mirror of https://github.com/Yvee1/hascard.git synced 2024-10-26 07:41:15 +03:00

Basic visuals of multiple answer cards

This commit is contained in:
Steven van den Broek 2020-07-16 18:13:27 +02:00
parent dab0919f55
commit 4272f2ed45
3 changed files with 111 additions and 45 deletions

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@ -11,6 +11,14 @@ This is the back of the card
# Multiple choice question, (multiple possible answers)
[ ] Option 1
[ ] Option 2
[x] Option 3 (this is the correct answer)
[ ] Option 4
# Fill in the gaps
The symbol € is for the currency named _Euro_, and is used in the _EU_.

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@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ dependencies:
- vector
- filepath
- microlens
- process
source-dirs: src

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@ -8,11 +8,13 @@ import Lens.Micro.Platform
import Types
import Data.Char (isSeparator, isSpace)
import Data.List (dropWhileEnd)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import Text.Wrap
import Data.Text (pack)
import Debug.Trace (trace)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Border as B
@ -27,13 +29,18 @@ data CardState =
{ _flipped :: Bool }
| MultipleChoiceState
{ _selected :: Int
{ _highlighted :: Int
, _nChoices :: Int
, _tried :: Map Int Bool -- indices of tried choices
| MultipleAnswerState
{ _highlighted :: Int
, _selected :: Map Int Bool
, _nChoices :: Int
| OpenQuestionState
{ _gapInput :: Map Int String
, _selectedGap :: Int
, _highlighted :: Int
, _nGaps :: Int
, _entered :: Bool
, _correctGaps :: Map Int Bool
@ -45,7 +52,7 @@ data State = State
, _nCards :: Int -- number of cards
, _currentCard :: Card
, _cardState :: CardState
, _incorrectCards :: [Int] -- list of indices of incorrect answers
-- , _incorrectCards :: [Int] -- list of indices of incorrect answers
makeLenses ''CardState
@ -54,16 +61,19 @@ makeLenses ''State
defaultCardState :: Card -> CardState
defaultCardState Definition{} = DefinitionState { _flipped = False }
defaultCardState (MultipleChoice _ _ ics) = MultipleChoiceState
{ _selected = 0
{ _highlighted = 0
, _nChoices = length ics + 1
, _tried = M.fromList [(i, False) | i <- [0..length ics]]}
, _tried = M.fromList [(i, False) | i <- [0..length ics]] }
defaultCardState (OpenQuestion _ perforated) = OpenQuestionState
{ _gapInput = M.empty
, _selectedGap = 0
, _highlighted = 0
, _nGaps = nGapsInPerforated perforated
, _entered = False
, _correctGaps = M.fromList [(i, False) | i <- [0..nGapsInPerforated perforated - 1]] }
defaultCardState (MultipleAnswer question answers) = MultipleAnswerState
{ _highlighted = 0
, _selected = M.fromList [(i, False) | i <- [0..NE.length answers-1]]
, _nChoices = NE.length answers }
app :: App State Event Name
app = App
@ -89,31 +99,33 @@ drawHeader title = withAttr titleAttr $
hCenteredStrWrap title
drawDescr :: String -> Widget Name
drawDescr descr = padLeftRight 1 $
drawDescr descr =
strWrapWith (WrapSettings {preserveIndentation=False, breakLongWords=True}) descr'
descr' = dropWhileEnd isSpace descr
listMultipleChoice :: CorrectOption -> [IncorrectOption] -> [String]
listMultipleChoice c = reverse . listMultipleChoice' [] 0 c
where listMultipleChoice' opts i c@(CorrectOption j cStr) [] =
where listMultipleChoice' opts i (CorrectOption j cStr) [] =
if i == j
then cStr : opts
else opts
listMultipleChoice' opts i c@(CorrectOption j cStr) ics@(IncorrectOption icStr : ics') =
listMultipleChoice' opts i c'@(CorrectOption j cStr) ics@(IncorrectOption icStr : ics') =
if i == j
then listMultipleChoice' (cStr : opts) (i+1) c ics
else listMultipleChoice' (icStr : opts) (i+1) c ics'
then listMultipleChoice' (cStr : opts) (i+1) c' ics
