#!/bin/bash # This creates a .zip with all of the files needed to serve a copy of the Mapbox demo. set -x set -e wasm-pack build --release --target web -- --features wasm mkdir mapbox_demo cp -Rv index.html serve_locally.py pkg mapbox_demo mkdir -p mapbox_demo/data/system/us/seattle/maps mkdir -p mapbox_demo/data/system/de/berlin/maps # Just include a few maps cp ../data/system/us/seattle/maps/montlake.bin mapbox_demo/data/system/us/seattle/maps cp ../data/system/de/berlin/maps/neukolln.bin mapbox_demo/data/system/de/berlin/maps # Uncomment with caution! # Note this embeds a tiny slice of the data/ directory underneath mapbox_demo. # The S3 bucket has gzipped map files, but the JS / Rust layers don't handle # reading both yet. #aws s3 sync mapbox_demo s3://abstreet/dev/mapbox_demo