- everyone kind of cares about time spent waiting at intersections
- drivers (anybody using a car for part of their trip)
- easiness of parking... partly this is time spent walking (from start bldg or to goal bldg), and partly time spent driving after initially reaching destination lane
- bikes (woops, not implemented yet :P)
- climbing up hills
- amount of time on busy roads
- dedicated lanes are fine
- even dedicated lanes too close to parking are bad -- stress from possibiliy of being doored
- driving lanes with few actual cars passing are bad
- peds
- hills up OR down
- amount of greenery along route
- amount of amenities like cafes along route
- Seattle greenways had more factors that make a road pleasant or not
Per agent, this score is some kind of a linear combination of factors. Coefficients vary per agent -- some people like hills, don't care about busy roads, etc.
But let's start super simple: just track total trip time for all agents. What's the live UI view we want?
- per population type (peds, drivers), number of pending and completed trips. sum score so far (can use time so far for pending trips)
- note that sum score alone is a bit meaningless, even between population types. need to A/B test to meaningfully compare.
- In headless mode, print scores at the end
- in UI, have an optional OSD to pop up on the right with scores so far