use crate::input::{ContextMenu, ModalMenuState}; use crate::{text, Canvas, Event, GfxCtx, ModalMenu, Prerender, TopMenu, UserInput}; use abstutil::Timer; use glium::glutin; use glium_glyph::glyph_brush::rusttype::Font; use glium_glyph::glyph_brush::rusttype::Scale; use glium_glyph::GlyphBrush; use std::io::Write; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; use std::{env, fs, panic, process, thread}; pub trait GUI { // Called once fn top_menu(&self) -> Option { None } fn modal_menus() -> Vec { Vec::new() } fn event(&mut self, input: &mut UserInput, prerender: &Prerender) -> (EventLoopMode, T); fn get_mut_canvas(&mut self) -> &mut Canvas; // TODO Migrate all callers fn draw(&self, g: &mut GfxCtx, data: &T); // Return optional naming hint for screencap. TODO This API is getting gross. fn new_draw(&self, g: &mut GfxCtx, data: &T, _screencap: bool) -> Option { self.draw(g, data); None } // Will be called if event or draw panics. fn dump_before_abort(&self) {} // Only before a normal exit, like window close fn before_quit(&self) {} } #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)] pub enum EventLoopMode { Animation, InputOnly, ScreenCaptureEverything { zoom: f64, max_x: f64, max_y: f64 }, } struct State> { gui: G, context_menu: ContextMenu, top_menu: Option, modal_state: ModalMenuState, last_data: Option, screen_cap: Option, } impl> State { fn event(mut self, ev: Event, display: &glium::Display) -> (State, EventLoopMode) { // It's impossible / very unlikey we'll grab the cursor in map space before the very first // start_drawing call. let mut input = UserInput::new( ev, self.context_menu, self.top_menu, self.modal_state, self.gui.get_mut_canvas(), ); let mut gui = self.gui; let (event_mode, data) = match panic::catch_unwind(panic::AssertUnwindSafe(|| { gui.event(&mut input, &Prerender { display }) })) { Ok(pair) => pair, Err(err) => { gui.dump_before_abort(); panic::resume_unwind(err); } }; self.gui = gui; self.last_data = Some(data); self.context_menu = input.context_menu.maybe_build(self.gui.get_mut_canvas()); self.top_menu = input.top_menu; self.modal_state = input.modal_state; if let Some(action) = input.chosen_action { panic!( "\"{}\" chosen from the top or modal menu, but nothing consumed it", action ); } let mut still_active = Vec::new(); for (mode, menu) in { if input.set_mode_called.contains(&mode) { still_active.push((mode, menu)); } } = still_active; // Don't constantly reset the events struct -- only when laziness changes. if let EventLoopMode::ScreenCaptureEverything { zoom, max_x, max_y } = event_mode { self.screen_cap = Some(ScreenCaptureState::new( self.gui.get_mut_canvas(), zoom, max_x, max_y, )); } (self, event_mode) } fn draw(&mut self, display: &glium::Display, program: &glium::Program) { let mut target = display.draw(); let mut g = GfxCtx::new(self.gui.get_mut_canvas(), &display, &mut target, program); // If the very first event is render, then just wait. if let Some(ref data) = self.last_data { self.gui.get_mut_canvas().start_drawing(); match panic::catch_unwind(panic::AssertUnwindSafe(|| { self.gui.new_draw(&mut g, data, self.screen_cap.is_some()) })) { Ok(naming_hint) => { if let Some(ref mut cap) = self.screen_cap { cap.naming_hint = naming_hint; } } Err(err) => { self.gui.dump_before_abort(); panic::resume_unwind(err); } } if self.screen_cap.is_none() { // Always draw the menus last. if let Some(ref menu) = self.top_menu { menu.draw(&mut g, self.gui.get_mut_canvas()); } for (_, ref menu) in & { menu.draw(&mut g, self.gui.get_mut_canvas()); } if let ContextMenu::Displaying(ref menu) = self.context_menu { menu.draw(&mut g, self.gui.get_mut_canvas()); } } } // Always draw text last? self.gui .get_mut_canvas() .glyphs .borrow_mut() .draw_queued(display, &mut target); target.finish().unwrap(); } fn after_render(&mut self) { // Do this after we draw and flush to the screen. // TODO The very first time we grab is wrong. But waiting for one round of draw also didn't // seem to work... if let Some(ref mut cap) = self.screen_cap {; let suffix = cap.naming_hint.take().unwrap_or_else(String::new); let filename = format!("{:02}x{:02}{}.png", cap.tile_x, cap.tile_y, suffix); if !process::Command::new("scrot") .args(&[ "--quality", "100", "--focused", "--silent", &format!("screencap/{}", filename), ]) .status() .unwrap() .success() { println!