mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 15:31:58 +03:00
25 lines
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25 lines
1008 B
@echo off
echo Building authenticator-helper for Windows...
cd helper
poetry install || goto :error
rmdir /s /q ..\build\windows\helper
poetry run pyinstaller authenticator-helper.spec --distpath ..\build\windows || goto :error
echo Generating license files...
rmdir /s /q ..\build\windows\helper-license-venv
poetry build || goto :error
poetry run python -m venv ..\build\windows\helper-license-venv || goto :error
..\build\windows\helper-license-venv\Scripts\python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel || goto :error
..\build\windows\helper-license-venv\Scripts\python -m pip install dist\authenticator_helper-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl pip-licenses || goto :error
..\build\windows\helper-license-venv\Scripts\pip-licenses --format=json --no-license-path --with-license-file --ignore-packages authenticator-helper zxing-cpp --output-file ..\assets\licenses\helper.json || goto :error
cd ..
echo All done, output in build/windows/
goto :EOF
echo Failed with error #%errorlevel%.
exit /b %errorlevel%