/* * Copyright (C) 2022 Yubico. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart'; import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart'; import 'package:yubico_authenticator/app/views/keys.dart' as app_keys; import 'package:yubico_authenticator/app/views/keys.dart'; import 'package:yubico_authenticator/core/state.dart'; import 'package:yubico_authenticator/management/views/keys.dart'; import 'android/util.dart' as android_test_util; import 'desktop/util.dart' as desktop_test_util; const shortWaitMs = 200; const longWaitMs = 500; const ultraLongWaitMs = 5000; /// information about YubiKey as seen by the app String? yubiKeyName; String? yubiKeyFirmware; String? yubiKeySerialNumber; bool collectedYubiKeyInformation = false; extension AppWidgetTester on WidgetTester { Future shortWait() async { await pump(const Duration(milliseconds: shortWaitMs)); } Future longWait() async { await pump(const Duration(milliseconds: longWaitMs)); } Future ultraLongWait() async { await pump(const Duration(milliseconds: ultraLongWaitMs)); } /// waits up to [timeOutSec] seconds evaluating whether [Finder] f is /// visible Future waitForFinder(Finder f, [int timeOutSec = 20]) async { int delayMs = 500; int elapsedTime = 0; var evaluated = f.evaluate(); while (evaluated.isEmpty && elapsedTime < timeOutSec * 1000) { await pump(Duration(milliseconds: delayMs)); elapsedTime += delayMs; evaluated = f.evaluate(); } if (evaluated.isEmpty) { testLog(false, 'Failed to find ${f.description} in $timeOutSec seconds.'); } return f; } Finder findActionIconButton() { return find.byKey(actionsIconButtonKey).hitTestable(); } Future tapActionIconButton() async { await tap(findActionIconButton()); await pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 500)); } Future tapTopLeftCorner() async { await tapAt(const Offset(0, 0)); await longWait(); } /// Drawer helpers bool hasDrawer() => scaffoldGlobalKey.currentState!.hasDrawer; /// Open drawer Future openDrawer() async { if (hasDrawer()) { scaffoldGlobalKey.currentState!.openDrawer(); await pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 500)); } } /// Close drawer Future closeDrawer() async { if (hasDrawer()) { scaffoldGlobalKey.currentState!.closeDrawer(); await pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 500)); } } /// Is drawer opened? /// If there is no drawer say it is open (all items are available) bool isDrawerOpened() => hasDrawer() == false || scaffoldGlobalKey.currentState!.isDrawerOpen; /// Management screen Future openManagementScreen() async { if (!isDrawerOpened()) { await openDrawer(); } await tap(find.byKey(managementAppDrawer).hitTestable()); await pump(const Duration(milliseconds: 500)); expect(find.byKey(screenKey), findsOneWidget); } Future startUp([Map startUpParams = const {}]) async { // YA_TEST_APPROVED_KEY_SN should contain comma separated list of // YubiKey serial numbers which are approved for tests // To pass the variable to the test use: // flutter --dart-define=YA_TEST_APPROVED_KEY_SN=SN1,SN2,...,SNn test t const envVar = String.fromEnvironment('YA_TEST_APPROVED_KEY_SN'); final approvedSerialNumbers = envVar.split(','); var result = isAndroid == true ? await android_test_util.startUp(this, startUpParams) : await desktop_test_util.startUp(this, startUpParams); await collectYubiKeyInformation(); if (yubiKeySerialNumber == null) { fail('No YubiKey connected'); } if (!approvedSerialNumbers.contains(yubiKeySerialNumber)) { fail('YubiKey with S/N $yubiKeySerialNumber is not approved for ' 'integration tests.\nUse --dart-define=' 'YA_TEST_APPROVED_KEY_SN=$yubiKeySerialNumber test ' 'parameter to approve it.'); } return result; } void testLog(bool quiet, String message) { if (!quiet) { printToConsole(message); } } /// get key information Future collectYubiKeyInformation() async { if (collectedYubiKeyInformation) { return; } await openDrawer(); var deviceInfo = find.byKey(app_keys.deviceInfoListTile); if (deviceInfo.evaluate().isNotEmpty) { ListTile lt = find .descendant(of: deviceInfo, matching: find.byType(ListTile)) .evaluate() .single .widget as ListTile; yubiKeyName = (lt.title as Text).data; var subtitle = (lt.subtitle as Text?)?.data; if (subtitle != null) { RegExpMatch? match = RegExp(r'S/N: (\d.*) F/W: (\d\.\d\.\d)').firstMatch(subtitle); if (match != null) { yubiKeySerialNumber = match.group(1); yubiKeyFirmware = match.group(2); } else { match = RegExp(r'F/W: (\d\.\d\.\d)').firstMatch(subtitle); if (match != null) { yubiKeyFirmware = match.group(1); } } } } // close the opened menu await closeDrawer(); if (yubiKeySerialNumber != null) { testLog(false, 'Connected YubiKey: $yubiKeySerialNumber/$yubiKeyFirmware - $yubiKeyName'); } collectedYubiKeyInformation = true; } } @isTest void appTest( String description, WidgetTesterCallback callback, { bool? skip, Map startUpParams = const {}, }) { testWidgets(description, (WidgetTester tester) async { await tester.startUp(startUpParams); await callback(tester); }); }