- multiple driving lanes, with possibly individual turn restrictions
- dedicated bus lanes
- lanes with parked cars
- bike lanes
- sidewalks
Each lane needs some geometry:
- center lines to draw agents on
- for sidewalks, use center line to to draw agents on the left and right sides?
- polygons to draw the lane and mouseover
Open questions:
- Can we assume all lanes are the same width?
- Seems wrong for many sidewalks especially
- Could be wrong for bike lanes, but could just assume it's a bike lane with a buffer
- Some lanes are immutable
- Sidewalks can't be changed to other types; they're raised with a curb
Some modeling questions:
- Where should expansion of roads into lanes happen?
- initial OSM conversion, adding more stuff to the proto?
- initial map_model::new loading, at least for development convenience
- same reason that turns aren't (yet) serialized
- Is it useful to model the entire road?
- the parent/child relation may be hard to maintain
- but lanes need to know their siblings
- maintaining directional sanity could be useful
- what's the UI for changing lane types?
- it's a bit arbitrary which lane should draw the yellow center lines
Initial design:
- "Road" becomes "Lane" with a type
- don't need to know sibling lanes yet
- arbitrarily, one lane might have extra bits/geometry for yellow center line markings
- ideally, get rid of one-wayness and original center points, and plumb along pre-shifted lines
- but due to the polyline problem (affecting both geom center line layer that agents follow, and polygons for drawing), can't do this. encapsulate the messiness at least.
- so, store one way and orig points and index, but have an accessor
- as a compromise, dont interpet OSM points on a one-way road as the center, but as the edge? this is proving hard to do.
Thinking about a new design:
- Much more general "Land" primitive that's just a nice polygon boundary for drawing/selection and one (or more, for sidewalks?) center lines for how to cross the space, with a notion of turns. It's what road is now, but way simpler data.
- Maybe the GeomRoad / DrawRoad split is a little confusing after all, since the layering just isn't perfect. figure out the polygon and centerline up-front, then ditch the other intermediate gunk.
- also ideally make one polygon for the road, not a bunch of individual pieces? but then we'd have to go triangulate later for opengl anyway
- enforce that all the polygons are nonoverlapping
- Turns go from a src to a dst, so we'd need to double them for crosswalks, since they're always bidirectional
- Turn icons might not make sense as a UI?
- Many sidewalks directly connect at corners and shouldn't have anything drawn for them
- We don't want to draw diagonals... just from one side of the road to the other
- We want crosswalks at the beginning AND end of the sidewalk!
- v1: remember other_side for sidewalks too. draw crosswalks at the beginning AND end of every sidewalk lane.
- do extra drawing in DrawIntersection for now, figure out modeling later.
## Stop signs
How to depict stop signs? Each driving lane has a priority... asap go or full
stop. Turns from go lanes might be yields, but shouldn't need to represent that
- Easy representation: draw red line / stop sign in some driving lanes. Leave the priority lanes alone.
- Harder: draw a stop sign on the side of the road by some lanes. Won't this look weird top-down and at certain angles?
## Traffic signals
- per lane would be weird.
- drawing turn icons as red/yellow/green is pretty clear...
- could draw an unaligned signal box with 3 circles in the middle of the intersection, but what does it represent? maybe just an initial indicator of what's going on; not full detail.
- similarly, draw a single stop sign in the middle of other intersections? :P
## GUI refactoring thoughts
- GfxCtx members should be private. make methods for drawing rectangles and such
- should be useful short term. dunno how this will look later with gfx-rs, but dedupes code in the meantime.
- should GfxCtx own Canvas or vice versa?
- Canvas has persistent state, GfxCtx is ephemeral every draw cycle
- dont want to draw outside of render, but may want to readjust camera
- compromise is maybe storing the last known window size in canvas, so we dont have to keep plumbing it between frames anyway.
One UI plugin at a time:
- What can plugins do?
- (rarely) contribute OSD lines (in some order)
- (rarely) do custom drawing (in some order)
- event handling
- mutate themselves or consume+return?
- indicate if the plugin was active and did stuff?
- just quit after handling each plugin? and do panning / some selection stuff earlier
- alright, atfer the current cleanup with short-circuiting... express as a more abstract monadish thing? or since there are side effects sometimes and inconsistent arguments and such, maybe not?