else listMultipleChoice' (icStr : opts) (i+1) c' ics'
drawCardUI :: State -> Widget Name
drawCardUI s = joinBorders $ drawCardBox $ (<=> drawProgress s) $
drawCardUI s = let p = 1 in
joinBorders $ drawCardBox $ (<=> drawProgress s) $
case (s ^. cards) !! (s ^. index) of
Definition title descr -> drawHeader title <=> B.hBorder <=> drawHintedDef s descr <=> str " "
Definition title descr -> drawHeader title <=> B.hBorder <=> padLeftRight p (drawHintedDef s descr <=> str " ")
MultipleChoice question correct others -> drawHeader question <=> B.hBorder <=> drawOptions s (listMultipleChoice correct others)
MultipleChoice question correct others -> drawHeader question <=> B.hBorder <=> padLeftRight p (drawChoices s (listMultipleChoice correct others) <=> str " ")
OpenQuestion title perforated -> drawHeader title <=> B.hBorder <=> padLeftRight 1 (drawPerforated s perforated <=> str " ")
OpenQuestion title perforated -> drawHeader title <=> B.hBorder <=> padLeftRight p (drawPerforated s perforated <=> str " ")
MultipleAnswer question options -> drawHeader question <=> B.hBorder <=> padLeftRight p (drawOptions s options <=> str " ")
applyWhen :: Bool -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
applyWhen predicate action = if predicate then action else id
@ -131,9 +143,9 @@ drawDef s def = case s ^. cardState of
DefinitionState {_flipped=f} -> if f then drawDescr def else drawDescr [if char == '\n' then char else ' ' | char <- def]
_ -> error "impossible: "
drawOptions :: State -> [String] -> Widget Name
drawOptions s options = case (s ^. cardState, s^. currentCard) of
(MultipleChoiceState {_selected=i, _tried=kvs}, MultipleChoice _ (CorrectOption k _) _) -> vBox formattedOptions
drawChoices :: State -> [String] -> Widget Name
drawChoices s options = case (s ^. cardState, s ^. currentCard) of
(MultipleChoiceState {_highlighted=i, _tried=kvs}, MultipleChoice _ (CorrectOption k _) _) -> vBox formattedOptions
where formattedOptions :: [Widget Name]
formattedOptions = [ coloring $ drawDescr (if i==j then "* " ++ opt else opt) |
@ -141,10 +153,23 @@ drawOptions s options = case (s ^. cardState, s^. currentCard) of
let chosen = M.findWithDefault False j kvs
coloring = case (chosen, j==k) of
(False, _) -> id
(True, False) -> withAttr incorrectOptAttr
(True, True) -> withAttr correctOptAttr
(True, False) -> withAttr incorrectChoiceAttr
(True, True) -> withAttr correctChoiceAttr
_ -> error "impossible"
_ -> error "impossible"
drawOptions :: State -> NonEmpty Option -> Widget Name
drawOptions s = case (s ^. cardState, s ^. currentCard) of
(MultipleAnswerState {_highlighted=j, _selected=kvs}, _) ->
vBox . NE.toList . NE.map drawOption . (`NE.zip` NE.fromList [0..])
where drawOption (Option _ text, i) = coloring (str "[") <+> coloring (highlighting (str symbol)) <+> coloring (str "] ") <+> drawDescr text
where symbol = if i == j || xxx then "*" else " "
xxx = M.findWithDefault False i kvs
highlighting = if i == j then withAttr highlightedOptAttr else id
coloring = if xxx then withAttr selectedOptAttr else id
_ -> error "hopefully this is never shown"
drawPerforated :: State -> Perforated -> Widget Name
drawPerforated s p = drawSentence s $ perforatedToSentence p
@ -161,7 +186,7 @@ makeSentenceWidget w state = vBox . fst . makeSentenceWidget' 0 0
makeSentenceWidget' :: Int -> Int -> Sentence -> ([Widget Name], Bool)
makeSentenceWidget' padding _ (Normal s) = let (ws, _, fit) = wrapStringWithPadding padding w s in (ws, fit)
makeSentenceWidget' padding i (Perforated pre gapSolution post) = case state ^. cardState of
OpenQuestionState {_gapInput = kvs, _selectedGap=j, _entered=submitted, _correctGaps=cgs} ->
