2024-08-30 15:00:12 +02:00

453 lines
15 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2024 Yubico.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import '../../app/logging.dart';
import '../../app/message.dart';
import '../../app/models.dart';
import '../../app/state.dart';
import '../../desktop/models.dart';
import '../../exception/cancellation_exception.dart';
import '../../exception/no_data_exception.dart';
import '../../exception/platform_exception_decoder.dart';
import '../../fido/models.dart';
import '../../fido/state.dart';
import '../method_channel_notifier.dart';
final _log = Logger('android.fido.state');
final androidFidoStateProvider = AsyncNotifierProvider.autoDispose
.family<FidoStateNotifier, FidoState, DevicePath>(_FidoStateNotifier.new);
class _FidoStateNotifier extends FidoStateNotifier {
final _events = const EventChannel('android.fido.sessionState');
late StreamSubscription _sub;
late final _FidoMethodChannelNotifier fido =
FutureOr<FidoState> build(DevicePath devicePath) async {
_sub = _events.receiveBroadcastStream().listen((event) {
final json = jsonDecode(event);
if (json == null) {
state = AsyncValue.error(const NoDataException(), StackTrace.current);
} else if (json == 'loading') {
state = const AsyncValue.loading();
} else {
final fidoState = FidoState.fromJson(json);
state = AsyncValue.data(fidoState);
}, onError: (err, stackTrace) {
state = AsyncValue.error(err, stackTrace);
return Completer<FidoState>().future;
Stream<InteractionEvent> reset() {
final controller = StreamController<InteractionEvent>();
const resetEvents = EventChannel('android.fido.reset');
final subscription =
resetEvents.receiveBroadcastStream().skip(1).listen((event) {
if (event is String && event.isNotEmpty) {
InteractionEvent.values.firstWhere((e) => '"${e.name}"' == event));
controller.onCancel = () async {
await fido.cancelReset();
if (!controller.isClosed) {
await subscription.cancel();
controller.onListen = () async {
try {
await fido.reset();
await controller.sink.close();
} catch (e) {
_log.debug('Error during reset: \'$e\'');
return controller.stream;
Future<PinResult> setPin(String newPin, {String? oldPin}) async {
try {
final response = jsonDecode(await fido.setPin(newPin, oldPin: oldPin));
if (response['success'] == true) {
_log.debug('FIDO PIN set/change successful');
return PinResult.success();
if (response['pinViolation'] == true) {
_log.debug('FIDO PIN violation');
return PinResult.failed(const FidoPinFailureReason.weakPin());
_log.debug('FIDO PIN set/change failed');
return PinResult.failed(FidoPinFailureReason.invalidPin(
response['pinRetries'], response['authBlocked']));
} on PlatformException catch (pe) {
var decodedException = pe.decode();
if (decodedException is CancellationException) {
_log.debug('User cancelled set/change FIDO PIN operation');
throw decodedException;
Future<PinResult> unlock(String pin) async {
try {
final response = jsonDecode(await fido.unlock(pin));
if (response['success'] == true) {
_log.debug('FIDO applet unlocked');
return PinResult.success();
_log.debug('FIDO applet unlock failed');
return PinResult.failed(FidoPinFailureReason.invalidPin(
response['pinRetries'], response['authBlocked']));
} on PlatformException catch (pe) {
var decodedException = pe.decode();
if (decodedException is! CancellationException) {
// non pin failure
// simulate cancellation but show an error
await ref.read(withContextProvider)((context) async => showMessage(
context, ref.watch(l10nProvider).p_operation_failed_try_again));
throw CancellationException();
_log.debug('User cancelled unlock FIDO operation');
throw decodedException;
Future<void> enableEnterpriseAttestation() async {
try {
final response = jsonDecode(await fido.enableEnterpriseAttestation());
if (response['success'] == true) {
_log.debug('Enterprise attestation enabled');
