import QtQuick 2.9 import QtQuick.Controls 2.2 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3 import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.2 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0 ScrollView { readonly property int dynamicWidth: 864 readonly property int dynamicMargin: 32 id: newCredentialViewId objectName: 'newCredentialView' property string title: qsTr("New Credential") ScrollBar.horizontal.policy: ScrollBar.AlwaysOff ScrollBar.vertical.width: 8 property var credential property bool manualEntry contentWidth: app.width contentHeight: content.implicitHeight + dynamicMargin function acceptableInput() { if (settings.otpMode) { return secretKeyLbl.text.length > 0 && secretKeyLbl.text.length <= 32 } else { var nameAndKey = nameLbl.text.length > 0 && secretKeyLbl.text.length > 0 var okTotalLength = (nameLbl.text.length + issuerLbl.text.length) < 60 return nameAndKey && okTotalLength } } function addCredential() { function callback(resp) { if (resp.success) { yubiKey.calculateAll(navigator.goToCredentials) navigator.snackBar(qsTr("Credential added")) } else { navigator.snackBarError(navigator.getErrorMessage( resp.error_id)) console.log("addCredential failed:", resp.error_id) } } function _otpAddCredential() { yubiKey.otpAddCredential(otpSlotComboBox.currentText, secretKeyLbl.text, requireTouchCheckBox.checked, callback) } if (acceptableInput()) { if (settings.otpMode) { yubiKey.otpSlotStatus(function (resp) { if (resp.success) { if (resp.status[parseInt( otpSlotComboBox.currentText) - 1]) { navigator.confirm( qsTr("Overwrite?"), qsTr("The slot is already configured, do you want to overwrite it?"), _otpAddCredential) } else { _otpAddCredential() } } else { navigator.snackBarError(navigator.getErrorMessage( resp.error_id)) } }) } else { yubiKey.ccidAddCredential(nameLbl.text, secretKeyLbl.text, issuerLbl.text, oathTypeComboBox.currentText, algoComboBox.currentText, digitsComboBox.currentText, periodLbl.text, requireTouchCheckBox.checked, callback) } settings.requireTouch = requireTouchCheckBox.checked } } Keys.onEscapePressed: navigator.home() spacing: 8 padding: 0 function getEnabledOtpSlots() { var res = [] if (settings.slot1digits) { res.push(1) } if (settings.slot2digits) { res.push(2) } return res } ColumnLayout { anchors.fill: parent Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.leftMargin: 0 Pane { id: content Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter | Qt.AlignTop Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.maximumWidth: dynamicWidth + dynamicMargin Layout.topMargin: 0 background: Rectangle { color: isDark() ? defaultDarkLighter : defaultLightDarker layer.enabled: true layer.effect: DropShadow { radius: 3 samples: radius * 2 verticalOffset: 2 horizontalOffset: 0 color: formDropShdaow transparentBorder: true } } ColumnLayout { width: app.width - dynamicMargin < dynamicWidth ? app.width - dynamicMargin : dynamicWidth spacing: 0 StyledStepperContainer { Layout.fillWidth: true initialStep: !manualEntry ? 2 : 1 StyledStepperPanel { label: qsTr("Make sure QR code is fully visible on screen") description: qsTr("Press the button to scan when ready.") id: retryPane Layout.fillWidth: true Component.onCompleted: retry.forceActiveFocus() StyledImage { source: "../images/qr-monitor.svg" color: app.isDark() ? defaultLightForeground : defaultLightOverlay iconWidth: 140 Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter Layout.margins: 16 } RowLayout { Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop StyledButton { id: retry text: qsTr("Scan") toolTipText: qsTr("Scan a QR code on the screen") focus: true onClicked: yubiKey.scanQr(true) Keys.onReturnPressed: yubiKey.scanQr(true) Keys.onEnterPressed: yubiKey.scanQr(true) } StyledButton { text: qsTr("Enter manually") toolTipText: qsTr("Enter credential details manually") flat: true onClicked: manualEntryPane.expandAction() Material.foreground: formText Keys.onReturnPressed: manualEntryPane.expandAction() Keys.onEnterPressed: manualEntryPane.expandAction() } } } StyledStepperPanel { label: qsTr("Add credential") description: !manualEntry ? qsTr("Edit and confirm settings") : qsTr("Use manual entry if there's no QR code available.") id: manualEntryPane ColumnLayout { Layout.topMargin: 8 StyledTextField { id: issuerLbl labelText: qsTr("Issuer") Layout.fillWidth: true text: credential && credential.issuer ? credential.issuer : "" visible: !settings.otpMode onSubmit: addCredential() } StyledTextField { id: nameLbl labelText: qsTr("Account name") Layout.fillWidth: true required: true text: credential && ? : "" visible: !settings.otpMode onSubmit: addCredential() } StyledTextField { id: secretKeyLbl labelText: qsTr("Secret key") Layout.fillWidth: true required: true text: credential && credential.secret ? credential.secret : "" visible: manualEntry validateText: qsTr("Invalid Base32 format (valid characters are A-Z and 2-7)") validateRegExp: /^[2-7a-zA-Z]+=*$/ Layout.bottomMargin: 12 onSubmit: addCredential() } RowLayout { Layout.fillWidth: true StyledComboBox { label: qsTr("Slot") id: otpSlotComboBox model: getEnabledOtpSlots() } visible: settings.otpMode } RowLayout { CheckBox { id: requireTouchCheckBox checked: settings.requireTouch text: qsTr("Require touch") padding: 0 indicator.width: 16 indicator.height: 16 Material.foreground: formText } visible: yubiKey.supportsTouchCredentials() || settings.otpMode } StyledExpansionPanel { id: advancedSettingsPanel label: qsTr("Advanced settings") description: qsTr("Note: Changing these may result in unexpected behavior.") visible: manualEntry && !settings.otpMode dropShadow: false backgroundColor: "transparent" ColumnLayout { Layout.fillWidth: true RowLayout { StyledComboBox { label: "Type" id: oathTypeComboBox model: ["TOTP", "HOTP"] selectedValue: credential && credential.oath_type ? credential.oath_type : "" } Item { width: 16 } StyledComboBox { id: algoComboBox label: qsTr("Algorithm") model: { var algos = ["SHA1", "SHA256"] if (yubiKey.supportsOathSha512()) { algos.push("SHA512") } return algos } selectedValue: credential && credential.algorithm ? credential.algorithm : "" } } RowLayout { StyledTextField { id: periodLbl visible: oathTypeComboBox.currentIndex === 0 labelText: qsTr("Period") text: credential && credential.period ? credential.period : "30" horizontalAlignment: Text.Alignleft validator: IntValidator { bottom: 15 top: 60 } } Item { visible: oathTypeComboBox.currentIndex === 0 width: 16 } StyledComboBox { id: digitsComboBox label: qsTr("Digits") model: ["6", "7", "8"] selectedValue: credential && credential.digits ? credential.digits : "" } } } } StyledButton { id: addBtn text: qsTr("Add") toolTipText: qsTr("Add credential to YubiKey") enabled: settings.otpMode ? secretKeyLbl.validated && acceptableInput() : secretKeyLbl.validated && acceptableInput() && nameLbl.validated Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignVCenter onClicked: addCredential() Layout.bottomMargin: -16 } } } } } } } }