Every time I upload a new binary release, I'll list major changes here.
- First binary release
- drawing arrows better
- start with a splash screen, make it easy to change maps in-game
- totally revamp GUI by organizing everything into distinct gameplay modes
- new warp tool that autocompletes street names
- hideable menus, place context menus better, remove top menu bar, add a simple OSD
- loading screens reflect what's printed to the terminal
- depict pedestrians and bikes with more detail
- tool to scroll through an agent's route
- make simulation speed controls actually work
- improve stop sign editor UI (toggle entire roads)
- better mouseover / selection rendering
- better traffic signal rendering (show time left, use outlines for yields)
- make cars actually stop and briefly wait at stop signs
- improve edit mode diff visualization (cross-hatching)
- render actual stop signs, not just red lines
- fix intersection policies confused by conflicting straight turns with lane-changing
- fix mac scrolling
- better turn indicators
- nicer unzoomed view of roads, with different colors for big/small roads
(release file size jumped from ~15MB to ~70MB because of new PSRC trips)
- improve UX of intersection editors
- define a better set of maps included by default
- improve drawing speed by batching more stuff
- better default traffic signal policies for many cases
- import and visualize census data
- fix missing sidewalks on downtown one-ways
- import and visualize PSRC trip data
- slider widget for controlling time and speed
- fixing bad polyline geometry in most cases; visualizing routes should no longer be buggy
- handle PSRC trips that begin or end out-of-bounds
- draw agents in unzoomed mode in a way simpler way
- improve edit mode: detect reverts to original, easier lane type switching
- lots of fixes for buses: handle edits better, read sequence of stops correctly from GTFS
- set up A/B tests faster
- bulk and revert tools in edit mode
- improve turns and default intersection policies when bike/bus lanes involved
- new tool to manually hint for short roads and weird intersections. some problems have now been manually fixed
- scoreboard of trip results for sandbox and A/B test mode
- reduce lag when sim is running at full speeds, but system is too slow
- switch to easbar's contraction hierarchy crate, making all pathfinding INSANELY fast
- remove weird rules about the world freezing when traffic signals are in "overtime"
- edit mode: convert to a ped scramble cycle, simplify stop sign editor by removing individual turns
- ui: put labels next to sliders, organize modal menus into sections, add a minimize/maximize icon
- A/B test mode: savestate, include time controls and agent following/route tools here
- use more OSM data for turn lanes, turn restrictions from lanes, turn restrictions between entire roads
- dont attempt to cross a traffic signal if there's absolutely no hope
- improve bus route UI tools and make routes using transit more sane
- user-defined shortcuts for jumping between views of a map
- sliders to pick times in wizards
- fix hidpi scaling
- traffic signal diagram scrolls properly
- easier to instantiate a scenario, show all trips involving a building for a scenario
- colorschemes to show trip duration or time blocked
- label buses with route number
- represent overlapping pedestrians as a labeled crowd
- massive performance boost via real priority queue
- prevent cars from "blocking the box"
- prevent all? aborted trips (due to parking blackholes mostly)
- smarter roam-around-for-parking router
- sim
- parking in off-street garages and on-street lanes on the off-side of oneways now mostly works
- detect and handle parking blackholes; cars should never get stuck looking for parking now
- let lower-priority turns happen at traffic signals when higher-priority ones blocked
- get closer to FCFS ordering at stop signs
- basic opportunistic lane-changing
- a bus should be seeded for every route now
- demand data
- show trips to/from buildings and borders
- make PSRC trips seed and attempt to use parked cars
- UI
- different heatmap overlays, like parking availability and busiest areas
- show colorscheme legends when relevant
- interactively seed parked cars, spawn more types of trips
- fix major A/B test mode bug (mismatched scenarios and map edits)
- adjusting sliders, menu placement, dynamic items
- consolidating different tools into a single info panel for objects
- bus route explorer shows entire route, current bus location
- map quality
- degenerate intersections only have one crosswalk now
- revamped the map editor for fixing geometry problems, used it in many places
- nicer yellow center lines (dashed when appropriate)
- handling OSM turn restriction relations properly
