use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use abstutil::{deserialize_btreemap, serialize_btreemap, MapName};
use geom::Time;
use crate::edits::{EditCmd, EditIntersection, EditRoad, MapEdits};
use crate::raw::OriginalRoad;
use crate::{osm, ControlStopSign, IntersectionID, Map};
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)]
pub struct PermanentMapEdits {
pub map_name: MapName,
pub edits_name: String,
pub version: usize,
commands: Vec<PermanentEditCmd>,
merge_zones: bool,
pub proposal_description: Vec<String>,
pub proposal_link: Option<String>,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)]
pub enum PermanentEditIntersection {
StopSign {
serialize_with = "serialize_btreemap",
deserialize_with = "deserialize_btreemap"
must_stop: BTreeMap<OriginalRoad, bool>,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)]
pub enum PermanentEditCmd {
ChangeRoad {
r: OriginalRoad,
new: EditRoad,
old: EditRoad,
ChangeIntersection {
i: osm::NodeID,
new: PermanentEditIntersection,
old: PermanentEditIntersection,
ChangeRouteSchedule {
osm_rel_id: osm::RelationID,
old: Vec<Time>,
new: Vec<Time>,
impl EditCmd {
pub fn to_perma(&self, map: &Map) -> PermanentEditCmd {
match self {
EditCmd::ChangeRoad { r, new, old } => PermanentEditCmd::ChangeRoad {
r: map.get_r(*r).orig_id,
new: new.clone(),
old: old.clone(),
EditCmd::ChangeIntersection { i, new, old } => PermanentEditCmd::ChangeIntersection {
i: map.get_i(*i).orig_id,
new: new.to_permanent(map),
old: old.to_permanent(map),
EditCmd::ChangeRouteSchedule { id, old, new } => {
PermanentEditCmd::ChangeRouteSchedule {
osm_rel_id: map.get_br(*id).osm_rel_id,
old: old.clone(),
new: new.clone(),
impl PermanentEditCmd {
pub fn to_cmd(self, map: &Map) -> Result<EditCmd, String> {
match self {
PermanentEditCmd::ChangeRoad { r, new, old } => {
let id = map.find_r_by_osm_id(r)?;
let num_current = map.get_r(id).lanes_ltr().len();
if num_current != new.lanes_ltr.len() {
return Err(format!(
"number of lanes in {} is {} now, but {} in the edits",
Ok(EditCmd::ChangeRoad { r: id, new, old })
PermanentEditCmd::ChangeIntersection { i, new, old } => {
let id = map.find_i_by_osm_id(i)?;
Ok(EditCmd::ChangeIntersection {
i: id,
new: new.from_permanent(id, map).map_err(|err| {
format!("new ChangeIntersection of {} invalid: {}", i, err)
old: old.from_permanent(id, map).map_err(|err| {
format!("old ChangeIntersection of {} invalid: {}", i, err)
PermanentEditCmd::ChangeRouteSchedule {
} => {
let id = map
.ok_or(format!("can't find {}", osm_rel_id))?;
Ok(EditCmd::ChangeRouteSchedule { id, old, new })
impl PermanentMapEdits {
pub fn to_permanent(edits: &MapEdits, map: &Map) -> PermanentMapEdits {
PermanentMapEdits {
map_name: map.get_name().clone(),
edits_name: edits.edits_name.clone(),
version: 4,
proposal_description: edits.proposal_description.clone(),
proposal_link: edits.proposal_link.clone(),
commands: edits.commands.iter().map(|cmd| cmd.to_perma(map)).collect(),
merge_zones: edits.merge_zones,
pub fn from_permanent(perma: PermanentMapEdits, map: &Map) -> Result<MapEdits, String> {
let mut edits = MapEdits {
edits_name: perma.edits_name,
proposal_description: perma.proposal_description,
proposal_link: perma.proposal_link,
commands: perma
.map(|cmd| cmd.to_cmd(map))
.collect::<Result<Vec<EditCmd>, String>>()?,
merge_zones: perma.merge_zones,
changed_roads: BTreeSet::new(),
original_intersections: BTreeMap::new(),
changed_routes: BTreeSet::new(),
pub fn from_permanent_permissive(perma: PermanentMapEdits, map: &Map) -> MapEdits {
let mut edits = MapEdits {
edits_name: perma.edits_name,
proposal_description: perma.proposal_description,
proposal_link: perma.proposal_link,
commands: perma
.filter_map(|cmd| cmd.to_cmd(map).ok())
merge_zones: perma.merge_zones,
changed_roads: BTreeSet::new(),
original_intersections: BTreeMap::new(),
changed_routes: BTreeSet::new(),
impl EditIntersection {
fn to_permanent(&self, map: &Map) -> PermanentEditIntersection {
match self {
EditIntersection::StopSign(ref ss) => PermanentEditIntersection::StopSign {
must_stop: ss
.map(|(r, val)| (map.get_r(*r).orig_id, val.must_stop))
EditIntersection::TrafficSignal(ref raw_ts) => {
EditIntersection::Closed => PermanentEditIntersection::Closed,
impl PermanentEditIntersection {
fn from_permanent(self, i: IntersectionID, map: &Map) -> Result<EditIntersection, String> {
match self {
PermanentEditIntersection::StopSign { must_stop } => {
let mut translated_must_stop = BTreeMap::new();
for (r, stop) in must_stop {
translated_must_stop.insert(map.find_r_by_osm_id(r)?, stop);
let mut ss = ControlStopSign::new(map, i);
if translated_must_stop.len() != ss.roads.len() {
return Err(format!(
"Stop sign has {} roads now, but {} from edits",
for (r, stop) in translated_must_stop {
if let Some(road) = ss.roads.get_mut(&r) {
road.must_stop = stop;
} else {
return Err(format!("{} doesn't connect to {}", i, r));
PermanentEditIntersection::TrafficSignal(ts) => Ok(EditIntersection::TrafficSignal(ts)),
PermanentEditIntersection::Closed => Ok(EditIntersection::Closed),