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235 lines
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Executable File
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart';
import '../../app/state.dart';
import '../../core/state.dart';
import '../../widgets/list_title.dart';
import '../../widgets/responsive_dialog.dart';
const String _prefNfcOpenApp = 'prefNfcOpenApp';
const String _prefNfcBypassTouch = 'prefNfcBypassTouch';
const String _prefNfcCopyOtp = 'prefNfcCopyOtp';
const String _prefClipKbdLayout = 'prefClipKbdLayout';
// TODO: Get these from Android
const List<String> _keyboardLayouts = ['US', 'DE', 'DE-CH'];
const String _defaultClipKbdLayout = 'US';
enum _TapAction {
String get description {
switch (this) {
case _TapAction.launch:
return 'Launch Yubico Authenticator';
case _TapAction.copy:
return 'Copy OTP to clipboard';
case _TapAction.both:
return 'Launch app and copy OTP';
Key get key {
switch (this) {
case _TapAction.launch:
return const Key('android.settings.on_nfc_tap.launch');
case _TapAction.copy:
return const Key('android.settings.on_nfc_tap.copy');
case _TapAction.both:
return const Key('android.settings.on_nfc_tap.both');
static _TapAction load(SharedPreferences prefs) {
final launchApp = prefs.getBool(_prefNfcOpenApp) ?? true;
final copyOtp = prefs.getBool(_prefNfcCopyOtp) ?? false;
if (launchApp && copyOtp) {
return both;
if (copyOtp) {
return copy;
// This is the default value if both are false.
return launch;
void save(SharedPreferences prefs) {
prefs.setBool(_prefNfcOpenApp, this != copy);
prefs.setBool(_prefNfcCopyOtp, this != launch);
extension on ThemeMode {
String get displayName {
switch (this) {
case ThemeMode.system:
return 'System default';
case ThemeMode.light:
return 'Light theme';
case ThemeMode.dark:
return 'Dark theme';
class AndroidSettingsPage extends ConsumerStatefulWidget {
const AndroidSettingsPage({super.key});
ConsumerState<ConsumerStatefulWidget> createState() =>
class _AndroidSettingsPageState extends ConsumerState<AndroidSettingsPage> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final prefs = ref.watch(prefProvider);
final tapAction = _TapAction.load(prefs);
final clipKbdLayout =
prefs.getString(_prefClipKbdLayout) ?? _defaultClipKbdLayout;
final nfcBypassTouch = prefs.getBool(_prefNfcBypassTouch) ?? false;
final themeMode = ref.watch(themeModeProvider);
final theme = Theme.of(context);
return ResponsiveDialog(
title: const Text('Settings'),
child: Theme(
// Make the headers use the primary color to pop a bit.
// Once M3 is implemented this will probably not be needed.
data: theme.copyWith(
textTheme: theme.textTheme.copyWith(
labelLarge: theme.textTheme.labelLarge
?.copyWith(color: theme.colorScheme.primary)),
child: Column(
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
children: [
const ListTitle('NFC options'),
title: const Text('On YubiKey NFC tap'),
subtitle: Text(tapAction.description),
key: const Key('android.settings.option.on_nfc_tap'),
onTap: () async {
final newTapAction = await _selectTapAction(context, tapAction);
setState(() {});
title: const Text('Keyboard Layout (for static password)'),
subtitle: Text(clipKbdLayout),
key: const Key('android.settings.option.keyboard_layout'),
enabled: tapAction != _TapAction.launch,
onTap: () async {
var newValue = await _selectKbdLayout(context, clipKbdLayout);
if (newValue != clipKbdLayout) {
await prefs.setString(_prefClipKbdLayout, newValue);
setState(() {});
title: const Text('Bypass touch requirement'),
subtitle: nfcBypassTouch
? const Text(
'Accounts that require touch are automatically shown over NFC.')
: const Text(
'Accounts that require touch need an additional tap over NFC.'),
value: nfcBypassTouch,
key: const Key('android.settings.bypass_touch'),
onChanged: (value) {
prefs.setBool(_prefNfcBypassTouch, value);
setState(() {});
const ListTitle('Appearance'),
title: const Text('App theme'),
subtitle: Text(themeMode.displayName),
onTap: () async {
final newMode = await _selectAppearance(context, themeMode);
Future<_TapAction> _selectTapAction(
BuildContext context, _TapAction tapAction) async =>
await showDialog<_TapAction>(
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return SimpleDialog(
title: const Text('On YubiKey NFC tap'),
children: _TapAction.values
(e) => RadioListTile<_TapAction>(
title: Text(e.description),
key: e.key,
value: e,
groupValue: tapAction,
toggleable: true,
onChanged: (mode) {
Navigator.pop(context, e);
}) ??
Future<String> _selectKbdLayout(
BuildContext context, String currentKbdLayout) async =>
await showDialog<String>(
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return SimpleDialog(
title: const Text('Choose keyboard layout'),
children: _keyboardLayouts
(e) => RadioListTile<String>(
title: Text(e),
value: e,
key: Key('android.settings.keyboard_layout.$e'),
toggleable: true,
groupValue: currentKbdLayout,
onChanged: (mode) {
Navigator.pop(context, e);
}) ??
Future<ThemeMode> _selectAppearance(
BuildContext context, ThemeMode themeMode) async =>
await showDialog<ThemeMode>(
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return SimpleDialog(
title: const Text('Choose app theme'),
children: ThemeMode.values
.map((e) => RadioListTile(
title: Text(e.displayName),
value: e,
groupValue: themeMode,
toggleable: true,
onChanged: (mode) {
Navigator.pop(context, e);
}) ??