} on PlatformException catch (pe) {
var decodedException = pe.decode();
if (decodedException is CancellationException) {
_log.debug('User cancelled unlock FIDO operation');
throw decodedException;
'Platform exception during enable enterprise attestation: $pe');
final androidFingerprintProvider = AsyncNotifierProvider.autoDispose
.family<FidoFingerprintsNotifier, List<Fingerprint>, DevicePath>(
class _FidoFingerprintsNotifier extends FidoFingerprintsNotifier {
final _events = const EventChannel('android.fido.fingerprints');
late StreamSubscription _sub;
late final _FidoMethodChannelNotifier fido =
FutureOr<List<Fingerprint>> build(DevicePath devicePath) async {
_sub = _events.receiveBroadcastStream().listen((event) {
final json = jsonDecode(event);
if (json == null) {
state = const AsyncValue.loading();
} else {
List<Fingerprint> newState = List.from((json as List)
.map((e) => Fingerprint.fromJson(e))
.sortedBy<String>((f) => f.label.toLowerCase())
state = AsyncValue.data(newState);
}, onError: (err, stackTrace) {
state = AsyncValue.error(err, stackTrace);
return Completer<List<Fingerprint>>().future;
Stream<FingerprintEvent> registerFingerprint({String? name}) {
final controller = StreamController<FingerprintEvent>();
const registerEvents = EventChannel('android.fido.registerFp');
final registerFpSub =
registerEvents.receiveBroadcastStream().skip(1).listen((event) {
if (controller.isClosed) {
_log.debug('Controller already closed, ignoring: $event');
_log.debug('Received register fingerprint event: $event');
if (event is String && event.isNotEmpty) {
final e = jsonDecode(event);
_log.debug('Received register fingerprint event: $e');
final status = e['status'];
controller.sink.add(switch (status) {
'capture' => FingerprintEvent.capture(e['remaining']),
'capture-error' => FingerprintEvent.error(e['code']),
final other => throw UnimplementedError(other)
controller.onCancel = () async {
if (!controller.isClosed) {
_log.debug('Cancelling fingerprint registration');
await fido.cancelFingerprintRegistration();
await registerFpSub.cancel();
controller.onListen = () async {
try {
final registerFpResult = await fido.registerFingerprint(name);
_log.debug('Finished registerFingerprint with: $registerFpResult');
final resultJson = jsonDecode(registerFpResult);
if (resultJson['success'] == true) {
} else {
// TODO abstract platform errors
final errorStatus = resultJson['status'];
if (errorStatus != 'user-cancelled') {
throw RpcError(errorStatus, 'Platform error: $errorStatus', {});
} on PlatformException catch (pe) {
_log.debug('Received platform exception: \'$pe\'');
final decoded = pe.decode();
} catch (e) {
_log.debug('Received error: \'$e\'');
} finally {
await controller.sink.close();
return controller.stream;
Future<Fingerprint> renameFingerprint(
Fingerprint fingerprint, String name) async {
try {
final renameFingerprintResponse =
jsonDecode(await fido.renameFingerprint(fingerprint, name));
if (renameFingerprintResponse['success'] == true) {
_log.debug('FIDO rename fingerprint succeeded');
return Fingerprint(fingerprint.templateId, name);
} else {
_log.debug('FIDO rename fingerprint failed');
return fingerprint;
} on PlatformException catch (pe) {
var decodedException = pe.decode();
if (decodedException is CancellationException) {
_log.debug('User cancelled rename fingerprint FIDO operation');
} else {
_log.error('Rename fingerprint FIDO operation failed.', pe);
throw decodedException;
Future<void> deleteFingerprint(Fingerprint fingerprint) async {
try {
final deleteFingerprintResponse =
jsonDecode(await fido.deleteFingerprint(fingerprint));
if (deleteFingerprintResponse['success'] == true) {
_log.debug('FIDO delete fingerprint succeeded');
} else {
_log.debug('FIDO delete fingerprint failed');
} on PlatformException catch (pe) {
