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synced 2024-12-18 03:41:52 +03:00
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initSidebarItems({"enum":[["ExternalTripEndpoint",""],["ScenarioModifier","Transforms an existing Scenario before instantiating it."],["TripEndpoint","Specifies where a trip begins or ends."],["TripMode","How does a trip primarily happen?"],["TripPurpose","Lifted from Seattle’s Soundcast model, but seems general enough to use anyhere."]],"mod":[["borders",""],["counts",""],["endpoint",""],["external","Some users of the API (https://a-b-street.github.io/docs/tech/dev/api.html) have their own simulation input data; import it here."],["make","https://a-b-street.github.io/docs/tech/trafficsim/travel_demand.html for context."],["modifier",""],["scenario",""]],"struct":[["ExternalPerson",""],["ExternalTrip",""],["IndividTrip",""],["MapBorder",""],["MapBorders","Lists all border intersections of the map, broken down by mode and whether they support incoming or outgoing traffic."],["OrigPersonID","This is an ID used by Seattle soundcast. Originally it was preserved for debugging, but that hasn’t happened in a long time. Also the format is tied to Soundcast. Consider deleting / changing."],["PersonSpec",""],["Scenario","A Scenario describes all the input to a simulation. Usually a scenario covers one day."],["TrafficCounts","This represents the number of vehicles (or trips, or something else) crossing roads and intersections over some span of time. The data could represent real observations or something from a simulation."]]}); |