/* * Copyright (C) 2022,2024 Yubico. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:ui'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart'; import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart'; import '../core/state.dart'; import '../theme.dart'; import 'features.dart' as features; import 'logging.dart'; import 'models.dart'; final _log = Logger('app.state'); // Officially supported translations const officialLocales = [ Locale('en', ''), Locale('fr', ''), Locale('ja', ''), ]; extension on Section { Feature get _feature => switch (this) { Section.home => features.home, Section.accounts => features.oath, Section.securityKey => features.fido, Section.passkeys => features.fido, Section.fingerprints => features.fingerprints, Section.slots => features.otp, Section.certificates => features.piv, }; } final supportedSectionsProvider = Provider>( (ref) { final hasFeature = ref.watch(featureProvider); return Section.values .where((section) => hasFeature(section._feature)) .toList(); }, ); // Default implementation is always focused, override with platform specific version. final windowStateProvider = Provider( (ref) => WindowState(focused: true, visible: true, active: true), ); final supportedThemesProvider = StateProvider>( (ref) => throw UnimplementedError(), ); final communityTranslationsProvider = StateNotifierProvider( (ref) => CommunityTranslationsNotifier(ref.watch(prefProvider))); class CommunityTranslationsNotifier extends StateNotifier { static const String _key = 'APP_STATE_ENABLE_COMMUNITY_TRANSLATIONS'; final SharedPreferences _prefs; CommunityTranslationsNotifier(this._prefs) : super(_prefs.getBool(_key) == true); void setEnableCommunityTranslations(bool value) { state = value; _prefs.setBool(_key, value); } } final supportedLocalesProvider = Provider>((ref) { final locales = [...officialLocales]; final localeStr = Platform.environment['_YA_LOCALE']; if (localeStr != null) { // Force locale final locale = Locale(localeStr, ''); locales.add(locale); } return ref.watch(communityTranslationsProvider) ? AppLocalizations.supportedLocales : locales; }); final currentLocaleProvider = Provider( (ref) { final localeStr = Platform.environment['_YA_LOCALE']; if (localeStr != null) { // Force locale final locale = Locale(localeStr, ''); return basicLocaleListResolution( [locale], AppLocalizations.supportedLocales); } // Choose from supported return basicLocaleListResolution(PlatformDispatcher.instance.locales, ref.watch(supportedLocalesProvider)); }, ); final l10nProvider = Provider( (ref) => lookupAppLocalizations(ref.watch(currentLocaleProvider)), ); final themeModeProvider = StateNotifierProvider( (ref) { // initialize the keyCustomizationManager ref.read(keyCustomizationManagerProvider); return ThemeModeNotifier( ref.watch(prefProvider), ref.read(supportedThemesProvider)); }, ); class ThemeModeNotifier extends StateNotifier { static const String _key = 'APP_STATE_THEME'; final SharedPreferences _prefs; ThemeModeNotifier(this._prefs, List supportedThemes) : super(_fromName(_prefs.getString(_key), supportedThemes)); void setThemeMode(ThemeMode mode) { _log.debug('Set theme to $mode'); state = mode; _prefs.setString(_key, mode.name); } static ThemeMode _fromName(String? name, List supportedThemes) => supportedThemes.firstWhere((element) => element.name == name, orElse: () => supportedThemes.first); } final defaultColorProvider = Provider((ref) => defaultPrimaryColor); final primaryColorProvider = Provider((ref) { const prefLastUsedColor = 'LAST_USED_COLOR'; final prefs = ref.watch(prefProvider); final data = ref.watch(currentDeviceDataProvider).valueOrNull; final defaultColor = ref.watch(defaultColorProvider); if (data != null) { final serial = data.info.serial; if (serial != null) { final customization = ref.watch(keyCustomizationManagerProvider)[serial]; final deviceColor = customization?.color; if (deviceColor != null) { prefs.setInt(prefLastUsedColor, deviceColor.value); return deviceColor; } else { prefs.remove(prefLastUsedColor); return defaultColor; } } } final lastUsedColor = prefs.getInt(prefLastUsedColor); return lastUsedColor != null ? Color(lastUsedColor) : defaultColor; }); // Override with platform implementation final attachedDevicesProvider = NotifierProvider>( () => throw UnimplementedError(), ); abstract class AttachedDevicesNotifier extends Notifier> { /// Force a refresh of all device data. void refresh() {} } // Override with platform implementation final currentDeviceDataProvider = Provider>( (ref) => throw UnimplementedError(), ); // Override with platform implementation final currentDeviceProvider = NotifierProvider( () => throw UnimplementedError()); abstract class CurrentDeviceNotifier extends Notifier { setCurrentDevice(DeviceNode? device); } final currentSectionProvider = StateNotifierProvider( (ref) => throw UnimplementedError()); abstract class CurrentSectionNotifier extends StateNotifier
{ CurrentSectionNotifier(super.initial); setCurrentSection(Section section); } abstract class QrScanner { /// Scans (or searches the given image) for a QR code, and decodes it. /// /// The contained data is returned as a String, or null, if no QR code is /// found. Future scanQr([String? imageData]); } final qrScannerProvider = Provider( (ref) => null, ); final contextConsumer = StateNotifierProvider( (ref) => ContextConsumer()); class ContextConsumer extends StateNotifier { ContextConsumer() : super(null); Future withContext(Future Function(BuildContext context) action) { final completer = Completer(); if (mounted) { state = (context) async { completer.complete(await action(context)); }; } else { completer.completeError('Not attached'); } return completer.future; } } abstract class AppClipboard { const AppClipboard(); Future setText(String toClipboard, {bool isSensitive = false}); bool platformGivesFeedback(); } final clipboardProvider = Provider( (ref) => throw UnimplementedError(), ); /// A callback which will be invoked with a [BuildContext] that can be used to /// open dialogs, show Snackbars, etc. /// /// Used with the [withContextProvider] provider. typedef WithContext = Future Function( Future Function(BuildContext context) action); final withContextProvider = Provider( (ref) => ref.watch(contextConsumer.notifier).withContext); final keyCustomizationManagerProvider = StateNotifierProvider>( (ref) => KeyCustomizationNotifier(ref.watch(prefProvider))); class KeyCustomizationNotifier extends StateNotifier> { static const _prefKeyCustomizations = 'KEY_CUSTOMIZATIONS'; final SharedPreferences _prefs; KeyCustomizationNotifier(this._prefs) : super(_readCustomizations(_prefs.getString(_prefKeyCustomizations))); static Map _readCustomizations(String? pref) { if (pref == null) { return {}; } try { final retval = {}; for (var element in json.decode(pref)) { final keyCustomization = KeyCustomization.fromJson(element); retval[keyCustomization.serial] = keyCustomization; } return retval; } catch (e) { _log.error('Failure reading customizations: $e'); return {}; } } KeyCustomization? get(int serial) { _log.debug('Getting key customization for $serial'); return state[serial]; } Future set({required int serial, String? name, Color? color}) async { _log.debug('Setting key customization for $serial: $name, $color'); if (name == null && color == null) { // remove this customization state = {...state..remove(serial)}; } else { state = { ...state ..[serial] = KeyCustomization(serial: serial, name: name, color: color) }; } await _prefs.setString( _prefKeyCustomizations, json.encode(state.values.toList())); } }