- fix empty traffic signal phases
- handling bike lanes on certain sides of the road
- starting to upstream manually-verified parking lanes into OSM
- new gameplay: reverse direction of lanes
- small UI fixes: fixed width traffic signal diagram, skip info phase of menus when empty
- start drawing (but not using) shared left-turn lanes from OSM
- fix OSM polylines with redundant points (fixing an issue in ballard)
- improved traffic signal policies in some cases
- started upstreaming some sidewalk tags in OSM to fix inference issues
- fixed misclassified right turns
- adjusting map colors
- handling lakes/ocean polygons from OSM way better
- reorganized sim analytics, added stuff for bus arrivals
- adding new internal road points to map editor. almost ready to really aggressively use it
- skipping parking lanes with no nearby sidewalks, since they're unusable
- fix z-order of bridges/tunnels in unzoomed view
- allow unzooming indefinitely
- move lots of sandbox mode controls (and other modes) to menus under buttons and dedicated buttons
- basic support for marking a lane closed for construction
- improved geometry of sidewalks at dead-ends
- reorganize everything as different challenge modes. start implementing 3: optimizing a bus route, speeding up all trips, or causing as much gridlock as possible
- improved bus route explorer
- some UI fixes (popup messages in a few places, moving mouse tooltips to the OSD)
- lots of analytics and time-series plots
- analytics: prebake baseline results properly. hover over plot series. some new modes to see bus network, throughput of a road/intersection over time
- log scale for the speed slider
- add a bulk spawner in freeform mode (F2 on a lane)
- rendering: nicer routes, crosswalks, zoomed car colors
- map data: better stop sign and sidewalk heuristics
- fixed the mac hidpi text rendering issue once and for all?!
- better crosswalk generation when there's only a sidewalk on one side of a road
- edit mode UI revamp: paintbrush-style buttons to apply changes to lanes
- show error messages and prevent edits, like disconnecting sidewalks
- properly ban bikes from highways (revamped rules for vehicles using a lane)
- new freeform mode tool to spawn bikes
- WIP (not working yet): make bikes prefer bike lanes. some debug heatmaps for path cost
- edit mode has proper undo support
- minor bugfixes with reverting lane types, preserving stop signs
- incorporate edits into the challenge splash screen, make sure edits are reset when appropriate
- starting a new challenge mode, just focused on traffic signals
- can't leave traffic signal editor with missing turns
- render pedestrian crowds on building front paths
- traffic signals support an offset parameter
- traffic signal visualization and editing revamped to group related turns together
- can preview traffic using a signal from the editor
- actually apply priority at intersections, so protected turns get first dibs over yield turns
- fix Mac crashing with texture limit bug by switching to texture arrays
- fix crashing simulation when a border intersection was used
- started to implement a new UI design for starting the game
- more work on the pre-game UI, with some flexbox layouting
- prototype a minimap in sandbox mode. doesn't pan or scroll yet.
- prototype a new speed/time control panel from the mockup
- nicer time warp loading screen
- record and show detailed trip timeline, including time to park
- map data: infer more building addresses
- some analytics on how long people spend parking and intersection delay over time
- create an options panel, allowing runtime customization of color scheme, traffic signal rendering, etc
- internal changes to map building pipeline to make it much easier for new devs to onboard
- organizing challenges into sub-stages, starting to flesh out specifics for the fix traffic signal track
- much more realistic pedestrian pathfinding
- fix minimap on mac (dpi issues)
- visual tweaks to cars to make front/back easier to distinguish
- internal change to switch most assets from PNG to SVG
- some challenge modes show a histogram for counting faster/slower trips
- new visualization of current demand per direction at a traffic signal
- implementing some of Yuwen's UI changes: agent counter, split time/speed panel, moved functionality out of the old drop-down menus into a bottom-left tool panel, hiding debug functionality
- replaced right-click context menus with left click to open info panels
- fixed random issues reported by people from HN
- moved some UI functionality around, pulling graphs into info panel
- interactive legend for the minimap, toggle visibility of different agents
- nicer colors and shapes for cars
- misc simulation bugfixes that might help huge_seattle
