2023-02-28 13:39:05 +01:00

301 lines
14 KiB

"@@locale": "en",
"oath_no_credentials": "No credentials",
"oath_pinned": "Pinned",
"oath_accounts": "Accounts",
"oath_copied_to_clipboard": "Code copied to clipboard",
"oath_copy_to_clipboard": "Copy to clipboard",
"oath_calculate": "Calculate",
"oath_pin_account": "Pin account",
"oath_unpin_account": "Unpin account",
"oath_rename_account": "Rename account",
"oath_delete_account": "Delete account",
"oath_no_qr_code": "No QR code found",
"oath_failed_reading_qr": "Failed reading QR code",
"oath_success_add_account": "Account added",
"oath_fail_add_account": "Failed adding account",
"oath_add_account": "Add account",
"oath_save": "Save",
"oath_no_qr_code": "No QR code found",
"oath_duplicate_name": "This name already exists for the Issuer",
"oath_issuer_optional": "Issuer (optional)",
"oath_account_name": "Account name",
"oath_secret_key": "Secret key",
"oath_invalid_length": "Invalid length",
"oath_scanned_qr": "Scanned QR code",
"oath_scan_qr": "Scan QR code",
"oath_require_touch": "Require touch",
"oath_touch_required": "Touch Required",
"oath_touch_now": "Touch the button on your YubiKey now",
"oath_sec": "sec",
"oath_digits": "digits",
"oath_success_delete_account": "Account deleted",
"oath_delete": "Delete",
"oath_warning_this_will_delete_account_from_key": "Warning! This action will delete the account from your YubiKey.",
"oath_warning_disable_this_cred": "You will no longer be able to generate OTPs for this account. Make sure to first disable this credential from the website to avoid being locked out of your account.",
"oath_account": "Account",
"oath_password_set": "Password set",
"oath_manage_password": "Manage password",
"oath_password_description": "Optional password protection",
"oath_enter_current_password": "Enter your current password. If you don't know your password, you'll need to reset the YubiKey.",
"oath_current_password": "Current password",
"oath_wrong_password": "Wrong password",
"oath_password_removed": "Password removed",
"oath_remove_password": "Remove password",
"oath_clear_saved_password": "Clear saved password",
"oath_password_forgotten": "Password forgotten",
"oath_enter_new_password": "Enter your new password. A password may contain letters, numbers and special characters.",
"oath_new_password": "New password",
"oath_confirm_password": "Confirm password",
"oath_authenticator": "Authenticator",
"oath_reset_oath": "Reset OATH",
"oath_no_accounts": "No accounts",
"oath_search_accounts": "Search accounts",
"oath_set_password": "Set password",
"oath_failed_remember_pw": "Failed to remember password",
"oath_enter_oath_pw": "Enter the OATH password for your YubiKey",
"oath_password": "Password",
"oath_keystore_unavailable": "OS Keystore unavailable",
"oath_remember_password": "Remember password",
"oath_unlock": "Unlock",
"oath_unlock_first": "Unlock with password first",
"oath_warning_will_change_account_displayed": "This will change how the account is displayed in the list.",
"oath_account_must_have_name": "Your account must have a name",
"oath_name_exists": "This name already exists for the Issuer",
"oath_account_renamed": "Account renamed",
"oath_rename": "Rename {label}?",
"@oath_rename" : {
"placeholders": {
"label": {}
"oath_factory_reset": "Factory reset",
"oath_factory_reset_description": "Factory reset this application",
"oath_oath_application_reset": "OATH application reset",
"oath_reset": "Reset",
"oath_warning_will_delete_accounts": "Warning! This will irrevocably delete all OATH TOTP/HOTP accounts from your YubiKey.",
"oath_warning_disable_these_creds": "Your OATH credentials, as well as any password set, will be removed from this YubiKey. Make sure to first disable these from their respective web sites to avoid being locked out of your accounts.",
"oath_invalid_character_issuer": "Invalid character: ':' is not allowed in issuer",
"oath_accounts_used": "{used} of {capacity} accounts used",
"@oath_accounts_used" : {
"placeholders": {
"used": {},
"capacity": {}
"oath_custom_icons": "Custom icons",
"oath_custom_icons_description": "Icon packs can make your accounts more easily distinguishable with familiar logos and colors.",
