import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart'; part 'models.freezed.dart'; part 'models.g.dart'; enum HashAlgorithm { @JsonValue(0x01) sha1, @JsonValue(0x02) sha256, @JsonValue(0x03) sha512, } extension on HashAlgorithm { String get name => toString().split('.').last.toUpperCase(); } enum OathType { @JsonValue(0x10) hotp, @JsonValue(0x20) totp, } extension on OathType { String get name => toString().split('.').last.toUpperCase(); } @freezed class OathCredential with _$OathCredential { factory OathCredential( String deviceId, String id, String? issuer, String name, OathType oathType, int period, bool touchRequired) = _OathCredential; factory OathCredential.fromJson(Map json) => _$OathCredentialFromJson(json); } @freezed class OathCode with _$OathCode { factory OathCode(String value, int validFrom, int validTo) = _OathCode; factory OathCode.fromJson(Map json) => _$OathCodeFromJson(json); } @freezed class OathPair with _$OathPair { factory OathPair(OathCredential credential, OathCode? code) = _OathPair; } @freezed class OathState with _$OathState { factory OathState(String deviceId, bool hasKey, bool locked) = _OathState; factory OathState.fromJson(Map json) => _$OathStateFromJson(json); } @freezed class CredentialData with _$CredentialData { const CredentialData._(); factory CredentialData({ String? issuer, required String name, required String secret, @Default(OathType.totp) OathType oathType, @Default(HashAlgorithm.sha1) HashAlgorithm hashAlgorithm, @Default(6) int digits, @Default(30) int period, @Default(0) int counter, }) = _CredentialData; factory CredentialData.fromJson(Map json) => _$CredentialDataFromJson(json); Uri toUri() { final path = issuer != null ? '$issuer:$name' : name; var uri = 'otpauth://${}/$path?secret=$secret'; switch (oathType) { case OathType.hotp: uri += '&counter=$counter'; break; case OathType.totp: uri += '&period=$period'; break; } if (issuer != null) { uri += '&issuer=$issuer'; } if (digits != 6) { uri += '&digits=$digits'; } if (hashAlgorithm != HashAlgorithm.sha1) { uri += '&algorithm=${}'; } return Uri.parse(uri); } }