OpenQuestionState {_gapInput = kvs, _highlighted=j, _entered=submitted, _correctGaps=cgs} ->
let (ws, n, fit') = wrapStringWithPadding padding w pre
gap = M.findWithDefault "" i kvs
n' = w - n - length gap
@ -229,7 +254,15 @@ handleEvent s (VtyEvent ev) = case ev of
-- V.EvKey (V.KChar ' ') [] -> next s
ev -> case (s ^. cardState, s ^. currentCard) of
(MultipleChoiceState {_selected = i, _nChoices = nChoices, _tried = kvs}, MultipleChoice _ (CorrectOption j _) _) ->
(DefinitionState{_flipped = f}, _) ->
case ev of
V.EvKey V.KEnter [] ->
if f
then next s
else continue $ s & cardState.flipped %~ not
_ -> continue s
(MultipleChoiceState {_highlighted = i, _nChoices = nChoices, _tried = kvs}, MultipleChoice _ (CorrectOption j _) _) ->
case ev of
V.EvKey V.KUp [] -> continue up
V.EvKey (V.KChar 'k') [] -> continue up
@ -246,36 +279,52 @@ handleEvent s (VtyEvent ev) = case ev of
where frozen = M.findWithDefault False j kvs
down = if i < nChoices - 1 && not frozen
then s & (cardState.selected) +~ 1
then s & (cardState.highlighted) +~ 1
else s
up = if i > 0 && not frozen
then s & (cardState.selected) -~ 1
then s & (cardState.highlighted) -~ 1
else s
(MultipleAnswerState {_highlighted = i, _nChoices = nChoices}, MultipleAnswer question options) ->
case ev of
V.EvKey V.KUp [] -> continue up
V.EvKey (V.KChar 'k') [] -> continue up
V.EvKey V.KDown [] -> continue down
V.EvKey (V.KChar 'j') [] -> continue down
V.EvKey V.KEnter [] ->
if frozen
then next s
else continue $ s & cardState.selected %~ M.adjust not i
_ -> continue s
where frozen = False
down = if i < nChoices - 1 && not frozen
then s & (cardState.highlighted) +~ 1
else s
up = if i > 0 && not frozen
then s & (cardState.highlighted) -~ 1
else s
(DefinitionState{_flipped = f}, _) ->
case ev of
V.EvKey V.KEnter [] ->
if f
then next s
else continue $ s & cardState.flipped %~ not
_ -> continue s
(OpenQuestionState {_selectedGap = i, _nGaps = n, _gapInput = kvs, _correctGaps = cGaps}, OpenQuestion _ perforated) ->
(OpenQuestionState {_highlighted = i, _nGaps = n, _gapInput = kvs, _correctGaps = cGaps}, OpenQuestion _ perforated) ->
case ev of
V.EvKey (V.KChar '\t') [] -> continue $
if i < n - 1
then s & (cardState.selectedGap) +~ 1
else s & (cardState.selectedGap) .~ 0
then s & (cardState.highlighted) +~ 1
else s & (cardState.highlighted) .~ 0
V.EvKey V.KRight [] -> continue $
if i < n - 1
then s & (cardState.selectedGap) +~ 1
then s & (cardState.highlighted) +~ 1
else s
V.EvKey V.KLeft [] -> continue $
if i > 0
then s & (cardState.selectedGap) -~ 1
then s & (cardState.highlighted) -~ 1
else s
V.EvKey (V.KChar c) [] -> continue $
@ -306,11 +355,17 @@ titleAttr = attrName "title"
textboxAttr :: AttrName
textboxAttr = attrName "textbox"
incorrectOptAttr :: AttrName
incorrectOptAttr = attrName "incorrect option"
incorrectChoiceAttr :: AttrName
incorrectChoiceAttr = attrName "incorrect choice"
correctOptAttr :: AttrName
correctOptAttr = attrName "correct option"
correctChoiceAttr :: AttrName
correctChoiceAttr = attrName "correct choice"
highlightedOptAttr :: AttrName
highlightedOptAttr = attrName "highlighted option"
selectedOptAttr :: AttrName
selectedOptAttr = attrName "selected option"
hiddenAttr :: AttrName
hiddenAttr = attrName "hidden"
@ -328,10 +383,12 @@ theMap :: AttrMap
theMap = attrMap V.defAttr
[ (titleAttr, fg V.yellow)
, (textboxAttr, V.defAttr)
, (incorrectOptAttr, fg V.red)
, (correctOptAttr, fg V.green)
, (incorrectChoiceAttr, fg V.red)
, (correctChoiceAttr, fg V.green)
, (incorrectGapAttr, fg V.red `V.withStyle` V.underline)
, (correctGapAttr, fg V.green `V.withStyle` V.underline)
, (highlightedOptAttr, fg V.yellow)
, (selectedOptAttr, fg V.blue)
, (hiddenAttr, fg V.black)
, (gapAttr, V.defAttr `V.withStyle` V.underline)