mod chokepoints; mod color_picker; mod connected_roads; mod neighborhood_summary; mod objects; mod polygons; use crate::common::CommonState; use crate::game::{GameState, Mode}; use crate::helpers::ID; use crate::render::DrawOptions; use crate::ui::{ShowLayers, ShowObject, UI}; use abstutil::Timer; use ezgui::{ Color, EventCtx, EventLoopMode, GfxCtx, InputResult, Key, ScrollingMenu, Text, TextBox, Wizard, }; use map_model::RoadID; use std::collections::HashSet; pub struct DebugMode { state: State, common: CommonState, chokepoints: Option, show_original_roads: HashSet, connected_roads: connected_roads::ShowConnectedRoads, objects: objects::ObjectDebugger, hidden: HashSet, layers: ShowLayers, search_results: Option<(String, HashSet)>, neighborhood_summary: neighborhood_summary::NeighborhoodSummary, } enum State { Exploring, Polygons(polygons::PolygonDebugger), SearchOSM(TextBox), Colors(color_picker::ColorPicker), } impl DebugMode { pub fn new(ctx: &mut EventCtx, ui: &UI) -> DebugMode { DebugMode { state: State::Exploring, common: CommonState::new(), chokepoints: None, show_original_roads: HashSet::new(), connected_roads: connected_roads::ShowConnectedRoads::new(), objects: objects::ObjectDebugger::new(), hidden: HashSet::new(), layers: ShowLayers::new(), search_results: None, neighborhood_summary: neighborhood_summary::NeighborhoodSummary::new( &, &ui.primary.draw_map, ctx.prerender, &mut Timer::new("set up DebugMode"), ), } } pub fn event(state: &mut GameState, ctx: &mut EventCtx) -> EventLoopMode { match state.mode { Mode::Debug(ref mut mode) => { match mode.state { State::Exploring => { ctx.canvas.handle_event(ctx.input); state.ui.primary.current_selection = state .ui .handle_mouseover(ctx, None, &state.ui.primary.sim, mode, true); if let Some(evmode) = mode.common.event(ctx, &state.ui) { return evmode; } let mut txt = Text::new(); txt.add_styled_line( "Debug Mode".to_string(), None, Some(Color::BLUE), None, ); if mode.chokepoints.is_some() { txt.add_line("Showing chokepoints".to_string()); } if !mode.show_original_roads.is_empty() { txt.add_line(format!( "Showing {} original roads", mode.show_original_roads.len() )); } if !mode.hidden.is_empty() { txt.add_line(format!("Hiding {} things", mode.hidden.len())); } if let Some((ref search, ref results)) = mode.search_results { txt.add_line(format!( "Search for {} has {} results", search, results.len() )); } if { txt.add_line("Showing neighborhood summaries".to_string()); } ctx.input .set_mode_with_new_prompt("Debug Mode", txt, ctx.canvas); if ctx.input.modal_action("quit") { state.mode = Mode::SplashScreen(Wizard::new(), None); return EventLoopMode::InputOnly; } if ctx.input.modal_action("show/hide chokepoints") { if mode.chokepoints.is_some() { mode.chokepoints = None; } else { // TODO Nothing will actually exist. ;) mode.chokepoints = Some(chokepoints::ChokepointsFinder::new( &state.ui.primary.sim, )); } } if !mode.show_original_roads.is_empty() { if ctx.input.modal_action("clear original roads shown") { mode.show_original_roads.clear(); } } if !mode.hidden.is_empty() { if ctx.input.modal_action("unhide everything") { mode.hidden.clear(); // TODO recalculate current_selection } } match state.ui.primary.current_selection { Some(ID::Lane(_)) | Some(ID::Intersection(_)) | Some(ID::ExtraShape(_)) => { let id = state.ui.primary.current_selection.unwrap(); if ctx .input .contextual_action(Key::H, &format!("hide {:?}", id)) { println!("Hiding {:?}", id); //*ctx.recalculate_current_selection = true; state.ui.primary.current_selection = None; mode.hidden.insert(id); } } _ => {} } if let Some(ID::Lane(l)) = state.ui.primary.current_selection { let id =; if ctx.input.contextual_action( Key::V, &format!("show original geometry of {:?}", id), ) { mode.show_original_roads.insert(id); } } mode.connected_roads.event(ctx, &state.ui); mode.objects.event(ctx, &state.ui); mode.neighborhood_summary.event(ctx, &state.ui); if let Some(debugger) = polygons::PolygonDebugger::new(ctx, &state.ui) { mode.state = State::Polygons(debugger); } // TODO recalc current selection... if ctx.input.modal_action("show/hide buildings") { mode.layers.show_buildings = !mode.layers.show_buildings; } else if ctx.input.modal_action("show/hide intersections") { mode.layers.show_intersections = !mode.layers.show_intersections; } else if ctx.input.modal_action("show/hide lanes") { mode.layers.show_lanes = !mode.layers.show_lanes; } else if ctx.input.modal_action("show/hide areas") { mode.layers.show_areas = !mode.layers.show_areas; } else if ctx.input.modal_action("show/hide extra shapes") { mode.layers.show_extra_shapes = !mode.layers.show_extra_shapes; } else if ctx.input.modal_action("show/hide geometry debug mode") { mode.layers.geom_debug_mode = !mode.layers.geom_debug_mode; } if ctx.input.modal_action("screenshot everything") { let bounds =; assert!