use crate::ScreenPt; use geom::Duration; use winit::event::{ ElementState, KeyboardInput, MouseButton, MouseScrollDelta, VirtualKeyCode, WindowEvent, }; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)] pub enum Event { // Used to initialize the application and also to recalculate menu state when some other event // is used. NoOp, LeftMouseButtonDown, LeftMouseButtonUp, RightMouseButtonDown, RightMouseButtonUp, // TODO KeyDown and KeyUp might be nicer, but piston (and probably hands over repeated // events while a key is held down. KeyPress(Key), KeyRelease(Key), // Some real amount of time has passed since the last update Update(Duration), MouseMovedTo(ScreenPt), WindowLostCursor, WindowGainedCursor, MouseWheelScroll(f64, f64), WindowResized(f64, f64), } impl Event { pub fn from_winit_event(ev: WindowEvent) -> Option { match ev { WindowEvent::MouseInput { state, button, .. } => match (button, state) { (MouseButton::Left, ElementState::Pressed) => Some(Event::LeftMouseButtonDown), (MouseButton::Left, ElementState::Released) => Some(Event::LeftMouseButtonUp), (MouseButton::Right, ElementState::Pressed) => Some(Event::RightMouseButtonDown), (MouseButton::Right, ElementState::Released) => Some(Event::RightMouseButtonUp), _ => None, }, WindowEvent::KeyboardInput { input, .. } => { if let Some(key) = Key::from_winit_key(input) { if input.state == ElementState::Pressed { Some(Event::KeyPress(key)) } else { Some(Event::KeyRelease(key)) } } else { None } } WindowEvent::CursorMoved { position, .. } => { Some(Event::MouseMovedTo(ScreenPt::new(position.x, position.y))) } WindowEvent::MouseWheel { delta, .. } => match delta { MouseScrollDelta::LineDelta(dx, dy) => { if dx == 0.0 && dy == 0.0 { None } else { Some(Event::MouseWheelScroll( scroll_wheel_multiplier() * f64::from(dx), scroll_wheel_multiplier() * f64::from(dy), )) } } // This one only happens on Mac. The scrolling is way too fast, so slow it down. // Probably the better way is to convert the LogicalPosition to a PhysicalPosition // somehow knowing the DPI. // // See for // detailed analysis. MouseScrollDelta::PixelDelta(pos) => { Some(Event::MouseWheelScroll(0.1 * pos.x, 0.1 * pos.y)) } }, WindowEvent::Resized(size) => { Some(Event::WindowResized(size.width.into(), size.height.into())) } WindowEvent::Focused(gained) => Some(if gained { Event::WindowGainedCursor } else { Event::WindowLostCursor }), _ => None, } } } // For some reason, Y is inverted in the browser #[cfg(feature = "wasm-backend")] fn scroll_wheel_multiplier() -> f64 { -1.0 } #[cfg(not(feature = "wasm-backend"))] fn scroll_wheel_multiplier() -> f64 { 1.0 } #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Debug)] pub enum Key { // Case is unspecified. // TODO Would be cool to represent A and UpperA, but then release semantics get weird... hold // shift and A, release shift -- does that trigger a Release(UpperA) and a Press(A)? A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, // Numbers (not the numpad) Num1, Num2, Num3, Num4, Num5, Num6, Num7, Num8, Num9, Num0, // symbols // TODO shift+number keys LeftBracket, RightBracket, Space, Slash, Dot, Comma, Semicolon, Colon, Equals, SingleQuote, // Stuff without a straightforward single-character display Escape, Enter, Tab, Backspace, LeftShift, LeftControl, LeftAlt, RightAlt, LeftArrow, RightArrow, UpArrow, DownArrow, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12, } impl Key { pub const NUM_KEYS: [Key; 9] = [ Key::Num1, Key::Num2, Key::Num3, Key::Num4, Key::Num5, Key::Num6, Key::Num7, Key::Num8, Key::Num9, ]; pub fn to_char(self, shift_pressed: bool) -> Option { match self { Key::A => Some(if shift_pressed { 'A' } else { 'a' }), Key::B => Some(if shift_pressed { 'B' } else { 'b' }), Key::C => Some(if shift_pressed { 'C' } else { 'c' }), Key::D => Some(if shift_pressed { 'D' } else { 'd' }), Key::E => Some(if shift_pressed { 'E' } else { 'e' }), Key::F => Some(if shift_pressed { 'F' } else { 'f' }), Key::G => Some(if shift_pressed { 'G' } else { 'g' }), Key::H => Some(if shift_pressed { 'H' } else { 'h' }), Key::I => Some(if shift_pressed { 'I' } else { 'i' }), Key::J => Some(if shift_pressed { 'J' } else { 'j' }), Key::K => Some(if shift_pressed { 'K' } else { 'k' }), Key::L => Some(if shift_pressed { 'L' } else { 'l' }), Key::M => Some(if shift_pressed { 'M' } else { 'm' }), Key::N => Some(if shift_pressed { 'N' } else { 'n' }), Key::O => Some(if shift_pressed { 'O' } else { 'o' }), Key::P => Some(if shift_pressed { 'P' } else { 'p' }), Key::Q => Some(if shift_pressed { 'Q' } else { 'q' }), Key::R => Some(if shift_pressed { 'R' } else { 'r' }), Key::S => Some(if shift_pressed { 'S' } else { 's' }), Key::T => Some(if shift_pressed { 'T' } else { 't' }), Key::U => Some(if shift_pressed { 'U' } else { 'u' }), Key::V => Some(if shift_pressed { 'V' } else { 'v' }), Key::W => Some(if shift_pressed { 'W' } else { 'w' }), Key::X => Some(if shift_pressed { 'X' } else { 'x' }), Key::Y => Some(if shift_pressed { 'Y' } else { 'y' }), Key::Z => Some(if shift_pressed { 'Z' } else { 'z' }), Key::Num1 => Some(if shift_pressed { '!' } else { '1' }), Key::Num2 => Some(if shift_pressed { '@' } else { '2' }), Key::Num3 => Some(if shift_pressed { '#' } else { '3' }), Key::Num4 => Some(if shift_pressed { '$' } else { '4' }), Key::Num5 => Some(if shift_pressed { '%' } else { '5' }), Key::Num6 => Some(if shift_pressed { '^' } else { '6' }), Key::Num7 => Some(if shift_pressed { '&' } else { '7' }), Key::Num8 => Some(if shift_pressed { '*' } else { '8' }), Key::Num9 => Some(if shift_pressed { '(' } else { '9' }), Key::Num0 => Some(if shift_pressed { ')' } else { '0' }), Key::LeftBracket => Some(if shift_pressed { '{' } else { '[' }), Key::RightBracket => Some(if shift_pressed { '}' } else { ']' }), Key::Space => Some(' '), Key::Slash => Some(if shift_pressed { '?' } else { '/' }), Key::Dot => Some(if shift_pressed { '>' } else { '.' }), Key::Comma => Some(if shift_pressed { '<' } else { ',' }), Key::Semicolon => Some(';'), Key::Colon => Some(':'), Key::Equals => Some(if shift_pressed { '+' } else { '=' }), Key::SingleQuote => Some(if shift_pressed { '"' } else { '\'' }), Key::Escape | Key::Enter | Key::Tab | Key::Backspace | Key::LeftShift | Key::LeftControl | Key::LeftAlt | Key::RightAlt | Key::LeftArrow | Key::RightArrow | Key::UpArrow | Key::DownArrow | Key::F1 | Key::F2 | Key::F3 | Key::F4 | Key::F5 | Key::F6 | Key::F7 | Key::F8 | Key::F9 | Key::F10 | Key::F11 | Key::F12 => None, } } pub fn describe(self) -> String { match self { Key::Escape => "Escape".to_string(), Key::Enter => "Enter".to_string(), Key::Tab => "Tab".to_string(), Key::Backspace => "Backspace".to_string(), Key::LeftShift => "Shift".to_string(), Key::LeftControl => "left Control".to_string(), Key::LeftAlt => "left Alt".to_string(), Key::RightAlt => "right Alt".to_string(), Key::LeftArrow => "← arrow".to_string(), Key::RightArrow => "→ arrow".to_string(), Key::UpArrow => "↑".to_string(), Key::DownArrow => "↓".to_string(), Key::F1 => "F1".to_string(), Key::F2 => "F2".to_string(), Key::F3 => "F3".to_string(), Key::F4 => "F4".to_string(), Key::F5 => "F5".to_string(), Key::F6 => "F6".to_string(), Key::F7 => "F7".to_string(), Key::F8 => "F8".to_string(), Key::F9 => "F9".to_string(), Key::F10 => "F10".to_string(), Key::F11 => "F11".to_string(), Key::F12 => "F12".to_string(), // These have to_char, but override here Key::Space => "Space".to_string(), _ => self.to_char(false).unwrap().to_string(), } } fn from_winit_key(input: KeyboardInput) -> Option { let key = input.virtual_keycode?; Some(match key { VirtualKeyCode::A => Key::A, VirtualKeyCode::B => Key::B, VirtualKeyCode::C => Key::C, VirtualKeyCode::D => Key::D, VirtualKeyCode::E => Key::E, VirtualKeyCode::F => Key::F, VirtualKeyCode::G => Key::G, VirtualKeyCode::H => Key::H, VirtualKeyCode::I => Key::I, VirtualKeyCode::J => Key::J, VirtualKeyCode::K => Key::K, VirtualKeyCode::L => Key::L, VirtualKeyCode::M => Key::M, VirtualKeyCode::N => Key::N, VirtualKeyCode::O => Key::O, VirtualKeyCode::P => Key::P, VirtualKeyCode::Q => Key::Q, VirtualKeyCode::R => Key::R, VirtualKeyCode::S => Key::S, VirtualKeyCode::T => Key::T, VirtualKeyCode::U => Key::U, VirtualKeyCode::V => Key::V, VirtualKeyCode::W => Key::W, VirtualKeyCode::X => Key::X, VirtualKeyCode::Y => Key::Y, VirtualKeyCode::Z => Key::Z, VirtualKeyCode::Key1 | VirtualKeyCode::Numpad1 => Key::Num1, VirtualKeyCode::Key2 | VirtualKeyCode::Numpad2 => Key::Num2, VirtualKeyCode::Key3 | VirtualKeyCode::Numpad3 => Key::Num3, VirtualKeyCode::Key4 | VirtualKeyCode::Numpad4 => Key::Num4, VirtualKeyCode::Key5 | VirtualKeyCode::Numpad5 => Key::Num5, VirtualKeyCode::Key6 | VirtualKeyCode::Numpad6 => Key::Num6, VirtualKeyCode::Key7 | VirtualKeyCode::Numpad7 => Key::Num7, VirtualKeyCode::Key8 | VirtualKeyCode::Numpad8 => Key::Num8, VirtualKeyCode::Key9 | VirtualKeyCode::Numpad9 => Key::Num9, VirtualKeyCode::Key0 | VirtualKeyCode::Numpad0 => Key::Num0, VirtualKeyCode::LBracket => Key::LeftBracket, VirtualKeyCode::RBracket => Key::RightBracket, VirtualKeyCode::Space => Key::Space, VirtualKeyCode::Slash => Key::Slash, VirtualKeyCode::Period => Key::Dot, VirtualKeyCode::Comma => Key::Comma, VirtualKeyCode::Semicolon => Key::Semicolon, VirtualKeyCode::Colon => Key::Colon, VirtualKeyCode::Equals => Key::Equals, VirtualKeyCode::Apostrophe => Key::SingleQuote, VirtualKeyCode::Escape => Key::Escape, VirtualKeyCode::Return => Key::Enter, VirtualKeyCode::Tab => Key::Tab, VirtualKeyCode::Back => Key::Backspace, VirtualKeyCode::LShift => Key::LeftShift, VirtualKeyCode::LControl => Key::LeftControl, VirtualKeyCode::LAlt => Key::LeftAlt, VirtualKeyCode::RAlt => Key::RightAlt, VirtualKeyCode::Left => Key::LeftArrow, VirtualKeyCode::Right => Key::RightArrow, VirtualKeyCode::Up => Key::UpArrow, VirtualKeyCode::Down => Key::DownArrow, VirtualKeyCode::F1 => Key::F1, VirtualKeyCode::F2 => Key::F2, VirtualKeyCode::F3 => Key::F3, VirtualKeyCode::F4 => Key::F4, VirtualKeyCode::F5 => Key::F5, VirtualKeyCode::F6 => Key::F6, VirtualKeyCode::F7 => Key::F7, VirtualKeyCode::F8 => Key::F8, VirtualKeyCode::F9 => Key::F9, VirtualKeyCode::F10 => Key::F10, VirtualKeyCode::F11 => Key::F11, VirtualKeyCode::F12 => Key::F12, _ => { println!("Unknown winit key {:?}", key); return None; } }) } } // TODO This is not an ideal representation at all. #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Debug)] pub enum MultiKey { Normal(Key), LCtrl(Key), Any(Vec), } impl MultiKey { pub fn describe(&self) -> String { match self { MultiKey::Normal(key) => key.describe(), MultiKey::LCtrl(key) => format!("Ctrl+{}", key.describe()), MultiKey::Any(ref keys) => keys .iter() .map(|k| k.describe()) .collect::>() .join(", "), } } } pub fn hotkey(key: Key) -> Option { Some(MultiKey::Normal(key)) } pub fn lctrl(key: Key) -> Option { Some(MultiKey::LCtrl(key)) } pub fn hotkeys(keys: Vec) -> Option { Some(MultiKey::Any(keys)) }