{ "map_name": { "city": { "country": "us", "city": "seattle" }, "map": "udistrict" }, "edits_name": "simplify where Corliss, Pacific, and the Burke cross", "version": 11, "commands": [ { "ChangeRoad": { "r": { "osm_way_id": 8026175, "i1": 59997807, "i2": 1752970096 }, "new": { "lanes_ltr": [ { "lt": "Construction", "dir": "Fwd", "width": 25000 }, { "lt": "Sidewalk", "dir": "Fwd", "width": 15000 } ], "speed_limit": 111760, "access_restrictions": { "allow_through_traffic": 31 } }, "old": { "lanes_ltr": [ { "lt": "Driving", "dir": "Fwd", "width": 24384 }, { "lt": "Sidewalk", "dir": "Fwd", "width": 15000 } ], "speed_limit": 111760, "access_restrictions": { "allow_through_traffic": 31 } } } }, { "ChangeRoad": { "r": { "osm_way_id": 8111823, "i1": 1752970094, "i2": 5788793501 }, "new": { "lanes_ltr": [ { "lt": "Construction", "dir": "Fwd", "width": 25000 }, { "lt": "Sidewalk", "dir": "Fwd", "width": 15000 } ], "speed_limit": 111760, "access_restrictions": { "allow_through_traffic": 31 } }, "old": { "lanes_ltr": [ { "lt": "Driving", "dir": "Fwd", "width": 24384 }, { "lt": "Sidewalk", "dir": "Fwd", "width": 15000 } ], "speed_limit": 111760, "access_restrictions": { "allow_through_traffic": 31 } } } } ], "merge_zones": true, "proposal_description": [ "Disconnect Pacific St from Northlake Way by the Burke Gilman", "I've seen many near-accidents between drivers and cyclists at the intersection of Pacific St, N 36th, and Corliss Ave. Removing the one-way shortcuts to Northlake way would make this intersection less stressful.", "This proposal can be used to explore the detours." ], "proposal_link": null }