import 'dart:io'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart'; import 'message_page.dart'; import 'device_error_screen.dart'; import '../models.dart'; import '../state.dart'; import '../../fido/views/fido_screen.dart'; import '../../oath/views/oath_screen.dart'; class MainPage extends ConsumerWidget { const MainPage({super.key}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) { ref.listen( contextConsumer, (previous, next) { next?.call(context); }, ); // If the current device changes, we need to pop any open dialogs. ref.listen>(currentDeviceDataProvider, (_, __) { Navigator.of(context).popUntil((route) { return route.isFirst || [ 'device_picker', 'settings', 'about', 'licenses', ].contains(; }); }); final deviceNode =; if (deviceNode == null) { return MessagePage(message: Platform.isAndroid ? 'Insert or tap your YubiKey' : 'Insert your YubiKey'); } else { return data: (data) { final app =; if (app.getAvailability(data) == Availability.unsupported) { return MessagePage( header: 'Application not supported', message: 'The used YubiKey does not support \'${}\' application', ); } else if (app.getAvailability(data) != Availability.enabled) { return MessagePage( header: 'Application disabled', message: 'Enable the \'${}\' application on your YubiKey to access', ); } switch (app) { case Application.oath: return OathScreen(data.node.path); case return FidoScreen(data); default: return const MessagePage( header: 'Not supported', message: 'This application is not supported', ); } }, loading: () => DeviceErrorScreen(deviceNode), error: (error, _) => DeviceErrorScreen(deviceNode, error: error), ); } } }