var decodedException = pe.decode();
if (decodedException is CancellationException) {
_log.debug('User cancelled delete fingerprint FIDO operation');
} else {
_log.error('Delete fingerprint FIDO operation failed.', pe);
throw decodedException;
final androidCredentialProvider = AsyncNotifierProvider.autoDispose
.family<FidoCredentialsNotifier, List<FidoCredential>, DevicePath>(
class _FidoCredentialsNotifier extends FidoCredentialsNotifier {
final _events = const EventChannel('android.fido.credentials');
late StreamSubscription _sub;
late final _FidoMethodChannelNotifier fido =
FutureOr<List<FidoCredential>> build(DevicePath devicePath) async {
_sub = _events.receiveBroadcastStream().listen((event) {
final json = jsonDecode(event);
if (json == null) {
state = const AsyncValue.loading();
} else {
List<FidoCredential> newState = List.from(
(json as List).map((e) => FidoCredential.fromJson(e)).toList());
state = AsyncValue.data(newState);
}, onError: (err, stackTrace) {
state = AsyncValue.error(err, stackTrace);
return Completer<List<FidoCredential>>().future;
Future<void> deleteCredential(FidoCredential credential) async {
try {
await fido.deleteCredential(credential);
} on PlatformException catch (pe) {
var decodedException = pe.decode();
if (decodedException is CancellationException) {
_log.debug('User cancelled delete credential FIDO operation');
} else {
throw decodedException;
final _fidoMethodsProvider = NotifierProvider<_FidoMethodChannelNotifier, void>(
() => _FidoMethodChannelNotifier());
class _FidoMethodChannelNotifier extends MethodChannelNotifier {
: super(const MethodChannel('android.fido.methods'));
late final l10n = ref.read(l10nProvider);
void build() {}
Future<dynamic> deleteCredential(FidoCredential credential) async =>
invoke('deleteCredential', {
'callArgs': {
'rpId': credential.rpId,
'credentialId': credential.credentialId
'operationName': l10n.c_nfc_fido_delete_passkey,
'operationProcessing': l10n.s_nfc_fido_delete_passkey_processing,
'operationSuccess': l10n.s_passkey_deleted,
'operationFailure': l10n.s_nfc_fido_delete_passkey_failure,
'showSuccess': true
Future<dynamic> cancelReset() async => invoke('cancelReset');
Future<dynamic> reset() async => invoke('reset', {
'operationName': l10n.c_nfc_fido_reset,
'operationProcessing': l10n.s_nfc_fido_reset_processing,
'operationSuccess': l10n.s_nfc_fido_reset_success,
'operationFailure': l10n.s_nfc_fido_reset_failure,
'showSuccess': true
Future<dynamic> setPin(String newPin, {String? oldPin}) async =>
invoke('setPin', {
'callArgs': {'pin': oldPin, 'newPin': newPin},
'operationName': oldPin != null
? l10n.c_nfc_fido_change_pin
: l10n.c_nfc_fido_set_pin,
'operationProcessing': oldPin != null
? l10n.s_nfc_fido_change_pin_processing
: l10n.s_nfc_fido_set_pin_processing,
'operationSuccess': oldPin != null
? l10n.s_nfc_fido_change_pin_success
: l10n.s_pin_set,
'operationFailure': oldPin != null
? l10n.s_nfc_fido_change_pin_failure
: l10n.s_nfc_fido_set_pin_failure,
'showSuccess': true
Future<dynamic> unlock(String pin) async => invoke('unlock', {
'callArgs': {'pin': pin},
'operationName': l10n.s_unlock,
'operationProcessing': l10n.s_nfc_unlock_processing,
'operationSuccess': l10n.s_nfc_unlock_success,
'operationFailure': l10n.s_nfc_unlock_failure,
'showSuccess': true
Future<dynamic> enableEnterpriseAttestation() async =>
Future<dynamic> registerFingerprint(String? name) async =>
invoke('registerFingerprint', {
'callArgs': {'name': name}
Future<dynamic> cancelFingerprintRegistration() async =>
Future<dynamic> renameFingerprint(
Fingerprint fingerprint, String name) async =>
invoke('renameFingerprint', {
'callArgs': {'templateId': fingerprint.templateId, 'name': name},
Future<dynamic> deleteFingerprint(Fingerprint fingerprint) async =>
invoke('deleteFingerprint', {
'callArgs': {'templateId': fingerprint.templateId},