/* * Copyright (C) 2022 Yubico. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import '../app/logging.dart'; import '../app/models.dart'; import '../app/state.dart'; import '../core/models.dart'; import '../management/models.dart'; import 'models.dart'; import 'rpc.dart'; import 'state.dart'; const _usbPollDelay = Duration(milliseconds: 500); const _nfcPollReadersDelay = Duration(milliseconds: 2500); const _nfcPollCardDelay = Duration(seconds: 1); final _log = Logger('desktop.devices'); final _usbDevicesProvider = StateNotifierProvider>((ref) { final notifier = UsbDeviceNotifier(ref.watch(rpcProvider).valueOrNull); ref.listen(windowStateProvider, (_, windowState) { notifier._notifyWindowState(windowState); }, fireImmediately: true); return notifier; }); class UsbDeviceNotifier extends StateNotifier> { final RpcSession? _rpc; Timer? _pollTimer; int _usbState = -1; UsbDeviceNotifier(this._rpc) : super([]); void refresh() { _log.debug('Refreshing all USB devices'); _usbState = -1; _pollDevices(); } void _notifyWindowState(WindowState windowState) { if (windowState.active) { _pollDevices(); } else { _pollTimer?.cancel(); // Release any held device _rpc?.command('get', ['usb']); } } @override void dispose() { _pollTimer?.cancel(); super.dispose(); } void _pollDevices() async { _pollTimer?.cancel(); final rpc = _rpc; if (rpc == null) { return; } try { var scan = await rpc.command('scan', ['usb']); if (!mounted) { return; } final pids = { for (var e in (scan['pids'] as Map).entries) UsbPid.fromValue(int.parse(e.key)): e.value as int }; final numDevices = pids.values.fold(0, (a, b) => a + b); if (_usbState != scan['state'] || state.length != numDevices) { var usbResult = await rpc.command('get', ['usb']); _log.info('USB state change', jsonEncode(usbResult)); _usbState = usbResult['data']['state']; List usbDevices = []; for (String id in (usbResult['children'] as Map).keys) { final path = ['usb', id]; final deviceResult = await rpc.command('get', path); final deviceData = deviceResult['data']; final pid = UsbPid.fromValue(deviceData['pid'] as int); usbDevices.add(DeviceNode.usbYubiKey( DevicePath(path), deviceData['name'], pid, DeviceInfo.fromJson(deviceData['info']), ) as UsbYubiKeyNode); pids.update(pid, (value) => value - 1); } pids.removeWhere((_, value) => value == 0); if (pids.isNotEmpty) { pids.forEach((pid, count) { for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { usbDevices.add(DeviceNode.usbYubiKey( DevicePath(['pid', pid.value.toString(), i.toString()]), pid.displayName, pid, null) as UsbYubiKeyNode); } }); } _log.info('USB state updated, unaccounted for: $pids'); if (mounted) { state = usbDevices; } } } on RpcError catch (e) { _log.error('Error polling USB', jsonEncode(e)); } if (mounted) { _pollTimer = Timer(_usbPollDelay, _pollDevices); } } } final _nfcDevicesProvider = StateNotifierProvider>((ref) { final notifier = NfcDeviceNotifier(ref.watch(rpcProvider).valueOrNull); ref.listen(windowStateProvider, (_, windowState) { notifier._notifyWindowState(windowState); }, fireImmediately: true); return notifier; }); class NfcDeviceNotifier extends StateNotifier> { final RpcSession? _rpc; Timer? _pollTimer; String _nfcState = ''; NfcDeviceNotifier(this._rpc) : super([]); void _notifyWindowState(WindowState windowState) { if (windowState.active) { _pollReaders(); } else { _pollTimer?.cancel(); // Release any held device _rpc?.command('get', ['nfc']); } } @override void dispose() { _pollTimer?.cancel(); super.dispose(); } void _pollReaders() async { _pollTimer?.cancel(); final rpc = _rpc; if (rpc == null) { return; } try { var children = await rpc.command('scan', ['nfc']); var newState = children.keys.join(':'); if (mounted && newState != _nfcState) { _log.info('NFC state change', jsonEncode(children)); _nfcState = newState; state = children.entries .map((e) => DeviceNode.nfcReader( DevicePath(['nfc', e.key]), e.value['name'] as String) as NfcReaderNode) .toList(); } } on RpcError catch (e) { _log.error('Error polling NFC', jsonEncode(e)); } if (mounted) { _pollTimer = Timer(_nfcPollReadersDelay, _pollReaders); } } } class DesktopDevicesNotifier extends AttachedDevicesNotifier { @override List build() { final usbDevices = ref.watch(_usbDevicesProvider).toList(); final nfcDevices = ref.watch(_nfcDevicesProvider).toList(); usbDevices.sort((a, b) => a.name.compareTo(b.name)); nfcDevices.sort((a, b) => a.name.compareTo(b.name)); return [...usbDevices, ...nfcDevices]; } @override refresh() { ref.read(_usbDevicesProvider.notifier).refresh(); } } final _desktopDeviceDataProvider = StateNotifierProvider>( (ref) { final notifier = CurrentDeviceDataNotifier( ref.watch(rpcProvider).valueOrNull, ref.watch(currentDeviceProvider), ); if (notifier._deviceNode is NfcReaderNode) { // If this is an NFC reader, listen on WindowState. ref.listen(windowStateProvider, (_, windowState) { notifier._notifyWindowState(windowState); }, fireImmediately: true); } return notifier; }); final desktopDeviceDataProvider = Provider>( (ref) { return ref.watch(_desktopDeviceDataProvider); }, ); class CurrentDeviceDataNotifier extends StateNotifier> { final RpcSession? _rpc; final DeviceNode? _deviceNode; Timer? _pollTimer; CurrentDeviceDataNotifier(this._rpc, this._deviceNode) : super(const AsyncValue.loading()) { final dev = _deviceNode; if (dev is UsbYubiKeyNode) { final info = dev.info; if (info != null) { state = AsyncValue.data(YubiKeyData(dev, dev.name, info)); } else { state = AsyncValue.error('device-inaccessible', StackTrace.current); } } } void _notifyWindowState(WindowState windowState) { if (windowState.active) { _pollCard(); } else { _pollTimer?.cancel(); // TODO: Should we clear the key here? /*if (mounted) { state = null; }*/ } } @override void dispose() { _pollTimer?.cancel(); super.dispose(); } void _pollCard() async { _pollTimer?.cancel(); final node = _deviceNode!; try { _log.debug('Polling for NFC device changes...'); var result = await _rpc?.command('get', node.path.segments); if (mounted && result != null) { if (result['data']['present']) { final oldState = state.valueOrNull; final newState = YubiKeyData(node, result['data']['name'], DeviceInfo.fromJson(result['data']['info'])); if (oldState != null && oldState != newState) { // Ensure state is cleared state = const AsyncValue.loading(); } else { state = AsyncValue.data(newState); } } else { final status = result['data']['status']; // Only update if status is not changed if (state.asError?.error != status) { state = AsyncValue.error(status, StackTrace.current); } } } } on RpcError catch (e) { _log.error('Error polling NFC', jsonEncode(e)); } if (mounted) { _pollTimer = Timer(_nfcPollCardDelay, _pollCard); } } }