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* Copyright (C) 2023 Yubico.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:yubico_authenticator/app/views/keys.dart';
import 'package:yubico_authenticator/piv/keys.dart';
import 'test_util.dart';
extension PIVFunctions on WidgetTester {
static const ett = 'firstpin';
static const lock1 = 'lockpinn1';
static const lock2 = 'lockpinn2';
static const lock3 = 'lockpinn3';
/// Open the PIV Configuration
Future<void> configurePiv() async {
await tap(find.byKey(pivAppDrawer).hitTestable());
await shortWait();
await tap(find.byKey(actionsIconButtonKey).hitTestable());
await shortWait();
Future<void> pinView() async {
await tap(find.byKey(pivAppDrawer).hitTestable());
await shortWait();
await tap(find.byKey(actionsIconButtonKey).hitTestable());
await shortWait();
await tap(find.byKey(managePinAction));
await shortWait();
Future<void> pukView() async {
await tap(find.byKey(pivAppDrawer).hitTestable());
await shortWait();
await tap(find.byKey(actionsIconButtonKey).hitTestable());
await shortWait();
await tap(find.byKey(managePukAction));
await shortWait();
Future<void> managementKeyView() async {
await tap(find.byKey(pivAppDrawer).hitTestable());
await shortWait();
await tap(find.byKey(actionsIconButtonKey).hitTestable());
await shortWait();
await tap(find.byKey(manageManagementKeyAction));
await shortWait();
Future<void> pivFirst() async {
// when in pin or puk view, remove factorypin/puk
await enterText(find.byKey(newPinPukField), ett);
await shortWait();
await enterText(find.byKey(confirmPinPukField), ett);
await shortWait();
await tap(find.byKey(saveButton).hitTestable());
await shortWait();
Future<void> pivLockTest() async {
// when in pin or puk view this will lock it
var pintext1 = 'lockpin1';
await enterText(find.byKey(pinPukField), pintext1);
await shortWait();
await enterText(find.byKey(newPinPukField), pintext1);
await shortWait();
await enterText(find.byKey(confirmPinPukField), pintext1);
await shortWait();
await tap(find.byKey(saveButton).hitTestable());
await shortWait();
var pintext2 = 'lockpin2';
await enterText(find.byKey(pinPukField), pintext2);
await shortWait();
await enterText(find.byKey(newPinPukField), pintext2);
await shortWait();
await enterText(find.byKey(confirmPinPukField), pintext2);
await shortWait();
await tap(find.byKey(saveButton).hitTestable());
await shortWait();
var pintext3 = 'lockpin3';
await enterText(find.byKey(pinPukField), pintext3);
await shortWait();
await enterText(find.byKey(newPinPukField), pintext3);
await shortWait();
await enterText(find.byKey(confirmPinPukField), pintext3);
await shortWait();
await tap(find.byKey(saveButton).hitTestable());
await longWait();
Future<void> pivLock() async {
// when in pin or puk view this will lock it
// for (var i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) {
await enterText(find.byKey(pinPukField), 'skrivhär');
await shortWait();
await enterText(find.byKey(newPinPukField), lock1);
await shortWait();
await enterText(find.byKey(confirmPinPukField), lock1);
await shortWait();
await tap(find.byKey(saveButton).hitTestable());
await shortWait();
await enterText(find.byKey(pinPukField), lock2);
await shortWait();
await enterText(find.byKey(newPinPukField), lock2);
await shortWait();
await enterText(find.byKey(confirmPinPukField), lock2);
await shortWait();
await tap(find.byKey(saveButton).hitTestable());
await shortWait();
// }
await sendKeyEvent(LogicalKeyboardKey.escape);
await shortWait();
/// Factory reset Piv application
Future<void> resetPiv() async {
final targetKey = approvedKeys[0]; // only reset approved keys!
/// 1. make sure we are using approved key
await switchToKey(targetKey);
await shortWait();
/// 2. open the home view
await tap(find.byKey(homeDrawer).hitTestable());
await shortWait();
/// 3. open menu
await tap(find.byKey(actionsIconButtonKey).hitTestable());
await shortWait();
await tap(find.byKey(yubikeyFactoryResetMenuButton));
await shortWait();
/// 4. then toggle 'Piv' in the 'Factory reset' reset_dialog.dart
await tap(find.byKey(factoryResetPickResetPiv));
await longWait();
/// 5. Click reset TextButton: done
await tap(find.byKey(factoryResetReset));
await longWait();
// 5. Verify Resetedness
// /// TODO: this expect algorithm is flaky
// expect(find.byWidgetPredicate((widget) {
// if (widget is AppListItem) {
// final AppListItem textWidget = widget;
// if ((textWidget.key == appListItem9a ||
// textWidget.key == appListItem9c ||
// textWidget.key == appListItem9d ||
// textWidget.key == appListItem9e) &&
// textWidget.subtitle == 'No certificate loaded') {
// return true;
// }
// }
// return false;
// }), findsNWidgets(4));