("scrot failed; aborting"); self.screen_cap = None; return; } cap.filenames.push(filename); let canvas = self.gui.get_mut_canvas(); cap.tile_x += 1; canvas.cam_x += canvas.window_width; if (canvas.cam_x + canvas.window_width) / canvas.cam_zoom >= cap.max_x { cap.tile_x = 1; canvas.cam_x = 0.0; cap.tile_y += 1; canvas.cam_y += canvas.window_height; if (canvas.cam_y + canvas.window_height) / canvas.cam_zoom >= cap.max_y { let canvas = self.gui.get_mut_canvas(); canvas.cam_zoom = cap.orig_zoom; canvas.cam_x = cap.orig_x; canvas.cam_y = cap.orig_y; self.screen_cap.take().unwrap().combine(); } } } } } struct ScreenCaptureState { tile_x: usize, tile_y: usize, timer: Timer, naming_hint: Option, filenames: Vec, num_tiles_x: usize, num_tiles_y: usize, max_x: f64, max_y: f64, orig_zoom: f64, orig_x: f64, orig_y: f64, } impl ScreenCaptureState { fn new(canvas: &mut Canvas, zoom: f64, max_x: f64, max_y: f64) -> ScreenCaptureState { let num_tiles_x = (max_x * zoom / canvas.window_width).floor() as usize; let num_tiles_y = (max_y * zoom / canvas.window_height).floor() as usize; let mut timer = Timer::new("capturing screen"); timer.start_iter("capturing images", num_tiles_x * num_tiles_y); fs::create_dir("screencap").unwrap(); let state = ScreenCaptureState { tile_x: 1, tile_y: 1, timer, naming_hint: None, filenames: Vec::new(), num_tiles_x, num_tiles_y, max_x, max_y, orig_zoom: canvas.cam_zoom, orig_x: canvas.cam_x, orig_y: canvas.cam_y, }; canvas.cam_x = 0.0; canvas.cam_y = 0.0; canvas.cam_zoom = zoom; state } fn combine(self) { let mut args = self.filenames; args.push("-mode".to_string()); args.push("Concatenate".to_string()); args.push("-tile".to_string()); args.push(format!("{}x{}", self.num_tiles_x, self.num_tiles_y)); args.push("full.png".to_string()); let mut file = fs::File::create("screencap/").unwrap(); writeln!(file, "#!/bin/bash\n").unwrap(); writeln!(file, "montage {}", args.join(" ")).unwrap(); writeln!(file, "rm -f").unwrap(); } } pub fn run, F: FnOnce(Canvas, &Prerender) -> G>( window_title: &str, initial_width: f64, initial_height: f64, make_gui: F, ) { // DPI is broken on my system; force the old behavior. env::set_var("WINIT_HIDPI_FACTOR", "1.0"); let mut events_loop = glutin::EventsLoop::new(); let window = glutin::WindowBuilder::new() .with_title(window_title) .with_dimensions(glutin::dpi::LogicalSize::new(initial_width, initial_height)); // 2 looks bad, 4 looks fine let context = glutin::ContextBuilder::new().with_multisampling(4); let display = glium::Display::new(window, context, &events_loop).unwrap(); let program = glium::Program::new( &display, glium::program::ProgramCreationInput::SourceCode { vertex_shader: include_str!("vertex.glsl"), tessellation_control_shader: None, tessellation_evaluation_shader: None, geometry_shader: None, fragment_shader: include_str!("fragment.glsl"), transform_feedback_varyings: None, // Without this, SRGB gets enabled and post-processes the color from the fragment // shader. outputs_srgb: true, uses_point_size: false, }, ) .unwrap(); let dejavu: &[u8] = include_bytes!("DejaVuSans.ttf"); let fonts = vec![Font::from_bytes(dejavu).unwrap()]; let vmetrics = fonts[0].v_metrics(Scale::uniform(text::FONT_SIZE)); // TODO This works for this font, but could be more paranoid with abs() let line_height = f64::from(vmetrics.ascent - vmetrics.descent + vmetrics.line_gap); let glyphs = GlyphBrush::new(&display, fonts); // TODO Maybe we should own the Canvas too. Why make them store it? Or even know about it? Let // them borrow stuff during event() and during draw(). let canvas = Canvas::new(initial_width, initial_height, glyphs, line_height); let gui = make_gui(canvas, &Prerender { display: &display }); let mut state = State { context_menu: ContextMenu::Inactive, top_menu: gui.top_menu(), modal_state: ModalMenuState::new(G::modal_menus()), last_data: None, screen_cap: None, gui, }; let mut accumulator = Duration::new(0, 0); let mut previous_clock = Instant::now(); let mut wait_for_events = false; loop { let mut new_events: Vec = Vec::new(); events_loop.poll_events(|event| { if let glutin::Event::WindowEvent { event, .. } = event { new_events.push(event); } }); let any_new_events = !new_events.is_empty(); for event in new_events { if event == glutin::WindowEvent::CloseRequested { state.gui.before_quit(); process::exit(0); } if state.screen_cap.is_none() { if let Some(ev) = Event::from_glutin_event(event) { let (new_state, mode) = state.event(ev, &display); state = new_state; wait_for_events = mode == EventLoopMode::InputOnly; } } } if any_new_events || !wait_for_events { state.draw(&display, &program); state.after_render(); } if !wait_for_events { let (new_state, mode) = state.event(Event::Update, &display); state = new_state; wait_for_events = mode == EventLoopMode::InputOnly; } // TODO This isn't right at all... sleep only if nothing happened. if !any_new_events && wait_for_events { let now = Instant::now(); accumulator += now - previous_clock; previous_clock = now; let fixed_time_stamp = Duration::new(0, 16_666_667); while accumulator >= fixed_time_stamp { accumulator -= fixed_time_stamp; } thread::sleep(fixed_time_stamp - accumulator); } } }