(bounds.min_x == 0.0 && bounds.min_y == 0.0); return EventLoopMode::ScreenCaptureEverything { dir: format!( "../data/screenshots/pending_{}", ), zoom: 3.0, max_x: bounds.max_x, max_y: bounds.max_y, }; } if mode.search_results.is_some() { if ctx.input.modal_action("clear OSM search results") { mode.search_results = None; } } else if ctx.input.modal_action("search OSM metadata") { mode.state = State::SearchOSM(TextBox::new("Search for what?", None)); } else if ctx.input.modal_action("configure colors") { mode.state = State::Colors(color_picker::ColorPicker::Choosing( ScrollingMenu::new( "Pick a color to change", state.ui.cs.color_names(), ), )); } EventLoopMode::InputOnly } State::Polygons(ref mut debugger) => { if debugger.event(ctx) { mode.state = State::Exploring; } EventLoopMode::InputOnly } State::SearchOSM(ref mut tb) => { match tb.event(&mut ctx.input) { InputResult::Canceled => { mode.state = State::Exploring; } InputResult::Done(filter, _) => { mode.state = State::Exploring; let mut ids = HashSet::new(); let map = &; for r in map.all_roads() { if r.osm_tags .iter() .any(|(k, v)| format!("{} = {}", k, v).contains(&filter)) { for l in r.all_lanes() { ids.insert(ID::Lane(l)); } } } for b in map.all_buildings() { if b.osm_tags .iter() .any(|(k, v)| format!("{} = {}", k, v).contains(&filter)) { ids.insert(ID::Building(; } } mode.search_results = Some((filter, ids)); } InputResult::StillActive => {} } EventLoopMode::InputOnly } State::Colors(ref mut picker) => { if picker.event(ctx, &mut state.ui) { mode.state = State::Exploring; } EventLoopMode::InputOnly } } } _ => unreachable!(), } } pub fn draw(state: &GameState, g: &mut GfxCtx) { match state.mode { Mode::Debug(ref mode) => match mode.state { State::Exploring => { let mut opts = mode.common.draw_options(&state.ui); if let Some(ref chokepoints) = mode.chokepoints { let color = state.ui.cs.get_def("chokepoint", Color::RED); for l in &chokepoints.lanes { opts.override_colors.insert(ID::Lane(*l), color); } for i in &chokepoints.intersections { opts.override_colors.insert(ID::Intersection(*i), color); } } for l in &mode.connected_roads.lanes { opts.override_colors.insert( ID::Lane(*l), state.ui.cs.get("something associated with something else"), ); } if let Some((_, ref results)) = mode.search_results { for id in results { opts.override_colors .insert(*id, state.ui.cs.get_def("search result", Color::RED)); } } state.ui.draw(g, opts, &state.ui.primary.sim, mode); mode.common.draw(g, &state.ui); for id in &mode.show_original_roads { let r =*id); if let Some(pair) = r.get_center_for_side(true) { let (pl, width) = pair.unwrap(); g.draw_polygon( state .ui .cs .get_def("original road forwards", Color::RED.alpha(0.5)), &pl.make_polygons(width), ); } if let Some(pair) = r.get_center_for_side(false) { let (pl, width) = pair.unwrap(); g.draw_polygon( state .ui .cs .get_def("original road backwards", Color::BLUE.alpha(0.5)), &pl.make_polygons(width), ); } } mode.objects.draw(g, &state.ui); mode.neighborhood_summary.draw(g); } State::Polygons(ref debugger) => { state .ui .draw(g, DrawOptions::new(), &state.ui.primary.sim, mode); debugger.draw(g, &state.ui); } State::SearchOSM(ref tb) => { state .ui .draw(g, DrawOptions::new(), &state.ui.primary.sim, mode); tb.draw(g); } State::Colors(ref picker) => { state .ui .draw(g, DrawOptions::new(), &state.ui.primary.sim, mode); picker.draw(g); } }, _ => unreachable!(), } } } impl ShowObject for DebugMode { fn show(&self, obj: ID) -> bool { if self.hidden.contains(&obj) { return false; } match obj { ID::Road(_) | ID::Lane(_) => self.layers.show_lanes, ID::Building(_) => self.layers.show_buildings, ID::Intersection(_) => self.layers.show_intersections, ID::ExtraShape(_) => self.layers.show_extra_shapes, ID::Area(_) => self.layers.show_areas, _ => true, } } fn layers(&self) -> &ShowLayers { &self.layers } }