mirror of https://github.com/Yvee1/hascard.git synced 2024-10-05 19:49:16 +03:00

Add basic LaTeX support

This commit is contained in:
Steven van den Broek 2020-11-14 16:07:33 +01:00
parent c5ac75ca6f
commit 3a84eaad89
7 changed files with 75 additions and 42 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# What type of fruit is this?
- Apple
* Pear
- Orange
- Banana
# Is the following statement true?
- No
* Yes
# The l^p metric space
The space $(\ell^p, d)$ is a metric space, when $d:\ell^p \times \ell^p \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ is defined as
$$d(x, y) = \left(\sum_{n=1}^\infty |x_n-y_n|^p\right)^{1/p}$$

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
# What type of fruit is this?
- Apple
* Pear
- Orange
- Banana
# Fruit 1
This is a pear
# Is the following statement true?
- No
* Yes

View File

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ pHeader = do
many (noneOf ['\n', '\r'])
pImage :: Parser Image
pImage :: Parser External
pImage = do
many eol
char '!'
@ -51,14 +51,21 @@ pImage = do
img <- manyTill anySingle (char ')')
return $ Image alt img
pMaybeImage :: Parser (Maybe Image)
pMaybeImage = Just <$> try pImage
<|> pure Nothing
pLatex :: Parser External
pLatex = do
many eol
string "```"
Latex <$> manyTill anySingle (try (string "```"))
pMaybeExternal :: Parser (Maybe External)
pMaybeExternal = Just <$> try pImage
<|> Just <$> try pLatex
<|> pure Nothing
pMultChoice :: CardParser
pMultChoice = do
header <- pHeader
img <- pMaybeImage
img <- pMaybeExternal
many eol
choices <- pChoice `sepBy1` lookAhead (try choicePrefix)
msgOrResult <- makeMultipleChoice choices
@ -81,7 +88,7 @@ choicePrefix = string "- "
pMultAnswer :: CardParser
pMultAnswer = do
header <- pHeader
img <- pMaybeImage
img <- pMaybeExternal
many eol
options <- pOption `sepBy1` lookAhead (try (char '['))
return . Right $ MultipleAnswer header img (NE.fromList options)
@ -97,7 +104,7 @@ pOption = do
pReorder :: CardParser
pReorder = do
header <- pHeader
img <- pMaybeImage
img <- pMaybeExternal
many eol
elements <- pReorderElement `sepBy1` lookAhead (try pReorderPrefix)
let numbers = map fst elements
@ -122,7 +129,7 @@ pReorderPrefix = do
pOpen :: CardParser
pOpen = do
header <- pHeader
img <- pMaybeImage
img <- pMaybeExternal
many eol
(pre, gap) <- pGap
sentence <- pSentence
@ -161,7 +168,7 @@ pNormal = do
pDef :: CardParser
pDef = do
header <- pHeader
img <- pMaybeImage
img <- pMaybeExternal
many eol
descr <- manyTill chars $ lookAhead $ try $ seperator <|> eof'
return $ Right (Definition header img (dropWhileEnd isSpace' descr))

View File

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ cardsState doReview fp deck = do
, _popup = Nothing
, _pathToFile = fp }
openCardImage (takeDirectory fp) firstCard
openCardExternal (takeDirectory fp) firstCard
return $ CardsState initialState
cardsWithOptionsState :: GlobalState -> FilePath -> [Card] -> IO State

