import 'dart:io'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart'; import '../../app/message.dart'; import '../../app/models.dart'; import '../../app/views/app_failure_screen.dart'; import '../../app/views/app_loading_screen.dart'; import '../../app/views/app_page.dart'; import '../../app/views/device_avatar.dart'; import '../../app/views/message_page.dart'; import '../../desktop/state.dart'; import '../../management/models.dart'; import '../state.dart'; import 'locked_page.dart'; import 'unlocked_page.dart'; class FidoScreen extends ConsumerWidget { final YubiKeyData deviceData; const FidoScreen(this.deviceData, {Key? key}) : super(key: key); @override Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) => loading: () => AppPage( title: const Text('WebAuthn'), centered: true, child: const AppLoadingScreen(), ), error: (error, _) { final supported = deviceData .info.supportedCapabilities[deviceData.node.transport] ?? 0; if (Capability.fido2.value & supported == 0) { return const MessagePage( title: Text('WebAuthn'), header: 'No management options', message: 'WebAuthn is supported by this device, but there are no management options available.', ); } final enabled = .enabledCapabilities[deviceData.node.transport] ?? 0; if (Capability.fido2.value & enabled == 0) { return const MessagePage( title: Text('WebAuthn'), header: 'FIDO2 disabled', message: 'WebAuthn requires the FIDO2 application to be enabled on your YubiKey', ); } if (Platform.isWindows) { if (!ref .watch( => state.isAdmin))) { return AppPage( title: const Text('WebAuthn'), centered: true, child: Column( mainAxisAlignment:, crossAxisAlignment:, children: [ const DeviceAvatar(child: Icon(Icons.lock)), const Text( 'WebAuthn management requires elevated privileges.', textAlign:, ), OutlinedButton.icon( icon: const Icon(Icons.lock_open), label: const Text('Unlock'), onPressed: () async { final controller = showMessage( context, 'Elevating permissions...', duration: const Duration(seconds: 30)); try { if (await { ref.refresh(rpcProvider); } else { showMessage(context, 'Permission denied'); } } finally { controller.close(); } }), ] .map((e) => Padding( child: e, padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 8.0), )) .toList(), )); } } return AppPage( title: const Text('WebAuthn'), centered: true, child: AppFailureScreen('$error'), ); }, data: (fidoState) { return fidoState.unlocked ? FidoUnlockedPage(deviceData.node, fidoState) : FidoLockedPage(deviceData.node, fidoState); }); }