- pedestrians choose to use transit more realistically, factoring in time for the bus to drive
- switch some analytics dashboards to use buttons, not old non-scrolling menus
- scrollbars... at least a start
- preview traffic signal changes from live sim as the base
- traffic signal preview has normal time/speed controls
- traffic signal editor has undo support
- minimap has buttons to pan
- minimap zoom controls
- traffic signal rendering overhaul
- heatmap colors improved, heatmap appears on minimap
- bus info panel, a start to live delay analytics
- UI revamps: speed panel, minimap controls, heatmap chooser
- bus timeline
- hide internal IDs normally
- limit map zoom
- fix bugs with crosswalks conflicting with vehicle turns
- overhaul traffic signal editor UI, and add redo support
- update main edit mode UI, and add redo support
- limit max unzoom
- fix the infamous HiDPI bug once and for all; minimaps should work everywhere
- almost bug-free support for floating, horizontally and vertically scrolling panels
- overhaul top-center panel, rename scenarios to be less confusing
- expose bus analytics outside of challenge mode
- live info panel can exist during a running simulation
- consolidated agent route/trip information into info panel
- overhauled the tutorial
- tuned top-center panel for sandbox and challenge modes
- make bike and bus lanes more obvious
- show map edits as an overlay anywhere
- tune info panel contents, and show relationships between parked cars and buildings
- fixes to traffic signal editor, like making all-walk conversion idempotent
- nicer throughput and delay plots (sliding windows, grid lines)
- tutorial improved in a few places
- map data: thinner sidewalks, associate buildings with named amenities
- traffic model: vehicles can spawn on all lanes from a border
- much better gameplay speed (previously was too fast)
- UI tuning: lane editor, minimap, signal editor, heatmap legends don't overwrite minimap
- traffic signal challenge communicates score more clearly
- edit mode revamped: click to edit stuff. no more lane paintbrushes. autosaving and save as.
- tutorial: can quit and resume tutorial now
- challenge picking flow simplified
- UI: layouting fixes to full-screen / into stuff, popup menus go beneath buttons, plots improved
- internal change to render all text using vector graphics. other than a few text layouting issues, shouldn't be noticeable, except now tooltips in plots don't get covered up
- misc perf improvements (cache SVGs, drawing many circles for unzoomed agents, dont reload prebaked data)
- upgraded winit, glutin, glium -- hopefully no new bugs introduced on any platforms
- patch to fix a crash with empty text dimensions on things like building info panels
- all info panels revamped
- some tutorial stages are much more clear, with an updating goal
- traffic signal scorecard generalized to work for some tutorial too
- adjust how selected agents look
- X button on popup menus
- new tool to convert between stop signs and traffic signals
- lane editor easier to edit multiple lanes
- info panels: IDs, mostly avoid horizontal scrolling, better info about trips to/from somewhere, move buttons up
- traffic signal editor UI overhaul
- different data in top-right agent meters panel
- tooltips to communicate keybindings better
- new jump-to-time panel, showing when rush hours occur
- speed controls use more useful speeds
- include ongoing trips in measured trip times
- jump to next challenge after completing one
- lots of tutorial tweaks
- show additional info about traffic patterns and buggy maps
- revamp tutorial UI to group tasks and messages better
- handle different mode transitions when info panel open on an agent
- select entire roads in unzoomed edit mode
- show total time an agent has spent moving / blocked
- use 2-phase traffic signals by default, making the 23rd map successfully complete!
- jump-to-time now optionally points out traffic jams forming
- challenge splash screen improved
- overhauled trip timeline in agent info panels
- overhauled traffic signal details panel and the per-lane turn explorer
- settings page: show all options at once. add way to scale up text/UI elements for high-DPI displays, and an alternate pan/zoom control scheme
- traffic signal edits can now be exported and used in any slice of Seattle. will be using this to hand-map many of them.
- many small tutorial fixes
- some UI work on giving focus to textboxes, improving dropdown menus
- road/intersection plots display baseline sim data too
- start associating people with multiple trips, exposing this a little in the UI
- bring back elevation data, introduce a new overlay. the elevation data is still really bad.
- new "population" overlay, showing people (not just current trips). heatmap and dot map to visualize.
