use crate::make::initial::lane_specs::get_lane_specs_ltr;
use crate::{osm, AreaType, Direction, IntersectionType, LaneType, MapConfig, NamePerLanguage};
use abstutil::{deserialize_btreemap, serialize_btreemap, Tags, Timer};
use geom::{Angle, Circle, Distance, GPSBounds, Line, PolyLine, Polygon, Pt2D};
use petgraph::graphmap::DiGraphMap;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet};
use std::fmt;
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct RawMap {
pub city_name: String,
pub name: String,
serialize_with = "serialize_btreemap",
deserialize_with = "deserialize_btreemap"
pub roads: BTreeMap<OriginalRoad, RawRoad>,
serialize_with = "serialize_btreemap",
deserialize_with = "deserialize_btreemap"
pub intersections: BTreeMap<osm::NodeID, RawIntersection>,
serialize_with = "serialize_btreemap",
deserialize_with = "deserialize_btreemap"
pub buildings: BTreeMap<osm::OsmID, RawBuilding>,
pub bus_routes: Vec<RawBusRoute>,
pub areas: Vec<RawArea>,
pub parking_lots: Vec<RawParkingLot>,
pub parking_aisles: Vec<(osm::WayID, Vec<Pt2D>)>,
pub boundary_polygon: Polygon,
pub gps_bounds: GPSBounds,
pub config: MapConfig,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct OriginalRoad {
pub osm_way_id: osm::WayID,
pub i1: osm::NodeID,
pub i2: osm::NodeID,
impl fmt::Display for OriginalRoad {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
"OriginalRoad({} from {} to {}",
self.osm_way_id, self.i1, self.i2
impl fmt::Debug for OriginalRoad {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self)
impl OriginalRoad {
pub fn new(way: i64, (i1, i2): (i64, i64)) -> OriginalRoad {
OriginalRoad {
osm_way_id: osm::WayID(way),
i1: osm::NodeID(i1),
i2: osm::NodeID(i2),
impl RawMap {
pub fn blank(city_name: &str, name: &str) -> RawMap {
RawMap {
city_name: city_name.to_string(),
name: name.to_string(),
roads: BTreeMap::new(),
intersections: BTreeMap::new(),
buildings: BTreeMap::new(),
bus_routes: Vec::new(),
areas: Vec::new(),
parking_lots: Vec::new(),
parking_aisles: Vec::new(),
boundary_polygon: Polygon::rectangle(1.0, 1.0),
gps_bounds: GPSBounds::new(),
config: MapConfig {
driving_side: DrivingSide::Right,
bikes_can_use_bus_lanes: true,
pub fn roads_per_intersection(&self, i: osm::NodeID) -> Vec<OriginalRoad> {
let mut results = Vec::new();
for id in self.roads.keys() {
if id.i1 == i || id.i2 == i {
pub fn new_osm_node_id(&self, start: i64) -> osm::NodeID {
assert!(start < 0);
let mut osm_node_id = start;
loop {
if self.intersections.keys().any(|i| i.0 == osm_node_id) {
osm_node_id -= 1;
} else {
return osm::NodeID(osm_node_id);
pub fn new_osm_way_id(&self, start: i64) -> osm::WayID {
assert!(start < 0);
let mut osm_way_id = start;
loop {
if self.roads.keys().any(|r| r.osm_way_id.0 == osm_way_id) {
osm_way_id -= 1;
} else {
return osm::WayID(osm_way_id);
pub fn preview_intersection(
id: osm::NodeID,
timer: &mut Timer,
) -> (Polygon, Vec<Polygon>, Vec<(String, Polygon)>) {
use crate::make::initial;
let i = initial::Intersection {
polygon: Circle::new(Pt2D::new(0.0, 0.0), Distance::meters(1.0)).to_polygon(),
roads: self.roads_per_intersection(id).into_iter().collect(),
intersection_type: self.intersections[&id].intersection_type,
elevation: self.intersections[&id].elevation,
let mut roads = BTreeMap::new();
for r in &i.roads {
initial::Road::new(*r, &self.roads[r], self.config.driving_side),
let (poly, debug) =
initial::intersection_polygon(self.config.driving_side, &i, &mut roads, timer).unwrap();
.map(|r| r.trimmed_center_pts.make_polygons(2.0 * r.half_width))
impl RawMap {
pub fn can_delete_intersection(&self, i: osm::NodeID) -> bool {
pub fn delete_intersection(&mut self, id: osm::NodeID) {
if !self.can_delete_intersection(id) {
"Can't delete_intersection {}, must have roads connected",
pub fn move_intersection(&mut self, id: osm::NodeID, point: Pt2D) -> Option<Vec<OriginalRoad>> {
self.intersections.get_mut(&id).unwrap().point = point;
let mut fixed = Vec::new();
for r in self.roads_per_intersection(id) {
let road = self.roads.get_mut(&r).unwrap();
if r.i1 == id {
road.center_points[0] = point;
} else {
assert_eq!(r.i2, id);
*road.center_points.last_mut().unwrap() = point;
pub fn closest_intersection(&self, pt: Pt2D) -> osm::NodeID {
.min_by_key(|(_, i)| i.point.dist_to(pt))
.map(|(id, _)| *id)
