# TODO - Core gameplay - parking vs bus tutorial level - big vertical road. some neighborhoods off to the side. everyone trying to go nrth or south. one driving, one parkign lane. a bus that makes a loop. some horizontal roads connected to borders that force the vertical road to not be fast. just make a dedicated bus lane! oops,except some of the bus stops are at narrow places, so traffic has to slow down anyway for the bus. maybe there's a bypass road through a neighborhood? - introduce elements gradually... fix a silly traffic signal with just cars, then add peds and bikes... - Example use cases - maybe dont need simulation at all to play with these - just a smooth editing and diffing UI - montlake/520 turn restrictions with pedestrian scramble - close interior neighborhoods to most cars (except for src/dst), see how traffic restricted to arterials would work - puzzle: with only X miles of retained road, where would you leave them? what roads would go away? - create a bike network with minimal hills, dedicated roads, minimal crossings - easter eggs - name agents, with some good names scattered in (Dustin Carlino, Dustin Bikelino, Dustin Buslino...) ## More things to simulate - Light rail and downtown bus tunnel - more accurate pedestrian speed, and randomized speeds - seed parked cars in neighborhood with no owner or a far-away owner, to model reasonable starting state ## Small bugs / tests to add - do bikes use bike lanes? - test that peds will use buses organically - make sure that we can jump to a ped on a bus and see the bus