Draw the card being dragged near the cursor

This commit is contained in:
Dustin Carlino 2021-06-11 13:45:12 -07:00
parent b9b0ac5bb7
commit 7afd428017
2 changed files with 93 additions and 44 deletions

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@ -7,13 +7,25 @@ pub struct DragDrop {
label: String,
members: Vec<(GeomBatch, ScreenDims)>,
draw: Drawable,
hovering: Option<usize>,
dragging: Option<usize>,
state: State,
dims: ScreenDims,
top_left: ScreenPt,
enum State {
Idle {
hovering: Option<usize>,
Dragging {
orig_idx: usize,
drag_from: ScreenPt,
cursor_at: ScreenPt,
new_idx: usize,
impl DragDrop {
pub fn new_widget(ctx: &EventCtx, label: &str, members: Vec<GeomBatch>) -> Widget {
let mut dd = DragDrop {
@ -26,8 +38,7 @@ impl DragDrop {
draw: Drawable::empty(ctx),
hovering: None,
dragging: None,
state: State::Idle { hovering: None },
dims: ScreenDims::square(0.0),
top_left: ScreenPt::new(0.0, 0.0),
@ -39,28 +50,37 @@ impl DragDrop {
impl DragDrop {
fn recalc_draw(&mut self, ctx: &EventCtx) {
let mut stack = GeomBatchStack::horizontal(Vec::new());
for (idx, (batch, _)) in self.members.iter().enumerate() {
let mut batch = batch.clone();
if let Some(drag_idx) = self.dragging {
// If we're dragging, fade everything out except what we're dragging and where
// we're maybe going to drop
if idx == drag_idx {
// Leave it
} else if self.hovering == Some(idx) {
// Possible drop
batch = batch.color(RewriteColor::ChangeAlpha(0.8));
} else {
// Fade it out
batch = batch.color(RewriteColor::ChangeAlpha(0.5));
let batch = match self.state {
State::Idle { hovering } => {
let mut stack = GeomBatchStack::horizontal(Vec::new());
for (idx, (batch, _)) in self.members.iter().enumerate() {
let mut batch = batch.clone();
if hovering == Some(idx) {
batch = batch.color(RewriteColor::ChangeAlpha(0.5));
} else if self.hovering == Some(idx) {
// If we're not dragging, show what we're hovering on
batch = batch.color(RewriteColor::ChangeAlpha(0.5));
let batch = stack.batch();
State::Dragging {
} => {
let mut stack = GeomBatchStack::horizontal(Vec::new());
for (idx, (batch, _)) in self.members.iter().enumerate() {
let mut batch = batch.clone();
if orig_idx == idx {
batch =
batch.translate(cursor_at.x - drag_from.x, cursor_at.y - drag_from.y);
batch = batch.color(RewriteColor::ChangeAlpha(0.5));
self.dims = batch.get_dims();
self.draw = batch.upload(ctx);
@ -88,31 +108,59 @@ impl WidgetImpl for DragDrop {
fn event(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, output: &mut WidgetOutput) {
if let Some(old_idx) = self.dragging {
if ctx.input.left_mouse_button_released() {
self.dragging = None;
if let Some(new_idx) = self.hovering {
if old_idx != new_idx {
let mut state = std::mem::replace(&mut self.state, State::Idle { hovering: None });
match state {
State::Idle { ref mut hovering } => {
if ctx.redo_mouseover() {
let new = self.mouseover_card(ctx);
if *hovering != new {
*hovering = new;
if let Some(idx) = hovering {
if ctx.input.left_mouse_button_pressed() {
let cursor = ctx.canvas.get_cursor_in_screen_space().unwrap();
state = State::Dragging {
orig_idx: *idx,
drag_from: cursor,
cursor_at: cursor,
new_idx: *idx,
State::Dragging {
ref mut cursor_at,
ref mut new_idx,
} => {
if ctx.redo_mouseover() {
if let Some(pt) = ctx.canvas.get_cursor_in_screen_space() {
*cursor_at = pt;
if let Some(idx) = self.mouseover_card(ctx) {
*new_idx = idx;
if ctx.input.left_mouse_button_released() {
let new_idx = *new_idx;
state = State::Idle {
hovering: Some(new_idx),
if orig_idx != new_idx {
output.outcome =
Outcome::DragDropReordered(self.label.clone(), old_idx, new_idx);
self.members.swap(old_idx, new_idx);
Outcome::DragDropReordered(self.label.clone(), orig_idx, new_idx);
self.members.swap(orig_idx, new_idx);
if ctx.redo_mouseover() {
let old = self.hovering.take();
self.hovering = self.mouseover_card(ctx);
if old != self.hovering {
if let Some(idx) = self.hovering {
if ctx.input.left_mouse_button_pressed() {
self.dragging = Some(idx);
let changed = self.state != state;
self.state = state;
if changed {

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@ -324,6 +324,7 @@ fn make_tabs(ctx: &mut EventCtx) -> TabController {
let gallery_bar_item = style.btn_tab.text("Component Gallery");
let gallery_content = Widget::col(vec![
// TODO Move this to the bottom
"Reorder the cards below".text_widget(ctx),
DragDrop::new_widget(ctx, "cards", draggable_cards),