"oath_custom_icons_replace": "Replace icon pack",
"oath_custom_icons_loading": "Loading icon pack\u2026",
"oath_custom_icons_load": "Load icon pack",
"oath_custom_icons_remove": "Remove icon pack",
"oath_custom_icons_icon_pack_removed": "Icon pack removed",
"oath_custom_icons_err_icon_pack_remove": "Error removing icon pack",
"oath_custom_icons_choose_icon_pack": "Choose icon pack",
"oath_custom_icons_icon_pack_imported": "Icon pack imported",
"oath_custom_icons_err_icon_pack_import": "Error importing icon pack: {message}",
"@oath_custom_icons_err_icon_pack_import": {
"placeholders": {
"message": {}
"oath_custom_icons_learn_more": "Learn\u00a0more",
"oath_custom_icons_err_import_general": "Import error",
"oath_custom_icons_err_file_not_found": "File not found",
"oath_custom_icons_err_file_too_big": "File size too big",
"oath_custom_icons_err_invalid_icon_pack": "Invalid icon pack",
"oath_custom_icons_err_filesystem_error": "File system operation error",
"widgets_cancel": "Cancel",
"widgets_close": "Close",
"mgmt_min_one_interface": "At least one interface must be enabled",
"mgmt_reconfiguring_yubikey": "Reconfiguring YubiKey\u2026",
"mgmt_configuration_updated": "Configuration updated",
"mgmt_configuration_updated_remove_reinsert": "Configuration updated, remove and reinsert your YubiKey",
"mgmt_toggle_applications": "Toggle applications",
"mgmt_save": "Save",
"general_app_name": "Yubico Authenticator",
"general_about": "About",
"general_terms_of_use": "Terms of use",
"general_privacy_policy": "Privacy policy",
"general_open_src_licenses": "Open source licenses",
"general_help_and_feedback": "Help and feedback",
"general_send_feedback": "Send us feedback",
"general_i_need_help": "I need help",
"general_application_error": "Application error",
"general_troubleshooting": "Troubleshooting",
"general_run_diagnostics": "Run diagnostics",
"general_diagnostics_copied": "Diagnostic data copied to clipboard",
"general_log_level": "Log level",
"general_copy_log": "Copy log",
"general_log_copied": "Log copied to clipboard",
"general_settings": "Settings",
"general_appearance": "Appearance",
"general_system_default": "System default",
"general_light_mode": "Light mode",
"general_dark_mode": "Dark mode",
"general_allow_screenshots": "Allow screenshots",
"general_usb": "USB",
"general_nfc": "NFC",
"general_setup": "Setup",
"general_manage": "Manage",
"general_configure_yubikey": "Configure YubiKey",
"general_show_window": "Show window",
"general_hide_window": "Hide window",
"general_quit": "Quit",
"fido_press_fingerprint_begin": "Press your finger against the YubiKey to begin.",
"fido_keep_touching_yubikey": "Keep touching your YubiKey repeatedly\u2026",
"fido_fingerprint_captured": "Fingerprint captured successfully!",
"fido_fingerprint_added": "Fingerprint added",
"fido_error_setting_name": "Error setting name",
"fido_add_fingerprint": "Add fingerprint",
"fido_step_1_2": "Step 1/2: Capture fingerprint",
"fido_step_2_2": "Step 2/2: Name fingerprint",
"fido_name": "Name",
"fido_save": "Save",
"fido_delete_credential": "Delete credential",
"fido_this_will_delete_cred": "This will delete the credential from your YubiKey.",
"fido_credential": "Credential",
"fido_credential_deleted": "Credential deleted",
"fido_delete": "Delete",
"fido_delete_fingerprint": "Delete fingerprint",
"fido_fingerprint_deleted": "Fingerprint deleted",
"fido_this_will_delete_fp": "This will delete the fingerprint from your YubiKey.",
"fido_fingerprint": "Fingerprint",
"fido_webauthn": "WebAuthn",
"fido_ready_to_use": "Ready to use",
"fido_register_as_a_key": "Register as a Security Key on websites",
"fido_fido_disabled": "FIDO2 disabled",
"fido_webauthn_req_fido": "WebAuthn requires the FIDO2 application to be enabled on your YubiKey",
"fido_wrong_pin_attempts": "Wrong PIN. {retries} attempt(s) remaining.",
"@fido_wrong_pin_attempts" : {
"placeholders": {
"retries": {}
"fido_no_fingerprints": "No fingerprints",
"fido_set_pin_fingerprints": "Set a PIN to register fingerprints",
"fido_no_discoverable_acc": "No discoverable accounts",
"fido_optionally_set_a_pin": "Optionally set a PIN to protect access to your YubiKey\nRegister as a Security Key on websites",