- improved the "delay" overlay to handle roads and intersections
- removed the confusing and useless alternate color schemes for agents
- initial left-hand driving side, tested in Perth, also drawing more arrows for all one-way roads
- loads of internal GUI code refactorings, preparing for a standalone release of the library
- fixed z-buffering and alpha values for web backend
- info panels have been totally overhauled again. multiple tabs, way more clear representation of agents, trips, and people.
- draw people inside of a building
- applied consistent typography everywhere
- lots of internal refactoring
- more info panel work, particularly for trips and buses. change plot settings live.
- prototype of a SEIR pandemic model based on time spent in shared spaces, by orestis
- slight heatmap improvements, more coming
- more typography changes
- mouse cursor now changes for buttons and dragging!
- overhaul minimap controls, make layers behavior zoomed in a little better
- new speed panel and jump-to-time modal
- overhauled simulation data page, with a table to find slow trips and some initial summary visualizations
- plots can change windowing and show/hide series
- layers: fade map to contrast more, better scales/legends
- show relative trip times in info panels
- tools to rewind/ffw to watch particular trips
- refocusing efforts on challenge modes; level 1 of a new one is pretty much ready
- some simulation fixes around parking and a corner case of cars temporarily forming a cycle
- orestis improved the population/pandemic heatmaps
- optimize commute challenge: high score, live sentiment, second stage
- parked cars are owned by people, not buildings
- info panel improvements for trips
- bike layer suggests places where bike lanes could be helpful
- many improvements to scatter plot
- a new histogram-ish thing for understanding faster/slower trips
- handling scenarios longer than 24 hours better (for pandemic model)
- prototype of commute visualization, grouping buildings by blocks
- sim bugfixes: crosswalk / vehicle turn conflicts, start bikes in bike lanes from borders
- major internal changes to ensure people's schedules don't have impossible gaps, to associate fixed bikes/cars to a eprson, handle delayed starts to trips
- parking changes: show path to closest free spot, utilization of a lane over time, every building includes at least 1 offstreet spot by default
- progress on removing unrealistic gridlock: detect turn conflict cycles and temporarily allow conflicts, trim last steps of a laggy head
- internal sim alert system. speeds up debugging, could be used for player-facing "traffic jam!" alerts
- switched to proper OSM-based maps; no more brittle, manual geometry fixes
- more sorting and filtering options in trip table and parking overhead tables
- improve offstreet parking rendering. park closer to destination buildings
- easier process for importing new cities. introducing Los Angeles, Austin, Barranquilla.
- new data updater tool so people can opt-in to new cities
- many internal fixes to prevent gridlock. smarter cycle detection, manual OSM fixes and traffic signal timings
- differential throughput layer to understand routing diversions
- map edits now reference longer-lasting OSM IDs, can work cross-map
- basemap updates: new areas for west seattle, mt baker, lots of upstreamed fixes in OSM and traffic signals, smarter border matching
- parking: optionally filter on/off-street spots in the layer, allow disconnecting spots via edits
- render some tunnels with lower opacity
- new feature to change speed limits and bulk road selection tools
- first write-up of a real use case (closing lake wash through arboretum)
- make the traffic signal challenge act like a game, with a failure/win state and scoring
- added a mode to map parking
- new parking mapper tool
- include a one-shot .osm importer in the release
- new layer to find different types of amenities / businesses
- adjust traffic signal rendering style
- bulk lane editor for changing speed limits and lane types
- including west seattle and udistrict maps
- include some OSM buildings that were being skipped
- dont pause after opening something from sandbox mode
- adjust turn signals for lane-changing cars
- lots of fixes for monitors with different DPIs, enabled by default
- many misc UI bugfixes, especially for high-DPI screens
- managing turns across multiple nearby intersections: tool to visualize, handling multi-way OSM turn restrictions, using this to ban illegal movements at the pathfinding layer, starting a traffic signal editor variant to edit these
- rendering improvements: unzoomed agent size, visualizing routes on trip table, transparent roads beneath bridges, draw harbor island
- overhauled street/address finder
- parking mapper: shortcut to open bing
- new map picker!
- UI polish: traffic signal editor, layers, bus stops, delay plots
- generate more interesting biographies for people
- tuned all the map boundaries
- fleshing out lots of docs in preparation for the alpha release...
