initSidebarItems({"fn":[["filter_turns","Filter out crosswalks on really short roads. In reality, these roads are usually located within an intersection, which isn’t a valid place for a pedestrian crossing."],["get_sidewalk",""],["make_crosswalks",""],["make_degenerate_crosswalks",""],["make_footway_turns","At an intersection of footpaths only, just generate a turn between every pair of lanes."],["make_shared_sidewalk_corner",""],["make_walking_turns","Generate Crosswalk and SharedSidewalkCorner (places where two sidewalks directly meet) turns"],["make_walking_turns_v2","A complete rewrite of make_walking_turns, which looks at all sidewalks (or lack thereof) in counter-clockwise order around an intersection. Based on adjacency, create a SharedSidewalkCorner or a Crosswalk."],["turn_id",""]]});