import QtQuick 2.5 import QtQuick.Controls 1.4 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2 import Qt.labs.settings 1.0 ApplicationWindow { id: appWindow width: 300 height: 400 minimumHeight: 400 minimumWidth: 300 visible: true title: getTitle() property var device: yk property var credentials: device.credentials property bool hasDevice: device.hasDevice property bool canShowCredentials: device.hasDevice && modeAndKeyMatch && device.validated property bool modeAndKeyMatch: slotModeMatch || ccidModeMatch property bool slotModeMatch: (settings.slotMode && device.hasOTP) property bool ccidModeMatch: (!settings.slotMode && device.hasCCID) property var hotpCoolDowns: [] // Don't refresh credentials when window is minimized or hidden // See property bool shouldRefresh: visibility != 3 && visibility != 0 signal copy signal generate signal deleteCredential onDeleteCredential: onGenerate: handleGenerate(repeater.selected) onCopy: clipboard.setClipboard(repeater.selected.code) onHasDeviceChanged: handleNewDevice() onCredentialsChanged: { hotpTouchTimer.stop() touchYourYubikey.close() } menuBar: MainMenuBar { slotMode: settings.slotMode hasDevice: device.hasDevice credential: repeater.selected enableGenerate: enableManualGenerate(repeater.selected) onOpenAddCredential: openClearAddCredential() onOpenSetPassword: onOpenReset: onOpenSettings: onOpenAbout: } Shortcut { sequence: StandardKey.Close onActivated: close() } SystemPalette { id: palette } // This information is stored in the system registry on Windows, // and in XML preferences files on macOS. On other Unix systems, // in the absence of a standard, INI text files are used. // See Settings { id: settings property bool slotMode property bool slot1 property bool slot2 property var slot1digits property var slot2digits property string savedPasswords // Keep track of window position and dimensions. property alias x: appWindow.x property alias y: appWindow.y property alias width: appWindow.width property alias height: appWindow.height } AboutPage { id: aboutPage } AddCredential { id: addCredential device: yk } AddCredentialSlot { id: addCredentialSlot settings: settings device: yk } SettingsDialog { id: settingsDialog settings: settings onAccepted: { saveSettings() refreshDependingOnMode(true) } } SetPassword { id: setPassword onAccepted: { trySetPassword() setPassword.clear() } } PasswordSetConfirmation { id: passwordUpdated } Reset { id: reset onAccepted: { device.reset() device.refreshCCIDCredentials(true) } } ResetConfirmation { id: resetConfirmation } PasswordPrompt { id: passwordPrompt onAccepted: handlePasswordEntered() } // @disable-check M301 YubiKey { id: yk onError: console.log(traceback) onWrongPassword: } NoLoadedDeviceMessage { id: noLoadedDeviceMessage device: yk } LoadedDeviceMessage { id: loadedDeviceMessage device: yk nCredentials: filteredCredentials(credentials).length readingCredentials: credentials === null settings: settings } ClipBoard { id: clipboard } CredentialMenu { id: credentialMenu credential: repeater.selected showGenerate: allowManualGenerate(repeater.selected) enableGenerate: enableManualGenerate(repeater.selected) } DeleteCredentialConfirmation { id: confirmDeleteCredential onAccepted: { deleteSelectedCredential() refreshDependingOnMode(true) } } TouchYubiKey { id: touchYourYubikey } ArrowKeysSelecter { id: arrowKeys credRepeater: repeater search } ColumnLayout { anchors.fill: parent spacing: 0 TimeLeftBar { id: timeLeftBar shouldBeVisible: canShowCredentials } ScrollView { id: scrollView Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.fillWidth: true Flickable { id: flickable Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.fillWidth: true contentWidth: credentialsColumn.width; contentHeight: credentialsColumn.height clip: true boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds ColumnLayout { width: flickable.width id: credentialsColumn visible: device.hasDevice && (ccidModeMatch || slotModeMatch) anchors.right: appWindow.right anchors.left: appWindow.left spacing: 0 Repeater { id: repeater model: filteredCredentials(credentials) property var selected: null property var selectedIndex: null Rectangle { id: credentialRectangle color: getCredentialColor(index, repeater.selected, modelData) Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.minimumHeight: 70 Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: handleMouseClick(mouse, index, repeater.selected, repeater.selectedIndex, modelData) acceptedButtons: Qt.RightButton | Qt.LeftButton } ColumnLayout { anchors.leftMargin: 10 anchors.topMargin: 5 anchors.bottomMargin: 5 anchors.fill: parent spacing: 0 Label { visible: hasIssuer( text: qsTr("") + parseIssuer( font.pixelSize: 12 } Label { opacity: isExpired(modelData) ? 0.6 : 1 visible: modelData.code !