- spawner UI revamped
- model parking lots! and finally model public/private parking
- fix up tutorial
- starting a story map mode
- overhauled challenge cutscenes and hints
- traffic signal challenge: fix score detection, add meter, much faster startup, no reset-to-midnight required
- layers: use gradient for a few, delay comparison, new UI for picker
- overhauled minimap controls, should be intuitive now
- edit mode changelist UI started
0.2.0 (alpha launch)
- road names now shown by default, in a new style
- all layers now use gradients and show up zoomed in. worst traffic jam layer revamped.
- scatter and line plot improvements
- internal UI fixes: proper word wrap
- bugfixes for following people riding the bus
- rainbow crosswalks in one neighborhood
- final polishing for launch
- busy week due to launch, but many new features in the pipeline
- many bug fixes
- edit mode: proper autosave, load proposals, jump between lane/intersection editors
- very first steps on light rail... importing the tracks
- starting a new traffic scenario modifier system, to repeat entire scenario or outright cancel trips for some people. many more ideas for filters and actions coming soon.
- starting to represent private roads
- add a very simple actuated traffic signal
- the default traffic signal configuration is much smarter now, handling roads with some sidewalks missing and automatically synchronizing pairs of adjacent lights
- much faster startup time for large maps
- better UX for handling unsaved edits
- access-restricted zones: changing existing zones almost completely works, except for granting new access to pedestrians
- new sidewalk corner rendering, more rounded
- ui style standardized for margins, padding
- Javed got camera panning when your cursor is at the edge of the screen to work; enable it in settings
- pulling bus stop/route info from OSM, not GTFS. steps towards light rail.
- experimenting with controls for hiding bridges to see roads underneath; try them in dev mode (ctrl+S)
- many bug fixes
- lane geometry is dramatically fixed, especially for one-ways
- importing lanes from OSM improved
- UI: bulk select includes select-along-a-route, show all bus routes in the layer, unzoomed zordering for roads/intersections
- traffic scenario modifier can now convert trip modes
- slight progress on light rail, although the train only makes one stop
- vehicles moving through complex intersections with multiple traffic signals will now make it through multiple lights, even if they're unsynchronized
- new random traffic scenario generator that makes people go between houses and workplaces
- access-restricted zones: granular editing of individual roads now mostly works
- removing the hardcoded relative directories, which many people have been having problems with
- many many bug fixes, and some optimizations to reduce release file size
- bus/train routes overhauled; they're now one-way, regularly spawn every hour, and may begin or end at a border
- new commute pattern explorer tool
- new character art to give cutscenes a bit more personaliy
- some progress on gridlocking maps, both from manual fixes and an attempt to reduce conflicts in multi-turn sequences
- misc UI: show cars seeking parking in unzoomed mode, plot arrival rate at border intersections, consolidate bulk selection controls
- trips modified by an experiment can now be filtered in summaries
- buses, trains, and passengers on them are now properly distinguished in different stats
- include krakow and berlin in release
- buildings with holes in the middle are now rendered properly
- cars pick lanes better
- overhaul bus/stop/route info panels
- UI: better autocomplete, commuter pattern improvements by Michael, toggles instead of checkboxes, contours for heatmaps, edit mode loader revamp
- internal refactors: turn creation, osm tags, osm parsing
- import living streets from OSM as restricted-access zones, and other importer tweaks for berlin, krakow, san jose, sydney
- many roads without sidewalks now have a tiny shoulder lane, still enabling pedestrian movement, but with a penalty
- bike trips will stop/start at a better position along the sidewalk now
- support parking lanes on the off-side of a one-way
- UI: search by building names, commuter patterns shows borders better
- transit: make people ride off-map, spawn buses on short roads
- internal cleanups for buttons
- many intersections with on/off ramps have much better geometry
- lane-changing banned on turn lanes
- lots more work matching bus stops/routes to the map. some progress, also some regressions.
- fixing spawning on tiny borders
- bus spawn rates from GTFS for seattle. started an editor for the schedule.