pub fn path_dist_to(&self, from: osm::NodeID, to: osm::NodeID) -> Option<Distance> {
let mut graph = DiGraphMap::new();
for (id, r) in &self.roads {
graph.add_edge(id.i1, id.i2, id);
if !r.osm_tags.contains_key("oneway") {
graph.add_edge(id.i2, id.i1, id);
petgraph::algo::dijkstra(&graph, from, Some(to), |(_, _, r)| {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct RawRoad {
pub center_points: Vec<Pt2D>,
pub osm_tags: Tags,
pub turn_restrictions: Vec<(RestrictionType, OriginalRoad)>,
pub complicated_turn_restrictions: Vec<(OriginalRoad, OriginalRoad)>,
impl RawRoad {
pub fn get_geometry(
id: OriginalRoad,
driving_side: DrivingSide,
) -> (PolyLine, Distance) {
let lane_specs = get_lane_specs_ltr(&self.osm_tags);
let mut total_width = Distance::ZERO;
let mut sidewalk_right = None;
let mut sidewalk_left = None;
for l in &lane_specs {
total_width += l.width;
if == LaneType::Sidewalk || == LaneType::Shoulder {
if l.dir == Direction::Back {
sidewalk_left = Some(l.width);
} else {
sidewalk_right = Some(l.width);
let mut true_center = PolyLine::new(self.center_points.clone()).expect(&id.to_string());
match (sidewalk_right, sidewalk_left) {
(Some(w), None) => {
true_center = driving_side.must_right_shift(true_center, w / 2.0);
(None, Some(w)) => {
true_center = driving_side.must_left_shift(true_center, w / 2.0);
_ => {}
(true_center, total_width)
pub fn is_light_rail(&self) -> bool {
self.osm_tags.is_any("railway", vec!["light_rail", "rail"])
pub fn is_footway(&self) -> bool {, "pedestrian")
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct RawIntersection {
pub point: Pt2D,
pub intersection_type: IntersectionType,
pub elevation: Distance,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct RawBuilding {
pub polygon: Polygon,
pub osm_tags: Tags,
pub public_garage_name: Option<String>,
pub num_parking_spots: usize,
pub amenities: BTreeSet<(NamePerLanguage, String)>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct RawArea {
pub area_type: AreaType,
pub polygon: Polygon,
pub osm_tags: Tags,
pub osm_id: osm::OsmID,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct RawParkingLot {
pub osm_id: osm::OsmID,
pub polygon: Polygon,
pub osm_tags: Tags,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub enum RestrictionType {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct TurnRestriction(pub OriginalRoad, pub RestrictionType, pub OriginalRoad);
impl RestrictionType {
pub fn new(restriction: &str) -> Option<RestrictionType> {
if restriction.contains("no_") || restriction == "psv" {
} else if restriction.contains("only_") {
} else {
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
pub enum DrivingSide {
impl DrivingSide {
pub fn right_shift(self, pl: PolyLine, width: Distance) -> Result<PolyLine, String> {
match self {
DrivingSide::Right => pl.shift_right(width),
DrivingSide::Left => pl.shift_left(width),
pub fn must_right_shift(self, pl: PolyLine, width: Distance) -> PolyLine {
self.right_shift(pl, width).unwrap()
pub fn left_shift(self, pl: PolyLine, width: Distance) -> Result<PolyLine, String> {
match self {
DrivingSide::Right => pl.shift_left(width),
DrivingSide::Left => pl.shift_right(width),
pub fn must_left_shift(self, pl: PolyLine, width: Distance) -> PolyLine {
self.left_shift(pl, width).unwrap()
pub fn right_shift_line(self, line: Line, width: Distance) -> Line {
match self {
DrivingSide::Right => line.shift_right(width),
DrivingSide::Left => line.shift_left(width),
pub fn left_shift_line(self, line: Line, width: Distance) -> Line {
match self {
DrivingSide::Right => line.shift_left(width),
DrivingSide::Left => line.shift_right(width),
pub fn angle_offset(self, a: Angle) -> Angle {
match self {
DrivingSide::Right => a,
DrivingSide::Left => a.opposite(),
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct RawBusRoute {
pub full_name: String,
pub short_name: String,
pub osm_rel_id: osm::RelationID,
pub gtfs_trip_marker: Option<String>,
pub is_bus: bool,
pub stops: Vec<RawBusStop>,
pub border_start: Option<osm::NodeID>,
pub border_end: Option<osm::NodeID>,
pub all_pts: Vec<(osm::NodeID, Pt2D)>,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct RawBusStop {
pub name: String,
pub vehicle_pos: (osm::NodeID, Pt2D),
pub matched_road: Option<(OriginalRoad, Direction)>,
pub ped_pos: Option<Pt2D>,