout, int? deviceFlags) = _DeviceConfig; factory DeviceConfig.fromJson(Map json) => _$DeviceConfigFromJson(json); } @freezed class DeviceInfo with _$DeviceInfo { factory DeviceInfo( DeviceConfig config, int? serial, Version version, FormFactor formFactor, Map supportedCapabilities, bool isLocked, bool isFips, bool isSky) = _DeviceInfo; factory DeviceInfo.fromJson(Map json) => _$DeviceInfoFromJson(json); }