"fido_set_pin": "Set PIN",
"fido_reset_fido": "Reset FIDO",
"fido_pin_blocked_factory_reset": "PIN is blocked. Factory reset the FIDO application.",
"fido_pin_temp_blocked": "PIN temporarily blocked, remove and reinsert your YubiKey.",
"fido_enter_fido2_pin": "Enter the FIDO2 PIN for your YubiKey",
"fido_pin": "PIN",
"fido_pin_protection": "FIDO PIN protection",
"fido_pin_protection_optional": "Optional FIDO PIN protection",
"fido_no_fp_added": "No fingerprints have been added",
"fido_unlock": "Unlock",
"fido_unlock_first": "Unlock with PIN first",
"fido_set_pin_first": "A PIN is required first",
"fido_change_pin": "Change PIN",
"fido_enter_current_pin": "Enter your current PIN. If you don't know your PIN, you'll need to reset the YubiKey.",
"fido_current_pin": "Current PIN",
"fido_enter_new_pin": "Enter your new PIN. A PIN must be at least {length} characters long and may contain letters, numbers and special characters.",
"@fido_enter_new_pin" : {
"placeholders": {
"length": {}
"fido_new_pin": "New PIN",
"fido_confirm_pin": "Confirm PIN",
"fido_new_pin_chars": "New PIN must be at least {length} characters",
"@fido_new_pin_chars" : {
"placeholders": {
"length": {}
"fido_pin_set": "PIN set",
"fido_pin_blocked": "PIN has been blocked until the YubiKey is removed and reinserted",
"fido_wrong_pin_retries_remaining": "Wrong PIN ({length} tries remaining)",
"@fido_wrong_pin_retries_remaining" : {
"placeholders": {
"length": {}
"fido_fail_set_pin": "Failed to set PIN",
"fido_fingerprint_renamed": "Fingerprint renamed",
"fido_error_renaming": "Error renaming",
"fido_rename_fingerprint": "Rename fingerprint",
"fido_rename": "Rename {label}?",
"@fido_rename" : {
"placeholders": {
"label": {}
"fido_will_change_label_fp": "This will change the label of the fingerprint.",
"fido_label": "Label",
"fido_remove_from_reader": "Remove your YubiKey from the NFC reader",
"fido_unplug_yubikey": "Unplug your YubiKey",
"fido_place_back_on_reader": "Place your YubiKey back on the reader",
"fido_reinsert_yubikey": "Re-insert your YubiKey",
"fido_touch_yubikey": "Touch your YubiKey now",
"fido_press_reset": "Press reset to begin\u2026",
"fido_factory_reset": "Factory reset",
"fido_factory_reset_description": "Factory reset this application",
"fido_fido_app_reset": "FIDO application reset",
"fido_error_reset": "Error performing reset",
"fido_reset": "Reset",
"fido_warning_will_delete_accounts": "Warning! This will irrevocably delete all U2F and FIDO2 accounts from your YubiKey.",
"fido_warning_disable_these_creds": "Your credentials, as well as any PIN set, will be removed from this YubiKey. Make sure to first disable these from their respective web sites to avoid being locked out of your accounts.",
"fido_credentials": "Credentials",
"fido_fingerprints": "Fingerprints",
"fido_add_one_or_more": "Add one or more (up to five) fingerprints",
"fido_fingerprints_used": "{used}/5 fingerprints registered",
"@fido_fingerprints_used": {
"placeholders": {
"used": {}
"appFailurePage_btn_unlock": "Unlock",
"appFailurePage_txt_info": "WebAuthn management requires elevated privileges.",
"appFailurePage_msg_permission": "Elevating permissions\u2026",
"mainDrawer_txt_applications": "Toggle applications",
"mainDrawer_txt_settings": "Settings",
"mainDrawer_txt_help": "Help and about",
"devicePicker_no_yubikey": "No YubiKey present",
"devicePicker_insert_or_tap": "Insert or tap a YubiKey",
"devicePicker_select_to_scan": "Select to scan",
"devicePicker_inaccessible": "Device inaccessible",
"devicePicker_unknown_type": "Unknown type",
"devicePicker_unknown_device": "Unrecognized device",
"devicePicker_hide_device": "Hide device",
"devicePicker_show_hidden": "Show hidden devices",
"devicePicker_sn": "S/N: {serial}",
"@devicePicker_sn" : {
"placeholders": {
"serial": {}
"devicePicker_fw": "F/W: {version}",
"@devicePicker_fw" : {
"placeholders": {
"version": {}
"systray_oath_copied": "Code copied",
"systray_oath_copied_to_clipboard": "{label} copied to clipboard.",
"@systray_oath_copied_to_clipboard" : {
"placeholders": {
"label": {}
"systray_no_pinned": "No pinned accounts"