== null text: qsTr("") + modelData.code "Verdana" font.pixelSize: 20 } Label { text: hasIssuer( ? qsTr( "") + parseName( : font.pixelSize: 12 } } } } } } } TextField { id: search visible: canShowCredentials && device.hasAnyCredentials() placeholderText: qsTr("Search...") Layout.fillWidth: true arrowKeys Shortcut { sequence: StandardKey.Find onActivated: search.focus = true } } } Timer { id: ykTimer triggeredOnStart: true interval: 500 repeat: true running: true onTriggered: device.refresh(refreshDependingOnMode) } Timer { id: timeLeftTimer interval: 100 repeat: true running: true triggeredOnStart: true onTriggered: checkTimeLeft() } Timer { id: hotpCoolDownTimer interval: 5000 onTriggered: hotpCoolDowns = [] } Timer { id: hotpTouchTimer interval: 500 onTriggered: } function checkTimeLeft() { var timeLeft = device.expiration - ( / 1000) if (timeLeft <= 0 && timeLeftBar.value > 0) { refreshDependingOnMode(true) } timeLeftBar.value = timeLeft } function allowManualGenerate(cred) { return cred != null && (cred.oath_type === "hotp" || repeater.selected.touch) } function enableManualGenerate(cred) { if (allowManualGenerate(cred)) { if (cred.oath_type !== "hotp") { return cred.code === null || isExpired(repeater.selected) } else { return !isInCoolDown( } } else { return false } } function isExpired(cred) { return cred !== null && (cred.oath_type !== "hotp") && (cred.expiration - ( / 1000) <= 0) } function rememberPassword() { var deviceId = device.oathId settings.savedPasswords += deviceId + ':' + device.passwordKey + ';' } function refreshDependingOnMode(force) { if (hasDevice && shouldRefresh) { if (settings.slotMode && device.hasOTP) { device.refreshSlotCredentials([settings.slot1, settings.slot2], getSlotDigitsSettings(), force) } else if (!settings.slotMode && device.hasCCID) { device.refreshCCIDCredentials(force) } } } function getSlotDigitsSettings() { var slot1digits = settings.slot1digits === 1 ? 8 : 6 var slot2digits = settings.slot2digits === 1 ? 8 : 6 return [slot1digits, slot2digits] } function filteredCredentials(creds) { var result = [] if (creds !== null) { for (var i = 0; i < creds.length; i++) { var cred = creds[i] if ( )) !== -1) { result.push(creds[i]) } } } // Sort credentials based on the // full name, including the issuer prefix result.sort(function (a, b) { return }) // If the search gave some results, // the top credential should be selected. if (result[0] !== null && search.text.length > 0) { repeater.selected = result[0] } else { repeater.selected = null } return result } function isInCoolDown(name) { return hotpCoolDowns.indexOf(name) !== -1 } function hasIssuer(name) { return name.indexOf(':') !== -1 } function parseName(name) { return name.split(":").slice(1).join(":") } function parseIssuer(name) { return name.split(":", 1) } function calculateCredential(credential) { if (settings.slotMode) { var slot = getSlot( var digits = getDigits(slot) device.calculateSlotMode(slot, digits) } else { device.calculate(credential) } if (credential.oath_type === "hotp") { hotpTouchTimer.restart() } if (credential.touch) { } } function getSlot(name) { if (name.indexOf('1') !== -1) { return 1 } if (name.indexOf('2') !== -1) { return 2 } } function getDigits(slot) { return getSlotDigitsSettings()[slot - 1] } function openClearAddCredential() { if (settings.slotMode) { addCredentialSlot.clear() device.getSlotStatus( } else { addCredential.clear() } } function getTitle() { return qsTr("Yubico Authenticator") + (settings.slotMode ? qsTr(" [Slot mode]") : '') } function saveSettings() { settings.slotMode = settingsDialog.slotMode settings.slot1 = settingsDialog.slot1 settings.slot2 = settingsDialog.slot2 settings.slot1digits = settingsDialog.slot1digits settings.slot2digits = settingsDialog.slot2digits } function trySetPassword() { if (setPassword.newPassword.length > 0) { device.setPassword(setPassword.newPassword) } else { device.setPassword(null) } } function handleNewDevice() { if (device.hasDevice && ccidModeMatch) { device.promptOrSkip(passwordPrompt, settings.savedPasswords) } else { passwordPrompt.close() setPassword.close() addCredential.close() addCredentialSlot.close() } } function handleGenerate(cred) { if (!isInCoolDown( { calculateCredential(cred) if (cred.oath_type === "hotp") { hotpCoolDowns.push( hotpCoolDownTimer.restart() } } } function handlePasswordEntered() { if (passwordPrompt.remember) { device.validate(passwordPrompt.password, rememberPassword) } else { device.validate(passwordPrompt.password) } passwordPrompt.clear() } function deleteSelectedCredential() { if (settings.slotMode) { device.deleteSlotCredential(getSlot( } else { device.deleteCredential(repeater.selected) } } function getCredentialColor(index, selected, modelData) { if (selected != null && === { return palette.dark } if (index % 2 == 0) { return "#00000000" } return palette.alternateBase } function handleMouseClick(mouse, index, selected, selectedIndex, modelData) { arrowKeys.forceActiveFocus() if (mouse.button & Qt.LeftButton) { if (selected !== null && === { // Unselect repeater.selected = null repeater.selectedIndex = null } else { // Select repeater.selected = modelData repeater.selectedIndex = index } } if (mouse.button & Qt.RightButton) { repeater.selected = modelData repeater.selectedIndex = index credentialMenu.popup() } } }