import QtQuick 2.9 import QtQuick.Controls 2.2 import "utils.js" as Utils StackView { initialItem: credentialsView onCurrentItemChanged: { if (currentItem) { currentItem.forceActiveFocus() } } property bool isShowingAbout Accessible.ignored: true function clearAndPush(view) { clear() push(view, StackView.Immediate) } function goToSettings() { if (currentItem.objectName !== 'settingsView') { push(settingsView, StackView.Immediate) } } function goToLoading() { if (currentItem.objectName !== 'loadingView') { push(loadingView, StackView.Immediate) } } function goToEnterPasswordIfNotInSettings() { if (currentItem.objectName !== 'enterPasswordView' && currentItem.objectName !== 'settingsView') { clearAndPush(enterPasswordView, StackView.Immediate) } } function home() { if (!!yubiKey.currentDevice) { // If locked, prompt for password if (!!yubiKey.currentDevice && yubiKey.currentDevice.hasPassword && !yubiKey.currentDeviceValidated) { clearAndPush(enterPasswordView) return } navigator.goToCredentials() } else { clearAndPush(credentialsView) } } function goToCredentials(force) { if (currentItem.objectName !== 'credentialsView') { clearAndPush(credentialsView) } } function goToCredentialsIfNotInSettings() { if (currentItem.objectName !== 'credentialsView' && currentItem.objectName !== 'settingsView') { clearAndPush(credentialsView) } } function goToNewCredentialManual() { if (currentItem.objectName !== 'newCredentialView') { push(newCredentialView.createObject(app, { "manualEntry": true }), StackView.Immediate) } } function goToNewCredentialAuto(credential) { push(newCredentialView.createObject(app, { "credential": credential, "manualEntry": false }), StackView.Immediate) } function confirm(options) { var popup = confirmationPopup.createObject(app, options) } function about() { if (!isShowingAbout) { var popup = aboutPopup.createObject(app) } } function snackBar(message) { var sb = snackBarComponent.createObject(app, { "message": message }) } function snackBarError(message) { var sbe = snackBarErrorComponent.createObject(app, { "message": message }) } function getErrorMessage(error_id) { switch (error_id) { case 'no_credential_found': return qsTr('No QR code found on screen') case 'incorrect_padding': return qsTr('Secret key have the wrong format') case 'validate_failed': return qsTr('Wrong password') case 'no_space': return qsTr('No space available') case 'no_current_device': return qsTr('No YubiKey found') case 'open_device_failed': return qsTr('Failed to connect to YubiKey') case 'ccid_error': return qsTr('Failed to connect to YubiKey') case 'timeout': return qsTr('Failed to read from slots') case 'failed_to_parse_uri': return qsTr('Failed to read credential from QR code') default: return qsTr('Unknown error') } } Component { id: credentialsView CredentialsView { } } Component { id: settingsView SettingsView { } } Component { id: newCredentialView NewCredentialView { } } Component { id: enterPasswordView EnterPasswordView { } } Component { id: loadingView LoadingView { } } Component { id: confirmationPopup ConfirmationPopup { } } Component { id: aboutPopup AboutPopup { } } Component { id: snackBarComponent SnackBar { } } Component { id: snackBarErrorComponent SnackBar { buttonColor: yubicoRed } } }