[−][src]Module map_gui::tools
Assorted tools and UI states that're useful for applications built to display maps.
camera | |
city_picker | |
colors | |
heatmap | |
minimap | |
navigate | |
turn_explorer | |
ui | Generic UI tools. Some of this should perhaps be lifted to widgetry. |
updater |
CameraState | Represents the state of a widgetry Canvas. |
ChooseSomething | Choose something from a menu, then feed the answer to a callback. |
CityPicker | Lets the player switch maps. |
ColorDiscrete | |
ColorLegend | |
ColorNetwork | |
ColorScale | |
DivergingScale | |
Grid | |
HeatmapOptions | |
Minimap | |
Navigator | |
PopupMsg | Display a message dialog. |
PromptInput | Prompt for arbitrary text input, then feed the answer to a callback. |
TurnExplorer | A tool to explore all of the turns from a single lane. |
MinimapControls | Customize the appearance and behavior of a minimap. |
grey_out_map | Make it clear the map can't be interacted with right now. |
loading_tips | |
make_heatmap | |
nice_map_name | |
open_browser |