Trait widgetry::SharedAppState[][src]

pub trait SharedAppState {
    fn before_event(&mut self) { ... }
fn draw_default(&self, _: &mut GfxCtx<'_>) { ... }
fn dump_before_abort(&self, _: &Canvas) { ... }
fn before_quit(&self, _: &Canvas) { ... }
fn free_memory(&mut self) { ... } }

Any data that should last the entire lifetime of the application should be stored in the struct implementing this trait.

Provided methods

fn before_event(&mut self)[src]

Before State::event is called, call this.

fn draw_default(&self, _: &mut GfxCtx<'_>)[src]

When DrawBaselayer::DefaultDraw is called, run this.

fn dump_before_abort(&self, _: &Canvas)[src]

Will be called if State::event or State::draw panics.

fn before_quit(&self, _: &Canvas)[src]

Called before a normal exit, like window close

fn free_memory(&mut self)[src]

If widgetry determines the video card is low on memory, this may be called. The application should make its best effort to delete any unused Drawables.

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