#!/bin/bash # This script grabs all files changed by VMs, copying them locally. # # This process is only runnable by Dustin, due to current S3 permissions. # # Run from the repo's root dir: cloud/gather_output.sh set -e set -x EXPERIMENT_TAG=$1 if [ "$EXPERIMENT_TAG" == "" ]; then echo Missing args; exit 1; fi aws s3 cp --recursive s3://abstreet/$EXPERIMENT_TAG/data/ data/ # gunzip all of the changed files, overwriting the local copies find data/ -path data/system/assets -prune -o -name '*.gz' -print -exec gunzip -f '{}' ';' echo "Done! Validate the files, run updater --upload as usual, and don't forget to clean up s3://abstreet/$EXPERIMENT_TAG"