import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:math'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:yubico_authenticator/android/api/impl.dart'; import 'package:yubico_authenticator/app/models.dart'; import 'package:yubico_authenticator/core/models.dart'; import 'package:yubico_authenticator/oath/state.dart'; import '../../app/state.dart'; import '../../oath/models.dart'; import 'command_providers.dart'; final _log = Logger('android.oath.state'); class CancelException implements Exception {} final oathApiProvider = StateProvider((_) => OathApi()); final androidOathStateProvider = StateNotifierProvider.autoDispose .family((ref, devicePath) => _AndroidOathStateNotifier(,; class _AndroidOathStateNotifier extends OathStateNotifier { final OathApi _api; _AndroidOathStateNotifier(OathState? newState, this._api) : super() { state = newState; } @override Future reset() async { try { await _api.reset(); } catch (e) {'Calling reset failed with exception: $e'); } } @override Future> unlock(String password, {bool remember = false}) async { try { final unlockSuccess = await _api.unlock(password, remember); if (mounted && unlockSuccess) { _log.config('applet unlocked'); state = state?.copyWith(locked: false); } return Pair(unlockSuccess, false); // TODO: provide correct second param } on PlatformException catch (e) {'Calling unlock failed with exception: $e'); return Pair(false, false); } } @override Future setPassword(String? current, String password) async { try { if (current != null) { await _api.changePassword(current, password); } else { await _api.setPassword(password); } return true; } on PlatformException catch (e) {'Calling set password failed with exception: $e'); return false; } } @override Future unsetPassword(String current) async { try { await _api.unsetPassword(current); return true; } on PlatformException catch (e) {'Calling unset password failed with exception: $e'); return false; } } @override Future forgetPassword() async { try { await _api.forgetPassword(); } on PlatformException catch (e) {'Calling forgetPassword failed with exception: $e'); } } } final androidCredentialListProvider = StateNotifierProvider.autoDispose .family?, DevicePath>( (ref, devicePath) { var notifier = _AndroidCredentialListNotifier(,, => s?.locked ?? true)), ); ref.listen(windowStateProvider, (_, windowState) { notifier._notifyWindowState(windowState); }, fireImmediately: true); return notifier; }, ); extension on OathCredential { bool get isSteam => issuer == 'Steam' && oathType == OathType.totp; } class _AndroidCredentialListNotifier extends OathCredentialListNotifier { final OathApi _api; final bool _locked; Timer? _timer; _AndroidCredentialListNotifier(this._api, List pairs, this._locked) : super() { state = pairs; _scheduleRefresh(); } void _notifyWindowState(WindowState windowState) { if (_locked) return; if ( { _scheduleRefresh(); } else { _timer?.cancel(); } } @override void dispose() { _timer?.cancel(); super.dispose(); } @override @protected set state(List? value) { super.state = value != null ? List.unmodifiable(value) : null; } @override Future calculate(OathCredential credential, {bool update = true}) async { final OathCode code; var resultJson = await _api.calculate(; var result = jsonDecode(resultJson); code = OathCode.fromJson(result); _log.config('Calculate', jsonEncode(code)); if (update && mounted) { final creds = state!.toList(); final i = creds.indexWhere((e) => ==; state = creds..[i] = creds[i].copyWith(code: code); } return code; } @override Future addAccount(Uri credentialUri, {bool requireTouch = false, bool update = true}) async {'About to add new cred: $credentialUri, $requireTouch, $update'); String resultString = await _api.addAccount(credentialUri.toString(), requireTouch); var result = jsonDecode(resultString);'Received credential: $resultString'); final credential = OathCredential.fromJson(result); if (update && mounted) { state = state!.toList()..add(OathPair(credential, null)); if (!requireTouch && credential.oathType == OathType.totp) { // TODO handle correctly the account which have been added // nfc and usb need different ways // don't do: await calculate(credential); } } return credential; } @override Future renameAccount( OathCredential credential, String? issuer, String name) async { try { String response; if (issuer != null) { response = await _api.renameAccountWithIssuer(, name, issuer); } else { response = await _api.renameAccount(credential.toString(), name); } var responseJson = jsonDecode(response); var renamedCredential = OathCredential.fromJson(responseJson); if (mounted) { final newState = state!.toList(); final index = newState.indexWhere((e) => e.credential == credential); final oldPair = newState.removeAt(index); newState.add(OathPair( renamedCredential, oldPair.code, )); state = newState; } return renamedCredential; } on PlatformException catch (e) {'Failed to execute renameOathCredential: ${e.message}'); } return credential; } @override Future deleteAccount(OathCredential credential) async {'About to delete cred: $credential'); try { await _api.deleteAccount(; if (mounted) { state = state!.toList()..removeWhere((e) => e.credential == credential); } } catch (e) {'Call to delete credential failed: $e'); } } refresh() async { if (_locked) return;'refreshing credentials...'); final pairs = []; try { var resultString = await _api.refreshCodes();'Entries', resultString); var result = jsonDecode(resultString); for (var e in result['entries']) { final credential = OathCredential.fromJson(e['credential']); final code = e['code'] == null ? null : credential.isSteam // Steam codes require a re-calculate ? await calculate(credential, update: false) : OathCode.fromJson(e['code']); pairs.add(OathPair(credential, code)); } if (mounted) { final current = state?.toList() ?? []; for (var pair in pairs) { final i = current.indexWhere((e) => ==; if (i < 0) { current.add(pair); } else if (pair.code != null) { current[i] = current[i].copyWith(code: pair.code); } } state = current; _scheduleRefresh(); } } catch (e) {'Failure refreshing codes: $e'); } } _scheduleRefresh() { _timer?.cancel(); if (_locked) return; if (state == null) { refresh(); } else if (mounted) { final expirations = (state ?? []) .where((pair) => pair.credential.oathType == OathType.totp && !pair.credential.touchRequired) .map((e) => e.code) .whereType() .map((e) => e.validTo); if (expirations.isEmpty) { _timer = null; } else { final earliest = expirations.reduce(min) * 1000; final now =; if (earliest < now) { refresh(); } else { _timer = Timer(Duration(milliseconds: earliest - now), refresh); } } } } }