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* Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Yubico.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart';
import '../app/models.dart';
import '../app/state.dart';
import '../core/state.dart';
import 'app_methods.dart';
import 'devices.dart';
import 'models.dart';
const _contextChannel = MethodChannel('android.state.appContext');
final androidAllowScreenshotsProvider =
StateNotifierProvider<AllowScreenshotsNotifier, bool>(
(ref) => AllowScreenshotsNotifier(),
class AllowScreenshotsNotifier extends StateNotifier<bool> {
AllowScreenshotsNotifier() : super(false);
void setAllowScreenshots(bool value) async {
final result =
await appMethodsChannel.invokeMethod('allowScreenshots', value);
if (mounted) {
state = result;
final androidClipboardProvider = Provider<AppClipboard>(
(ref) => _AndroidClipboard(ref),
class _AndroidClipboard extends AppClipboard {
final ProviderRef<AppClipboard> _ref;
const _AndroidClipboard(this._ref);
bool platformGivesFeedback() {
return _ref.read(androidSdkVersionProvider) >= 33;
Future<void> setText(String toClipboard, {bool isSensitive = false}) async {
await setPrimaryClip(toClipboard, isSensitive);
class NfcStateNotifier extends StateNotifier<bool> {
NfcStateNotifier() : super(false);
void setNfcEnabled(bool value) {
state = value;
final androidSdkVersionProvider = Provider<int>((ref) => -1);
final androidNfcSupportProvider = Provider<bool>((ref) => false);
final androidNfcStateProvider =
StateNotifierProvider<NfcStateNotifier, bool>((ref) => NfcStateNotifier());
final androidSupportedThemesProvider = StateProvider<List<ThemeMode>>((ref) {
if (ref.read(androidSdkVersionProvider) < 29) {
// the user can select from light or dark theme of the app
return [ThemeMode.light, ThemeMode.dark];
} else {
// the user can also select system theme on newer Android versions
return ThemeMode.values;
class AndroidSubPageNotifier extends CurrentAppNotifier {
AndroidSubPageNotifier(super.supportedApps) {
void setCurrentApp(Application app) {
void _handleSubPage(Application subPage) async {
await _contextChannel.invokeMethod('setContext', {'index': subPage.index});
class AndroidAttachedDevicesNotifier extends AttachedDevicesNotifier {
List<DeviceNode> build() => ref
.maybeWhen(data: (data) => [data.node], orElse: () => []);
final androidDeviceDataProvider = Provider<AsyncValue<YubiKeyData>>(
(ref) => ref.watch(androidYubikeyProvider));
class AndroidCurrentDeviceNotifier extends CurrentDeviceNotifier {
DeviceNode? build() =>
ref.watch(androidYubikeyProvider).whenOrNull(data: (data) => data.node);
setCurrentDevice(DeviceNode? device) {
state = device;
final androidNfcTapActionProvider =
StateNotifierProvider<NfcTapActionNotifier, NfcTapAction>(
(ref) => NfcTapActionNotifier(ref.watch(prefProvider)));
class NfcTapActionNotifier extends StateNotifier<NfcTapAction> {
static const _prefNfcOpenApp = 'prefNfcOpenApp';
static const _prefNfcCopyOtp = 'prefNfcCopyOtp';
final SharedPreferences _prefs;
NfcTapActionNotifier._(this._prefs, super._state);
factory NfcTapActionNotifier(SharedPreferences prefs) {
final launchApp = prefs.getBool(_prefNfcOpenApp) ?? true;
final copyOtp = prefs.getBool(_prefNfcCopyOtp) ?? false;
final NfcTapAction action;
if (launchApp && copyOtp) {
action = NfcTapAction.both;
} else if (copyOtp) {
action = NfcTapAction.copy;
} else {
// This is the default value if both are false.
action = NfcTapAction.launch;
return NfcTapActionNotifier._(prefs, action);
Future<void> setTapAction(NfcTapAction value) async {
if (state != value) {
state = value;
await _prefs.setBool(_prefNfcOpenApp, value != NfcTapAction.copy);
await _prefs.setBool(_prefNfcCopyOtp, value != NfcTapAction.launch);
// TODO: Get these from Android
final androidNfcSupportedKbdLayoutsProvider =
Provider<List<String>>((ref) => ['US', 'DE', 'DE-CH']);
final androidNfcKbdLayoutProvider =
StateNotifierProvider<NfcKbdLayoutNotifier, String>(
(ref) => NfcKbdLayoutNotifier(ref.watch(prefProvider)));
class NfcKbdLayoutNotifier extends StateNotifier<String> {
static const String _defaultClipKbdLayout = 'US';
static const _prefClipKbdLayout = 'prefClipKbdLayout';
final SharedPreferences _prefs;
: super(_prefs.getString(_prefClipKbdLayout) ?? _defaultClipKbdLayout);
Future<void> setKeyboardLayout(String value) async {
if (state != value) {
state = value;
await _prefs.setString(_prefClipKbdLayout, value);
final androidNfcBypassTouchProvider =
StateNotifierProvider<NfcBypassTouchNotifier, bool>(
(ref) => NfcBypassTouchNotifier(ref.watch(prefProvider)));
class NfcBypassTouchNotifier extends StateNotifier<bool> {
static const _prefNfcBypassTouch = 'prefNfcBypassTouch';
final SharedPreferences _prefs;
: super(_prefs.getBool(_prefNfcBypassTouch) ?? false);
Future<void> setNfcBypassTouch(bool value) async {
if (state != value) {
state = value;
await _prefs.setBool(_prefNfcBypassTouch, value);
final androidNfcSilenceSoundsProvider =
StateNotifierProvider<NfcSilenceSoundsNotifier, bool>(
(ref) => NfcSilenceSoundsNotifier(ref.watch(prefProvider)));
class NfcSilenceSoundsNotifier extends StateNotifier<bool> {
static const _prefNfcSilenceSounds = 'prefNfcSilenceSounds';
final SharedPreferences _prefs;
: super(_prefs.getBool(_prefNfcSilenceSounds) ?? false);
Future<void> setNfcSilenceSounds(bool value) async {
if (state != value) {
state = value;
await _prefs.setBool(_prefNfcSilenceSounds, value);
final androidUsbLaunchAppProvider =
StateNotifierProvider<UsbLaunchAppNotifier, bool>(
(ref) => UsbLaunchAppNotifier(ref.watch(prefProvider)));
class UsbLaunchAppNotifier extends StateNotifier<bool> {
static const _prefUsbOpenApp = 'prefUsbOpenApp';
final SharedPreferences _prefs;
: super(_prefs.getBool(_prefUsbOpenApp) ?? false);
Future<void> setUsbLaunchApp(bool value) async {
if (state != value) {
state = value;
await _prefs.setBool(_prefUsbOpenApp, value);