View File

@ -3,32 +3,33 @@ import Data.Functor
import Data.List
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import System.FilePath
import System.Process (runCommand)
import System.Process
import System.Info
import System.IO
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified System.Directory as D
-- Word Description
data Card = Definition {
question :: String,
image :: Maybe Image,
external :: Maybe External,
definition :: String }
| OpenQuestion {
question :: String,
image :: Maybe Image,
external :: Maybe External,
perforated :: Perforated }
| MultipleChoice {
question :: String,
image :: Maybe Image,
external :: Maybe External,
correct :: CorrectOption,
incorrects :: [IncorrectOption]}
| MultipleAnswer {
question :: String,
image :: Maybe Image,
external :: Maybe External,
options :: NonEmpty Option }
| Reorder {
question :: String,
image :: Maybe Image,
external :: Maybe External,
elements :: NonEmpty (Int, String)
@ -44,11 +45,13 @@ instance Show Card where
Reorder h img elts ->
showHeader h <> show img<> "\n" <> unlines' (NE.toList (NE.map showReorder elts))
-- alt file
data Image = Image String String
-- alt file
data External = Image String String
| Latex String
instance Show Image where
instance Show External where
show (Image alt file) = "![" <> alt <> "]" <> "(" <> file <> ")"
show (Latex text) = "```\n" <> text <> "```"
openCommand :: String
openCommand = case os of
@ -56,8 +59,8 @@ openCommand = case os of
"linux" -> "xdg-open"
_ -> error "Unkown OS for opening images"
openImage :: FilePath -> Image -> IO ()
openImage origin (Image _ relative) = openImage' (origin </> relative)
openImage :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
openImage origin relative = openImage' (origin </> relative)
openImage' :: FilePath -> IO ()
openImage' fp = do
@ -66,8 +69,28 @@ openImage' fp = do
then void $ runCommand (openCommand <> " \"" <> fp <> "\"")
else error $ "The image you were trying to open does not exist: " <> fp
openCardImage :: FilePath -> Card -> IO ()
openCardImage fp = flip whenJust (openImage fp) . image
openLatex :: String -> IO ()
openLatex latex = do
let packages = ["amsfonts", "mathtools"]
text = unlines $
[ "\\documentclass[preview]{standalone}" ]
++ map (\p -> "\\usepackage{"<>p<>"}") packages ++
[ "\\begin{document}"
, latex
, "\\end{document}" ]
dir <- D.getTemporaryDirectory
(tempfile, temph) <- openTempFile dir "hascard-latex-"
hPutStrLn temph text
hClose temph
callProcess "pdflatex" ["-output-directory", dir, tempfile]
openImage' (tempfile <> ".pdf")
openCardExternal :: FilePath -> Card -> IO ()
openCardExternal origin card =
case external card of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just (Image _ relative) -> openImage origin relative
Just (Latex text) -> openLatex text
whenJust :: Applicative m => Maybe a -> (a -> m ()) -> m ()
whenJust mg f = maybe (pure ()) f mg

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ module UI
, GenIO
, Chunk(..)
, Card
, Image
, External
, ImportType(..)
, Parameters(..)
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import Glue
import Import
import States
import StateManagement
import Types (Card, Image, cardsToString)
import Types (Card, External, cardsToString)
runBrickFlashcards :: GlobalState -> IO ()
runBrickFlashcards gs = do

View File

@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ handleEvent gs _ _ = continue gs
next :: GlobalState -> CS -> EventM Name (Next GlobalState)
next gs s
| s ^. index + 1 < length (s ^. cards) = liftIO (openCardImage (takeDirectory (s^.pathToFile)) ((s^.cards) !! (s^.index + 1))) *> (continue . updateCS gs . straightenState $ s & index +~ 1)
| s ^. index + 1 < length (s ^. cards) = liftIO (openCardExternal (takeDirectory (s^.pathToFile)) ((s^.cards) !! (s^.index + 1))) *> (continue . updateCS gs . straightenState $ s & index +~ 1)
| s ^. reviewMode =
let thePopup =
if null (s^.correctCards) || length (s^. correctCards) == length (s^.cards)
@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ next gs s
| otherwise = halt' gs
previous :: GlobalState -> CS -> EventM Name (Next GlobalState)
previous gs s | s ^. index > 0 = continue . updateCS gs . straightenState $ s & index -~ 1
previous gs s | s ^. index > 0 = liftIO (openCardExternal (takeDirectory (s^.pathToFile)) ((s^.cards) !! (s^.index - 1))) *> (continue . updateCS gs . straightenState $ s & index -~ 1)
| otherwise = continue gs
straightenState :: CS -> CS