- internal ezgui refactorings
- multiple traffic signals can now be synchronized and edited together
- new dashboard for "traffic signal demand" over the entire day and map
- started experimenting with controlling the headless runner via a JSON API
- epic ezgui fix by Michael to consolidate handling of HiDPI scaling
- got a bunch of huge cities importing and loading quickly
- you can now save the trips you manually spawn in freeform mode, then replay them later
- import Xi'an, add a Chinese font, and add a tool for that group to import their external demand data
- control A/B Street through a graphics-less API, with a Python example
- improve UI for per-direction traffic signal demand
- on/off ramp geometry fixed in a few more cases
- fix some missing parking lot aisles, handle parking lots with 0 spots, and extract parking garages from OSM
- switch road/building language in settings, if OSM data exists
- congestion capping prototype: declare a max number of vehicles that can pass through a zone per hour, view/edit it, and very simple implementation in the sim layer
- add custom-drawn trips to the main scenario, for exploring new demand from a new building
- mkirk fixed up the glow/wasm ezgui backends, letting us remove glium
- make map edit JSON backwards compatible
- better lane/turn markings
- two-way cycletracks and arbitrary direction changes for roads
- fix map editing for lane reversals, make edits backwards compatible, and massively speed up applying edits
- fleshing out the headless API and tooling for controlling the simulation from any language
- import a few more places, redo left-hand driving support so far
- various bug/performance fixes
- disabled support for editing the map without resetting the simulation. needs more work, but solid start.
- improvements to API, activity model, congestion capping
- small UI tweaks for parking, editing multiple signals
- fixed last bugs for left-handed driving, should work just as well now
- lots of graphics experiments from the hackathon, not merged yet
- new textured color scheme and isometric buildings, in settings
- new layer to show how far away people parked
- Massive UI overhauls: jump to time/delay, edit mode, traffic signal editor (now with offsets), lane editor, bulk lane edit, traffic signal demand (individual intersections and all), loading screen
- the Go API example compares trip times and detects gridlock
- infinite parking mode
- show how long a car has been parked in one spot
- bugfix for some pathfinding costs around uber-turns
- start to show a trip's purpose
- alleyways from OSM imported
- traffic signal minimum time now constrained by crosswalks; thanks Sam!
- UI changes in progress for trip tables, summaries, bulk edit
- more API / Python example work for congestion capping
- bug fixes: isometric buildings, documentation links, dropdown widgets, turn restrictions
- improve turn generation, with goldenfile tests
- UI adjustments: unzoomed routes, better delay layer, include reasons for cancelled trips, throughput layer counts
- small map importing fixes: multipolygon parking lots
- fix infinite parking and blackholed buildings
- large internal change allowing asynchronously loading extra files over HTTP for web
- the release of the first web version!
- cars looking for parking now have a "thought bubble" showing this, by Michael
- slow sections of a trip are now shown in the info panel, by Sam
- fix by Michael for handling window resizing in panels
- fix original routes on edited maps
- internal code organization and documentation
- UI: click unzoomed agents, switch between metric/imperial units, show reason for cancelled trips, new "faded zoom" color scheme based on mapbox, more detailed agent counts in the top-right panel's tooltips
- started a new dedicated OpenStreetMap viewer, will split out from A/B Street later
- fix alpha colors on web
- bugfixes for the new asynchronous map loading
- some substantial simulation performance gains (168s to 90s on one benchmark!)
- lots of progress towards editing the map without resetting the simulation to midnight. please test with --live_map_edits and report any issues
- internal refactoring and code documentation
- tooling to automatically extract different shapes around cities without an explicit bounding polygon
- imported many maps for an OSM viewer demo
- misc bug fixes, UI tweaks, and perf improvements, especially for the web version
- start using OSM sidewalks data properly in krakow -- more work needed, but better start
- overhaul data/system management: switch from Dropbox to S3, reorganize files, add an in-game updater
- started a UI for collision dataviz, with data in the UK and Seattle
- improve turns between separate footways
- simplify the process of importing a new city
- added experimental day/night support; run with --day_night
- slight performance improvements by avoiding applying no-op edits
- new tests for lane-changing behavior, used to more safely allow more realistic behavior blocking "degenerate" intersections
- experimenting with filling in gaps between one-way roads, to represent medians
- prototyped a new 15-minute neighborhood tool
- overhaul internal simulation input code -- better performance, way simpler
- debug tool to record traffic around a few intersections and replay later